Mere days after the Horizon Forbidden West debacle, which saw Sony backtrack on its decision not to offer a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade, fans are patiently awaiting more information on the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, which remasters Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy for next-gen.
The title will be available to purchase on PC, of course, but what about those who already own the buccaneering adventures on PS4? The lack of clarification suggests you’ll be paying full-price, but we’ll check with Sony and update if we get more information. An official Naughty Dog blog post simply points out that more details will be shared nearer release.
It’s important to remember that remasters don’t grow on trees, but with the PS5’s excellent backwards compatibility, consumer expectations are different these days. The Last of Us: Part II was updated to run at 60 frames-per-second free of charge, so while it’s possible even more effort will have been invested to upgrade these titles, Sony will need more charisma than Nathan Drake himself to convince fans to pay full-price for these adventures again.
[source naughtydog.com]
Comments 113
Oh no, not this again 🤣
I doubt there's going to be any kind of upgrade path. It'll probably be a full $60 collection.
And I doubt Naughty Dog will reverse their decision like Guerilla Games did with Horizon.
Don't want to sound pessimistic, but this is what my gut is telling me.
Was it not announced that these would be an extra tenner from now on?
@nessisonett Somehow, I get the impression that doesn't apply here.
By the time Naughty Dog actually show us anything from Factions the real life apocalypse will have arrived 🙄.
It will definitely be €10.00 to upgrade. They said everything after Horizon would be a paid upgrade, didn't they? Or did I read it wrong.
Edit: I read it wrong. My bad. Getting back on track, I'll be surprised if there's an upgrade path here at all.
@get2sammyb This is more confusing than Abandoned 😂
Whoever is in charge of things this generation clearly doesn't actually play video games. Every single decision is geared towards squeezing as much money from their loyal fans as possible, instead of genuinely trying to move the medium forward. I honestly think these decisions will come back to bite them in the a$$/ar$e.
Not counting on it, just like there wasn't an upgrade path for Spider-Man Remastered. Sony evidently wants to make this its third generation of re-selling you games that you already bought.
If they have nothing to say, expect nothing.
Well I was pissed about the $10 PS5 upgrade fee for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 & Horizon Forbidden West's nonsense (I still am) but expecting an upgrade path from a remaster is quite a stretch here bois.
If I recall correctly, there was none offered for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection & The Last of Us Remastered even in the PS4 days. It's safe to assume the same would apply for the PS5 as well.
Edit: We didn't even get one from Spider-Man: Remastered & even that is locked behind the Miles Morales Ultimate Edition.
@shamirqushairi well if you buy the ps5 version then you won't have to upgrade those games
In this pandemic world it is safest to assume the worst...especially when faced with such mighty first-world problems
@get2sammyb Looks like this is due to the timing of the Uncharted movie being released Feb 22, so they have something on shelfs and digital store fronts to sell. But i'm up for it, I wonder if it will have the multiplayer component as id be more hyped for that to keep it on my SSD and play with friends again.
Yes its coming next year folks, nah cant wait that long ill just dive into the game, I’ve been waiting so long for the ps5 version but based on the IG post is coming next year.
I’m willing to bet this is a full price game.
I don't expect free, but I also expect more than 4k and 60fps as we basically already have that for the PS4 version. Hopefully Naughty Dog detail exactly what has been enhanced soon.
Given modern Sony though, the pessimist in me expect $50 minimum with only 4k 60fps and no upgrade path. I half expect a $100 collectors edition with steelbook and a Naughty Dog sticker. I expect full gouging at this point.
@twitchtvpat That's a weak counter argument given that most can't reliably secure a PS5 in the middle of a global chip shortage, in the middle of a pandemic (where one might wait out a few years more to save up enough funds before securing a PS5) & given what the competition is offering in the form of Smart Delivery.
@Telekill Don’t forget it being an empty steelbook with a code inside the box!
@nessisonett Believable these days.
@shamirqushairi you are worried about the ps5 version when you don't even own a ps5
@twitchtvpat You are a perfect fit in Jim Ryan's team. 😄
Wait, now people expect a free PS5 version for a game they bought in 2016?
@shamirqushairi then why worry about something you don't even own ?
It’s cool for people who haven’t played it/don’t have it but for everyone else they mostly just wont bother buying it again. No big deal though, if you want it then buy it if you don’t then don’t. The writer of the article is obviously trying to create a storm in a teacup by using the do whatever it takes to get views approach to writing
I doubt it will have any form of upgrade path as it's getting a new name as a collection. They would have to verify if the account owns both games and (probably) that Uncharted 4 was bought and not part of the ps+.
I'll pay for the PC port and no more, and I say this as a Collector's Edition owner.
I am sure they will do the same they did with Miles Morales and say the remaster of Uncharted 4 is only available if you buy the $70 package. Also doubt they will bother offering a $50 disk with only Lost Legacy this time.
I’m just shocked they didn’t call it “The Directors Collection”.
I’ll likely just wait for the inevitable sale, as usual.
@Deadlyblack I don’t think the developers have a word when it comes to pricing and marketing. That’s all publisher stuff.
I bought both games at launch. Big supporter of naughty dog and there uncharted series. But I'm not gonna pay full price again for the games if no upgrade path will be available.
I mean why bother replaying a game that came out only a few years ago for slight graphical upgrades? I went from a 1070 to a 3080 last year and had no interest replaying games just for a higher framerate and more detail.
Can't wait see those that crapped on the Skyward Sword remaster for being $60 praise this $70 remaster if Sony decide to be insane with the price.
I have a feeling that Naughty Dog will release only a single game for PS5. Until they find a way to do another leap in ultra-realistic graphics, they won't release anything.
Hopefully it won't be just Last of Us multiplayer.
I guess this is only good news for the PC crowd (who are complaining about the lack of Uncharted 1-3 ports). I won't pay even a tenner for a slight bump in graphical fidelity. To me both games are still stunning. I kind of expected an announcement from ND like most people and I'm as disappointed as they are. ND are releasing fewer and fewer games with each gen it would seem.
The fact that the slapped the title 'Remastered' on it means that there isn't gonna be an upgrade path to it. Probably gonna charge 39.99 or 49.99 for it.
£69.99 Standard edition
£79.99 Digital deluxe edition
Backwards compatibility is good enough for me.
Here we go...lets poke them all again..maybe when there is definate 100% clarification exactly what the presumed upgrade cost will be should you maybe consider approaching this..seeing from previous posts how rabid some people on here can be and how nasty and downright ignorrant to others oppinions they are you would think pushsquare would actually learn not to rattle the cage but no..another article designed innocently i'm sure to bring out the worst of us...hooray going to enjoy this ride today..
a pass from me i thought uncharted 4 was poor and way too long and dragged out way way too much climbing. lost legacy was slightly better because it wasnt so long and stretched out
Was there a pathway for all the previous remaster collections?
Seriously, I'd get it if it were coming from someone who's ignorant but everyone else has no excuse.
@Northern_munkey careful. If you criticize Pushsquare, it makes you a Sony fanboy, as a writer of the site said a few minutes ago. Criticizing Sony is A-OK, of course.
No upgrade path, no buy.
@naruball i am a sony fanboy and i refuse to apologise for it..sorry trolls and girls but there it is..i also refuse to praise sony for there mistakes and blindley knock them too because its cool..i like pushsquare but when its speculation they base an article around i think its bad form and just incites the usual suspects..
I really don't want to play collectibles -the video game again on PS5. I will platinum the ps4 versions on ps5 and be done with them. Imagine that the first big announcement of Naughty Dog's involvement on the PS5 is a repackaged remaster, and Insomniac already have their third and fourth title already lined up...
They should just make up their minds already. My favourite option would be that Sony publishes their games as PlayStation releases (without a number). If it is a ps5 exclusive then say that ps5 is a minimum requirement. If Sony wants more money for their exclusives they should stop devaluing their games, just because they are +6 months old. Zelda breath of the wild still goes for 50-60€ and rightfully so. Nintendo understands the value of their games. Imho God of War, uncharted etc are still worth that price. Sony should just quit the half measures and short changing and have some balls for goodness sakes.
Highly doubt it. These are remasters repackaged, not a cross-gen release. Your upgrades are for games that release cross-gen simultaneously. Atleast that seems to be the premise so far.
Either way there will be a "bleep" storm when and if that's the case.
I also don't think these games need a remaster. They already looked great on PS4, if anything a 60fps patch would have been enough.
@get2sammyb where is the Unchartered portrait from please?
@Northern_munkey yup. Couldn't agree more with everything.
I've just finished Uncharted trilogy and was looking forward to play Uncharted 4 from Playstation Plus Collection. Having skipped the entire PS4 generation, I love all the remastered and re-releases, but unless the remastered brings new story to the table, I'm not going to pay full price for this. Especially if I can get the games for free instead (or very cheap in case of LL). Will probably play Persona 5 while waiting for more news on this release
Personally I think 4k and 60fps patch would be enough for those games. I've enjoyed all the games from the trilogy, despite sligthly outdated graphics - the story is what kept me going.
It turns out the real final boss is Sony’s communication. Good grief history is repeating itself often on this issue.
Fun fact: the first article I ever read on this site was roughly a year ago regarding Spiderman 2018 not getting a free upgrade. We haven’t come very far 😑
I don't see a need to offer an upgrade here, If you have the game then play it, if you don't then maybe you want to buy it. This is really just a re-release for new players.
Not expecting an upgrade for a collection.
How would that even work? It's 2in1 but you can get them separately if you already own them? Doubt it.
What's interesting here is that it apparently comes to PC a little later than PS5.
Nintendos being doing these sort of things for years and no one bats an eyelid, Sony starts doing it and it's the end of the world.
I don't understand PlayStation anymore. Why bring Uncharted 4 to PC when it's the end of the series story? They miss everything that led up to this.
Second these games already look great, sure they will look better but why? I'm sure conversion from PC to PS5 is a push of the button/little work thing but still.
I'm also positive it will be full priced even if you owned both games and that is NO SALE for me.
They have given it a different name to justify charging full price rather than the PS5 upgrade price I guess. I could be wrong but then they would still charge double the announced upgrade price from last week as it is upgrading two games.
Hmmm, how about this for an idea (I know it won't be popular).
We wait... until they announce what the pricing structure is!
Then we can celebrate/moan, comfortable in the knowledge that we have the facts in front of us.
@get2sammyb @nessisonett They had some slippery wording (in brackets) in their statement the other day:
"PlayStation first-party exclusive cross-gen titles (newly releasing on PS4 & PS5)–both digital and physical*–will offer a $10 USD digital upgrade option from PS4 to PS5."
Legalese BS. I suspect they see this an exception to the $10 rule but we'll see.
I played both on PS4 Pro and loved them both. But I'm not sure I want to replay them again on PS5 at any price.
@Futureshark there we are..a voice of reason amongst the chatterings and pan bangers...
I think dreaming about an upgrade path is just that, a dream lol Full price is the Sony way, it seems
I see this as being mostly for pc users or people who skipped PlayStation the last couple gens. I'm fine with the PS4 versions, I don't feel any desire to pay for these games a third time, even if it is $10, or even play them again for free.
@The_New_Butler As individual games agreed. But it is as a new collection, I grew up with lawyers and this is just the sort of slippery words they use to get around it.
Hopefully concerns are unfounded but I expect this to be full price. Though I hope it's not. And if it is I'll have my pitchfork at the ready
Well, I imagine if someone wants to buy a new product they’ll need to pay for it. Unless Sony want to be exceptionally charitable. Which whiners might get them to be.
If it's a $10 upgrade or $20 since this is technically 2 games I'll bite. If there is no upgrade I'll just stick with the PS4 versions until the price comes down. Simple.
Why on earth would there be an upgrade path? This is getting stupid now.
They are remasters so they are stand alone. Buy them or don't buy them simple really.
Too many people think the world owes them something. 🙄
@The_New_Butler Agreed you're probably right on the lower pricepoint. But hope there is SOME sort of offer for those that own both. Though this is difficult as you could only verify one game physically in the system at a time, so a digital only offer? Complicates things.
I strongly believe Sony’s upgrade rules and plans will turn out to be the New Silent Hill game and we are all already playing it.
These games are 4 and 5 years old.
Stop expecting everything for free.
Now this will be interesting won't it...will it be £70 for ps5...£60/50 on pc? How do you spin that when the pc version will have more graphics options meaning more work has gone into it...right?
Also, I guess we can stop putting lost legacy as the next PsPlus game now?
Simple case with every remaster. If you loved it the first time around and think it's good value, you'll probably buy it. If you're okay with the PS4 version, you don't buy it. You can buy it for €15 or less on PS4 right now.
There must be a serious internal mess happening within Naughty Dog if I were to guess.
No danger, they have been pretty clear that the only other games they are considering 10 quid upgrade for is god of war and gt7. This is a whole new purchase inevitably and versus smart delivery, it sucks. I have Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo systems and Microsoft have handed the Cross gen stuff much better. If they charge 70 bucks for this, its right up there with Nintendo charging 50 for skyward sword then linking fast travel to a lump of plastic. Naughty dog are some of my favourite developers in the industry but I'll be waiting until they give these away on plus or its sub 20 quid before I dip.
I’ll pay for this on PC, should be able to run this at 4K over 100fps
I’m buying keep arguing about free upgrade paths or whatever if you liked/loved the games and want a next generation experience of it just buy it
Are we seriously remastering a PS4 game that was a remastered PS3 game and calling it a new full price PS5 game? Are we seriously that low at this point? Who is the market for this? Is this for kids that just entered and never played these games on the two prior generations? Is this for die-hard ND fans who will buy every iteration of the same game forever like it's Mario 64? I really can't tell who this is for.
As much as I would love a free/cheap upgrade path, surely these games were released too far back to have any realistic expectations of such. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and I would have thought a year back, two at a push is as much as we could really hope for.
@The_New_Butler bull indeed. That's why Mario Kart WiiU is still topping the Switch charts. Because Nitny fans are not ok with it. Clearly. Let's not even discuss how badly the psone retro console did as opposed to the NES classic. Or even the super Mario collection with zero upgrades.
@NEStalgia what ps3 remastered game are you talking about?
@NEStalgia could be for people who have never owned a ps3 or ps4...i know it sounds silly but there could be these people out there that the ps5 could possibly be their first sony console so its not much of a leap to think these could be aimed at those...think outside of the box bud...theres a whole world outside of your confines..
@naruball i think he is on about uncharted 1,2 and 3
I predict a 59.99 price point, no 'upgrade' fee for those who already own both titles on PS4, and a few months after release and sales dry up, it'll be the free PS5 title in the PS+ lineup. Should have just done the fans a solid and released a 60fps patch for the existing PS4 titles, but I get they're reselling this to make a quick buck and milk the hardcore audience.
@naruball Uncharted 1-3 - PS3 games, that were remastered for PS4, now remastered for PS5.
@Northern_munkey If it were trapped on PS3 forever I'd agree. But they already remastered it for PS4 which works fine on PS5. And given how popular PS4 was there can't be that large of a market that didn't own one that's now buying a PS5, other than, like I said, younger players that didn't game or gamed only on Nintendo before.
But it's a remaster of a remaster that already runs on the same console. And it's just a remaster, not a Bluepoint remake. It still looks basically like the PS4 version with modest improvement. And that's even glossing over that this is what most publishers give as a free patch.
Ok bud whatever..
Who the hell asked for these?! What a waste of time & resources. Enough with this, just release a patch for these games & be done with it. If that can't be done, don't bother then. Man what a waste of time.
Ok... remaster aside... I do like the wallpaper art displayed. I wonder if that'll be the cover art?
@NEStalgia when did Sony announce that Uncharted 1-3 are being remastered for the ps5?
@naruball oh geeze, until you said that, I thought what's what this was. Only now did I realize this is legacy and 4?! Omg that's even worse. Why oh why did this need a remaster? 4 is even in the plus collection. It has a pro patch already. It's FREE for newcomers with plus!! It already looked as current as the new crossgen games.
This one is just plain strange.
They have given away Uncharted 4 to l majority of PS5 owners, so why would they then say "because you have this game we gave you for free, have this other thing we spent months working on for free"?
It doesn't seem to make sense to make the upgrade free when the original product that would be required to get the upgrade is also free.
@NEStalgia It doesn't need a remaster. They just want something out when the movie will be released, hoping it will drive sales, like The Witcher Tv series did. That would be my guess.
Or, since they're releasing it on PC, they wanted to avoid the backlash from people who would feel cheated that they have to play the ps4/inferior version on their ps5.
I was wondering this as well. But by "upgrade path" I knew it wasn't going to be Free, I understand Horizon is the last one to do this. I just want to know if it'll cost me $10 (or maybe even $20 for both games)...or if they're expecting me to pay full price for a release. I'll gladly do the former...the latter is going to have to wait for a deep deep sale.
@TheViper4Life considering that it's a collection and there has never been a path for collections, I see no reason to believe it will be anything but the latter. Waiting for a deep sale makes perfect sense.
@Arnoldlayne not literally all...only PS Plus. I am betting that is a very high percentage though.
@naruball Good points about the movie-tie-in and the PC release. No way for it to not look strange to existing customers, but at least that offers two reasonable explanations for a release that otherwise seems inexplicable!
@naruball what it needs is a patch so it runs in [email protected] all it needs..
@Old-Red I'm going to stop calling Microsoft Micro$oft, and start calling Sony $ony.
This generation, despite the amazing first-party titles $ony has in the works and the superior (dare I say game-changing?) controller, it's clear which company is offering a better deal and experience for their users. And these are all self-inflicted wounds by management, not failures by developers or studios or hardware engineers.
I played these years ago and don't intend to again so I'm not looking for an upgrade.
These games could be patched to get some upgrades but these are remasters though, and also being ported to windows.
That's different and to me that means probable engine and asset changes that wouldn't be possible on PS5 with just a patch.
Do I think a free patch would make some people happy? Sure. Do I think it's a realistic expectation or business decision? Nope.
This and GTAV was POINTLESS really :-/ Come on SONY STOP with these old games now. I shouldn't moan because at least SONY are making new and exciting games to anyway. But watching this yesterday did nothing for me really and I guess most PlayStation players to. Oh well.
Not too sure on this. If it's just 60fps and a better resolution then sorry to say but it should be free like Most other titles have been. If they is a £30 plus charge for owners of the originals then there will need to be some major upgrades to the package...
@get2sammyb Sammy do you know if GTA5 has a free upgrade or do we need to pay for the third time?
@Flaming_Kaiser They've not said anything. I suspect you'll have to buy it.
Why are you not writing a article about that to let Rockstar know that people want it, or is it only with first party games when we get the pitchforks out to storm the castle. Not to complain or attack but there seem te be double standards right now.
@Bagwag82 exactly. Did we get the same comments when all the previous collections were released on ps3/ps4? Nope.
Moaning is all the rage lately.
@NEStalgia Honestly I think PC may get Nathan Drake Collection ported around the same time and there being some double collection bundle present containing both collections. As for why not present in the PS Showcase, well the PS Showcase needs the announcements to benefit PS players and given Nathan Drake Collection is an already existing collection on PS4 I think the most PS5 players would get is a 60fps patch after PC release like HZD so announcing in the PS Showcase would fuel the "Sony doesn't care about PS players anymore" narrative that seems to keep cropping up every time a PC port is announced.
This is hilarious. What would they remaster on this one? Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy still holds up to the current gen graphics.
As someone who owns both games already on PS4, I sure hope they can be upgraded without having to buy this entire package.
What I really want is just 60 fps for Uncharted 4 (don't even need a native PS5 version) just like Horizon.
@Grumblevolcano Maybe. It's a little weird they'd release 4 without 1-3 on pc. I really thought this was 1-3 to begin with because that was slightly less insane than 4 as a remaster. It's a really truly weird release as is. Especially since it's already a freebie on plus, and it kind of devalues the idea of the plus collection for newcomers if they keep remastering everything in it and selling it separately. Though plus collection was always cynical, as it only really benefited new-to-PS customers.
PC as the reason is really the only explanation that makes any of it make sense. Though I'm not sure this one ought to have been in the presentation either.
I’ll pay a couple of buck ($10 or so Australian) to upgrade Uncharted 4 but I’m not paying for a whole new game. And that last So called Uncharted without Nathan Drake wasn’t that good. It’s a much poorer version than Nathan’s so I wouldn’t be interested in an upgrade for that at all
@NEStalgia Nothing strange really, Sony is really good at nickel and diming people as of late. This seems par for the course.
@FatalBubbles haha, tue enough! But this is weird even for them. Nickel and diming means giving people something they want at extortionate prices, and locked behind other purchases.
Who wanted a remaster of a newish game that already has a pro patch, and is literally free otherwise to subscribers? I guess the pc players, but the showcase wasn't for pc players. It's definitely weird, but then we have a $10 got controller rumble patch locked behind $20 dlc for a game barely a year old.
@NEStalgia I’ve been wanting to replay and was hoping for a 4K/60 patch on PS5. So I feel targeted. 😂
No upgrade path means no day one buy for me. Already beat the games so I can wait for the Collection to be $20 or cheaper.
Well i would pay 5-10$ for an upgrade. Not 60$ though
Okay, I have a few legit questions regarding gaming journalism - I know you're an editor, which, from what I understand is not the same as an Actual Reporter, right? I'm asking you still, because you're the name I see here most often that actually reply.
1# do you(or PushSquare in general) think gaming journalists are "serious" reporters?
2# If yes, could you tell me why they never hold game developers accountable for broken products and ask legit questions?
3# is it because they feel the need to "play nice" and not anger the developers out of fear they won't get interviews or games early?
The reason why I'm asking this is because of Uncharted 4 MP.
Me and my friends have played it since launch, and its only gotten worse. I'm not talking about the lack of new maps, weapons etc, I'm talking about broken gameplay and cheaters running rampant more than Ever before. And NaughtyDog has even Removed the means to report cheaters on their website.
So on behalf of everyone still playing, Trying to enjoy their product, can Someone please just ask them - what's up with that?
Why are they showing such complete disregard for the people who have stayed loyal 5+ years.
I'm sure they're doing press and interviews now that the PC-port is coming as well as the film - wouldn't that be an opportunity to ask them about their plans for the game?
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