Tag: Ubisoft - Page 38

  • News Babel Rising Makes You a God with Move

    Genesis 11:9

    Ubisoft’s PlayStation Move powered God game Babel Rising is set to release on 13th June in Europe, the publisher has announced. The downloadable title sees you assuming the role of God and attempting to stop humans from building the Tower of Babel by tossing all manner of natural disasters at them. Sounds like a good way to relieve...

  • News Mad Riders Speeds onto PSN on 30th May

    Price of a pizza

    The 15 people that actually played Techland’s off-road racer Nail’d will tell you that, terrible name aside, it was pretty good fun. We were one of those 15 people, and we agree. The big problem with Nail’d was its delivery method and price. For a few pennies on the PlayStation Store it would have been a roaring success, but...

  • News Far Cry 3's Closed Beta Shoots onto PSN This Summer

    Summer holiday

    Good news for GameStop Power Up Rewards members planning on picking up a copy of Ghost Recon: Future Solider: you’re all invited to Far Cry 3's closed multiplayer beta. The trial will kick off this summer on PS3 and will run for two weeks. Of course, if you don’t want to buy Ghost Recon (or shop at GameStop), Ubisoft will still be...

  • News Ubisoft Notes "Multiplatform Potential" for Trials Evolution

    Making the jump?

    If there’s one Xbox 360 exclusive that makes us green with envy, it’s RedLynx’s Trials Evolution. But with Ubisoft now in control of the Finnish developer, there’s every possibility that the title could hop onto Sony’s platforms. It’s a possibility that Ubisoft has noted itself. Speaking as part of an annual financial...

  • News Cool Down with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier's Arctic Strike DLC

    Chill pill

    Nowadays, developers don’t even bother to wait until their game has shipped before announcing DLC — take Ghost Recon: Future Soldier for example. The title may still be a couple of weeks away from release, but that’s not stopped Ubisoft from unveiling the tactical shooter’s first DLC pack. Due out on 3rd July, the $10 expansion...

  • News Take a Peek at Beyond Good & Evil 2's Environment Tech


    For a game that’s been shrouded in secrecy for the past five years, people sure do suddenly know a lot about Beyond Good & Evil 2. We thought this week’s sneaky screenshot would put an end to the leaks, but Unseen64 has followed up with a full environment trailer showing off the same urban setting glimpsed in the secret snap. The...

  • News Assassin's Creed III Goes Hunting in First Gameplay Trailer


    Ubisoft has released the first gameplay footage of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed III. We could easily fill the next five minutes of your time recapping exactly why this video is so exciting, but we figure you’d rather just get to the action. And to be honest, we can’t blame you — this looks absolutely extraordinary. Assassin's Creed III...

  • News I Am Alive Was PSN's Top Selling Game in April

    Land of the living

    Ubisoft’s flawed survival horror experiment I Am Alive was the top selling PlayStation Network title in April. The oft-delayed adventure managed to displace thatgamecompany’s Journey from the top spot, while Telltale’s The Walking Dead adaptation occupied two spots in the top five. The episodic title's Season Pass and...

  • News Snap Up a Beyond Good & Evil 2 Screenshot

    Dust looking

    After Michel Ancel's assurances that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is in "active creation", All Games Beta has outed what looks like an in-game screenshot. The distant protagonist looks distinctly like Jade, and the dusty market street fits with what we've seen of the title so far. That's about it, though. No HUD, no other...

  • News Unite to Unlock New Assassin's Creed III Trailer


    How much do you like Assassin’s Creed? Ubisoft’s hoping you like it enough to help out with the publisher’s marketing campaign, promising to unlock the second part of this Assassin’s Creed III hunting trailer once you’ve recruited enough friends to the franchise’s Facebook page. It’s an abhorrent practice that we absolutely...

  • News Beyond Good & Evil 2 is in "Active Creation"


    Rayman creator Michel Ancel has confirmed that development on the hotly anticipated Beyond Good & Evil 2 has continued – albeit not on PlayStation 3. The industry legend said in a video interview with the Toulouse Game Show [via NeoGAF] that the project is at an “active creation stage” and that the developer is focusing on...

  • News Early Assassin's Creed Footage Uncovered

    For your eyes only

    Before Assassin’s Creed was spun off into one of gaming's biggest franchises, it was pitched as a Prince of Persia title. Early concept footage uploaded by Alain Larose, a sound designer who used to work at Ubisoft, has provided a sneaky glimpse at the historical franchise’s origins. The footage in question shows a very...

  • News Before Altair, Assassin's Creed Starred a Woman

    Girl power

    Ubisoft has released a mass of early concept art for the Assassin’s Creed series. The images – which date back to the title’s origins back in 2004 – show a number of twists on the franchise's now established format. One image, for example, shows a woman kitted out in similar robes to final protagonist Altair. Another image shows...

  • News Domain Registrations Tease Legendary New Rayman Game

    Ray of sunshine

    Update: It's real — our friends at Nintendo Life have the Rayman Legends Wii U trailer. Remember our recent report regarding the possibility of a Rayman Origins sequel? Looks like it might be happening. Internet sleuths have uncovered Ubisoft website domain registrations for RaymanLegends.com and Rayman-Legend

  • Rumour Marketing Survey Teases Rayman Origins Sequel

    Born again

    When Rayman Origins appeared to struggle at retail late last year, many thought it was game over for Ubisoft’s stout nosed mascot. But alas, dreams can come true, as a marketing survey sent out by Arkenford on the French publisher’s behalf has hinted at the possibility of a sequel. The survey – discovered by Kotaku – notes that...

  • News Bring Friends for a Ghost Recon Future Soldier Multiplayer Vid

    Kill confirmed

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier might have taken its time getting here, but if you like loud bangs and big guns the trailer below will make up for the wait. The latest multiplayer trailer from Ubisoft shows all kinds of futuristic tech, from camouflage suits to stealthy hacking, as well as fulfilling your recommended daily...

  • News Ubisoft: Ancient Egypt Too "Boring" for Assassin's Creed III

    For Farouk's sake

    Ancient Egypt was an amazing time. People wore more make-up than a modern day super model. Slaves dragged huge hunks of rock across the sand to build elaborate tombs the size of housing estates. And everyone totally loved cats. But, sadly, none of that was enough to convince Ubisoft that the mysterious time period was perfect for...

  • News Become a Future Soldier with Custom Ghost Recon Controls

    Step your game up

    We know what you’re thinking: “How am I supposed to feel like a Future Soldier with a bog-standard DualShock 3?” We totally agree, that controller is so 2008. Alas, what you need is a custom Mad Catz controller designed specifically for Ubisoft’s upcoming Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Due out in May, the Pro GamePad will...

  • News Ubisoft: Expect Lots More Desmond in Assassin's Creed III

    Keeping Nolan North in work

    Love him or loathe him, Desmond is an important part of Assassin’s Creed lore. The modern day bartender is a conduit for the historical franchise’s time-travelling narrative, with his complex genes allowing him to experience the lives of his predecessors via the Animus. While much of Assassin’s Creed III’s media...

  • News Assassin's Creed III on Course to Break Ubisoft Pre-Order Records

    Everyone wants a piece of Connor

    Ubisoft wants to boast. It sent out a press release today pointing out that Assassin’s Creed III is on track to become its most pre-ordered title in history. To put things into perspective, the game was only officially announced just over a month ago. During that relatively short period Assassin’s Creed III has...

  • News Check Out Connor's Gear in Assassin's Creed III

    Armed to the teeth

    “That’s not Ezio,” we hear you cry. To which we’d respond: where have you been these past few weeks? Assassin’s Creed III is a brand new entry in the acrobatic stealth series, meaning it boasts a fresh protagonist and setting. The backdrop is the American Revolution, and the new hero is Connor. His real name is...

  • First Impressions Assassin's Creed III

    Back on the killing fields

    The assassins return for one more stab at the open-world adventure crown, as Ubisoft readies Assassin’s Creed III, a brand new chapter of its time-travelling silent-killing franchise. Eschewing the medieval and Renaissance settings of its predecessors, the game takes place in Colonial America on the brink of the...

  • News Assassin's Creed III Collector's Editions Revealed

    Sharpshooters, look out

    Ubisoft has lifted the veil on its special editions that will accompany Assassin's Creed III when it launches later this year. The limited edition packages below are for PAL regions only — sorry, NTSC — and come in three flavours: Freedom, Join or Die and Special. Here's what's in what: Assassin's Creed III Freedom...

  • News Assassin's Creed: Revelations Sneaks onto PSN This Week

    Pay the price

    If, like us, you’ve come to resent changing discs when you want to play a new game, then Ubisoft’s got the perfect announcement for you: Assassin’s Creed Revelations is coming to the PlayStation Network this week. You’ll have to pay a premium to witness the conclusion of Ezio’s tale directly from your hard-drive (£49.99),...

  • News Team Up on PSN, Shoot Many Robots

    Fry their microchips

    The world's gone to pot, the robots have become self-aware and humanity's in peril. But wait — all's not lost, as a paranoid hillbilly has been waiting for this very day with an impressive stockade of weaponry. And beer. Demiurge Studios' Shoot Many Robots arrives on the European PlayStation Network today. The side-scrolling...

  • News Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Trailer Details Tech

    Unfair advantage

    Using the right weapon is an important part of any shooter, but in most games the tactics boil down to simply selecting the right class. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier promises to take things a little further, by giving you access to millions of potential weapon combinations in its Gun Smith mode. Here you can combine a vast array of...

  • News Ubi: Assassin's Creed III "Perfect for Series Newcomers"

    Clean slate

    Assassin’s Creed: Revelations must have been a nightmare for series newcomers. Not only was there the story of Ezio to contend with, but Desmond too. In fact, we’re pretty certain if you hadn’t played any of the Assassin’s Creed titles to date, you’d be utterly lost playing Revelations. Assassin’s Creed III, though, will be...

  • News Assassin's Creed III Using New Engine Technology

    Ubisoft's "most ambitious" project to date

    If you haven’t already seen Ubisoft’s debut Assassin’s Creed III trailer, go watch it now – we’ll wait. All done? Good, then we’ll continue. Outside of the trailer, Ubisoft’s also revealed a handful of details about the game. According to the French publisher, it is the “most ambitious”...

  • News Assassin's Creed III Reveal Trailer is Here


    After recent teasing Ubisoft's finally pulled the hood off its upcoming trilogy-closer Assassin's Creed III. You've probably already clicked the trailer below, and who can blame you? Assassin's Creed III is due for release this October.

  • News First Assassin's Creed III Shots Hit the Net

    Archery is in

    All Games Beta has the first screenshots of Ubisoft's hotly anticipated Assassin's Creed III. The screenshots — presumably taken from Game Informer — show the series' new hero wandering through a British colonial outpost, attacking enemies with a tomahawk and stalking a deer. He also has a bow on his back, which could lead to some...

  • News Ubisoft Posts Assassin's Creed III Boxart

    It's the American Revolution

    Clearly tired of all the leaks, Ubisoft has come right out and revealed the boxart for Assassin’s Creed III. As anticipated, it shows the American Revolution. Expect more details about the sequel to emerge at the Games Developers Conference next week.

  • Rumour Assassin's Creed III Goes to American Revolution

    Certainly looks like it

    With Ezio’s story done and dusted, it was anticipated that Assassin’s Creed III would head to a new period in history. Egypt seemed like the strongest rumour for a while, but it looks like the latest in Ubisoft’s stealth franchise is actually heading for the American Revolution. A promotional image leaked by a Best Buy...

  • News Ubisoft Discusses the Making of I Am Alive

    Putting the project on life support

    I Am Alive may have gone through several iterations since its original reveal way back at E3 2008, but it continues to intrigue despite the game’s clearly troubled development cycle. As big fans of survival horror, a lot of the mechanics Ubisoft Shanghai’s employed to create a tense and uncertain world...

  • News GAME to Stock Ubisoft Vita Games From Tomorrow

    All's well that ends well

    GAME stores will start stocking Ubisoft's Vita games tomorrow, according to a statement sent to VG247. Last week we reported GAME was not stocking Ubisoft's Vita launch games, but that should come to an end tomorrow when stock starts to hit GAME, Gamestation and the group's online stores. We've taken a look at some of...

  • News Q Entertainment Wanted to Make Daft Punk: Lumines

    Digital love

    Lumines: Electronic Symphony is one of the strongest titles in the PlayStation Vita’s launch offering – our own Nathan Michalik awarded it an 8/10 in our Lumines Electronic Symphony review – but it was almost so much cooler. According to producer James Mielke, the title was originally pitched as Daft Punk: Lumines – and it...

  • News Shoot Many Robots from 13th March

    You know you want to

    Bad news for robots: Demiurge’s PlayStation Network shoot-a-thon, Shoot Many Robots, is set to arrive on the PlayStation Network on 13th March for $9.99. European robots will have an extra day to steel themselves for shutdown, when the Ubisoft published title arrives on 14th March overseas. Like its name so candidly suggests,...

  • News Assassin's Creed DLC Delves into the Mind of Subject 16

    Clinically insane

    Hands-up if you remember Subject 16 from Assassin’s Creed: Revelations? Hmm, not many of you. Let us give you another clue: he was the nut-job that kept pestering modern day protagonist Desmond. Yeah, that’s the one. Why is he important? Because he’s back. And no, not in Pog form, but as DLC accidentally outed by UK retailer...

  • News Rayman Origins Vita Launch Trailer Hops Online

    Bringing the whimsy

    Rayman Origins dashes onto PlayStation Vita tomorrow, and in order to mark the release, Ubisoft’s dropped a brand new trailer online. The Michel Ancel directed platformer is currently the highest rated PlayStation Vita title available, commanding an impressive Metacritic score of 89. If you were planning on picking up the title...

  • News GAME Not Stocking Ubisoft Vita Launch Games

    Any of them

    UK high street retailer GAME will not stock any Ubisoft games at Vita's launch, VG247 has revealed. The nation's biggest specialist retailer won't be selling any of Ubisoft's games, a huge blow to the giant publisher with a reputation for emphatic day-one support of new hardware. That means GAME customers won't be able to pick up the...

  • News Rayman Origins Actually Made Ubisoft Some Money

    Not quite a commercial distaster

    When Rayman Origins failed to even break into the UK software top-forty following its launch in November last year, many suspected the worst for the gorgeous Michel Ancel developed platformer. But contrary to perception, the title has actually been profitable for publisher Ubisoft, and it believes that it will...

  • News Assassin's Creed: Revelations to Get Desmond DLC

    More Nolan North

    Looks like Ubisoft has a fresh batch of single-player DLC in development for Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. A new set of achievements – uncovered by, erm, XBOX360A – references block-based platforming, suggesting there’s more modern day Desmond content on the cards. Naturally, no release date or pricing for the downloadable...

  • News Assassin's Creed 3 Release Date Revealed

    Here we go

    Ubisoft has revealed it'll release Assassin's Creed 3 on Tuesday 30th October 2012. The publisher recently teased a "major" entry in the series was due later this year and we now know it'll be the long-awaited AC3. We haven't got much more to go on at the moment but stay tuned.

  • News Explosive Far Cry 3 Trailer Hits the Web

    Ahead of the curve

    Ubisoft had originally planned to release its Far Cry 3 trailer tomorrow, but seeing as it was leaked earlier today it's made the smart decision to go with it 24 hours early. Feast your eyes on the footage below and let us know what you think of it in the comments section below.

  • News Fresh Far Cry 3 Details Focus on Tactical Freedom

    Hallucinations too

    While Far Cry 3 will have its fair share of scripted moments, Ubisoft’s not forgetting the franchise’s tactical heritage. New details – included in the latest issue of EDGE magazine – offer a glimpse of what we can expect from the upcoming open-ended first-person shooter, including make-shift car-bombs and, erm,...

  • News Mad Riders Trailer Gets Dirty

    Nail'd it

    For all its faults, we rather enjoyed Techland’s Nail’d. The game did away with MotorStorm’s simulation aspects, opting for an off-road experience filled with massive air. And we mean massive air. Seriously, if you haven’t played the game, you can’t even comprehend how big some of the jumps in that title were. While Mad Riders...

  • News Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Does Contemporary Warfare

    Only the dead fight fair

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’s not had the easiest of development cycles; the game’s been rebooted more times than we care to count. But at least it’s finally stumbled upon some kind of direction. With modern day combat all the rage on PlayStation 3, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’s near-future setting looks both...

  • News Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD Hits PSN on 31st March

    Mostly armless

    Proving that you can never have too much Rayman, publisher Ubisoft has attached a 31st March release date to its upcoming PSN remake of Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc. The high-definition upgrade of the PlayStation 2 classic will come equipped with remastered visuals, a bunch of new content including nine stand-alone mini-games, trophies and...

  • News Lumines: Electronic Symphony Features Mylo's 'In My Arms'

    All you need to know

    Lumines: Electronic Symphony has a killer soundtrack — not least aided by the inclusion of Mylo's Kim Carnes-sampling In My Arms Personal favourite that one, dear readers. But that's not all the game has to offer. There's also Kelly Watch The Stars by Air, Rocket by Goldfrapp and Windowlicker by Aphex Twin. Y'know, when Q...

  • News Lumines: Electronic Symphony Grabs Bonus MP3s From Amazon

    Lumines might be a great puzzler, but a lot of the franchise's underlying appeal comes down to its audio

    As such, it's totally befitting that Amazon should be handing out free MP3s to those that pre-order a copy of Lumines: Electronic Symphony for the PS Vita. You'll get three tracks for your troubles, each composed by Makoto Asai and pulled from...

  • News Ubisoft: Next Assassin's Creed To Be The Biggest Yet

    We dinged Assassin's Creed: Revelations a couple of points when we reviewed the game last year because it felt a little stale

    Narratively it was still a worthwhile entry into the series, but for large parts of the game, it felt like we were going through the motions. Regardless, publisher Ubisoft is delighted with the title's performance at retail...