What can we tell you about the new PlayStation Store? Well, first of all it’s really convenient, because it exists within the system software rather than a separate app. This means that when you use the console’s search function, for example, it’ll bring up options in the PS Store, and when you click those items you’ll be taken straight to a product page. No loading, no apps.
Even better is that there’s a new Wishlist built into the console, and it’s a good one this time. Many were disappointed at the removal of the feature from the web-based PS Store, but we had an inkling the platform holder was planning an upgrade for the PS5. And now the embargo has lifted on all next-gen coverage, we can confirm it – Wishlists, at last!
You can add any games or DLC you’re interested in to your Wishlist, and you’ll receive updates and notifications about them over time. While it’s still early days and we’re yet to properly test the feature out, we get the impression that you’ll be alerted if, for example, any of the titles on your Wishlist go on sale. You can also follow games for updates, like new DLC launching.
To be honest, we’re not overly enthusiastic about the design of the new PS Store, but functionally it does feel like a step-forward. Subscriptions are way better presented, and it’s a lot easier to see what’s new. Sony also appears eager to editorialise a bit better, so there’s an entire Collections tab made up of the company’s recommendations – presumably it’ll run themed promotions here.
It’s worth mentioning that both PS Plus and PS Now have separate apps on the console, curating content from the two subscriptions. In the case of PS Plus, you can quickly and easily see the new free games, as well as any other bonus content packs and perks. We’re sure the Japanese giant will be refining all of this over time, but even at launch, it’s a significant upgrade over PS4.
Comments 39
Yeah the options was in the new PS app to get reminders from the wishlist so... no surprise here tbh.
Wait, what? The full embargo has now been lifted?
Can you clarify if I can "convert" my PS4 games to the PS5 version, or will I need to download them all again?
Wishlist is essential for keeping tabs on games that are out of your price range but pop up in flash sales 😎
Hope the PS5 gets it's web browser back, on PS4 I would pick a trophy and press options to search, very handy for finding a YouTube guide without using my phone.
Do my old wishlist games gone or it's already there?
When you overhaul your website/service/product for no reason, removing some useful features or shortcuts, and everyone praises you for finally adding back a feature
When can PS Now be talked about? I don't understand why it wasn't able to be discussed before. I'd like to know if streaming PS3 games are better on PS5.
Well thank goodness for that!!
Good for future PS5 owners but is there any sign of this being added to the PS4 store? I'll be sticking with the previous generation for the time being and this really is a necessary feature.
@God_of_Nowt The PS5 is released tomorrow though so surely it should be talked about today sometime? What would be the point tomorrow, console is out anyway. I was just curious whether PS3 games stream any better than on PS4.
@God_of_Nowt Yes, but what I want to know is do I need to download the game again or can the PS5 use some of the files from my PS4 so I dont need to download the entire game again
@God_of_Nowt Good to know thank you. I was hoping to save some time come launch day. Already have Valhalla, Miles Morales, Cold War and Sackboy pre-loaded on my PS4...
It's going to take over 24 hours to download them again with my internet speeds lol.
@God_of_Nowt Are download speeds better on PS5 though compared to PS4?
@God_of_Nowt Yeah being all digital with no physical games on launch for me this time around. I guess I'll have to play Astrobot or play some of my PS4 games off my external for a bit.
@God_of_Nowt I guess part of me didn't expect PS Now to be any better on PS5. It just furthermore proves the point that PS Now is just not worth it. I'm not an Xbox fanboy or anything but Game Pass Ultimate is world's ahead of PS Now.
If Sony will send me a message whenever a wishlist game goes on sale then I might just turn notifications on.
@God_of_Nowt Are these changes your talking about things you'll notice as soon as you get the PS5? I wish Sony would make a subscription where you get PS Now and PS Plus in one package.
@God_of_Nowt Can you shed any light on the Create button? No one seems to of covered it.
Can you record 4K60 HDR? Can you export files to an External HDD? How long can you record for? etc
That's good to hear then if PS Now changes are happening, nice to know there not just leaving it untouched forever. I think the biggest disappointment for me was PS5 not being backwards compatible with PS1, PS2 and PS3. It can't be an issue with the hardware, it's just that Sony doesn't want to do it.
@God_of_Nowt Super, appreciate the information.
I'll be recording and editing on PC. Though I will give share factory a try no doubt. I returned my Elgato 4K60 a few months ago and have been holding off getting another one, waiting to see what the PS5 was capable of doing.
@God_of_Nowt But the thing is people say this that backwards compatible is something that most people wouldn't use but they would. If you look at Xbox, half of people on Xbox have played a backwards compatible game and it's a staple of Xbox. Sony must know how successful it is for Xbox and you would think they would want to do the same. Surely Sony know that when it comes to backwards there not even in the same league as Microsoft.
Regarding PS3 backwards compatibility, even the community has got a PS3 emulator on PC that can play like 60% of PS3 games even in 4K etc. I find it hard to believe that Sony themselves that created the PS3, that have all the source code for it can't pull it off when the community can with a PS3 emulator. If the public can Surely Sony can. Especially PS1 and PS2, no excuse with PS1 and PS2, I doubt hardly any power would be needed for that.
Why the hell did they get rid of it in the first place?
I usually just check my wishlist when there is are some discounts and buy whatever I want, but I haven't bought a single game since they got rid of the wishlist. I guess I'll wait for Sony to restore the wishlist on the website
@God_of_Nowt I don't suppose you've tested if Sackboy can be played with a PS4 controller on the PS5?
I can't justify buying a third DualSense controller so my wife can join in with my daughter and myself.
Yay at last i won't have to write down games on a bit of paper i want anymore to remember.
I get emails from Nintendo when a game that I've to my wishlist on my Switch is on offer, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. So it is neat that Sony are doing something similar
@God_of_Nowt I know they have to update the database, but when you own the old database, design the new one and create a new system/service/website, you take into account the functionalities and make sure to keep all the very useful ones.
It can't be an oversight to omit the wishlist. My best guess is that they want to make it harder for people like me to buy heavily discounted games from a limited list and force them to act on impulse when they see bigger sales listings. I only create a wishlist to limit myself to specific games to avoid being the idiot I was back when I bought loads of games on Steam just in case I'd want to play them one day.
I only hope they kept existing wishlist in their databases so it can be restored when they decide to add it back to the website.
@Crowley22g You won't need to search online for guides, when they showed off the UI the guides would be there on the game page of the console.
I'm hoping that we will eventually get gifting.
@God_of_Nowt I see what you mean. One last question please. Could you tell me whether the trophy picture icons are bigger on PS5 than PS4? Do the PS4 trophy picture icons look bigger too? I'm referring to the little square pictures next to the trophy icons. They have always been small on PS3, PS4 and PS Vita.
But will it come back to the app?
@God_of_Nowt I don't mean the photos that you take or that are automatically taken. I'm referring to the trophy picture icons that represent each and every trophy. Are they bigger than what they are on PS4? And does it stand for PS4 games as well as PS5 games too? They have always been small across PS3, PS4 and PS Vita.
@God_of_Nowt So you're saying that you expect Sony to change the design layout of the UI etc over time like how Microsoft do with Xbox? Usually Sony have never really changed the UI, they usually leave it alone throughout that consoles generation.
@God_of_Nowt Thanks for the information today, you're a cool guy 😎
I really hope the rumoured MGS1 Remake and remastered versions of MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4 are true on PS5.
@God_of_Nowt I don't know if you can comment but would you say that the Xbox Series X is more powerful than PS5? I've always seen it as Series X, power. PS5, speed.
@Crowley22g ps5 has something does that they showed u in ps5 UI REVEAL lol so no need for Google app but wouldn't surprise me if they added one later
@God_of_Nowt Sorry to keep pestering you but you seem to have all the answers lol
Can you limit the number of concurrent downloads? i.e. only download 1 thing at a time, unlike the PS4 trying to download 4x80 gig games at once.
@God_of_Nowt Thanks! Yeah I'm going to boot up my PS5 and it's probably going to attempt to download 200gig of games at the same time. I'd rather not have to manually manage the downloads by pausing and unpausing them. I'd rather it prioritized a list and did them 1 at a time.
But can we gift games yet?
@Falkirk4life Thanks, saw that feature for game help, that might be fine for PS5 games going forward. I'm thinking older PS4 titles. Guess I'll find out next Thursday if it turns up as promised 👍🙂
@JohnnyShoulder Might be the case for PS5 titles going forward. Not holding my breath for PS4 titles. I'll find out next Thursday if it turns up 👍🙂
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