Update: If the new Game Library on the official PlayStation website wasn't confirmation enough, Sony has started to inform users that it will launch a new web and mobile PS Store later this month. The correspondence mentions the dates 21st October to 26th October, with mobile following on 28th October. All of the specific details are align with our report below, but this communication from the platform holder confirms our report.
Original Story: Sony has communicated to developers that it plans to launch a new PlayStation Store on the web and mobile later this month, which will remove the ability for you to purchase content for legacy consoles such as the PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PSP. PlayStation 4 apps, themes, and avatars will also no longer be available through the web and mobile storefronts once the changes roll out, while content from your existing wishlist will be removed.
The alterations presumably preface the introduction of the PlayStation 5; source code discovered on the official PlayStation website hinted that wishlists will be integrated into the next-gen console, so it's likely the manufacturer is completely rebuilding this feature. Sony’s yet to reveal its new system’s user interface, but following this week’s hardware teardown, we can’t imagine it’ll be too far out.
While you’ll no longer be able to purchase PS3 and PS Vita content from the PS Store on web and mobile, the platform holder is not shutting the storefronts down; you’ll still be able to buy content for both consoles using their native PS Store apps, although Sony has been failing to display new releases in the PS Vita storefront for years now.
As for any themes, avatars, or apps you own on the PlayStation 4, you’ll still be able to access those directly from your console. And it goes without saying that any content you've purchased for any of the aforementioned systems will remain in your download list and will be available exactly as it was before. As mentioned, this is almost certainly all in preparation for the arrival of the PS5.
Comments 136
Could this be a sign for the PS3 online to be turned off ??? And all games played only through PS Now only???
The beginning of the end..
@Nakatomi_Uk Nope, PS3's PS Store will remain online and unchanged. They're just removing the games from the web and mobile storefronts.
Yet another bummer for Vita supporters.
Damn not being able to buy Vita games from the online Store anymore hit me way harder than I expected
That probably means the Vita PS Store is about to be shut down in due time as well considering the PSP one was shut down pretty soon after the console was discontinued
It's honestly really crazy to think about how the Vita is considered a legacy console now because it literally launched as an intended 8th gen console like the 3DS was
As someone who exclusively uses the app for purchases and Wishlist, this is annoying.
It amazes me how little Sony care about the back catalogue. And making money from it.
@TheFrenchiestFry You'll still be able to access PS Vita's PS Store from the handheld.
Cool. I look forward to them cutting out all of the clutter. The PlayStation App is surprisingly really good. The best console companion app I have ever used.
@thefourfoldroot This strikes me as a streamlining exercise. The PS Store is far too cumbersome on the web/mobile with multiple versions of PS2 Classics, themes for different consoles, etc, etc.
These changes will tidy up a lot of the clutter, while keeping content specific to those older platforms on those platforms!
@get2sammyb Yes I know, but the one on the PS App and PlayStation website used to be so much more convenient for making purchases on the fly. I get why they're doing it, but it still bums me out
@TheFrenchiestFry Unfortunately, the number of people this will affect probably numbers in the 100s, so they feel the overall improvement to user experience is worth it for the disruption to those people.
Still sucks, of course, but it's probably the right time to do it.
Why should it be cluttered? It’s basic sorting. Just select vita games and see only vita games, etc. Really not complicated.
Best portable ever made until the switch with a catalogue of amazing games. Great screen, good controls (apart from the rear touchpad, quickly forgotten). What exactly about the VITA didn’t you like?
Some people commenting don't seem to be reading the article lol.
The Vita’s store is completely broken. It hasn’t been updated in an extremely long time and many Vita, PSP and PSone Classics games are unlisted and cannot be found there. So, unless they plan to fix things on that storefront then this is actually pretty bad news for the Vita.
Noooo, my wishlist.
There's no way they could completely discontinue those stores as how will people be able to get the games they purchased digitally on those devices
@mookysam The one PS1 classic I'm genuinely upset got delisted for PSP/Vita was definitely Metal Gear Solid
If it hadn't been for that, all the Vita would've been missing in terms of the main MG entries would've been MGS4 (which refuses to go multiplatform), Metal Gear Rising (but I have it on PC anyway) and MGSV (which is understandably absent)
Small library of games? Not so much. Many many games, including the PSP back catalogue. As long as you are open to Japanese games that is.
Sure, it’s annoying you had to buy a memory card, but I had to for the Switch too.
The lack of L2 snd R2 buttons just puts it on par with switch and every other portable ever.
I had many great years with it, best handheld I’ve ever had. But I guess it depends on what type of games you like.
Not sure why they feel the need to remove the themes for ps4 on there really but fair enough
whats the source for this?
I was planning to to change Harddrives on my PS3 so I can download my whole collection, next year. However with this change I wont be able to queue my downloads via the web store. Seems like I gotta do it fast. hmmmmmm I am so lazy.
What a horrible move. You can't even find some Vita games on the Vita store because they aren't listed for some reason. Getting the PS3 store to load is a nightmare and almost impossible. You don't see Microsoft removing their old games from their store. Pathetic move Sony.
@thefourfoldroot Well that's the problem. As much as I adore the Vita, it had extremely limited appeal to anyone who wasn't into Japanese developed games, as the few Western made titles that did make it on there like Borderlands 2, COD Black Ops Declassified and Resistance Burning Skies all SUCKED
And not helping things was Sony pulling the plug on first party game support like a year after the console launched and porting games like Gravity Rush and Tearaway to the PS4. The only thing really keeping the Vita up at that point were games like Persona 4 Golden, the Danganronpa titles, anime licensed games, a slew of other Atlus titles and the PSP backwards compatibility.
What has the vita done,that it gets so much s**t and disrespect from Sony and push square commenters?You guys ostracize that platform,as of it was the special child in the family.
And there goes Vita..... The on-console store is hot garbage and has been for ages since they don't update the app anymore. It was kinda garbage back when they did.
Not really digging the whole "generations" approach to this stuff. They could have just, you know, fixed the store, rather than replacing it with one that abandons hundreds or thousands of products for sale....
The store was in need of an overhaul, but removing PS3 and Vita games from the web page is a disappointing blow. Yes games are still purchasable for them on the actual consoles themselves, but I find it's much quicker and easier navigating web sites.
Well I saw this coming and downloaded all my PS3 and Vita games sometime ago and stored them to multiple hdds.
The Vita store is a joke. Games released and combatible cannot be found, you cannot see new releases or search the download list...
No problem. I had zero interest in so called AAA shooters like killzone or Uncharted, and just wanted to play far more interesting JRPGs (which are far more suited to handhelds than twitch shooters). As such I didn’t much care when Sony stopped making games for it, all my favourite devs still there. For a while anyway.
The Switch killed the Vita more than Sony IMO.
I can’t think of a single handheld that appeals to people who don’t like Japanese games though. Online twitch shooters don’t really play well on the tube.
@thefourfoldroot Honestly I feel like the Vita could've survived if they reversed course and relaunched the system the way they did the PS3, including starting it at a lower price, taking the older 1000 model out of production in favor of the 2000 model to bring it more in line as a PS4 companion device, and actually aggressively pursuing first party support since the few first party games they did make were honestly some of my favorite exclusives on any PlayStation console.
The Vita also had an amazing launch lineup on top of that
@get2sammyb do you mean that ps3 games will be removed from the wish list or that my ps4 games on my wishlist will be wiped?
@thefourfoldroot Well I'm not just talking about games like FPSes, I literally just thought of the few Western games that actually DID launch on the console, because the Vita was really lacking in variety if you didn't like JRPGs or visual novels, or basically anything with an anime aesthetic really
Like the 3DS was also a pretty JRPG heavy machine, but it had lots of games spanning all other types of genres like action-adventure games, arcade style shmups, platformers, party games and its third party output was honestly way more impressive on top of that. It's really not hard to see why the 3DS ended up massacring the Vita in sales. Hell, the New 3DS is actually still selling pretty decently in Japan for a console that just got discontinued.
Sony is just doing this to get you to go out and buy that Expensive PS5 console! Well I’ll have no part of there schemes! Unbelievable!
@get2sammyb There's a much simpler way to streamline the store though. Just have the store default to showing PS4+PS5 and have a checkbox to enable to showing legacy systems. You know, like those checkboxes that they already have.
Of course, extending that to mobile would require Sony actually fixing the filtering to work on mobile, so I can see why they'd rather just throw it away instead of putting in any effort.
I hope PSPrices is able to continue to show PS3 and Vita games after this change. Although without these games going on sale anymore probably won't be buying them anyway. Shame, missed out on a lot of great games.
I hope I can transfer over P.T to the PS5. If not I'll be keeping the PS4.
@oldschool1987 obviously not
Ok, I feel people are not reading the article.
I say it will be a lot more streamlined to have legacy games just available on each console stores...
@Milktastrophe That's not simple really, though. Sometimes you need to jettison the cargo.
"PlayStation 4 apps, themes, and avatars will also no longer be available through the web and mobile storefronts once the changes roll out"... Hooray! These are massive clutter on mobile.
@Feena those console stores really don't work anymore.
A few years ago the PS3 store took forever to do anything. I doubt it's gotten better since then.
@Bustacap how is it obvious?
This is a bit upsetting. While I rarely use my PS3, I still have a few games in my wishlist that are exclusive to that console. I rely on the web store to purchase PS3 games because the native app crashes the system 90% of the time. Then I can download them from purchase history under account settings. Now I'll have to go through my wishlist and record all the PS3 (and Vita) games onto another list and risk crashing the console when I eventually try to make a purchase.
I get the need to clean up the store, but I can't help but feel there is a way to accomplish that without this compromise.
If Sony doesn't want to invest in PS3 backward compatibility, then at least don't make those games even more inconvenient to play than they already are.
Please improve the overall performance, Sony! And make native apps on mobile while you're at it.
Navigating PS Store on PS4 is seriously painful.
"Sony has communicated to developers that it plans to launch a new PlayStation Store on the web and mobile later this month"
Where did you hear this, exactly?
And which "developers" ?
I have been looking for an official source/statement on this,
but the only thing i've been able to find is this article & the Twitter post about it.
Bummer for some I'm sure but if it'll clear out some clutter and potentially improve performance its a welcome change in my book! Hopefully the store on the PS5 is nothing like the one on the PS4 too
Thanks Jim, we really needed for you to take more options away from us. Finding content on the native app can be painful at times.
Thats weird .i still buy my games on ebay and some on psn.and i still got my ps3.its all good still got some good ps2 games also and ps3.word up son
So PS3 & Vita games won’t be available from the new website and mobile app, but we’ll still be able to access the PS3 & Vita stores from the apps on the consoles. Am I understanding that right?
So PSP games will still be available thru PS3??? Because PSP store says "go to playstation store website"
Lol great... the vita store is an embarrassment and doesnt display even half of what is available for the console. This is absolutely terrible news for fans of the console like myself
This is sony trying to eliminate backwards compatibility and push their garbage playstation now gimmick. Whats wrong with the ability to purchase older games through their psn store on newer consoles?
@MarkDl That is correct.
Does this mean there will be no more PS3 or Vita games on sale when the PSN store does weekly sales? If so, that really sucks.
Sad to see the vita being treated like that. I bought enough games for it to last a lifetime and was planning to buy a few more. I mean, I'm still discovering fun games that I bought from the last couple of sales.
Not happy about this at all.
Why Doesn't Sony Just Put PS Vita Games On PS Now.
Guess I really need to actually buy drakengard 3 this time if I see it on sale then, because I'd only hook my ps3 back up if I had a reason to... Nevermind, just discovered threads of fate and vagrant story are 6 bucks, okay I may be enjoying those again this weekend.
Nearly had a heart attack in the first part.🙀😅
Damn, they better update Vita's store app, then. Clunky as the web version had always been in itself, it's the seeming lack of some existing game entries on Vita that had me opting away from its at least more structured native storefront. Fingers crossed that Sony knows better than to allow awkward situations like a legitimately available game ending up inaccessible for the silliest reasons, but the whole newspiece is kind of a bummer anyway.
@SuperSaeko "mismanaged" and "awful" are different categories. Vita itself is a quality handheld whose scarcity in the first party department is partly mitigated by housing some of Sony's most imaginative creations in said department. It has always felt like a crazy love child of NDS and PSP to me, and its pursuit of flexible gaming (from Remote Play to cross-buy/save features) can even qualify as somewhat of a precursor to Switch's philosophy. It granted a portable form to many classics some of which, like NFS MW12, only remain portable here to this day; it even became a solid PlayStation legacy machine by virtue of playing digital PS1 and PSP entries. It's not Vita's fault that Sony eventually stopped caring about portability and now seemingly struggles to keep caring much for its legacy - outside periodic remasters, to be completely fair.
They've still not fixed the issue for Safari users with the current store so here's hoping that the fix will be coming with this new store
I wonder what would happen if they ever (well, when i guess) took the plunge and switched off ps3 altogether. The games are license checked, so I think it wouldn't just be a case of letting you keep anything you've got downloaded. The games wouldnt be able to talk with the server anymore.
I certainly hope they mean that only PSP, PS3, and Vita titles are being removed from wishlists and not all wishlists entirely.
I have 50+ games wishlisted on the web store and use it as an easy way to find if games I'm interested in are included in any of the current sales.
I can understand hiding PS3, Vita & PSP content etc, As over the years it has made it a pain to scroll through due to all the old add-ons and avatars cluttering everything up.
I wouldn't hide any of the PS4 content though, that's just way to soon.
What a bummer, removing ps4 themes and avatars from the store, why,
Do I need to start taking screenshots of my 50+ wishlist? It only has PS4 games in it, but I don't want it to disappear, I'd never remember what was on it.
Sony thinks we are too dumb to manage to search for more than 2 systems on the store and Sony is too lazy to fix things. They are about to loose a lot of money from deleted wishlists.
They should know better. ***** all over legacy content makes PS5 less appealing not more.
Wow this totally sucks. The vita store is a nightmare to use and I only ever use the webstore for it. Why cant sony just embrace their legacy and keep the old games/systems on the store and have them usable on next gen hardware?
Ps3 could play ps1 games. Vita could play ps1 games and psp games. Ps4 has a psp emulator that they actually used about 3 times...and thats it. Imagine if they put a little effort into some software emulation, you could play ps1, ps2 classics digital releases, psp games, psvita games that actually worked on the pstv (smaller list i know) and actually have a playstation legacy and reward all those fans that have been there since the ps3 days...
I had to buy Sonic Generations from the mobile store because the PS3 store is poo-poo kaa-kaa. This choice, though logical, makes no sense to the consumer.
For the 2-3 Vita owners who haven’t succumbed to just downloading roms this must be a shock.
@TheFrenchiestFry really? I recall accessing the PSP store about 2 years ago. Unless my memory is fried.
Looks like you can still access it, at least here in Japan and both UK and US web storefronts still online. I guess not for long.
dosnt matter about wish list, i can create a new one, but are you telling me that i cant vuy PSX and PS2 classic digital??
can some one confim please, what about the ps3 season pass or DLC and stuff like that??
I find this decision kind of bully. How is it that Steam can have thousands of over-10-year-old games in the store, and Sony can't bother? NO backwards compatibility and also this? it's a big F.U. to the consumer. Typical Bully.
@RevengeFan exactly my thoughts. I have 99 on my wishlist and a few others noted on my phone (since Sony won't let you have anymore on the wishlist... Hope that's been sorted on the new store!) But yeah I really don't wanna have to screenshot my current wishlist and then have to re-add each one individually on the new store. Why do you make it so hard/awkward/finicky for me to give you my money sony?!?
@get2sammyb I don't mind them putting it off to the side, but there absolutely needs to be a web storefront for both I an access. Make it an extra link if you need to, but this is terrible customer service and longevity when Sony hasn't been earning very good marks with communication lately.
Will it finally work on safari again? Worked fine for years and now it hasn’t worked all year
If this is the case, I hope they update the store for the PS3 since it crashes quite often it is frustrating. Maybe just releasing an update to prevent this from happening would be more than enough.
Honestly, this makes me really nervous about my digital edition pre-order for the PS5 and nearly 90% of my games on the PS4 being digital. I am still waiting for the journalist that pushes both Xbox and Sony to answer the question about what happens when the store front no longer sells the game, but a physical edition is put in say a PS4 in 10 years. Does the game have to be listed on the storefront to be able to be played? Seems we are fast approaching a crisis for video game preservation.
@Oscarjpc I have kept repeating over and over 2020 is the year that has pushed me more than others to just get a mid-tier PC. I am still holding out with my PS5, but it really is just getting harder and harder to justify making the PS5 m only video game access portal.
@hi_drnick It was shut down at least for North America around 2016 to my knowledge
@The16BitEraMan Get a PC. It'll be well worth it.
This is absolutely garbage. Not even a year ago, I installed an SSD into my PS3, and have my Vita and PSTV set up. All their onboard Stores (especially PS3's "updated" one) are a hassle to use, so the web store and the PSDLE Chrome add-on have been a blessing to managing the thousands of items in my download list, and websites like PSPrices have made it simple to keep up with the scant sales that still occur.
Bit disappointing the wishlist feature can't be integrated across both PC desktop & playstation. Likewise that it probably be a ps5 exclusive feature rather than ps4/5.
Can only guess the lack of ps4 avatars etc., might be down to reducing clutter. (Unless they want that space to push ps5 related apps/themes later).
Did see a post a cple months ago that indies could finally submit a form for psn sales but it only related to ps4. Unless a title was crossbuy legacy sales were effectively discontinued. Daresay it sounds like the legacy psn on these systems is moving to basic life support.
Now if only Sony store managers would kindly sort out having items on sale on both psn stores rather than just the U.S. Still peeved they only allowed a discount on Timespinner on the U.S. store only according to Chucklefish!
@The16BitEraMan I totally agree.
@The16BitEraMan Just bought my PC after someone stole my PSN account through support. Don't trust Sony Entertainment Network with your money, you'll lose out.
From this article, I know that many of the PSN OGs (4 letters, clean names, etc.) will be HEAVILY affected by the PS3 avatars being removed from the webstore, and they will likely not be happy about that. Personally I'm moving to Steam so I honestly don't give a s*** but it must be tough to be on PlayStation in 2020. RIP PS Vita, and well done to Sony for encouraging piracy by proxy with this move, I know I'll be pirating PS3 games from now on with this move they've pulled.
Language - Quintumply
@mookysam 100% this - there are some games you cannot actually search and find on the PS Vita store. I can only find them on the webstore. Such as VA-11 etc.
@get2sammyb dude cmon seriously? Have you tried to use the PS Vita store? Its one of the worst features about PlayStation as a whole, its an absolute nightmare to find anything!
@RenanKJ as a web and app developer I really don’t want Sony to make a dedicated app. It is just several more separate things for them to maintain, one for iOS, android, the next big thing etc.
Using local storage and other newer web technologies you can get 99.9% of native app functionality in a web app if built correctly.
We need to be better at educating people you make your own app icon for ANY website and if it is optimised the difference between a native app and web app a can be negligible once installed, if designed correctly and it will likely always be updated for ALL devices.
(On iOS Safari middle icon at the bottom -> add to Home Screen for anyone wondering)
Doesn't this kill the ps store for PSP? I haven't looked into it but I've heard people saying the only way to buy games digitally for it was through the website and app
The fact they havent added any new PS4 themes for months was a sign something was coming, shame they are removing the wishlist feature from the web / app though, that was super handy. Hopefully the inbuilt PS5 version will be good.
Just another reason not to go digital. I mean, yeah they'll still be accessible via the hardware storefronts for now, but how long until those get shut down too, like Nintendo did with the Wii and are doing with the 3DS.
I stand by my past comments that digital is just long term renting. When your console licences expire and the consoles have been taken offline you're screwed.
And for those who think that won't happen I've had it happen to PS4 games THIS GEN! if not for being able to renew the licences they'd be gone from my library forever. In time that ability will be unavailable from the 'legacy' consoles and unless you already have them backed up it's bye-bye for the games you bought, and even then there is no guarantee that the licence will still be valid to your account. And that's presuming your hard drive hasn't already failed which in time they are prone to.
@p4j Please mind the language.
@Quintumply my bad :')
Let it be known that the native PSP store is still online and working. One only has to use the search bar and you will find what you're looking for. Yes, you can even buy games on the native PSP store as well.
Kinda happy most of my vita library is physical...
I am a huge Sony fanboy, but the Vita was just...bad.
The rear touchpad I would always accidentally touch, and often it would trigger randomly even when I didn't (this was particularly annoying in Disgaea!) (I think it was ultra sensitive to sweaty palms). The front touch screen I would also accidentally touch (just the edges) constantly, because it was so close to the face buttons. This would wreck all sorts of havok in the games I played. Lastly the OS was atrocious. Like if Leap Frog decided to do a phone OS.
I could have suffered through all of that, if the games were there, unfortunately they were not. There was a handful of great titles, but developer support was just tragically lacking.
Yeah, the rear touch pad was universally accepted as awful, to the extent devs just stopped using it and I turned mine off.
Never had an issue touching the front screen at all though.
Can’t say I care about UI.
I have to disagree about the games though, so many classics across the VITA and PSP library. Guess we all just have different tastes.
Yes, I’ll miss the wish list feature on the app too. So convenient to check and buy games on sale, then download them ready for when I returned from work. The wish list feature might be ok in PS5, but simply having to return home to use it takes away a lot of the functionality for me. Maybe they’ll have a ps5 remote screen app or something.
The themes are not an issue for me. Ever since they let us set custom themes through game screenshots I’ve always set my theme as whatever game I’m playing. I like looking out for great shots to collect.
@thefourfoldroot Turn it off? How does one turn off the rear touchpad? It made Disgaea literally unplayable. Even a little bit of moisture from sweaty palms would trigger it constantly, scrolling through menus and switching attack targets at random. There was no way to turn that pad off when I got rid of my Vita.
If you mean in game settings for each particular game, none of the games that I had that I had issues with, had options to do this. I thought about modifying it at the hardware level once, and then just sold it.
Well, there were a few games were it caused me issues. If I recall, I just held the PS button and the option was right there to disable it. I’ve just tried to replicate that on a game I’m playing but the option isn’t there. Maybe it’s only there in games that use the rear touch pad, the huge majority of them don’t and I don’t think I’ve got one installed currently that does so I can check.
That’s the other annoying thing about the VITA now I remember, not being able to uninstall games without losing all your save data!
@thefourfoldroot The Vita on paper was amazing. But the two touch screens and developers afraid to commit to console-ish budget titles on a handheld is what ruined it for me. I sold mine after a few years and went back to a 3DS with the postage stamp resolution
See, I don’t really go for big budget handheld games. Never even tried to likes if Uncharted, killzone etc, no interest, I just went straight to the JRPGs, snd there are an amazingly great number
@Stychy2006 Digitally at least, yes it does. The PSP store was shut down like 4 years ago worldwide. However physically it's going to be fine. I've yet to see any particular games I personally want to add to my collection rise up in price dramatically outside freaking Persona 3 Portable
@Bustacap your "obviously not" was wrong....
@oldschool1987 its just a speculation article based on the info everyone else has
@Bustacap but "obviously not" is clearly not accurate then? Looks like it's more likely it will transfer over. Either way I appreciated your snarky comment.
If you wanted to know just how little Sony thinks of it's consumers, well haha, I think you got your answer. If that whole trying to push 720p only PS Now crapola hadn't already tipped you off.
@get2sammyb you don't know how to navigate a website huh? Well that sounds like it's a personal problem.
@thedevilsjester heh, you simply had absolutely no idea how to use your Vita in any viable way for some hilarious reason. Especially in the games department.
@HollowSpectre uh, why? Are you under the impression you can no longer download Vita games for some reason?
@GADG3Tx87 LOL, luddite. What you bought that god awful Minecraft Telltale game? Because that's in fact the sole game THIS GEN you would not be able to download.
@JapaneseSonic look forwards to mediocrity like a good little consumer, that's what Sony wants alright.
@SuperSaeko oh ma gawd no L2 and R2? If that actually had some sorta impact on any game on the system I'd probably take you a lot more seriously.
@SidNightwalker Nope I'm just one of those strange people who likes physical games.
@HollowSpectre oookay then. I haven't had to buy a single physical Vita game thanks to the old, non-horrid PS Plus and also excellent sales, go figure.
@SidNightwalker of course. That must be it. It couldn't be that there are simply no games that interest me on the platform.
I bought it on launch day and after 3 years I had bought exactly one game and it was a port that I already owned elsewhere.
Contrast that to the PS3 and PS4 which have literally hundreds of titles between them that I absolutely love.
@SuperSaeko oh well bleh, I never did try the remote play, I know that was always a majorly advertised feature but hey, especially for games like Second Son I'm certainly going to prefer playing them on my Ultra HDTV. I don't really even like casting a smartphone because of the artifacting.
@thedevilsjester well you should probably broaden your horizons a little bit. Did you just get interested in exclusives? Yeah there weren't very many of them since Sony did everything to dissuade developers from making games just for the system. A lot of the lesser known games are what really made the system shine, indie or otherwise. Games like Distraint which came out on the system a few months ago, it's one of the best psychological horror games ever made and it fits the system perfectly, or Super Star Wars which I just started getting into finally a couple weeks ago, once again a perfect fit.
@SidNightwalker Are you saying that I should start liking games that I don't like so that I could like a system that has no games that I like? That doesn't really make any sense. Why not just play on a system that has the games I like already?
Keep in mind that I stopped using or caring about the Vita in about year 4 somewhere; so there could have been some great titles released after that, though I would always peruse my local game stores and never really saw the library grow.
I also avoid digital-only titles like the plague unless they are just so above and beyond great that they fall into the absolutely must play category.
I'm very upset they are removing the wishlist.
FWIW, if people are concerned about their wishlists going away, you can at least back it up if you log in to the playstation store in Chrome on desktop and you can save the page. It will save properly if you select "Webpage, Single File" as the format.
You'll get a .mht file which you can open back up with chrome and see all of your wishlisted items.
Still won't help you get deals on those games, but at least you won't lose the list.
I'm just gonna post this here so I can add them back in whatever fashion Sony comes up with for the Wishlist...damn, Divinity is $23.99?
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I guess it must be really hard to make a different sections for each console in a web store. /s
Since I allways buy and start downloads on the web store, this just sucks.
It's a shame Sony are doing this. The legacy console stores are all awful (or in the case of psp, non-existant). The Web app while clunky, was a godsend for those random purchases for the days I felt like going retro.
looks like they still haven't posted on their blog. Best not put there, players might feedback and realise we are not for them.
@SidNightwalker I've not heard of Distraint. Worth picking up then? only £4.99
It was upsetting enough that they're needlessly removing PS3, PSP and Vita content since a simple solution to remove clutter would be to filter out that content by default and provide a function for users to toggle them back in.
But the removal of the wishlist is just deplorable. What online store doesn't have a wishlist in today's day and age? This is a standard feature that likely increases sales. I know I personally have used it almost exclusively to make my purchases. I buy many dozens of games over a console's lifecycle, but I can't afford to buy them at full price, so I add them to my wishlist and when PlayStation runs a sale, I simply scan through my wishlist to see if any are included. I've made nearly all of my PS Store purchases this way. I currently have over 70 games in my wishlist.
There's no acceptable reason for this other than if they're removing it temporarily for technical reasons and will implement a new version in the future. But if that's the case, they should comminate this to their users.
I'm normally not one to complain about the decisions platform holders make, but this one is just unreasonable and beyond upsetting.
The Vita's onboard equivalent to the PS4's "My Library" menu is a single-column, unsearchable, unsortable, unfiltered list of everything you've ever purchased on PSN, for any console - every game, every theme, every demo and DLC - ordered by date of purchase.
The prospect of having to rely on it instead of the web store to curate and re-download one's collection (a necessity due to the Vita's inevitable data corruption problems, in my experience at least) is enough to make a man shudder with revulsion.
If Sony's really trying to kill off their rich gaming history piece by piece, this is the way to do it, and it's senselessly boneheaded and anti-player as heck.
The email i got today from Sony said "The Wishlist feature will be discontinued and any items currently on “Your Wishlist” will be removed", so it's not just PS3 and Vita stuff being removed from your wishlist (which is what i originally thought) but the whole feature disappearing. Seriously how bloody backwards is that? I use the wishlist for practically every purchase i make.
Nothing about PS5 makes me want to buy one yet (and I've been day one for the last 4 consoles if you incl PS4 Pro and Vita), so i don't care about the shiny new wishlist on PS5.
For me at least Sony have properly ballsed up the PS5 release.
Probably the unfortunate side effect of this is whilst Indies can apparently now submit a form for ps4 (& ps5 in future presumably),submissions for sales, they can't do the same for PS3/Vita meaning they don't get sales unless its a crossbuy title.
By far the worst thing Sony has ever done, as far as I'm concerned. I give them (and other companies) the benefit of the doubt most of the time, but this is really disrespectful and a dumb move. I seriously doubt it cost them much to keep legacy platforms around on the web store, even if that meant having to manually search for them.
I for one think it totally sucks that they have ditched the PSVita!..
What? The wishlist too. This is just embarrassing. Sony needs to just stop. It needs to think about what cos yokes want before doing this stuff. It was bad enough before then.
No more wish list. Damn. I like to waste time at work logging on to check if anything on my wish list is on sale. I don't even remember what was on there now and have to start over.
So if you were one of the few to buy the first digital only playstation (Psp go). (still in production less than 10 years ago) it is now not possible to get any new games for it. (as the psp store on the devices closed back in 2016, this was the only way to get content). Unless you have a vita to buy them on. The ps3 store doesn't seem to list psp tiles either. I dare you to buy a digital only Ps5...
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