Balatro Sales

Many would argue that Balatro was one of 2024's finest games. The insanely addictive card-based indie ended up on numerous Game of the Year lists — including our own — and its excellence has been rewarded with 5 million sales.

Balatro's a bona fide hit, then, and we're sure that its appearance at The Game Awards 2024 — where it nabbed three gongs — certainly helped.

"The last few weeks have been pretty wild," reads the official Balatro X account. "To everyone who picked up Balatro after seeing it at @thegameawards, we hope you're having an amazing time with it!"

"If this is your first time picking up an indie title, try to make it a habit! There's some amazing stuff out there!," the post concludes. And just for the record, we'd agree!

It's obviously great to see a title like Balatro strike such a chord — a game that executes a relatively simple concept extremely well, before building on those foundations to create something brilliantly unique. And generally speaking, this is what often makes the best indie releases so appealing.

Are you a big Balatro fan? Are you happy to see it do so well? Pick a card, any card, in the comments section below.

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