As the fallout continues from Sony’s disappointing PS Showcase earlier this week, some rumourmongers who had been hyping the event have come out to save face. Tom Henderson, who accurately leaked the existence of the platform holder’s Remote Play handheld Project Q, took to a livestream to tease there’s “a few trailers and stuff I’ve seen that weren’t at the event which I was expecting to be there, so it’s a big surprise we only saw what we saw”. Despite claiming to have seen the trailers, however, Henderson didn’t say what they were.
So, what’s going on? Well, some fans think the upcoming Summer Game Fest could have more exclusive content, with host Geoff Keighley’s strong ties to Neil Druckmann and Hideo Kojima making The Last of Us Factions and Death Stranding 2 possibilities. Personally, we can’t fathom why Sony would forgo its own event in favour of an independent one, but we suppose we can’t entirely rule out the possibility until the curtain has closed on said show.
Another idea swirling is that the Japanese giant could have a second PS Showcase scheduled for later in the year. This, of course, isn’t impossible either: in the old’un days it used to host press conferences at E3, Gamescom, and several other conventions, so a second livestream isn’t a stretch. In fact, even during the PS5’s launch year, it had two separate events to showcase the system’s upcoming software.
But all of this strikes us as copium! As we know, Sony barely showed anything from its first-party studios this week, so it clearly has more to announce at some point. But it’s almost impossible to predict its strategy these days: even when you think you know what it’s going to do, like reveal major exclusives during its first proper livestream in over 18 months, it does the opposite.
Still, if these insiders really have seen trailers for various upcoming unannounced games, it’d be interesting to at least know their names. Perhaps we’ll get a follow up from Henderson in due course…
[source youtube.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 71
thats because alot of the games in development are years away
last of us factions will probably get its own state of play later this year
Tom Henderson is an active danger to games journalism. He’ll break embargos for clout which then results in smaller outlets not even being given codes.
In the space of Wednesday evening I went from frikkin’ hype 😄 to I’ll believe it when I see it 😡
I told you, showcase number 2 later this year.
It'd be a bit weird to sacrifice your own event but show games at Geoffs instead, though I suppose it also keeps Sony in the conversation when other games are revealed during that time
I don't believe for a second they did anything because of the ongoing Activision deal as I've seen suggested.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see
Really hope Xbox has an amazing show to force Sony to do a great show case this year.
Death Stranding 2 at SGF makes perfect sense since Kojima and Keighley are bros but other than that? Saving a first actual look at Factions for that event over your own showcase would be absolutely baffling.
But then again Factions not being part their showcase was quite baffling too so you know what? I got no clue I yield!
I don't think you need to claim to know something to say yeah some things will be agreed upon to be showcased at the big event summer games fest, anyone could predict that, for example FFVII Rebirth, I'd bet money we'll see more about that at Games fest.
It might make sense to unveil live service titles during summer games fest if they are launching on PC simultaneously, but if they have big first party titles to show it makes no sense to me.
I could see Death Stranding 2 being a Games Fest thing, but I don't really care about that one.
It would certainly make sense with Sony's current heavy push into TV and Film to reveal things like Heavy Metal and Last of Us Factions alongside their TV promotions as well.
Sadly this also feeds into the concerns that single player games aren't their focus anymore, especially when those aforementioned two games are live service ones.
Also, expect the Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 remake reveal to debut alongside the Amazon TV series promo
I'm not going to hold my breath. I won't bother wasting my time waiting for and hoping to see anything of significance. The days of me watching a Sony livestream are over. I'll catch highlights after the fact if there is anything even worth highlighting.
"Personally, we can’t fathom why Sony would forgo its own event in favour of an independent one"
Let's not forget that back in 2017 Sony decided not to do a keynote at PlayStation Experience because they didn't have much else to show after they did a show at Paris Games Week less then two months prior, so it isn't without precedence.
If Sony have held back it could for a combination of things such as drawing in a different audience at Summer Games Fest, waiting till after the summer before showing more? Who knows.
At this point, it is what is. Great games will be released and I will play great games. It’s disappointing that the PlayStation event was lacking PlayStation games, but…it is what it is.
It would be pointless to show all of their cards they’re holding with Summer Games Fest around the corner.
The problem is Sony is so conceded nowadays that they barely speak and when they do they think they can show whatever they want and there audience will accept it. When you have disengaged leaders like Ryan and Hulst this is what you get. I truly don't believe they thought they would get the blow back they did from those cringy live service games.
I really thought we'd see Silent Hill 2 although with Alan Wake 2 maybe they're saving it for a later reveal
I must have taken a big huff of copium, because I'm in the camp that thinks they're going to have another showcase in the fall. PlayStation can't be THAT out-of-touch to think that pathetic showcase was good enough for the year.
Reminds me of the fallout over Switch Pro rumor-mongering when that never surfaced, spreading rumors to try and damage control over your previous rumor turning out to be untrue.
I don't think this is it for first-party reveals this year, though. If nothing else, we're due soon for another PS5 --> PC port announcement. I could see a SoP with that, a Death Stranding 2 teaser, and maybe footage of the multiplayer TLOU game alongside the third-party stuff.
"I'm more excited about what we didn't show you!" - Phil Spencer, E3 2019, as Xbox continued to crater.
Seriously, Sony needs to get this PR crap together. They thought we'd slurp up a bunch of live services and be all hype. Not gonna happen. Show us the big guns or put someone in charge who will.
A second showcase in October/November would make sense, they would have the spotlight all to themselves, there would be no Xbox show, no Nintnedo Direct, No Ubisoft Forward and no Summer Games Fest to compete with, compared to or be over shadowed by.
Sony march to the beat of their own drum.
The spotlight is on Final Fantasy and Spidey for now. That's two pretty huge games to look forward to in the next 7 months. One of them just a few weeks away.
Naughty Dog just announced on twitter an update:
Basically more time needed before reveal and they also have a brand new single player experience in development.
I initially said straight after another showcase will come in the winter.
What if they’re so done with Xbox that they’re going to wait till their showcase and then drop the Last of Us trailer for Factions on Twitter.
Power move.
The only thing I am relatively sure of is that SE is not showing us more FF7 Rebirth until FF16 has shipped or nearly shipped.
Also Sony doesn’t want to feed the Xbox lawyers strategy 😅
@RBMango yeah I’m not full-on in that camp but it’s usually a thought I always have when they bomb showcases or state of plays like this lol. I hope it really happens but I don’t think it’s a huge possibility like that
The stupid reveal seems to be game for a lot of people these day.
I suppose there could be a 2nd showcase and they are holding off on the big guns to see what Microsoft do at their event. Though who knows with Sony.
We know they have plenty in development and some of those projects must surely be near completion, e.g. Team Asobi hasn't put out a full game release since Rescue Mission in 2018 (I'm not including the PS5 Playroom title 3 years ago). Also there's Bluepoints game, and stuff from, Sucker Punch, MM, Bend, Housemarque, Firesprite etc
However, if that's how they are playing it then it's only pissing off their own fanbase and not really giving people a season to switch from Xbox with the content of the Wednesday's showcase.
They didn't have any real push for PSVR2 and even put it in the shadow somewhat with the new handheld announcement.Can't understand why they didn't at least have a sizzle reel.
Back to the waiting game.
Like we all know there's a lot of games to come, why is everyone losing their sh*t over this
I don't even need bigger games.
I just only want more kids games I can play on PS4 / PS5.
@BeerIsAwesome Yes they did in 2020, one in June and one in September. So the same happening this year isn't out of the question.
Also they will probably want to show more of Playstation Q and maybe reveal that rumoured playstation 5 with a detachable hard drive.
@BeerIsAwesome That's correct, in June and September.
Could still be tied to the Activision deal. They always emphasized how "weak" they are, so they make a weak showcase to "proove it". And when the deal falls through they bring out their bangers xD
@carlos82 I suppose if they do show a lot of the games people are hoping for at summer games fest it'll be because that event has a larger audience and a larger proportion of people not already in the ps ecosystem.
Risky strategy if that's the case by alienating the current player base with this showcase but I imagine it's more a case of them not actually having much more to show.
Either way, good things come to those who wait and third party are still knocking it out the park in the meantime
Here’s hoping for Summer Game Fest and a second showcase closer to the holidays!
It was a mistake to go early on the showcase. If they have stuff saved for June they should have just shown it all together. You can forgive maybe Kojima being at the summer games fest but everything else should have been at the showcase. The reailty is that they probably don't have much to show until late in the year or the game awards...
The bad press and negative recation could have been avoided if they read the room.
@Americansamurai1and this is why competition is great the idiots who want Xbox to pull out of the games market haven't a clue
I'm starting to wonder if there's really much point in following these showcases in the first place. If a game releases, and is good, then you get a good game. If a game is announced and looks good, that doesn't really say anything. If a game isn't announced at all, you torture yourself wondering if it does, in fact, exist. Take it from someone who's been waiting on Half Life the Third for roughly a decade and a half: it's not really worth it.
People must stop referring to how things used to be done back in the PS3 or even the PS4 days. The comparisons simply don't hold up because the realities of games development have changed dramatically over the last decade.
The 3-year cycle is now the exception, with the rule being 5, 6 or even 7 years for a game to go from concept to release. Therefore, we need to adjust our expectations accordingly, otherwise we're poised to eternal frustration.
The alternative is to have games being announced half a decade before they come out. Not ideal, if you ask me.
I don't think so but if they are asking favors to someone to invent this reports means they know they ***** up. That is some progress here. Does that mean they aren't going to release only services next year? No.
The next 20 comments:
This isn’t day one for me - I’ll wait a year until it has had 28 patches and is on sale. / Not day one for me because I won’t play games with online requirements.
Oh wait.
That’s not applicable to this article.
My god.
How are people going to have anything to say??!!
…meltdown on push square impending …
Well then they massively miscalculated.
They hadn't shown anything in a very long time. This was the time to come out guns blazing to get everyone excited about this new gen.
Honestly, we are already talking about a pro and i struggle to find a reason why the 5 is even here at this stage.
I mean, they know best when they'd like to unveil their games. Why show everything 1st party when you have 3rd parties placing their faith in your platform? Why risk overshadowing what's to come in a few months for what's not coming out until next year or beyond? Ff16 is only weeks away so what benefit would there be to NOT place priority on what's next? We have a community too focused on being reassured of what's coming when there's no need for it. How many times has Sony not delivered? With their track record of consistency there should be no question in anyone's mind of whether they'll release good product or not. To each there own.
@Shepherd_Tallon i largely agree with you on that, I think they know they have FF16 and of course Spider-Man 2 but marching to their own drum could cost them if they aren’t careful. I know people will say but Xbox has Redfall and can’t be trusted. Fair to an extent. They could come out of this show with Forza, Starfield , Avowed, Indiana Jones, Contraband, and more if they do the whole trailer CGI bit. They have the studios to have a major release every few months. I am not saying they are breathing down Sony’s necks. Far far from until we see and play more from them. But after this show, i think if Xbox has a good to great show, Sony needs to up it a little and we know they have the capability and games to do that.
@Green-Bandit I've been wondering if Sony are thinking exactly what you are thinking.
Going by the rumours doing the rounds tonight, a few trailers were pulled from this week's showcase.
And we know that Sony love letting MS go first. They're like snakes when it comes to marketing.
It wouldn't be beyond them to fake a limp now to get the win later.
I keep saying that people need to get over E3 2016 and stop waiting for some kind of packed show full of knock out blows.
But, either Sony have fumbled their time table and they have nothing to show us, or, they're snakes.
@Shepherd_Tallon right, i mean that makes sense. Truthfully i still think for Both Sony and MS, they are seeing Dev’s struggle to catch up from Covid issues, new engines, new hardware, bigger fidelity games talking longer etc etc. i think both are seeing the struggles and we might not start seeing normal shows and releases until the 2024 time frame. Only thing is, if Xbox get’s ABK on top of what they have they could almost 2-1 Sony in first part releases, minus the COD’s, Minecraft’s etc that will be supported on both. I am a quality over quantity guy and I think Sony wins that, but if MS studios turn into both quality and quantity, that could be trouble to keep up with. I think with how expensive and time consuming these shows are, we have seen what Sony will show on a large scale, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a state of play later in the year.
Just my own bit of speculation to add to this article of speculation😋!!...
But seriously,yes some stuff could well get saved for Sumner Games fest...however,I think Sony might be a bit coy on possible future 3rd party & 2nd party exclusives lest they get caught up in CMA & possible FTC court proceedings.
Microsoft has waged a massive disinformation war online & through paid up donors of US Congress repeating the narrative "Sony pays to keep games off Gamepass!"...whilst they ignore Microsoft Xbox literally making exclusivity for smaller indies a part of getting onto Gamepass!🙄
And Nintendo have been no less active in return for Store prominence Indies & some 3rd parties be tied into exclusivity windows etc.
They all engage in exclusive deals...Sony is the only one that gets burnt at the stake for it!
"Was my 'leak' so out of touch? No, it is the Showcase program that is wrong"
Copium, copium everywhere.
If Sony wanted to go second, they would not have arranged for their showcase to go first, after Microsoft had already announced their showcase months ago. Makes no sence, absolutely zero.
Alot of first party studios have recently released a game, or have only recently started making a game. It's a simple case of nothing is ready yet. People just need to relax a little, making games is hard
Tom Henderson and all the other "insiders" are just trying to save face, as they kept saying how amazing and stacked the show would be. That they had seen the lineup. Now everyone knows they are not really insiders, dont really know anything, and just throw mud at a wall.
A broken clock is correct twice a day. Say enough stuff and eventually they will be right about something. I don't know how many times they have to be wrong, until people stop listening to them. It's tragic
@Green-Bandit That's a fair point about recovering after covid. Hadn't considered that.
As for the 2-1 studios scenario, that's an interesting topic too.
I think there are solutions to that. Not instant solutions, but it will be interesting to see how Sony address it.
Spencer has said he wants a big first party title every 3 months.
Ryan has said he wants two a year, but SIE are also leaning heavily in to third party stuff like Stellar Blade.
@Sakai Regarding "copium", we're all just bantering and speculating. Just having a little fun.
Our emotional stability is not tied up in the success or failure of PlayStation.
Your other points are probably exactly right btw.
Again, we're just spitballing scenarios.
yet insiders and leakers couldn't for come the held back, this is totally bull@it.
If I remember correctly, last year The Last Of Us Part 1 was announced at a Keighleyfest not long after Sony held a State Of Play. So there might actually be some truth to this...
Sony took the piss out of Microsofts next showing. Sony showed all the major 3rd party and indie stuff so Microsoft will have little new stuff to show. Meanwhile, later this year, Sony will have a bunch of new 1st party stuff to show. Their strategy is a good one and it's going to hang MS out to dry. Again.
@spoonard Sony wanted to show stuff but they are not ready, why is it so hard to shallow?
Not being ready to show some things now worked out for Sony. Because after MS has its showing (of stuff Sony already showed) then Sony will have more new stuff that will be ready to show. Is that chain of events hard to follow?
@Ichiban you have a bloomberg report that the factions heldback and needs more time, you have a Naughtydog announcement that the game need more time and still you hope they will show stuff at Geoff show? If Sony underestimated it's own show just to give Geoff 1rst party content this would be the most ridiculous strategy in the history of the game industry, just can't believe this is true.
@spoonard this is a theory out of the stratosphere if you ask me, but what ever suits your narrative bro.
It makes sense to me that Sony would want something at Summer Games Fest. Remember last year's Game Awards when Xbox provided absolutely nothing and got ridiculed by the internet for it?
@Shepherd_Tallon yeah I agree it’s going to be interesting if MS can pull off a AAA game every 3 months and it don’t suck. If they do that and have it on GP, that is disruptive to the industry a little. Sony in my opinion would need to find more support studio’s to help speed up some projects. However for the foreseeable future Sony still has the more known and desired first party titles. Now if only they would show some love to Socom and Sly Cooper. 😀
@Arxagelos It's literally what's going to happen, dude. Microsoft is going to have a show next, right? What are they going to show? Starfield and a bunch of 3rd party stuff Sony already showed. Then Sony will have a State of Play to show off their 1st party stuff for the holidays. It's not a theory, it's just what's going to happen.
@AdamNovice @UltimateOtaku91 Yup! I'm predicting Showcase number 2 will happen in September 2023, worse case October if there's a delay.
@Green-Bandit I think I've been under appreciating socom. I only played the first one back in the day (loved it), but I see everyone talking about it all the time now.
This is some premium levels of cope.
Can't help but find it amusing that when they were announcing the likes of TLOU2 and GoT, I think they dedicated a whole e3 to those in particular. People complained prior and after it though because they'd shown some of the games far too early.
Fast forward to today and people are demanding we see these games now even though it likely is also far too early.
Devs can't win.
@Shepherd_Tallon yeah i liked Socom a little back in the day. I think the tech we have today could turn it into a good shooting franchise for PS. Some older gamers would recognize the name and maybe be more open to trying it. Not saying Sony needs a shooter cause of the COD deal with MS. But in general the PS needs more first party variety and they are trying that this gen. So why not have a good shooter series to go next to the action/Adventure games. I could be dead wrong on that and Sony may see no reason to build a shooter and just stick to COD. Time will tell, or build something new even.
I feel like people are pretty impatient these days , I’d rather studios work hard on bringing the best games possible , then when they are ready to start showing. As much as I would enjoy these announcements you can’t blow all your announcements in just one show case either
@daveofduncan exactly this
@daveofduncan the internet is full of petulant children who look like adults. After the showcase, same as before, I know what I’ll be playing and am having fun playing what I’m playing now. Imagine seeing maybe 10 games and being so upset because you believe those are the only 10 games that’ll be released? I dunno…
@SgtTruth re4 on the quest is a vr version of the old game ps5 psvr2 version is the remake in vr.
this 100%, all looking silly now after such a lame show, and all their 'insider leaks' turn out to be bs
I don’t think they held back as such, they just didn’t think certain games were ready to show an do them justice. I don’t get all the abuse. We know for a fact we have Spiderman 2, Ff16, Wolverine, Ghost of Tsushima 2, TLOU Factions, KOTOR, etc. Xbox has Starfield an Forza M, then there’s the Indiana Jones game which is a long time off. These games will be shown when they’re ready to show an wen they release each one will be a 10/10 across the board as PS AAA exclusives always are.
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