Tag: Fallout - Page 5

  • News Fallout 4's Far Harbor Expansion Sounds Bloody Massive

    Making waves

    Fallout 4's already stuffed with content, boasting one of the most dense game worlds that we've seen in quite some time - and it sounds as though it's about to get a heck of a lot bigger. The game's third piece of downloadable content, titled Far Harbor, is set to be a more traditional expansion, introducing a fresh location that...

  • News Sony Revokes Free Fallout 4 Season Pass Purchases on PS4


    You win some, you lose some – but you've always got to try. Sony accidentally listed Fallout 4's pricey Season Pass for free late last week, leading many to believe that they'd nabbed all of Bethesda's post-release content at a complimentary fee. However, it's since revoked access to the DLC, so you'll need to stump up if you want...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Isn't Too Far Off on PS4

    Best stock up on InstaMash

    Fallout 4's overhauled survival mode was confirmed weeks ago, but it's still yet to scavenge a concrete release date. The tweaked difficulty setting will require you to eat, drink, and sleep in order to survive, while healing happens over time, and ammunition has weight. Basically, it's going to make the game more of a...

  • News You Can Play Fallout 4's First DLC at Midnight on PS4

    North America has to wait, though

    Fallout 4's first slice of downloadable content, Automatron, is set to launch tomorrow on PlayStation 4, but Bethesda's revealed that European vault dwellers will be able to get stuck in as early as midnight. According to the publisher, the expansion will go live at 12:00AM across the Old World. However, you...

  • News Fallout 4's First DLC Looks Crazy, Launches Next Week on PS4

    Gotta build 'em all

    Automatron is shaping up to be the perfect excuse to jump back into Fallout 4, and we have to admit that we're intrigued by the add-on's official trailer. Judging from the clip, a lot of effort has gone into the main element of the download: robot customisation. The video shows off a load of different ways to build your...

  • News Fallout 4's Automatron DLC Comes Equipped with 5 New Trophies

    Risky robotics

    Bethesda still hasn't issued an official launch date for Fallout 4's first slice of downloadable content, but we know that it's due to release this month. Titled Automatron, the add-on sees your vault dweller repel robotic forces from the Commonwealth, collecting their parts in the process so that you can craft your very own...

  • News Fallout 4's New PS4 Patch Preps the Game for DLC This Week

    Atom bomb baby

    Update 1.4 for Fallout 4 will arrive on PlayStation 4 this week, according to Bethesda. The patch doesn't do anything overly exciting - unless you're a fan of making Super Mutant settlements - but it at least paves the way for the game's upcoming downloadable content. The first add-on, titled Automatron, is still set to launch at some...

  • News Want Fallout 4's Season Pass? We Suggest Getting It Now

    The price explodes tomorrow

    Consider this a friendly reminder that the season pass for Fallout 4 will jump in price tomorrow. In other words, today is your last chance to grab it for the more reasonable cost of £24.99/$29.99. Bethesda announced that the pass would be increasing in price earlier this month, following the reveal of the title's first...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Takes Things Way More Seriously

    It's a tough old world

    If you haven't already heard, Fallout 4 is getting a survival mode in a free update relatively soon. Much like Fallout: New Vegas' hardcore mode, you'll need to eat, sleep, and keep yourself hydrated in order to survive - but we could have guessed that this would be the case anyway. Nevertheless, Reddit's data mined some more...

  • News Todd Howard Says Fallout 4 DLC Is 'Pokémon-Esque'

    Gotta scrap 'em all

    Who doesn't love an easily exploitable quote, eh? Speaking to Game Informer, Bethesda creative director Todd Howard has spilled a little more information on Fallout 4's upcoming downloadable content. As you may already know, three add-ons have been announced so far: there's Automatron in March, the Wasteland Works

  • News Fallout 4 Mods on PS4 May Be Arriving This Summer

    A rough estimate from Todd Howard

    Mod support for Fallout 4 has been a big talking point - especially when it comes to us console players. How will they work? Will they be limited? How long will we have to wait? All of these questions and more have been spiralling for months, but sadly, we're still no closer to any definitive answers. However,...

  • News Upcoming Fallout 4 PS4 Patch Lets You Make Really Ugly Settlements

    Meat bags, anyone?

    Fallout 4's getting some new content courtesy of update 1.4, which has just entered the beta phase on PC. Alongside a slew of bug and quest fixes, the patch will add a bunch of new items that you can build at your settlements. These items aren't your average bits and pieces though - most of them take inspiration from the lairs of...

  • News Fallout 4 Finally Drops a Bomb with DLC Details

    Custom robots, taming monsters, and big expansions

    Bethesda's finally opened the vault door on its downloadable content plans for Fallout 4, and to be honest, they sound pretty interesting. The open world adventure will be getting three confirmed slices of DLC in the relatively near future, with more coming further down the road. However, we should...

  • News Fallout 4's Season Pass Is About to Get Pricier on PS4

    Start counting your caps

    Hmm. Either publisher Bethesda's doing us a brilliant favour, or it's trying to convince more people to buy Fallout 4's Season Pass before reviews for the content spill out. Either way, it's announced that starting from 1st March, the price of the pre-purchase will increase from $29.99 (£24.99) to $49.99 (£39.99). That's a...

  • News You'll Starve and Get Diseases in Fallout 4's Survival Mode

    You asked for it

    Fallout 4 is a funny game, isn't it? This author enjoyed his time with it enough to unlock the coveted Platinum Trophy, but looking back it's hard not to feel a little disappointed. For many people, that dissatisfaction set in right from the off, due to the sequel's watered down Survival Mode. Fortunately, developer Bethesda has...

  • News Fallout 4's New Patch Makes the Game Look Better on PS4

    Isn't that nice

    There wasn't anything too exciting included in Fallout 4's latest PlayStation 4 patch, but we're pleasantly surprised to hear that the update seems to have improved the graphical quality of the title on Sony's console. According to our pals over at Digital Foundry, who have run multiple tests on the game, Bethesda's blockbuster now...

  • News The Latest Bug Busting Fallout 4 Patch Is Now Available on PS4

    The fixer

    How many fixes can you fit into a 506MB patch? We couldn't tell you the answer to that, but Fallout 4's going for a record with its latest PlayStation 4 update. The patch was expected on Sony's home console last week, but clearly it was delayed. Update 1.3, as mentioned, features an absolute ton of bug fixes, big and small. It also adds a...

  • News Bethesda Promises Incoming Details on Fallout 4 Mods for PS4

    About time

    Yes, it would appear as though Bethesda still has plans for Fallout 4 mods on PlayStation 4. Although the developer confirmed last year that it was planning on bringing mods to the console versions of the game, we're still yet to hear any concrete details. That could all change in the near future, however. Replying to a tweet from...

  • News Fallout 4 Patch 1.3 Details Step Out into the Irradiated Air

    Loads of fixes incoming

    Fallout 4's next patch is entering its beta state on PC, which means that we've been given a glimpse of what's probably coming to the PlayStation 4 version of the game in the next few weeks. Needless to say, there are a ton of bug fixes included in this latest update, but that's not all. The patch notes - which you can read...

  • Soapbox Fallout 4's Biggest Improvement Is Stealth

    Michael acknowledges the Commonwealth’s underappreciated undercover

    Note: There are minor Fallout 4 story spoilers in this article. Fallout 4 does a lot of things wrong. The dialogue system is a mess, the perk tree feels dumbed down, and the lack of choices throughout the game is disheartening. You've probably heard those complaints a thousand...

  • Game of the Year #4 - Fallout 4 (PS4)

    Fall in

    Fallout 4 was easily one of the most anticipated releases of 2015, and it didn't disappoint. Without having to worry about squeezing its trademark open world formula onto last-gen consoles, Bethesda was able to craft a title that felt as though it wasn't limited by older hardware. Its latest vision of a post-apocalyptic North America is...

  • News Fallout 4's First Patch Is Here to Stabilise the Commonwealth on PS4

    Update 1.02 available to download now

    It's taken quite a while, but Fallout 4's first PlayStation 4 patch is here. As with Bethesda's previous game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the developer released the update on PC first, where users could beta test it before providing feedback. Weighing in at just over 500MB, the patch admittedly doesn't seem...

  • News The Witcher 3 Developer Shares the Love for Fallout 4

    CD Projekt Red is inspired by Bethesda

    Ah, CD Projekt Red. When you're not giving us free downloadable content and providing outrageously good expansions for low prices, you're praising other developers for their hard work - and it's quite heart-warming to see. What we often forget is that the people who make games tend to be a a lot like us -...

  • Soapbox Why Fallout 4 Has One of PS4's Best Open Worlds

    Kell Andersen reckons Bethesda's Boston is spot on

    "You see that nondescript object way over there in the distance?" a game developer in an ill-fitting outfit says as they wave their hands in the vague direction of a comically oversized projection screen splattered with images of their latest open world adventure. "You can walk all the way over...

  • News Fallout 4 Patches Will Copy Skyrim's Approach on PS4

    First update is coming soon

    Before its launch, Bethesda promised plenty of free updates for Fallout 4, and now that the game's been out for over a week, we're starting to hear how this is all going to work. Needless to say, the developer's now building future content, and the title's first patch should be releasing soon. There's no word on what the...

  • News Someone Made a Working Rubik's Cube in Fallout 4

    What a square

    Fallout 4's building system is just another mechanic slathered on top of what is already a pretty darn dense game, but we're beginning to see the fruits of the addition. One committed wasteland constructor has compiled 128 generators, 36 terminals, and thousands of wires to create an in-game Rubik's Cube. It took him/her 25 hours to...

  • Poll How Well Is Fallout 4 Running on Your PS4?

    We hope it's rad

    It's been about a week since Fallout 4 launched, so we think that it's a pretty good time to get some feedback on how Bethesda's latest is performing. As you're no doubt aware, the developer doesn't have the best track record when it comes to making games that run as they should - but from what we've watched and read around the...

  • Weirdness Adult Site Sees Drop in Traffic on Fallout 4 Launch Day

    High vaultage

    Vault dwellers found a different kind of joystick to play with on Fallout 4's launch day, as adult site Pornhub – not linked for obvious reasons – reported a 10 per cent decline in traffic on the day of the role-playing game's release. Apparently page views dipped at 05:00AM on 10th November, around the time most people would have...

  • News Keep an Eye on Your Calendar in Fallout 4

    Minor spoilers ahead

    If the tagline didn't already warn you, yes, there are minor spoilers in this article - that's why we didn't want to ruin everything with a headline that gives it all away. Something that we happened to stumble across in Fallout 4 purely because we were in the neighbourhood, Diamond City will celebrate the holidays if you...

  • News Fallout 4 Looks and Plays Fantastic on the Vita


    It's been a while since we've written anything about Remote Play, but this deserves its own story: Fallout 4 looks and plays wonderfully on the handheld format. Earlier in the year, Josh Hamrick tweeted that he was working around the clock to make the functionality dazzle in Bethesda's gigantic role-playing release – and the embedded video...

  • News What if Fallout 4 Featured Various Celebrities?

    Character creator put to the test

    Well, it didn't take long for a YouTuber to do some amazing things with Fallout 4's character creation suite, did it? The embedded video shows various famous faces recreated in Bethesda's colossal role-playing release, and while some are more successful than others, you could do worse things with your two minutes...

  • News Will Fallout 4's Robot Butler Say Your Name?

    Hours of fun await

    When Bethesda showed Fallout 4 off for the first time at E3 2015, studio lead Todd Howard mentioned that your robot butler, Codsworth, would actually say your character's name if it was in the title's database - he wasn't lying, either. When this particular author started the game and called his vault dweller 'Robert', for...

  • Round Up Fallout 4 PS4 Reviews Are Radioactive


    We've had Robert Ramsey locked in the Push Square vault for weeks now, and he's emerged with a 9/10 review for Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4. Of course, while we've got more post-apocalyptic content lined up than you can shake an irradiated stick at, it's always interesting to see what's being said around the web. Here are some choice...

  • News Fallout 4 Has a 500MB Day One Patch on PS4

    And it sounds important

    You'll need to download a 500MB patch for Fallout 4 if you want your game to be optimised before beginning your adventure on the PlayStation 4. We reviewed the title with the update installed, as it was actually made available to download days ago. We can't tell you the specifics of what the patch does, though. The update...

  • Feature Is Fallout 4 a Broken Mess on PS4?

    Judgement day

    Let's not beat around the bush: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim all launched in shameful condition on the PlayStation 3. All three games run on what is essentially the same, creaky old engine, which is one of the main reasons why many of you are understandably sceptical of Fallout 4's technical...

  • News Want to Play Fallout 4 All Day Tuesday? Pete Hines Has Your Back

    Butcher Pete

    For those few that are unaware, the hotly anticipated Fallout 4 releases tomorrow. Unfortunately, many of you may have other obligations like work or school to take care of before diving into the wastes. Have no fear, Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing for Bethesda, has taken the liberty of writing you a doctor's note:...

  • News Fallout 4's Launch Trailer Will Make Your Hype Go Nuclear

    Not long now

    Yep, you'll soon be hearing the sound of bombs dropping. Fallout 4 is mere days away, so evidently the time is right for Bethesda to deploy the game's rather intriguing launch trailer. If you want to go into the new-gen wasteland blind, however, you may want to look away now. The reasonably lengthy video shows locations and characters...

  • News Bethesda Reveals Graphical Changes in Fallout 4

    Graphics, graphics always change

    Bethesda has detailed the graphical technology that powers Fallout 4. For those unfamiliar, Bethesda will be using the Creation Engine to bring the title to life, which is the same engine that was used for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. That doesn't mean that the former will look like the 2011 fantasy RPG, however, as...

  • News Fallout 4 Features More Music Than Fallout 3

    Play it again, Johnny Guitar

    Fallout 4 has three times the amount of musical tunes compared to Fallout 3, Bethesda has announced. All of the tracks have been hand picked by the studio to fit in three distinct categories, according to Audio Director Mark Lampert. The first batch being those that many ears will recognize from artists like The Ink...

  • News Feed Your Hype with Loads of Fallout 4 Concept Art

    Big electric swords?

    We're at that point where anything even remotely related to Fallout 4 has people shaking with anticipation, so Bethesda's probably picked a good time to show off the game's massive art book, which will be available from its online store starting from the 22nd December. The 368-page tome contains concept art of all shapes and...

  • News Here's Why Fallout 4 Isn't Getting a Demo

    Pete Hines has spoken

    No, Fallout 4 isn't getting any sort of demo, but it's for a pretty good reason. Responding to a fan on Twitter, Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing for Bethesda, said it's not possible to cut up Fallout 4 into a small piece for a demo. Of course, this may not be that disappointing considering most people are...

  • News Here's 15 Seconds of Absolutely Brutal Fallout 4 Gameplay

    Just a flesh wound

    Well, the headline says it all. Bethesda's apparently started ramping up hype for Fallout 4 by releasing 15 second clips - and this first one focuses on a perk called 'Big Leagues'. The description reads: "You now do double damage with a melee weapon, and gain a chance to cripple your opponent, or grand slam their head clean...

  • News Fallout 4's PS4 Trophies Will Keep You Occupied

    To the bunker

    Let go of any remnants of a social life that you may be clinging on to: Fallout 4 is coming. The gigantic PlayStation 4 game is due out in a couple of weeks, and that means that its Trophies have started to appear on Sony's servers. You can view them all through here, but do be aware that there may be modest spoilers on the other side...

  • News If Carlsberg Made Fallout Beer, It Would Be Available from Amazon Now

    And it is

    While this author would probably prefer an ice cold Nuka Cola, Carlsberg appears to have put a jagged lid on the Fallout 4 hype by announcing that a range of branded beers are available from Amazon.co.uk now. The lagers – inspired by Bethesda's upcoming role-playing game – come in packs of 12, and promise a "refreshing zesty hoppy...

  • News Fallout 4 Is Done and Ready to Go on PS4

    Bombs are gonna drop

    Ah, we've been waiting for this announcement. Fallout 4's development is all done and dusted according to Bethesda's official Twitter account, which posted a picture of some lovely sealed copies of the upcoming release. With the game launching in just over two weeks, the hype is almost palpable, but the studio has left it...

  • News Get Lucky with Fallout 4's New Video

    Luck be a man with a magnum

    It's been a fun ride, but it's finally time to say goodbye to Fallout 4's charming little educational character building videos. Finishing off with the attribute that puts the L in S.P.E.C.I.A.L., luck is once again an interesting investment, as it determines critical hits in battle and can alter your chances of finding...

  • News Will Bethesda Make a Custom Fallout 4 PS4 Controller?

    We can dream

    Today, Bethesda revealed a special edition Vault Boy Xbox One controller - as pictured above. Maybe you're like us and immediately wondered if the DualShock 4 would getting the same stylish treatment? Well, according to Pete Hines, vice president of PR and marketing for Bethesda, the answer isn't a straight no. "I don't have info to...

  • News Fallout 4 Won't Have Performance Problems on PS4, Says Bethesda

    Do you believe?

    Let's face it: the big question regarding Fallout 4 right now isn't whether it'll be a good game - it's whether it'll actually run well on the PlayStation 4. Bethesda's open world titles have a history of bad performance on PlayStation, with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 3 both launching in shamefully shoddy condition on...

  • News Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition Becomes Available Again, Sells Out in About 10 Minutes

    No bombs here

    As if you needed any more convincing that Fallout 4 is going to be big, the game's Pip-Boy Edition, which includes a replica of the vault dweller device for your smartphone, reappeared on the Bethesda store earlier today, only to sell out within about ten minutes. The aforementioned collector's edition has been out of stock since the...

  • News Fallout 4's Live Action Trailer Is Pure Post-Apocalyptic Hype

    Next month can't come soon enough

    If you thought that you were excited for Fallout 4, you should have seen the Push Square office's reaction to its live action trailer. As charming as it is well made, it's all but guaranteed to get you hyped for the role-playing release, which is due out in - can you believe it - less than a month from now. As far...