Gotham Knight's release date is fast approaching, with the gritty cooperative action game coming to PS5 on the 21st October. It's interesting, then, that we got a launch trailer more than a week ahead. We will forgive this specific faux pa on account of the pure awesomeness on display here and our particular teenage nostalgia for its chosen backing track.
We get to see much of the vaunted Rogues Gallery of the Batman universe, with many of the Dark Knight's most fearsome foes getting their moment in the spotlight. From the Court of Owl's imposing enforcer, the Talon, to the psychotic Harley Quinn, Oswald Cobblepot's Penguin, and Mr Freeze, just to name a few. All get their moment to shine, and we get some tantalising gameplay snippets throughout.
Also, word to the wise, apparently some spoilers have begun to crop up for this one, on messageboards and on Twitter, so if you are hyped and want to go into the experience fresh, exercise some caution online.
Are you excited about the release of Gotham Knights? How awesome are/were the Yeah Yeah Yeahs? Don the cowl in the comments section below.
Comments 15
@Sequel I think it was the way the game was initially revealed/marketed, because I remember thinking the same thing haha
This is one of the best in game trailer I've seen for awhile now.
Super stoked to play this on launch and find out what happened to Bruce.
Gonna main Robin first.
So this is a full story game ? No live service crap 4 player coop *****? Nothing like marvels avengers?
Marvel's avengers were fun for the first 5 hours then the "campaign" ended and the online action started and I never played it again
Didn't this game have a bunch of needles rpg mechanics when it was first shown am I miss remembering that ? This was a really cool trailer I really hope I'm wrong about the rpg stuff
@Otherbarry yes, enemies will have power levels and you'll loot weapons and armor.... so, it's not like any Arkham game before!
Got a feeling this is going to end up sitting around high 60s on metacritic...but I am getting it day 1 simply because of my love for all the Arkham games series along with Mass effect from the 360/PS3 era
There is zero chance that Bruce isn’t a Talon. Of anyone thinks that WB aren’t having their cash cow, Batman in this they’re mad
@RogerRoger anything’s better than cat woman at least
I simply don’t understand all the skepticism and hate this game has been getting. I think it looks like it’s gonna be a ton of fun and this trailer only confirms that further. Can’t wait to play on Day 1 as either Robin or Batgirl (my co-op partner is dying to play Nightwing, who’s his favorite hero. 😉).
@DETfaninATL I'm with you. I've always liked all the Arkham games as well so definitely a Day 1 buy for me. I feel like there will a lot of Red Hoods. That's would be my first choice.
@RogerRoger I was planning on playing as Nightwing first but currently digging the move set of Tim.
@kejsi-sensei I was afraid of that ah well I'll just wait and see . I have a feeling this will suffer the same fate as the avangers game did . You could have had a really unique action coop game with out the leveling system. I feel to many games are trying to add rpg elements in games that don't need it for the sake of replayability
@Bamila That is correct, this is a full story game with no live-service games as a service BS.
You can play it in co-op, but that's entirely optional. The game is still very enjoyable as a single player experience.
Honestly was dubious about clicking play because, like Deathloop, this game has been over-marketed. But gotta say that trailer was fantastic. My flip-flopping on this game continues, the combat still looks pretty floaty, but i'll be waiting for reviews with a little more excitement. Here's hoping they pulled it out the bag.
i dont belive the bat is deed he will appear in it just write it in when the game starts to tank 🤣
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