Rise of the Ronin PS5 Download Size

Rise of the Ronin may not be first-party project, but its download size certainly fits the bill. Following on from the enormity of fellow PS5 exclusive Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (which sits at a whopping 145GB!), Team Ninja's action RPG with eat up a considerable chunk of your console storage. As reported by the ever-reliable PlayStation Game Size, Ronin weighs in at not-too-crazy-but-still-crazy 96.3GB.

For a lot of PS5 users, we'll be at a point in the generation now where system storage space can be difficult to come by — especially if you've got two or three evergreen games saved to your SSD. You can always buy a bigger SSD, of course, but the console's default capacity is looking pretty small these days.

Did you expect Rise of the Ronin to be so chunky? Be proactive and make some room in the comments section below.

[source twitter.com]