Tag: Mass Effect
News Next Mass Effect Isn't Going to Be Ready for a Long, Long Time, Suggests BioWare Vet
The Veilguard effect
Now that BioWare's all but done with Dragon Age: The Veilguard — barring any updates, but we've heard absolutely nothing on that front for months — the developer's attention is fixed firmly on the next Mass Effect. Except, it sounds like that project is still years away. As explained in his latest video on his own personal...
News You'll Never See This Potential TV Mass Effect Commander Shepard Pick Coming
"Takin' over Earth and still kickin' in Uranus"
With Fast & Furious 9 writer Daniel Casey signed on to pen Amazon's upcoming Mass Effect TV adaptation, things could really go in any direction. One future we never would have predicted, however, was the potential inclusion of one John Anthony Felix Cena, presumably as Commander Shepard, who you...
News Movement from Amazon's Mass Effect TV Series, Fast & Furious 9 Writer Signed
M9: The Shepard Saga
If the long-awaited launch of Dragon Age: The Veilguard wasn't enough to satiate your BioWare cravings, we've finally had an update on that Mass Effect TV series first reported in 2021. An adaptation is officially being developed at Amazon MGM Studios by Fast & Furious 9 writer Daniel Casey. Word comes to us through an...
News Don't Expect Much Mass Effect News This N7 Day
It's a "quieter" year from BioWare
BioWare is set to celebrate its Mass Effect series later this week on N7 Day (7th November), but compared to previous years, what the developer has planned for Thursday is on a smaller scale. Due to last week's launch of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, this N7 Day will be "quieter" than usual. The studio posted to...
News Next Mass Effect to Retain 'Mature Tone' and 'Photorealistic' Graphics
Stays that way as long as Gamble runs things
While BioWare took the graphics of its new RPG Dragon Age: The Veilguard in a more stylised direction when compared to its three predecessors, the project director of the next Mass Effect game has said that won't be happening in the next title from the team. On Twitter, project director Michael Gamble...
News Betrayal as OG Mass Effect Citadel Sprinting Revealed to Be a Lie
Sprintgate 2.0
Developer BioWare has been pulling the wool over the eyes of fans for more than a decade, convincing gamers through clever technical tricks that they were going fast when, in fact, they were not. The veil was lifted after Dragon Age Inquisition's "horse sprinting" was revealed to be an illusion, and now it seems that Shepard never...
News Success of Legendary Edition Convinced Mass Effect Lead Writer to Leave BioWare
"I don't want to do any more Mass Effect after this"
After 19 years of service, BioWare veteran Mac Walters announced his departure from the studio back in January. Walters worked as project director for the wonderful Mass Effect: Legendary Edition before leaving, which compiled the original Mass Effect trilogy, the successful release of which felt...
Rumour Mass Effect PS5 Game Might Still Be Six Years Away
"It is so far away"
If you thought the recent N7 Day teaser trailer for the next Mass Effect was an indication the RPG might be somewhat close to release, you may want to think again. We already know BioWare has Dragon Age: Dreadwolf to launch on PS5 first, but according to Giant Bomb journalist Jeff Grubb, the game is so far out that it may not...
News Next Mass Effect Gets New Teaser, Featuring a Masked N7 Character
Lots of speculation for everyone
Update: Well, we'll be honest, we weren't expecting to get a new teaser for the next Mass Effect game today, but here we are. The new trailer is just 35 seconds long, but it shows a masked figure sporting a stylish N7 outfit. Naturally, fans are already suggesting that this suggests the return of Commander Shepard...
Mass Effect still in pre-production
Some unfortunate news from Mass Effect and Dragon Age developer BioWare: the studios has announced that it'll be "eliminating approximately 50 roles", in an attempt to reshape the company for the better. "In order to meet the needs of our upcoming projects, continue to hold ourselves to the highest standard of...
News Layoffs Reported as BioWare Shifts 'Renewed Focus' to Mass Effect, Dragon Age
To better focus on key franchises
Developer BioWare has reported layoffs as the studio passes the torch of the venerable MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic to another (Broadsword). Now, its full attention turns to the upcoming Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, and the as-yet-unnamed next Mass Effect, the studio has said. Word comes from a post on the BioWare...
News Mass Effect's Dead Shepard Statue Pulled from Sale, BioWare Admits Communication Error
Shepard's most iconic moment
If you're particularly sensitive to minor spoilers for what is, at this point, a retro game, consider yourself warned. During the prologue of Mass Effect 2 (literally the first ten minutes), a convenient McGuffin is contrived as a way to reset any skills Commander Shepard might have picked up during the original game,...
News Mass Effect Devs Will Help to Finish Dragon Age: Dreadwolf
Mark Darrah also returns
Much of the team working on BioWare's upcoming Mass Effect game has shifted its focus to help finish Dragon Age: Dreadwolf as production and polishing efforts become more important within the studio. The RPG has been in post-production since September, and executive producer Mark Darrah has returned to serve as a consultant...
News Lead Mass Effect 2, 3 Writer Leaves BioWare After 19 Years
He had a... massive effect
BioWare veteran Mac Walters has departed the developer following 19 years of service. Walters is best known for his work on the Mass Effect series, and in particular, he was credited as the lead writer on both Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Much more recently, he was the project director on the excellent Mass Effect...
Random Mass Effect Director Stoked Someone Finally Caught His Top Gun Reference
"I've been waiting so long"
It looks like Casey Hudson, director of the original Mass Effect trilogy, is a huge fan of Top Gun. Further, he worked a reference to the 80s classic into the opening text of the first Mass Effect game, which has apparently gone unnoticed until now. In fact, the opening text is the reference. As pointed out by Twitter...
News Next Mass Effect Gets a Tiny Teaser for N7 Day
Spacing out
We might have forgotten that today is N7 Day — the date on which everything Mass Effect is celebrated — but BioWare hasn't! The developer has posted what seems to be a very, very, very small teaser for the next Mass Effect on social media. The 25-second clip shows some kind of space station (which sort of resembles an...
News Former BioWare Writer Discusses Alternate Ending for the Mass Effect Trilogy
Pick a colour, any colour
During a recent Reddit AMA, ex-BioWare writer and sci-fi/fantasy author Drew Karpyshyn revealed an early, discarded alternative to the somewhat controversial ending of the Mass Effect trilogy. Karpyshyn was the lead writer on Mass Effect 1 & 2 but left the studio before the release of Mass Effect 3 and would
News Deus Ex, Guardians of the Galaxy Writer to Lead Narrative on the Next Mass Effect
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is the best news I've heard in a long time
Rejoice, Garrus stans! Mary DeMarle, award-winning writer of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and most recently Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, will be joining BioWare as Senior Narrative Director. DeMarle will be joining the Mass Effect team, lending...
Rumour BioWare May Have Just Confirmed the Return of Commander Shepard in the New Mass Effect
The show goes on
Well well well, what do we have here? As the headline suggests, BioWare may have just let slip some huge news regarding the new Mass Effect game, which is currently in development. It's already known that the title will take place after the original trilogy, with key recurring character Liara supposedly popping up in the...
News New Mass Effect 'Now Early in Development', BioWare Confirms
Follow the Shepard
The next Mass Effect game was announced back in December 2020, but we've seen nothing of it since that initial teaser trailer (aside from some vague concept art). We've always assumed that the new instalment is years away from release — and wording in BioWare's latest blog post backs that up. The arti
News Remaster Trilogy Mass Effect Legendary Edition Now Included with EA Play on PS5, PS4
Spaced out
If you’ve been itching for an intergalactic RPG to occupy you through the cold winter months, then you can do much worse than Mass Effect Legendary Edition, BioWare’s trilogy of remastered classics. The game is now included as part of EA Play on both PS5 and PS4, and is available to download at no extra cost if you’re a member. It...
News BioWare Still 'Hard at Work' on New Mass Effect, Dragon Age 4
Dragon Age still a single-player RPG
BioWare has published a developer blog post to bring in the new year. Penned by studio manager Gary McKay, the article discusses the general state of BioWare, and what its plans are for the future. McKay also mentions the success of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which has been a huge hit with both players and...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Available with EA Play on PS5, PS4 This Week
Your favourite subscription on the Citadel
That didn’t take long! Bioware’s remaster bundle Mass Effect Legendary Edition is coming to subscription service EA Play from 6th January, meaning members will be able to download the game at no extra cost. For those of you who don’t know, this package compiles the space opera’s PlayStation 3 era...
News New Mass Effect Legendary Edition Stats Show 15% of Players Didn't Even Recruit Garrus
Calibrations needed
It was N7 Day over the weekend — Mass Effect's annual celebration — and BioWare provided some entertainment through a new set of player statistics based on choices from Mass Effect Legendary Edition. The stats make for an interesting read, highlighting things like character loyalty in Mass Effect 2, the endings of Mass Effect...
News Mass Effect Will Continue Declares New N7 Day Artwork
A tantalising tease
It’s been a particularly muted N7 Day so, frankly, you may be forgiven for forgetting about the event at all this year. Nevertheless, the team at BioWare has cooked up some new artwork to remind you that a brand-new entry in its space-faring series is in development: “Mass Effect will return,” the image defiantly declares...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Sales 'Well Above' Expectations, Says EA
Massive effect
EA has just enjoyed a very successful quarter according to the company's latest earnings report — and the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition played a big part in that. The remastered collection launched back in May, and EA says that it's sold "well above" expectations up until this point. "The launch of Mass Effect Legendary...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Stats Show Most Popular Shepard, Key Story Choices, and Much More
Paragon vs. Renegade
BioWare has released a fantastic infographic for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, detailing all kinds of stats and statistics based on the choices players have made across all three remastered games. Please note that some of these stats do refer to potential story spoilers. It makes for a really interesting read, especially if...
News BioWare Skipping EA Play, No Dragon Age or Mass Effect
RPG no-show
BioWare will not be presenting any of its projects during EA Play 2021 later this month, meaning neither Dragon Age 4 nor the new Mass Effect game will be in attendance. The latter is still many years away and wasn't expected to turn up on 22nd July 2021, but with the latest Dragon Age title having been shown a few times in the past,...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Patch 1.03 Fixes Trophy Bugs, Weird Eye Animations, and More
Shepard Commander
A new update for Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available to download now on PlayStation 4 (and PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility). Patch 1.03 makes some mostly minor adjustments, but it all adds up. Most notably, the update should fix an issue that was stopping players from popping specific, long-term Trophies — like...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
This is my favourite poll on the Citadel
After delivering our incredibly comprehensive PlayStation 4 review of Mass Effect Legendary Edition this past weekend, it's time to share your own thoughts on the vast collection. The game has been out for more than two weeks now, giving users lots of time to at least complete the first entry in the saga —...
Poll Who's Your Favourite Mass Effect Legendary Edition Squadmate?
Everybody's here
With the release schedule slowing down a bit for the time being (don't worry, it gets a lot busier in June), we wanted to go with a fun Friday poll this week. In case you somehow didn't know, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is out right now, and we're thoroughly enjoying Commander Shepard's quest to stop the Reapers all over again...
News Iconic Mass Effect Starship SSV Normandy SR1 Makes No Man's Sky Cameo
The best freighter on the Citadel
No Man’s Sky fans have discovered Mass Effect’s iconic SSV Normandy SR1 starship in the survival game’s latest Expedition. For those of you who haven’t been following Hello Games’ intergalactic outing, Expeditions are effectively time-limited crusades that see community members starting on the same planet...
News BioWare Would 'Never Say No' to Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Making a Return
Hold the line
We're still playing through Mass Effect Legendary Edition for review, but so far the remastered trilogy has surpassed our expectations. It is missing one thing from the old games, though: Mass Effect 3's surprisingly great multiplayer mode. BioWare confirmed that it wouldn't be included in Legendary Edition long before release, but...
News Huge 11GB Mass Effect Legendary Edition Patch 1.02 Available to Download Now
Get all the patch notes here
Crikey, Mass Effect Legendary Edition doesn't cheap out on the size of its patches. The three-game collection now has its first update since launch, and it weighs in at a gigantic 11.728GB. You'll need to set aside a good chunk of time to get this one downloaded. What does this patch do, we hear you ask? It's a good job...
Poll Did You Buy Mass Effect Legendary Edition?
Back to the future
After a whole console generation of waiting, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is finally here — a fully remastered and party reworked collection of all three games in BioWare's original sci-fi trilogy. What a time to be alive! Many an existing Mass Effect fan will no doubt have already had Legendary Edition pre-ordered, but we...
Hands On Mass Effect Legendary Edition Is a Massive Upgrade That Plays Better Than Ever
Good to see you, Commander
We've waited an entire console generation for BioWare to finally remaster the Mass Effect trilogy, but it looks as though our patience has been rewarded with a collection that goes above and beyond. Ideally, we would be bringing you a full review of Mass Effect Legendary Edition right now, but we simply haven't had it long...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has Three Platinum Trophies on PS4, 130 Trophies in Total
Reapers what you sow
Wow, if you're a hardcore Trophy hunter, then Mass Effect Legendary Edition is going to keep you very, very busy. The Trophy list for the upcoming remastered collection is now online, and it's gigantic. Each game in the trilogy has its own list, and there's an additional, smaller list that covers challenges across all three...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Download Size Is Massive on PS5, PS4
Even bigger in Europe
With Mass Effect Legendary Edition just over a week away (at the time of writing), we've seen quite a few people asking about how big its file size is going to be. After all, this is all three games from the original trilogy bundled into one release — and they've all been fully remastered and enhanced to boot. With that in...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Can Hit 4K, 60FPS on PS5, Up to 60FPS on PS4, PS4 Pro
Quality and performance modes revealed
BioWare has detailed the kind of technical performance that we can expect from Mass Effect Legendary Edition on PlayStation platforms. Before we get into the numbers, we should reiterate that Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a PS4 game — but unsurprisingly, it'll run best on PS5 through backwards...
News Easily Create Your Own Custom Mass Effect Wallpaper and PS4 Box Art with This Official Editor
Paragon or Renegade?
EA and BioWare have launched a webpage that lets you create your own custom Mass Effect art, just in time for the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition. The editing tool lets you choose Shepard's alignment, your favourite squadmates from all three titles in the original trilogy, and a suitable background. Once you've got your...
Live Mass Effect Celebrates Legendary Edition with Full Trilogy Soundtrack Stream
Massively effective bangers
A quick heads up for all you hardcore Mass Effect fans out there: the official Mass Effect YouTube channel is going live with a stream featuring the full original trilogy soundtrack, in order to celebrate the upcoming release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition. We've embedded the video above. In case you already don't...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Will Have a Photo Mode
BioWare's Mac Walters has broken the news that Mass Effect Legendary Edition will have a photo mode, allowing you to pause the game and capture your favourite moments. Considering how many memorable scenarios the Mass Effect trilogy has, this can only be a good thing. Walters also shared a screenshot, showcasing the newly announced...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Comparison Shows Some Massive Improvements
N7 heaven
BioWare has released an official comparison video for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, placing scenes from the upcoming remaster alongside the original trilogy — and the difference is night and day in most cases. As previously stated by the developer, it's the first Mass Effect that's received the most noticeable overhaul, both in terms of...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Goes Gold Ahead of Release in May
Lift off
It seems crazy to think that an entire console generation almost went by without the announcement of a remastered Mass Effect trilogy, but at least it's finally happening. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is now ready for its 14th May release date on PlayStation 4, as BioWare confirms that the game has gone gold. For those totally out of...
Massive effect
It seems as though BioWare has really put some work into the upcoming Mass Effect Legendary Edition. In case you don't already know, this is a collection of all three games from the original Mass Effect trilogy, remastered and enhanced for PlayStation 4 (and PlayStation 5, via backwards compatibility). Legendary Edition is out in...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Graphics Comparison Shows a Significant Step Forward
Massive effect
BioWare gave us our first real look at Mass Effect Legendary Edition last week. The remastered package includes all three titles from the original trilogy, touched up with improved character models, assets, textures, and lighting. It's also set to run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5 and PS4 Pro, with support for 4K resolution. We've...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Is Quite the Upgrade in Shepard Comparison Shots
I'm Commander Shepard
All three games in the original Mass Effect trilogy have received noticeable visual upgrades in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, but it's the first title in particular that's sounding more and more like it's had a real overhaul. BioWare has released new comparison screenshots taken from the upcoming remaster, this time showing...
News Mass Effect Legendary Edition Skips Pinnacle Station DLC
Corrupted data
Mass Effect Legendary Edition will contain more than 40 pieces of DLC when it ships on PlayStation 4 in May, but the Pinnacle Station expansion for the first entry won't be a part of the long list. That's because support team Demiurge Studios was the one to put it together during the PlayStation 3 generation, and the data BioWare...
Details on the remastered trilogy
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is shaping up to be the definitive version of the beloved Mass Effect trilogy. We already know that the original Mass Effect has had the most work done to it; BioWare confirmed that Shepard's first outing features a number of "gameplay enhancements" in Legendary Edition. We're talking...
News Mass Effect 1 Has 'Gameplay Enhancements' in Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Better everything, apparently
Let's face it: the original Mass Effect had already aged terribly when it was finally ported to PS3 in 2012, and here in 2021, it's a borderline disaster in terms of gameplay feel. Thankfully, BioWare has apparently taken the time to finetune the first game for Mass Effect Legendary Edition. The official site says that...