Tag: Thq - Page 3
News Oh Saints Row: The Third, You So Awesome
THQ's dropped a brand new trailer for its upcoming open-world adventure Saints Row: The Third
Ignore the attempts at constructing a narrative here, and just soak up all the craziness that goes down in this 110 seconds of craziness. There are jet-packs, dildos, stupid masks, cars and wrestling moves. Man, this game just keeps climbing up our most...
News LOL: Sasha Grey Is Going To Be In Saints Row: The Third
While we'd never have guessed that legendary pornstar (and serial knitter) Sasha Grey would make an appearance in THQ's upcoming trashy third-person action game, Saints Row: The Third, the casting makes too much sense. Grey will not play a porn-star in the game though — no, she will play one of two sisters that run the Syndicate's...
News Darksiders Developer: PlayStation 3's 'A Pain In The A**'
Did we just fall asleep and wake up in 2006? Darksiders developer Vigil Games has decided it timely to mouth off about the challenges of PlayStation 3 development
It must be 2006, right? "It's a pain in the a** to work on," Darksiders 2 developer, Marvin Donald told Eurogamer, "Five years later, getting used to it? That means it's a...
News Saints Row: The Third's Professor Genki Pre-Order Trailer Is The Best Thing You'll Watch Today
The summer drought is in full effect now, leaving us desperately searching the 'net for interesting things to post about
Thankfully, this trailer for Saints Row: The Third's Professor Genki pre-order bonus is sensational. The pack includes a "man-a-pult", octopus cannon and leisure stunt suit. But it's not the items that are the most fun...
Out Today UFC Personal Trainer (North America)
Get it before it's octa-gone
The fitness games on Move so far haven't tried to build you into a fight-ready machine, but that sizeable gap in the market is closed today with the release of UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System in North America. The Move-enabled game has been developed with support from the National Academy of Sports...
News Hang On, Saints Row: The Third Actually Looks Properly Amazing
Volition introduce Saints Row: The Third as the most "ridiculous, over-the-top experience in gaming"
And they're totally not kidding. This seven minute demonstration of THQ's latest open-world opus is two-parts insane, one-part amazing. You'll spy tanks, flying jets, dildos and much more. It's amazing. Day one.
News THQ Closes Homefront Developer, Confirms Plans For Homefront Sequel
No, that's not a mistake in the headline
THQ really has been busy this afternoon, both closing Homefront developer Kaos Studios and, errr, announcing the franchise's sequel. THQ also closed down its Digital Warrington studio, in a "strategic" move designed to "realign its internal studio structure". THQ confirmed today that it...
News Patrice Desilets Begins Work At THQ Today
Former Assassin's Creed gaffer, Patrice Desilets, begins work for THQ today the publisher has announced
Desilets revealed he was joining THQ to head up the publisher's new Montreal studio last summer, but was forced to take a year out from the industry per his contract with Ubisoft. Desilets was a pivotal figure in the success of the Assassin's...
News Adidas and THQ Limber Up for miCoach
Get fit with the stars
It's surprising it's taken sports brand Adidas so long to get into the fitness gaming business, but it's taking its first step into the lucrative world with miCoach on PlayStation Move later this year. Rather than a generic fitness title, the game aims to help improve your performance in real sports situations: tennis,...
News THQ Officially Reveals uDraw For PlayStation 3, Includes Multitouch
THQ's released the first images of uDraw for the PlayStation 3 overnight
The popular Wii drawing package is due to release on Sony's system at some point this Fall. The HD tablets will feature "high-definition" input at 2000x1600 resolution, multitouch features for "pinch-and-stretch and rotation features" and built-in tilt...
News This Saints Row: The Third Trailer May Be Entirely CG, But It's Still Awesome
If a trailer's designed to get you hyped about a product then we suppose this Saints Row: The Third CG teaser is a triumph
Sure it tells us absolutely nothing about the gameplay, but who cares when it's brimming with style. THQ's committed to a November 15th release date in the US. We're kinda stoked.
News Oh Hey Look, Darksiders 2 Still Has Terrible, Terrible Character Design
We picked up the original Darksiders after months of people telling us to
"It's just like Zelda," they insisted, "Except it's the dark, gothic Zelda you always dreamed of." First of all, we never really dreamed of a "dark, gothic Zelda" — we happen to be big Wind Waker fans — and second of all, Darksiders never...
News THQ Insists It's 'One Of The Big' Publishers
We love THQ, but we wish they'd shut up trying to remind us how relevent they are
You earn relevence through good content, something THQ has in abundance. You don't earn it by telling people to take notice every five minutes. That's exactly what CEO Brian Farrell has done in an interview with IndustryGamers though. We certainly think of ourselves...
News THQ Announces Free Character Creation Tool, Saints Row: Initiation Station
If, like us, you have a minor obsession with character creation features in games, then you'll probably want to know about THQ's Saints Row: Initiation Station
The free tool will allow you to create characters for the upcoming Saints Row: The Third before the game's big release. THQ says you'll be able to make characters "inspired by your...
News uDraw Brings Artistic Action To PlayStation 3
uDraw might not sound like the most instantly compelling idea in the world, but THQ's tablet controlled art franchise has been a roaring success on the Nintendo Wii
So much of a success in fact, the publisher has decided to let PlayStation 3 users get in on the action. Announced at a financial meeting last night, THQ gaffer Brian Farrell said the...
Rumour Saints Row Drive-By Cancelled On PlayStation Network, XBOX Live Arcade
Hackers to blame?
What were we saying about LinkedIn profiles being the best source for all the hot video game news these days? The resume of Scott Rogers, a creative manager for THQ, has revealed that the Saints Row franchise might not "drive-by" the PlayStation Network after all, as the downloadable spin-off Saints Row Drive-By has been cancelled...
News Red Faction: Armageddon Pushed Back Ever So Slightly
Sorry explosives fans, you're just going to have to wait a couple of extra days to get your hands on Red Faction: Armageddon
THQ has announced that it's delaying the game's release a couple of days from May 31st until June 7th in North America. Europeans will get to play the game on June 10th. No reason has been given for the delay. A demo is due on...
News Red Faction: Armageddon Demo Incoming Next Week (If The PlayStation Network's Back Online!)
THQ's confirmed that it'll release a demo for the explosive Red Faction: Armageddon next week on the PlayStation Network -- if the service has been properly resumed, of course
Assuming everything's back to normal by then, you'll get to step into the shoes of protagonist Darius Mason [worst name ever - Ed] and blast your way through some underground...
News Yup, This Looks Like A Third Saints Row Game Alright
THQ has released the first set of Saints Row: The Third screenshots to outlets not under the label "GameInformer"
The above image caught our eye. It shows a under-dressed lady running away from an exploding police car. In the background there's a dude wearing a luchador mask with a grenade launcher. Sure, why not? We're not overly keen on the game's...
We feel like we're one of the few publications that actually liked portions of Homefront
We scored the game a solid 3/4, citing clever use of the game's perspective and a great multiplayer component. Other publications were less impressed. But while THQ's Danny Bilson was clearly disappointed with Homefront's mixed review scores, he did tell IGN...
News Assuming We Don't Have To Do Any Mountain Climbers, We'll Be Cool With UFC Personal Trainer
Ignore the Kinect branding and you get a good idea what THQ's PlayStation Move-enabled UFC Personal Trainer will be all about
Presumably you'll hold PlayStation Move controllers in each hand to throw punches and complete various UFC style workouts. Assuming we can skip the mountain climber exercises, we're looking forward to it. Urgh, mountain...
News Get Fighting Fit with UFC Personal Trainer in June
No more punching above your weight
Move gamers probably worked up enough of a sweat in The Fight: Lights Out, but those who wants an even more intense workout might want to keep their eyes on UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System, due for Move in June 2011. Taking the popular mixed martial arts and turning it into an exercise game, UFC...
News We Have No Interest In UFC, But We Kinda Want This Training Game
We've watched some UFC
We've played some UFC games. We have about as much interest in the "sport" as we do professional Starcraft. But somehow, UFC Personal Trainer appeals to us. Regular readers will know we have a fairly long standing relationship with these new crop of fitness games. Both EA Sports Active 2 and The Fight spend a lot of...
News Stacking's Lost Hobo King DLC Launches On PlayStation Network
The first slice of Stacking DLC is available now from the North American PlayStation Network, presumably with the European version following as part of today's PlayStation Store update
Entitled "The Lost Hobo King", the additional content adds new dolls, challenges and narrative to DoubleFine's rustic adventure. It costs $4.99 in the...
News Red Faction: Battlegrounds Isn't Twisted Metal, But It Should Tide Us Over
For now
While we desperately cling on to the hope that Sony might say something about Twisted Metal at some point in the near future (seriously, that game has dropped off the radar entirely), we guess Red Faction: Battlegrounds might be able to fulfill our car-combat cravings for a while. Especially seeing as it's free for PlayStation Plus...
News GameInformer? Posts First Saints Row: The Third Trailer
We're not even going to attempt hosting a mirror of GameInformer®'s EXCLUSIVE Saints Row: The Third trailer
Here — visit their website for the EXCLUSIVE. It's EXCLUSIVELY EXCLUSIVE just for you. PLEASE VISIT GAMEINFORMER®'S WEBSITE. Remember: this is a GameInformer® EXCLUSIVE. We're just le
News Stacking Still Has A Really Lovely Art Style, Then
A few shots of Stacking's upcoming DLC, "The Lost Hobo King", have emerged courtesy of Gamekyo
The game still looks properly amazing. Hit the link to see the full-set of images. The DLC is out in April.</em>
News THQ's Gamble Pays Off, Homefront Sells Big-Time
We imagine there are some smug faces around THQ headquarters right now
Despite Homefront not getting the best critical reception (though we liked it!), THQ's announced that their alternate future shooter has been a big success at retail. The game's sold one million copies across North America, Europe and Asia. That's in just seven days...
UK Charts Homefront Takes The Top Spot
As expected, THQ's heavily marketed first-person shooter has shot straight to the top of the UK sales charts this week
The game is THQ's first number one since UFC Undisputed 2009 released a couple of years ago. According to Eurogamer, it's also the biggest new release of the year so far. Staggering stuff. We quite liked it. You can find out more...
Report Red Faction Battlegrounds A PlayStation Plus Incentive In North America
A report posted by Joystiq [sourced from a Sony PlayStation Network newsletter] hints that the upcoming Red Faction Battlegrounds will be offered to PlayStation Plus subscribers as a membership incentive in North America
According to the newsletter, those that subscribe to Sony's premium membership service before March 25th will get a free copy of...
News Homefront PlayStation 3 Patch Available Now
If you've just got back from GAME with a brand new copy of Homefront in hand, well, set some time aside to download a new patch
Kaos has responded promptly to bugs found in the PS3 version of the game, fixing up freezing issues in addition to other problems. We've included the full patch notes after the jump. Check out our review through here...
News Homefront's Multiplayer Servers 'Outstripped Expectations', Currently Taking A Caning
If Homefront's server demand is anything to go by, THQ's first-person shooter is a huge success
Apparently demand for the game's multiplayer has "outstripped expectations", leaving developers Kaos scrambling to put more servers online to cope. "Demand for dedicated servers outstripped expectations. Though we're thrilled by the...
News Homefront's Launch Trailer Is All Like, "God Bless America!"
We're quite looking forward to playing THQ's Homefront next week, but we're a little bit concerned about one aspect of the game: the treatment of the ol' U-S-of-A
Being Brits looking in at American media, we're more than aware of the jaw-clenchingly patriotic tone that can consume products like Homefront. We're praying that the game — which is...
News Kaos Responds To Complaints About Homefront's Campaign Length, We Rant
Let's get this out of the way: THQ's upcoming FPS, Homefront, is about the same length as every other first-person shooter you've played over the last three years
Its campaign is about five hours long. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. As is always the case when a shooter's campaign length is brought into question, there's a furore erupting...
News Red Faction Battlegrounds Brings Intergalactic Car Combat To PlayStation Network Next Month
As car-combat afficionados, we wondered what had happened to Red Faction Armageddon's downloadable aperitif: Red Faction Battlegrounds
THQ's been notably quiet about the Mars-based online Twisted Metal-esque PSN title ever since its announcement last year. But the publisher has now broken silence, telling Eurogamer that the title will launch during...
News THQ Formally Announces Saints Row: The Third
Guys, it's March 3rd
What better day to lift the lid on third installment of the Saints Row franchise, Saints Row: The Third? The publisher's formally announced that the game's coming to PlayStation 3 later in the year. It'll see the 3rd Street Saints gang get into some kind of res-pect war with a rival group known as the Syndicates. Saints Row:...
News Top PlayStation 3 Titles Join Sony's $30 'Greatest Hits' Label
Sony's expanded its growing collection of PS3 'Greatest Hits' by four, adding the likes of God Of War III, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Modnation Racers and UFC Undisputed 2010 to the catalogue's growing roster
Each of the games will be repackaged at an impressive $30, making them the perfect impulse purchases — even if you own two...
News Red Faction Armageddon Brings The Chaos May 31st In North America, June 3rd In UK
Gah, you know what the best thing about Red Faction Guerrilla was? Hitting stuff with a sledgehammer
Y'know what's likely to be the best thing about Red Faction Armageddon? Ok, so you got it first time — hitting stuff with a sledgehammer. Our "sledgehammer" button is literally itching for the May 31st North American release date THQ's...
News de Blob 2 Trailer Awash with Colourful Antisocial Undertones
THQ's colourful platformer de Blob 2 reaches PlayStation Move next week, with a new rendered trailer setting up the ongoing battle between the evil INKT Corporation and the underground rebellion. There's full stereoscopic 3D support for owners of 3DTVs as well as PlayStation Move controls to boot, which should hopefully prove worthy...
News PlayStation Plus Subscribers Get DoubleFine's Stacking For Free... On Launch Day
After the wonderful Costume Quest, DoubleFine's upcoming Russian doll adventure, Stacking, is pretty high on our most anticipated PSN games list
We suspect, valued readers, that it's on your radar too. Feel free to dance a joyous jig of celebration with us then, as we reveal that Stacking will be free for all PlayStation Plus subscribers from next...
News THQ Confirms Saints Row 3 For The Fall
If you're one of those weird people that's excited for Saints Row 3: go out, grab a bottle champagne and have a party
THQ's just slapped an Fall release date on the (weirdly) anticipated sequel. The company teased news on the game's release date yesterday. CEO Brian Farrell made the announcement at THQ's quarterly earnings call this morning,...
News If We Were The Gambling Type, We'd Put A Fiver On The Impending Announcement Of Saints Row 3
You've got to love modern journalism
More news comes via Twitter than it does traditional sources. Take Danny Bilson's response to a fan's Saints Row 3 query. When asked about the game, the THQ VP of core gaming responded that there was a "big announcement coming soon". Ok. Anyone want to bet a fiver then? We think we've got this locked...
News Kaos: Homefront DLC A Timed Exclusive Because Microsoft "Supported" Us
We're not familiar with the process of multiplatform game development, but reading the comments of Homefront's senior level designer Rex Dickson, it seems like developers want the platform holders to bend over backwards for every game coming to their system. Earlier in the week, Kaos announced that all future Homefront DLC would be a timed...
News Homefront DLC To Be A Timed XBOX 360 Exclusive... Whoopee!
Dear Microsoft, We know that you don't bother spending any of your resources developing an identity for your platform and we're cool with that
Honestly, doesn't bother us in the slightest. We just wanted to an extend a word of advice. While timed DLC might be a big deal for Call Of Duty and Grand Theft Auto IV, it's really a total waste of money...
News THQ Gets A New Set Of Squiggles They're Deeming A "Logo"
THQ's new logo signifies "change, innovation and creative growth" according to the company
The publisher's certainly grown exponentially over the past few years. We're not sure what these squiggles add though. Having said that, THQ's logo was already terrible. This isn't necessarily much worse.
News Homefront To Take Advantage Of THQ's "Online Pass" Functionality
You'll need to make sure you pick up a new copy of Homefront if you want to take full advantage of the game's online multiplayer
Either that, or shell out an extra $10 to buy a new "Online Pass" code. THQ's upcoming shooter will be the second game to take advantage of the publishers "Online Pass" model, the first being UFC...
News Everyone Keeps Talking About A Masters Of The Universe Video Game
Mattel owns a lot of top toy brands: Hot Wheels, Barbie, Fisher Price, Tyco R/C, Masters Of The Universe
What's more, the company's just teamed up with THQ to make video games based on their properties. While Hot Wheels, Barbie and Fisher Price remain at the forefront of THQ's interest, the video games publisher has expressed interest in some of...
News Kaos Tempted To Bring Homefront's Narrative To The UK & Other Countries
Perhaps the biggest selling point for Kaos' upcoming first-person shooter, Homefront, is its "why we fight" dynamic
The game aims to put the player in awkward situations, and draws on its North American setting to really conjure an antagonistic setting. While watching mothers shot point-blank in front of their children is certain to have an effect...
Remember THQ's bumper reveal last night? That's right, inSane, the new horror title from Guillermo del Toro
Well guess what? It's not a one-off title. It's pitched as a trilogy, with THQ holding the rights for all three games. Of course, subsequent editions will depend on the success of the first. "With this new series of video games, I want to...
News VGA 2010: Guillermo Del Toro Teases "Horrific Adventure" Title For 2013
Sometimes games get announced too early, and we can't help but feel that Guillermo del Toro and THQ's collaboration, Insane, is going to fall victim to that
Despite sounding like our kind of game (THQ's Danny Bilson pitches it as an "horrific adventure"), it's not due to release until 2013. 2013! Sorry THQ, our attention is most certainly...