Sony has announced and launched PS Plus Video Pass – but it’s only available in Poland for the time being. The company has said that it’s “testing” the on-demand video service while it decides whether to roll it out worldwide. Thus far, the perk allows members to stream movies like Jumanji and Venom on demand at no added cost.
A trailer above introduces the concept, although obviously the captions are written in Polish. The trial is set to run for a full year, through 22nd April, 2022. It’s unclear whether new content will be added at a later date, but we assume it will work exactly the same as the free PS Plus games, which are added at the start of every month.

In a poll published on Push Square, only 16 per cent of readers indicated that they’d be interested in PS Plus Video Pass, with 40 per cent saying that Sony should focus on games instead of films. Obviously, it will depend on the content available, but any perks are a positive in our eyes – there’s no reason why it can’t implement this and also improve the software giveaways as well.
Comments 46
I'm pretty sure Sony will see that most people don't care or bother with it. This just shows how out of touch Sony are, totally not the answer to Game Pass at all.
@Snake_V5 Since when was this billed as Sony's answer to Game Pass?
I'm almost sure this is not the answer to Game Pass. Sony must be cooking something else. We'll hear about that soon. This is just some more value for ps plus subscribers that costs close to nothing to Sony.
Yeah don't think this is Sony's answer to game pass. Actually, I don't think they can answer, hence this alternate direction.
@LiamCroft Because it's obvious that there adding these new additions to PS Plus to bolster it to compete with Game Pass. There trying to make PS Plus more attractive. At the end of the day we all know that Sony have got to do something against Game Pass and I'm just saying this isn't it. And anyone who says they don't need to do anything at all, of course they do. If Game Pass ends up becoming the future of gaming, if Sony doesn't do something now then it will be a future they won't win.
Anyone know if the movie are streamed like Netflix with a rotation or if they’re added to your account as long as you claim them within a certain period and then you’re free to watch them whenever you please? (Like it is for the games)
there’s no reason why it can’t implement this and also improve the software giveaways as well.
Except cost surely?
@Snake_V5 Another xbot here
@dd6 I'm not an Xbot, I've always been a PlayStation guy through and through since the beginning.
@Snake_V5 Go push xbox plz....
@Snake_V5 I don't think that's obvious at all. They're adding movies to PS Plus as a trial in a single country. If this was Sony's answer to Game Pass, you'd know about it.
@Snake_V5 isn't it more obvious that it's an attempt to revive Vue/video purchases and rentals from the store? They're sitting on video content and have been looking for a way to monetize it successfully for a while.
I don’t think streaming movies is a good call. They already have a million streaming services here in the US already. A lot of them are free / with ads. I hope Sony just concentrates on games and avoids this mess. That’s why I like them better than Microsoft. Don’t need a home multimedia center . Just want great games
@Milktastrophe unless they are putting our prices up for something we don’t want, or providing us with lower quality gaming content to save them money, how are they monetising it?
Poland really did need something to make up for the sting of CDPR's embarrassment, didn't they?
Well, I've had the option to check out this service for a few days now on my PS5 and I still haven't even thought about it. From what I've read on Polish gaming websites most Polish Playstation owners feel the same.
@gollumb82 are Sony engaging with polish users at all?
Not really, no. Aside from a splash screen that I see on my dashboard whenever I highlight the service I wouldn't even know about it. To be fair, though, I appreciate Sony not stuffing this service down our throats but I have also seen zero marketing for PS5 or PS Plus Video Pass in the Polish media. I realise PS5 is still selling like crazy so they don't need to advertise the console, but PS Plus Video Pass is a completely different story.
Not really interested in this at all to be honest,of course if they change it to pay my Netflix bill every month then I'd be happier.
You know what? If its free, I'll take it.
I'm weird that way.
Personally as long as they don't put the price up I don't see the problem. Yeah I know most gamers out there might not be bothered but to your average mum and dad it looks like added value for the family. As for Sony's answer to gamepass, I'm sure that will come with time. But to me their best answer is to just keeping giving us great exclusive games, games you can't play anywhere else. Games that give your £450 box value.
There's literally a big PS5 exclusive coming out in 4 days, that by most accounts is great, and another in less than 50 days and people are really saying they're out of touch with gamers lol! While this is not a service I'm interested in in the slightest, some of these comments are comically delusional. I think we'll all be fine guys
@JapaneseSonic to be honest I have never seen a console launch with such a barren wasteland of existing or upcoming “identifying” games. Ok I can get some games you choose for me on GP but what is it that make your console special? Bizzarre. It’s doing miraculously well for a console with basically no games ...
On topic: eh, I would not oppose to some terrible movies if they were free.
Yeah Poland can keep it
Sounds good to me, I play online often so need plus, but I hardly ever play the games. Not because they haven't added quality games but because I buy the games I want and well before they appear on plus usually. A couple of films a month to watch with the family would be great and gives extra value to me.
"there’s no reason why it can’t implement this and also improve the software giveaways as well."
In a perfect world that would be great but in the current one everything cost something and I'm sure it will cost them a pretty penny to put these movies on Plus even if they own the movies.
You expect them to pull out their wallets for this (assuming is completely free for us) and also pull out their wallets for more games and features? Some of our thinking is they add a couple of crappy movies to our service and say "Omg look at all the stuff you get with Plus!! Okay mission complete"
@Snake_V5 they don't really need an answer to Game Pass. They develop excellent games that will never sit on GamePass. People can toot all they want about Xbox Games on GP day one but I will only care about it when MS make truly great games. For now that's not the case so I am happy to continue to pay for games I want to play.
I have Game Pass and a Series X and I still gravitate towards my PS5. Just finished God of War recently and can't wait for Ragnarok.
@LiamCroft I think you're right in that this isn't Sony's answer to Game Pass nor is it being touted as such but have you considered that's the bulk of the problem here?
@Alpha_Pulse I get where you're coming from but don't you think that Sony creating excellent games just won't be enough eventually? Like there's more to it than just that.
@Snake_V5 Oh thats why i have 4 generations of Playstation at home and i cant wait to get the last one. I have 3 firstparty titles games i really want already. I have a Playstation not for the great value but for the great games.
They are making games that "7 billion gamers" can rent and play on their phones. That's the goal.
I dont get the fuss for a rental service. Same for PSNow. I have hundreds of PS+ games that won't be taken away from me.
So rather than testing it in North America or UK or Japan, ya know big gaming areas for PlayStation... They test it in Poland. I really can't see the logic with this one. Never known Polish people to be big gamers or video streamers.
@Snake_V5 I see what you're getting at. For me gaming is just about games. I don't get a massive amount of time to play them with kids so it's important to me for those small pockets of time that I'm playing something I really enjoy.
Game Pass would have been the perfect model for me when I was in college and university when I had bags of time to play. Each time I've used Game Pass I've felt like I flick between different games which is great for exploration but when it comes down to it I just want to sit down and enjoy playing a single game.
I think both MS and Sony are targeting value for money but they are just going about it a different way. MS are using subscription to provide a curated library of games for their players whereas Sony are more focused on delivering unique and immersive experiences.
Sony are trying to move forward with new experiences (VR, Dualsense) and that to me is great. As long as they keep moving forward I will buy a playstation but if we get to the point where its the same output over and over again then who knows which console I might favour in the future.
Hard pass but if they want to make this optional, then go for it I guess.
What Sony is testing here is whether or not to create a product alike Amazon Prime I think. If they could make this product as a competitor to Netflix, many people will probably start using it since they already have it in PS+. That alone wouldn't make money for Sony, but many people would start to talk about in general. This could make non-gamers wanna check it out. Over time, they could grow it quite huge outside of their SIE market ranking in billions. We would have movie service, free games, maybe psnow too, for maybe $10 a month in the future. And non-gamers would pay $10 just for the video service
Is ANYONE looking at this and thinking "just what I needed, a way to watch 4 year old movies that I've already seen on my Playstation"!
Nice, I like the idea. Perhaps they will test it in all regions.
I would like it if ps plus video gave you access to select anime from the streaming services they own (or choice from a list of shows). Most Sony pictures stuff isn't for me.
@Snake_V5 Is that really the future we want, though? Where excellent games are not the metric we use as gamers to game?
At its core, gaming should be about the games, everything else should come after.
Sony trying to copy netflix. Some of us are pirates argh...
@Snake_V5 You certainly come across as an Xbot going by some of the comments I've seen from you on here.
@RubyCarbuncle I can assure you I'm one of the biggest PlayStation guys you'd ever meet. I've been with PlayStation since the original one. My profile shows how much of a PlayStation fan I am, I have for example 480 Platinum trophies so that shows where I do gaming the most.
As for the proof of power between PS5 and Series X, most of us know that Series X is 12TF and PS5 is 10.3 I believe.
@Snake_V5 Fair enough but it just seems like you've been having a personal dig at Sony lately and people on a PlayStation site might take it the wrong way.
@RubyCarbuncle I don't mean for it to come across that way. Sometimes I just get angry at the things Sony do with PlayStation but I only do that BECAUSE I care.
@Snake_V5 I understand.
@RubyCarbuncle 👍
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