Yet more evidence that Sucker Punch is planning on making a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima: the developer is looking for a new combat designer who "must have played Ghost of Tsushima and understood its core combat systems."
"Do you dissect the combat and core systems of all games you play? Do you delight in knowing the details of attack or parry timing and count frames? Then we would like to talk to you!" reads the job listing.
This isn't the first time that the Seattle-based studio's recruitment page has suggested a sequel's existence. Back in October of last year, Sucker Punch stated that it was looking for a narrative writer with knowledge of feudal Japan.
It's fair to assume that we won't see this project in action for quite some time, but given the runaway success that Ghost of Tsushima has enjoyed since it launched last summer, a sequel has always been on the cards.
For now, though, we're just left wondering what's next for the property. A continuation of Jin's journey? Or perhaps we'll be leaping further into Japan's feudal history? Tell us what you'd like to see in the comments section below.
[source jobs.suckerpunch.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 27
Finished it last week. Don't know where they could go from here without it being 'more of the same' honestly.
If ever a game deserved a sequel then this is it.
Can't wait for the game, tsushima island is invaded twice so there should be a sequel
I think Jins story is over. Be nice to see where they go though
I think Jin's story is done. Could do the second invasion of Tsushima. Could also expand on the "Ghost" part and hit just about any time period or location in Japanese History. Ghost of Kyoto, for example.
More samurai/fuedal Japan works for me. Hopefully on the mainland
I’d like to see Jin’s story continue, though I read a Forbes article awhile back that made a convincing case for Tomoe to head up a sequel.
The main areas I’d like to see focused on and expanded in a sequel:
1.) More Mythic Tales/more special gear.
2.) Greater variety in the design of enemy encampments resulting in more options for stealth. Being able to quickly shuffle up a wall and straddle yourself between buildings to avoid an enemy rounding a corner, ways to dynamically distract enemies within the environment like undoing the straps holding a pile of logs together. An analogue system where grass and shadows matter in conjunction with improved enemy A.I. Perhaps a trap setting mechanic.
3.) More variety in dynamic world events.
4.) Ground traditional busy work mechanically and narratively. Maybe instead of simply reclaiming a shrine, there could be a quest attached to them where you have to spread someone’s ashes at each one. Or perhaps you could place your haiku’s in a bottle and send them out to sea. A day later you would receive a special reward and maybe a message at the gift altar. They could turn the bamboo strike minigame into a ‘competition’ between islanders with a high score system being a factor.
5.) More wildlife, expanding on the fox philosophy where each animal has it’s own mechanic attached to them. You follow foxes but perhaps you could return bird eggs to a nest or free trapped otters and have a “Tsushima zoologist” if you will offer interesting facts about the animals based on their traditions. Anything to connect you to the island your fighting for.
I don’t think Sucker Punch has to add a whole lot of new things, but iterate and expand on the winning formula they have established with the driving philosophies of discovery and connection taking precedent. So excited for this.
Maybe they devide to revive this project:
Can't wait for Ghost of Kyoto.
Curious to see where Sucker Punch goes with the IP. Makes me pretty excited since I had a blast with it.
Kyoto was hinted at as a possible location for a sequel, I kinda hope they don't do the second invasion cos it would be covering old ground but the idea of Tsushima was that there would be plenty of enemies to fight which might not work in a Japan that isn't at war. Still all the faith in Sucker Punch.
I really wish they'd make another Sly Cooper before going back to Ghost. Game's great, but I want a new Sly Cooper badly. It's been far too long since the last one.
@wiiware Yep, they couldn't do one invasion and not the other.
@Jimmer-jammer Once again, I find myself agreeing with jimmer-jammer.
I was hoping they'll do another Infamous game next.
I wanted a new Infamous next, a reboot of Cole or something else. Ghost was my goty but I wanted it to rest for a while 😟
Ghost of Tsushima was definitely a pleasant surprise. I didn't look for it to be anything extraordinary just a good enough game but it ended up being my game of the year. Would love to see where they could go with the story
I was personally more excited for Tsushima than Last of Us 2 but fell off after like 20 hours roaming the open world and completing random missions, it felt too repetitive, albeit gorgeous & tranquilly repetitive - ended up spending most my time playing Legends mode
Absolutely LOVED this game but I agree with some guys here asking for a new Sly Cooper or Infamous..
Cool.but i miss sly cooper.word up son
Lets go!
Ghost of Tsushima 2, New Sly Cooper, New Infamous, New IP, honestly you can't go wrong with any of these choices, Sucker Punch has never made a game I've haven't enjoyed, Infamous Second Son was the closest they've ever come to making a bad game, and Infamous Second Son was still a good game, just lacking in the story & character department IMO.
Whatever Sucker Punch decides to do next, they'll have my full support.
@Octane that's any kind of sequel honestly its just what you want to spend the time on
I just wish..oh god i wish that sucker punch would make some kind of game along the lines of the lone wolf and babycart movies..i know kurosawa is a legend but i really do love the babycart movies...please make it happen..
@Octane it’s why we feel it should be a one game thing use the engine for something new but don’t turn this into a series please Sony , it would ruin its specialness
@Unffclcntrllerpd They still can. The job listing hints at a sequel, but doesn't confirm it.
I personally didn't find the game that special, so I wouldn't mind a new IP.
Would love to step back into this world, but maybe after a new Infamous. That said if they are only now hiring it will be 2 - 3 years off anyways!
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