Tag: Thq - Page 5

  • News THQ: No PS3 Price Cut Until Later In The Year

    THQ are not expecting Sony to drop, what could be considered as a "megaton" at this years E3 - nope, they don't expect a price cut announcement until later in the year

    PS3 software sales represented about 13% of THQ's revenue for fiscal 2009, an increase from 8% the year before. There's no doubt a PS3 price cut could drastically aid THQ's position,...

  • First Impressions Red Faction: Guerilla on Playstation 3

    The thing that was instantly apparent to us upon running Red Faction: Guerilla was a sense of arcade action

    The game clocks killing sprees, rewards the destruction of entire buildings and has a very fast, ebbing pace to it. Which makes it really fun. That's not to say it's without it's draws though. While the action seems fast and fluid, the...