
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@AFCC Yeah it's not awful at all, as @Jaz007 says it takes advantage of the medium to tell a story. It might not be like watching another generic Netflix show but the pieces are there to put together.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 @Jaz007 Agree with the above. It's a different way of storytelling from what we are used to, but that doesn't make it bad.

There is a really basic story in each of this games, that everyone will be able to understand without looking anything up. Then there are subleties to that story that you can pick up by coincidence, by connecting an item description to something else you might have seen. That'll be your interpretation, though, and based on how you played through the game and what you might have discovered.

And there's the whole looking stuff up on the Wiki, to discover the 'true purpose' by the From Software team too. And that's interesting too, but it's totally not nessecary to enjoy the world and its mysteries. I didn't do that myself, because I kind of like the mystery and don't need it spoiled.

The storytelling might not be for you, but the writers of the game clearly achieved what they were going for, with many loving the mysteries of these games. So whatever your personal opinion, it's effective storytelling, even though it only caters to a niche.



@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, it’s got plenty of room at either end. Pretty annoying.

@Voltan Doesn’t make a noise but the app immediately shuts down with no warning, no freezing or anything, just kicks me back to the menu and stutters for a bit. It’s happened a few times already and I’ve only had it for a couple of weeks.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett OK, so that's a different thing. The one I'm talking about is when the console shuts down completely and you have to wait a while to turn it back on - preceded with the screen freezing completely - and since the audio "freezes" too, it makes an ugly noise for a second - kinda scary
I've heard about it happening to people a lot near launch, especially in Cold War but also in Miles Morales - which I myself platinumed with exactly one "soft" crash.
But it did happen to me once last month and it was in MK11.

Overall my experience was pretty stable since launch - a few games did crash but no more than a couple times each.

Edited on by Voltan



@Voltan Wow, that’s way scarier. We need some Nintendo style stability!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Also, yes, the firmware is mediocre right now.



Dragging it right back to launch, with a hot take on Astro's Playroom.

Given that, before today, I'd only ever experienced one pre-installed Sony game before (the PS Vita's Welcome Park which, whilst nice enough, was... well, it was Welcome Park) I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting great shakes. A few simple commands, some flashy visuals, done by dinner.

I've just stepped away after running through two of its four worlds, and I've got a big dumb grin on my face. If we never get a full sequel to this game, I'm gonna riot.

My feelings towards the DualSense are slightly more mixed. Yes, it's a superb device. It's comfortable and responsive and surprisingly customisable (parts of Astro's Playroom played themselves because I'd deactivated certain features; I'd expected to have to re-activate them, given Sony's usual intransigence when it comes to such things, so I was pleasantly surprise). Haptic feedback isn't the game-changer some press hype would have you believe, but it's also undeniably clever. When I stopped and thought about it as a "new feature" I appreciated it more but, when I was absorbed by the gameplay, I either didn't notice it, or suddenly thought my triggers were jamming.

It's the kinda reaction that'll be fixed by experience, I'm sure. Part of me hopes that you'll be able to deactivate the haptics somewhere down the line but, overall, I'm still very impressed. I'd call it the ultimate control refinement, but would stop short of calling it a control revolution.

For now, though, Spidey and Agent 47 can wait. I'm gonna settle in with Astro and see his adventure through 'til the end, platinum and all, if possible. What a perfect start.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Technically there already is a full Astro game, it's even free on PSN right now - but unfortunately it requires PSVR
I hear it's excellent though.



@RogerRoger Great to hear your assent with the universal praise of Astrobot’s Playroom. Your spoiler-free endorsement fuels my excitement even more. I’ve heard just bits and pieces about its gameplay and I’ve seen a couple video clips but have purposefully not investigated too deeply because I want to have that sense of wonder that seems to be ubiquitous amongst new PS5 owners.

I think I’ll agree with the hopes for the ability to disable aspects of the haptic feedback and tactile features of the DualSense (this being said before ever experiencing it firsthand) because I could see some games where it could be a distraction if not implemented well. I see if even with the standard rumble features on the DS4 — some games just simply rumble too much. I don’t need every little action vibrating excessively. Sometimes it break immersion rather than augmenting it.

Are you seeing any stick drift?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Voltan Yeah, I'd always dismissed Astro as a mascot for all the console features I don't personally use or care for (camera, PSVR) so this is certainly a revelation of my own making!

@Th3solution It's a potent dose of relentless awesomenosity that's been carefully designed to quash any post-purchase regret. As usual, I'm not 100% sure its numerous party tricks will last the entire life of the console; depends on how often third-party developers can be bothered to add special DualSense support to games they're releasing elsewhere at the same time. At the moment, it's headline news, so they'll make the effort, but... well, let's just say that, if I'm having to fight against my triggers every time Aloy draws her bow, it could make an evening's entertainment needlessly tiresome. Emphasis on "could" there because, let's be honest, I've been using a DualSense for all of 90 minutes.

And no stick drift, no (but again, 90 minutes, so it's still the earliest of early days).

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger astro is a lovely game isn't it? I worried about it being twee but actually, it's just a bloody brilliant little platformer. That nostalgia for ps products actually takes you back in time in your life in a way that's very hard to explain. I have had an iteration of every playstation and seeing the items just took me back to those different stages of my life. Seeing a ps1 4player multi-tap took me back to my early teens and playing a konami track and field game with my mates and a memory that I had completely forgotten. No game has ever made me smile the way this game did. Enjoy this and your ps5!! P.s. wait to you hit the dark world of network speed runs 😬

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam Did you have trouble during the speed runs? I got the trophy by like 5 seconds without having to replay any of the levels 😅

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@R1spam The sheer detail in honouring every single peripheral (no matter how ill-advised) has made me smile more than once. I love it when you beat the final boss, and it goes "one last thing" and then gives you all the kit you're currently using. You're right, it could've come across as an awkward corporate backslap, but it's actually a rather lovely blend of a retrospective and an introduction.

And thank you! Between you and Ness offering opposite opinions on the speed runs, I'll give them a tentative shot in the hopes that they're achievable. I have some Sonic skills, so I should be okay!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Getting the speed runs quick enough to get the trophy isn't too hard. Getting anywhere close to the top times is a whole different story

Edited on by Voltan



@Voltan Ah, thanks. Good thing I'm not a competitive soul, then!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger @nessisonett it's not that the speed runs are difficult for the trophy, it's when you go online and see how fast some people can do some of those runs! That and when one of your friends does a faster run, you get notified and with the speed of the ssd, you can launch that speedrun straight from the notification to gazump them! It's terribly addictive

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam Ahh I get you! I don’t really bother going back for things like leaderboards after the fact but I was pretty happy with my times!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@R1spam Yes, I was gutted to see all my times I was quite proud of back in 2020 have been beaten by the folks from over here.

@RogerRoger The time trials were a fun way for me to get some extra mileage out of the game. I didn't really mind replaying them over and over. I am a very simple human being.



I started Spider-Man Remastered a day or so ago. I hope to be spending more time with it over the weekend, but I'm also in the process of moving this month, so we'll see whether I manage to fit it into my schedule.

As a fan of platformers, movement has always been very important for me in videogames and this game is all about that. Some things are still a bit weird, like not being able to simply hang from a leg when sneaking (?) or maybe I just need to figure out how that works. But in general I love the movement, sense of speed and how Spider-Man innovates on the Batman combat system by implementing verticality in combat.

Also, New York City looks so nice. I didn't expect this game to look as good as it does. It's amazing how relatively colorful they made NYC too. But most impressive is probably that I didn't witness any pop in so far, while traveling the city at enormous speed.

I'm a small time Spider-Man fan (I read the comics for about three years), and so far I think the game handles its series legacy somewhat better than Batman. The games for the latter were "the Joker releases all villains", which was a useful plot device in Arkham Asylum, but felt a bit forced in the latter games. Anyway, I of course have no idea which way the Spider-Man story is going, so maybe I should not get ahead of myself just yet.

What do I dislike? The fact that they included Copeland's radio broadcasts from Days Gone into this game, disguised as JJ podcasts. "Don't believe the lies!"


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