Sony has just released a new video, hosted by PlayStation's lead system architect, Mark Cerny.
Speaking in his ever-calming dulcet tones, Cerny's video is basically a deep dive into the technical side of PS5 Pro, explaining how the new console ticks.
It's a very interesting video if you're into the techy hardware side of things, but a segment towards the end of the presentation is perhaps most worthy of note.
Cerny reveals that PlayStation and AMD are partnering on a new project called Amethyst, which will see the companies collaborating on two goals centred around machine learning.

"The first goal is a more ideal architecture for machine learning — something capable of generalised processing of neural networks," Cerny says. He continues, explaining they're working towards a "democratisation" of machine learning, providing developers with the means to utilise it for graphics and gameplay.
The second goal is to create "a set of high quality CNNs (convolutional neural networks) for game graphics", which should be "key in increasing the richness of game graphics, as well as enabling more extensive use of ray tracing and path tracing", Cerny says.
Given the extent of this "multi-year" collaboration, this effectively confirms the PS6 will feature AMD hardware — which lines up with leaked information that came up a little while ago.
It's worth listening to Cerny talking about all of this himself; he begins talking about this project at roughly 35 minutes in.
Top dogs from several publishers, including Sony, have spoken about the potential benefits of using AI in game development, so it comes as no real surprise to hear that it'll be integrated at the system in some form or another. We're not entirely sure what it all means, to be honest, but we've no doubt more information will come our way as we edge ever closer to PlayStation's next console iteration.
Comments 69
So backwards compatibility is pretty much guaranteed at this point
"Flopflation Flive Flo" I don't understand the logic behind this site. It pretends to be a site specializing in PlayStation, but it's also a PlayStation hater site...
We most likely get our first glimpse at ps6 in the next 2 years as it will be released by 2028. I just hope their hardware that was 'leaked' or talked before isn't the case.
Let’s hope that AMD have been able to close some of the gap in technology between themselves and Nvidia by that point. It would be nice to have a more robust ray tracing and frame generation feature set for the ps6 launch.
@EddieGallad I believe "Flop" is referencing "Terraflops", not PS5 being a flop.
Fletty flupid flitle flou’ve flot flere!
There’s so much talk about hardware, but where are the games that make good use of it?
@EddieGallad It is a site focused on Playstation, however that doesn't mean they can't poke fun sometimes and have to shill 24.7
@SrpskaArtilerija they are waiting for us in 2025 😁
@Ravix true, I am excited for Mafia The Old Country and Indiana Jones 👍🏻
What I meant by my previous comment is that, compared to the PS4 generation, PS5 has been mostly lackluster (too many crossgen games)
FLOPSTATION, pssr is confirmed to be faulty and bottlenecking the whole console, old cpu from 4 years ago and rdna 2 gpu, the problem cannot be fixed with updates, mark cerny said "future hardware", rip to everyone who spent $800 on that lol
@EddieGallad dude where is the hate? it's a term used by Mark Cerny in the presentation, he's talking about how everyone inflated the number of teraflops (33), hence "FlopFlation", so the site is just joking, idk how you can't see that??
@SrpskaArtilerija I know, I get what you mean, 2024 especially hasn't been a marquee year for games that I want to play, either. I'm just glad 2025 is stacked now. A lot of those games were probably initially planned for earlier releases too, but sh** happens, resources spread too thin, live service distractions, strikes, some games started production during covid or 'work from home' times etc. The whole generation has been a little bit delayed, and a lot of games releasing with tech problems too, no doubt stemming from some of those issues.
People (not me) just spent £700 on their all powerful Pro model and now they're already talking about the next one!
It is pretty exciting to see how good the PS6 will be though.
@Ravix It was expected and, taking those factors into account, I think that Sony is thinking a bit early about going forward, with the release of PS5 Pro (which I still consider it as unnecessary, but many people here seem to be ok with it) and preparing the scene for the PS6 in a few years. It feels like buying a PS5 was a mistake and Sony is now in "mid-late 90s Sega" kind of mentality, where it thinks that PlayStation is too big to fail...
Is there any other tech or tech-adjacent fandom that gets this upset at even the thought of new tech?
Will not make the same mistake with a PS6.
I really hate Cerny’s voice
I seem to be in the minority of people thankful Sony are doing this. It shows commitment to console hardware moving forward, and intelligence in understanding we have reached the price limit for just throwing more chips in a box.
TLoU 2 gunna look sickkkk
I don't trust a word out of Cerny's mouth. All the promise of the original PS5 and we have seen hardly any of it.
The console was supposed to revolutionise game design, remove the loading screen, remove lower frame rates etc and none of it has truly come to pass.
I don't need more power without real meaningful upgrades.
Cerny talking
@alienwithin is this supposed to be bait, because god damn I haven't heard more crap since a group of flat earth nut jobs tried to "convert" me.
This is now an Xbox.
@Bamila I still don’t feel the PS5 has been pushed in anyway shape or form. Whilst I love new tech I’d love Devs to really showcase what a 10TF PS5 can really do 🙏🏻
I can listen to this man Cerny talk all day😊
EDIT: @x3King84😂
Honestly I’m just here for the games. Corny can have his hardware, I really don’t need anything to ever look better than Astrobot or Horizon. If I wanted more than that I’d watch a movie.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Medic_alert none of that is Sonys or Cernys fault though? It's on developers to utilise what they have. They make the 30 fps games (even though I haven't played a single on that's locked to 30 in the whole generation) is there even any? And loading screens. They're comparable to PCs I don't know what else people expect in that regard
@-Sigma- do it without watching, just listening and it'll feel like.. an audio book or something, such a different experience lol
@alienwithin I have a 4070, played HB2 and went right back to my PS5 afterwards. True 4k is absolutely pointless. And honestly unless you mod your games to hell the difference between console games and PC is very minimal. Forbidden West is still in the top 5 best looking games I've ever played.
@Andy22385 there are so many games locked to 30fps this generation, unless you're the type that doesn't play much, until dawn remake, dragon dogma 2, the quarry and so on, not to mention that some games ship with "performance mode" that is so inconsistent and you need to switch to 30fps mode for a stable experience.
@alienwithin there isn't though. Offhand I can't think of one game that's locked to 30. Like honestly can you name even one? Because I don't know any. None of those games you mention are locked at 30
I liked Cerny's PS5 deep dive video from a few years back and I'll definitely listen to this one.
This man needs to start his own ASMR channel 😅
@Medic_alert buy a 5090 then. They’ll probably only be around $2500 USD. 🥴
I think the PS6 will be the last true "console" generation we'll see, from Sony and Microsoft at least.
The PS5 Pro does 4k 60/120 fps and even pushes 8k 30/60 fps, depending on the game. If we see a graphical jump even higher than this, without the base PS5 to hold it back, the level of power and detail will just become unsustainable for game devs to truly maximize while also not dumping hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars into a single game.
I think my 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro is going to stay relevant for a LONG time
Nice, I'll be able to afford the ps5 base model by the time they release the ps6 pro😅😅
@MarkCernysLoveEgg pretty much , i think most people expected the ps6 the be b/c with ps4 and ps5. imagine if they did it earlier and went with amd with the ps3 we could have had ps3 b/c the whole time.
@rjejr totally agree this obsession with tech is killing the industry. Just produce more amazing games that appeal to a wider audience.
as long as the ps6 doesn't release during a pandemic i'm sure it will be much more smoother then the ps5 era. but i feel like the best years for the ps5 will be between 2025-2027, i doubt you'll see a ps6 till 2028 at the earliest or 2029/2030 at the latest.
@Andy22385 just making excuses my friend. Sony put out the hardware and Sony & Cerny decided to tell the world it would do these things. It has so far not delivered outside of a few instances.
You can't blame 3rd party developers when Horizon Zero Dawn remastered still has those loading screens on PS5.
It was all marketing speak and Cerny is just the figure head to gain public trust for the plop Sony want to tell everyone.
When PS6 comes out, PS4 will still be getting the new games. PlayStation shouldn't be focusing on innovating technology, they should invest in Innovating gameplay
@AgentGuapo that's just a silly thing to say.
I'd rather we just dropped the 'increased power' paradigm all together and looked at creative ways for gaming to fit into the modern world and way of life.
top presentations!
ChatGPT, please create a presentation where Wayne's World Garth has got his act together and now understands computer science
I hate it lol. Maybe I'm in the minority but kill the PS4 already. Keeping the old gens still in play this long prevents them from innovating with the tech they have.
Cerny talking about PS6 but here i am planning to buy a PS2 slim and collecting PS2 games.
@Luigia PS5 has been pushed in wrong ways (Unreal 5 chasing PC AI or higher core count features). We will have to wait until Naughty Dog's, Santa Monica's, Kojima's, or Insomniac's games to comes out on an internal PlayStation engine to see if PlayStation 5 can be optimized to suit its strengths. Otherwise this gen of PS5 hardware was a bit too weak and was a rushed pre-COVID machine to have PS4 games run at ~1440p~60fps and/or (I'm afraid to say likely) PS6 games running at 900p~30fps.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@PuppetMaster PS2 was a great console nothing with collecting the PS2 in 2024/2025!
@twitchtvpat I think 2030 is actually a best guess, enough time needs to pass to allow an affordable technology gap between the pro and the 6 while also keeping the costs down for the general consumer to afford the end product. I'd even say 2030 the earliest!
@Callmegil This is a problem for almost all big AAA & AA games currently. Only Indies usually care to innovate gameplay much anymore.
@kyleforrester87 not as good as TLOU part 1 tho
late 2027 or early 2028 when ps6 comes out fits into sony schedule of releasing new consoles every 6 to 7 years.
@kuu_nousee I used to own a PS2 slim but it was broken and it can't be repair anymore. Sadly some PS2 games are pretty expensives nowadays like Haunting Ground, Xenosaga, Rule of Rose, and Shadow Hearts.
Hmm - I always thought End 2028 (2027 unlikely but possible) for PS6, but from they way he was talking it sounded like ot may even be 2029.
@alienwithin then why are you commenting on a PlayStation website - to just get off trolling?
Medic_alert wrote:
This seems like an odd comment from you TBH. You usually make sensible posts. But surely you have to know this is all up to developers. Sony and Cerny make the hardware, it is up to developers how they choose to use it.
Several games have effectively removed the loading screens. See Spider-man where on PS4 there are load screen when you enter a building or fast travel, but not on PS5 (unless you want to turn on the subway animation)… it is entirely possible to remove load screens on PS5 and XSX (see Indiana Jones) but again this is up to developers.
Barring a small percentage of games most PS5 titles have an option to run at 60fps. But again you guessed it… this is up to developers.
The biggest barriers to more widespread changes is cross-platform development, budget/time constraints and studios working with older tools, workflows and mindsets. The last 3 take longer to change. But everything he said is possible on PS5 hardware… but he doesn’t make the games. (Till Knack 3)
Even cerny admitted that they were not able to reach the "holy grail" level of pssr because of system memory limitations, future hardware is needed aka ps6
@PuppetMaster for the price of those games you could buy a mid to high end PC lol.
@themightyant same can be said for you... you are usually sensible and reasonable ^_^ I understand what you say, but i think it is easy to throw the blame at others. It is their console, their eco system. Anyone can throw some wild marketing claim around and then blame third party, supplier and the whole world for not delivering. But hey you're the one who made the claim about a product that you are selling.
"My veggie burger contains meat because my patty provider cannot get the "no meat" right", "the car can't be charged cause nobody is providing you electric charging service", "my sweet lemon suger free lemon juice is not sweet cause no provider can get me sweet lemon"...
Deflecting blame on others for one of your product is just not responsible and accountable, not something you would expect from a strong brand. I mean if you can't ensure there is a viable logistic chain behind your product benefits you don't make wild claims about it... or even better you don't sell a product on benefits where delivery on promise is out of your control ^_^
Why do we need a PlayStation 6 let alone a PlayStation 5 pro when this generation hasn't kicked off yet
The direction for future development in graphics for next PlayStation is clear. And I don't like it a single bit. Sounds arrogant, but I do disagree with Cerny's claim that GPU rasterization speed hit the limit. There are still ways for it to be massively improved, at the cost of effortless backwards compatibility.
So instead PlayStation is set to render at ever decreasing resolution while boosting upscaling AI. But there's a natural limit to that approach: reconstructing too few pixels won't produce expected image.
That's a shame. The only good thing to it is that raytracing coverage will improve, thanks to lower rendering resolution. Yay.
@Kalime78 But the point is games HAVE mostly done what he said was possible.
Some games HAVE had no loading screens on PS5, it is possible on PS5 hardware. They HAVE mostly run at 60fps - with thousands of games on PS5 how many don't have a 60fps mode? a handful or two? - again it is possible on PS5 hardware. Where is the lie?
The only thing I think he stated that we haven't seen yet is some major design paradigm shift due to the SSD where the game can literally load in as you look around. I still believe this is possible, Cerny is an exceptionally technical guy and I don't think he was making bold statements like this without some sort of proof of concept.
But the trouble with that it is most games are multiplatform
and it would require every platform to do be capable the same, so it's only likely to happen on PS5, that limits the number of studios that would even try it. It would also take new tools, new engines, and new workflows and crucially new mindsets, all of which take time to take root and bed in. It was never likely to happen quickly. (though some bold indie might try it)
But again he didn't say this is what WOULD happen on PS5, he only said it was possible, and I believe him.
I suspect we will still see this design paradigm in some games but it might not be till PS6 when technology elsewhere has caught up and developers, engines, tools and mindsets have evolved.
Dear Sony,
In this season of giving, I want just two things from you. A PS6 with a BUILT-IN disc drive, & (this would apply to not just the future PS6, but would also like an update to PS5) the ability to copy my save files to a thumb drive.
@themightyant fair enough, but to me it still boils down to the same point, he mentions things that are not consistent in their product. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my PS stuff and have no reason to complain, and generally agree with you. But I have to admit that SIE tends to lean on the ***** in their marketing campaign. And i thought that you calling out someone for saying so was maybe a bit unfair.. I mean we are talking about PlayStation marketing here... they do tend to exagerate quite a bit (and/or use a tech guy talking about LT vision to let people infer this is what they will get) ^_^
@Kalime78 Basically ALL marketing is showing the best side of something, it's not limited to PlayStation and I don't think they are worse offenders than anyone else to be honest. But I guess we all interpret this a little differently.
Personally I think the PS5 is a brilliant and very balanced piece of hardware (as is the Series X) with very few weak aspects or bottlenecks compared to previous generations. I'm REALLY excited to see what studios, especially Sony first party, can do in the second half of this generation. Even though it's getting harder to do, I think we will be impressed.
Man - that was amazing Jumbo Mumbo! 'Matrix math', 'Convolutional/Delusional Neural Networks', '300 TOPS' (300 more TOPS than Xbox and Switch combined. Here's the math 2➗p➖), there's a 'System Bus' that can drive up to 128 MB around. Wow. I swear he's a tech wizard throwing motion vector spells my way. I feel like a Fully Fused Network.
( I truly, fundamentally, didn't understand a single word he said, but would still rate this to be the greatest youtube video ever. Peak Mark Sony )
Why is Mark Cerny and Sony mentioning references to PS6?! PS5 only recently has become readily available with stock within the past year at minimum. PS5 only has a handful of games that you can't get on PS4 and the only immediate one I can think of is Helldivers 2.
PS6 needs to be at least teased in 2027. We are entering in 2025 without games still releasing on both PS4 and PS5.
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