
Topic: PUSH SQUARE GAME CLUB | Voting open for June 👍 Join Us!

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Some things this game did very right:

  • Make stamina and health the same meter. This was such a smart move, that I hope many developers copy. It makes the game's systems extremely elegant, while also making them make a lot of sense. Also, you're often not combating/exploring in the same moment, so it's not like you really need two systems for it instead of one. Zelda, take note.
  • Making me learn about a culture in a game. It reminded me of how I got to learn about history by playing Assassin's Creed as well - which is the best part of Assassin's Creed. I do believe there is still a lot I don't know, so they could easily make a Tchia 2, and maybe insert some of the place's history or famous people, et cetera.
  • The shrines, they were the best part of the game, gameplay wise. And I enjoyed each of them; well done.
  • To just let me explore. This game is a sandbox open world in every way and I loved that about it.
  • Music! Every song, every sound, it's very clear you're playing a game about New Caledonia. The music sounded like no other video game I have played before, and it also just did a lot of the heavy lifting with regards to setting the tone. I mentioned Assassin's Creed above, it's so weird they use 'default' composers for each country their game takes place in, instead of using composers from that country to really give the game a unique musical vibe.
  • The kiss scene. I probably would have made the romance subplot different from what the creators did, but that exact scene in which you have kiss by holding a button was very immersive. There were more immersive scenes in the game by the way, at many points the story telling was top notch, even though the story was so simple.
  • There is progression, but no skill tree. Of course the game stole this idea from Zelda, like many other ideas, but I think all ideas it stole from Zelda improved the game, so let them steal!
  • The sky. I often stopped stopped to look at this game's beautiful sky. I'm not a 'sky looking' person in general, so well done, Tchia.

Some things that would have improved the game a lot:

  • More interesting usage of your powers. I think if the game had less collectibles to find, but had made it so that you had to use your powers in interesting ways to get them (see: Zelda) that would have made sure the game wouldn't feel repetitive, which it did now.
  • I think the combat can be left out. If the creators want to add some kind of tension with the dictator's goons, make it so you have to beat them in races, or shoot them in the shooting mini game instead.
  • Don't put waypoints on your compass. Just make the player have to find out where they are themselves.
  • The rhythm games are fun, but they need improving: less glitches, and add some musical challenges throughout the world that you can't cheat on.
  • Don't put in another chicken incident. It just seems at odd with the overarching message of the game. The game wants to send a message to live in accordance and respect for nature and then... kind of muddles that whole message by disrespecting a dead animal. Sorry I'm bringing it up again, but having finished the game now, has kind of made the whole scene make even less sense than it did in the moment.
  • Add a fast travel point on every island. For my 100% completion I had to sail quite a few times between the bigger and smaller islands. It just takes time during cleanup that's not really... the most fun time. Either that, or just make sailing more interesting of course!
  • Graphics. Most of it was good. Some of it was very good (like character design). But some of it was kinda meh too, like some models that seemed very generic and of course the city which was... just ugly.

Some dumb ideas:

  • Make it so you can also posses people.
  • Add an option to run!
  • More, but smaller, islands. I love Wind Waker, so of course I'm going to say this.
  • Create all kinds of weird items with weird properties. Like I said above, there were only three items in the current game functionally speaking. Give the food more different properties, make it so you can use instruments you find, trade them with people, etc.

I don't know if I have gathered all my thoughts by now, because there are a lot. But it's a huge list already, so let's keep it like this. Concluding, I really hope the devs make a sequel in which they improve on the groundwork they lay down in this game. Still a lot of potential, but also already a fun game.

Glad this club 'made me' play it.



@Kidfried Cracking work on finishing so soon, seems like a mostly positive experience overall for you. I’ve got round to putting Astro to bed so I can push on with Tchia now, I’ve only managed a couple of hours so far but my initial feelings were very mixed. Too early to pass any judgement though.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


Just out of interest did anyone else have difficulties finding clam Pearl's? I can find hardly any. It's the only thing I can't seem to find with ease



@QualityGeezer If you go to a viewpoint and shout (by pushing square, see what I did there..) you defog the map. This should reveal plenty of pearl locations.


PSN: Mr_B021


@Mr_B021 Yea, shouting -> collectibles -> repeat has been kind of the gameplay loop for me.

@AgentCooper Yea, I like most games, though. It might have helped that my expectations were low for Tchia. The game seemed ambitious for a really small studio. Oh, and I just beat The Messener, which kind of disappointed me (while not being a bad game either), so the bar might have been lower than usually for Tchia.

Wonder how you fare!



@Kidfried I really like your impressions breakdown. I think I agree on most points so far.

I haven’t had any more time to devote to the game, but I can’t deny that I’ve been thinking about it and itching to get back to it when I get a chance. I can’t say that about a lot of games I’ve played.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I've only just got to the factory bit because I fell into a collectable rabbit hole. The music is unbelievable! What a great OST! This game has delivered everything I wanted to, such a nice change of pace from games I usually play.



I will happily support the developers next game after playing this



@Kidfried I’m enjoying the vibe immensely I’m just not sure I’m sold on the gameplay loop yet. The biggest draw for me has been the window into a different culture not really seen (in my bubble at least) in most media. I absolutely adore slow sailing round the island soaking it all up though 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@QualityGeezer Such positive vibes friend! I love it has connected with you in this way.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@AgentCooper yeah mate, when this site does their top 10 list around about Christmas think this has to place high on the OST list

Edited on by QualityGeezer



Great to hear all the positive (and negative) impressions of Tchia, I've yet to start the game as I've been a bit sidetracked but will start soon.



One of my biggest take aways from this game is how they have presented characters. Don't get me wrong it's not a last of us kinda heavy dialogue but apart from the villains the characters for me are generally charming and likeable. I can definitely see a sequel coming

Edited on by QualityGeezer



Spent a little more time with the game today and I feel like the game gets better and better. As the traversal options increase it has become a lot more engaging to run around and collect things. Looking at the number of collectibles, I worry I may eventually grow tired of trying to capture them all, but so far it’s still fun exploring.

Since I’ve never played any Zelda games, much less BotW, the game might be more novel to me than everyone else, but I’m impressed with the interesting and unique gameplay. It really has some cool ideas.

Had a few more technical glitches today, one of the songs really slowed to a halt as it was ending. And the map wigged out on me and became uncontrollable for a while. Also, one of the lanterns spontaneously exploded while I was walking around town and it set a bunch of items on fire. Fortunately the townspeople just kept walking around oblivious despite their homes being in danger of burning to the ground. 😅

Is anyone going for the platinum?
Looks like getting 100% completion is the big obstacle. I can see myself getting all the items and enhancements, but I’m not sure I want to spend a lot of time getting gold trophies on all the mini-games. I also have failed to 100% any of the songs so far. I keep getting as close as 98% but I’m not sure about that trophy either.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I got all the trophies on my first playthrough except the rhythm one. And that's because the rhythm games are just very buggy and skips in the sound, frame drops, etc. Maybe that's why they made it so you can skip them...

There is a cheat for the rhythm game, by the way. Which I've used not because the rhythm game was too heavy, but just because I didn't want to give it multiple tries. The cheat code is just spamming the button instead of trying to time it perfectly. You'll definitely ruin the song, but it worked, because there's no penalty for spamming.



I'm enjoying reading everyone's thoughts about this as they play through. It's not without its faults but in terms of the world itself, the music and overall feel, it's one of my favourite games of the generation so far.

@Th3solution I got the platinum too. I wouldn't worry about the mini games, there are only a couple that were tricky and even they weren't too bad. The bigger obstacle is the time-sink of going round mopping up the collectibles. If you enjoy sailing around and exploring the islands though, you'll love it. You can just switch your brain off and mooch about.

Edited on by Gremio108

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


What are people's opinion on Tchia as a character? I think the game has excelled in making the characters likeable and charming

Edited on by QualityGeezer



I promise to try and get to this soon, I am so sorry. I have fallen into a Diablo 4 hole and have not been able to get out for two weeks.

Life to the living, death to the dead.

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