If you ever need proof that the internet is incredibly thirsty for PlayStation 5 information, look no further than the recent console teardown video. Yasuhiro Ootori's breakdown of the system and its features was shadow dropped earlier this week without even a hint of build-up and has already amassed a whopping 6.3 million views at the time of writing. If you add the viewing figures of IGN and GameSpot's re-uploads on top, this statistic falls just shy of seven million. For context, that's almost two million more views than September's PS5 Showcase event, which currently sits on 4.7 million.
That's pretty impressive, right? A simple teardown video which didn't actually reveal that many new PS5 details has managed to outperform an entire next-gen event which confirmed pricing and launch info in just two days. Don't forget that the digital showcase also played host to the announcement of Final Fantasy XVI, Hogwarts Legacy, and God of War Ragnarok — three seriously big hitters.
Sony has been catching a lot of flack as of late for staying too quiet while its competition drums up positive press. However, when the Japanese giant does choose to speak, this is just more proof that it likes to do it big. It knows it can grab the gaming world's attention at a moment's notice, and better yet, we appear to be over that hump everyone was complaining about. PS5 news is arriving thick and fast now, with a UI reveal assumedly not too far behind.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 77
Impressive for a tech breakdown, PS5 Hardware reveal is also at 33.5M views. It took PS4 7 years to hit 39M. I think Sony has a popular product on its hands.
As someone who is really big on building PCs, I was actually pretty hyped to watch the teardown video.
Crazy numbers! Was a brilliant video to be fair, and all the reaction I've seen has been genuinely impressed with the hardware. Great stuff!
To be fair half of those were people watching it a second time with the subtitles turned on
That and its basically porn for us tech geeks
It was like a Japanese version of Dextor. Just calmly dismembered the console in a white room and cotton shirt. Brilliant.
I watched about a minute before I got bored and skipped to intervals throughout. Does that count as a viewing? If not then that would explain the PS5 Showcase numbers at it was a longer video that many won't have watched all the way through.
At least 10 of them are from me.
Not gonna lie after watching a video of how to expand the storage on Xbox compared to PS5 I’m really disappointed by Sony not doing the same
@Thesnipergecko pretty sure repeat views are only counted as one unless it’s from a different IP address.
I’m not positive about this though.
The video is so classy, just a person from the playstation hardware team in a clean room dismantling a ps5
@GKO900 Sony's solution is more fiddly, but it'll be much more economically viable in the long run - it's a standard PC part so there will be plenty of competition between providers once these high end drives become more widely viable in PC builds
@theheadofabroom not only this but soon maybe even external drives are an option..
@theheadofabroom @GKO900 yeah I tend to agree. On Pure Xbox, the MS solution is much more positively accepted, and to some extent rightfully so. It's plug and play. However, if it results in cheaper options in the long term I'd certainly go for the Sony option.
Reminds me of the 360 / PS3 days when I bought the cheap 360 options without hard drive and the upgrade was like £100 for 20 Gig or something, then the internal drive I got for my PS3 cost £30 for 320 Gig or something about that.
But right now, yes the MS option looks better option.
@GKO900 so happy they did not do the same you are stuck at MS price point Sony has given away better option as prices go down
@GKO900 it may require a bit more effort but over time you will be able to pick up the extra storage at a far better price than MS's proprietary expansions. I'll take more money in my pocket over the extra effort of undoing a screw any day of the week.
They release information about games, PS store update, trophy update and tear down almost daily. UI is coming soon. Haters still moan about lack of communication/ transparency?
@Weebleman @David187 @StonyKL @theheadofabroom Maybe in the long run but right now they are about the same price and Xbox it’s more convenient
It's tech porn.
@GKO900 FYI you can't use that xbox drive on PC after you are done with the console. Unlike the ps5 solution where you would be able to use is as an external hard drive for your PC once your done with the ps5
@GKO900 again, id rather save money in the long run and undoing one screw is hardly a struggle
Looks like it was built with care and a nice artistic touch. The outer design reminds me of several
International airports I’ve seen.
Would love to see some video animation representing the flow of air through and around the console.
Thats why ps5 will outsells the x box series x.people wants the ps5 badly.and they trust ps5 more to bring more games into the limelights.and the feedback ssd is a big deal also.and i like that light bar on ps5 .thats nice touch.word up son
@SamMR True I give you that one but that doesn’t change the fact that Sony could’ve done a better job with a small compartment for the expansion without having to almost pull the thing apart
@Weebleman You said it like Microsoft won’t lower the price in the future but only time will tell what’s going to happen
I’m not. If I wanted to expand I would much rather an open system like this than proprietary. Keeping competition available as in PS5 means the price will come down far faster. We learnt this ages ago with the proprietary VITA storage fiasco!
@GKO900 I'm sure they will, but they'll have a niche product they're selling to a much smaller market, which means there's far less room for economies of scale.
It'll take me a while to fill the storage built in so I'll revisit what's available when that happens. Fitting an m2 SSD is a piece of piss though, even compared to fitting a SATA drive, so I really don't see the downsides - it's basically lego with a holding screw.
@GKO900 very true and on that we will indeed have to wait and see. If we base it on previous proprietary solutions though its fair to say its not looking likely.
Just to be clear, i wasnt having a pop over the effort involved. It is definitely easier to just plug it in the back and crack on dont get me wrong. Just for the amount of time I personally will be messing with it, sliding that panel and popping it in that covered socket isnt enough to annoy me at all. In a way id rather have it protected in there than jutting out of the back.
@theheadofabroom Yeah I see the positives with Sony but really taking the console apart in 2020 soon 2021 and the console doesn’t even have 1tb, trust me on this new games are gonna became huge maybe because bad optimization or who knows but you are only gonna have like 6 AAA games, I can only have like 10 games in my PS4
@Weebleman Yeah I’m really just nitpicking but that console it’s huge to be moving around and the drive from Xbox reminds me of the old memory cards from PS1/2 era, so it’s kind of nostalgic to see something similar coming back
@Medic_Alert the Microsoft storage dongle seems to have size and thermal constraints which most of the market is not going to be interested in. Sure Seagate have economies of scale, but it's nothing compared to the whole market.
@GKO900 im picking up both and a series S for my kid at Christmas. Its fair to say i wont be buying any additional memory for either just yet or the wife may hurt me. Physically and emotionally 🤣
Will this give sony an excuse to say well we don't need to give any info if this what happens when so many people engage etc, feel like this will happen more often like its ok when we all wanted to know things for a while now.
@Weebleman Lol, Well she really is nice enough to let you buy both, mine would kill me if I buy one, so enjoy and happy gaming
Shows you don't need obnoxious sizzle reels or 3D model close ups to promote the console. Tech teardowns and gameplay overview trailers are the best kind of promos.
@GKO900 you to my man
@deathaxe Might be showing my age a bit but it also gives me the same vibes of putting a half meg upgrade in an amiga 500 when i was a kid haha. Love that nostalgia warmth.
As always, Playstation do there tear down with no fuss or Hyper bowl, just the facts. it's a big reason for me to stay with them going into the next gen. Xbox on the over hand seem to just over hype and under deliver.
@Medic_Alert not everything that goes into a piece of hardware is made by the same company, let alone in the same factory. The boards m2 SSDs are made on are pretty standard, so are most of the components, the capacitors, resistors, half the chips on there are pretty much standard no matter whose product you buy. That has huge economies of scale, before you even mention the machinery used on the production line.
Meanwhile Seagate are a fairly small player - a lot of the components used in their proprietary storage card will be common to things like laptops or smartphones, but they're going to be limited in who they can use as suppliers by the form factor they have to fit the finished product into, and the fact that that form factor includes the heatsink, which is mounted externally to the machine with only ambient airflow for ventilation. They'll be picking components from a much smaller section of the market, and that section is one likely to be left behind by the mainstream over the course of the coming generation.
It's precisely because of market competition that they will not be able to achieve the same economies of scale. If it were someone like Samsung, Intel or even Foxcon they might have the market power to introduce a new product for mobile devices in a large enough market using a similar enough component set in a similar enough form factor to get some reasonable economies. Seagate doesn't have that going for them, and I don't see this selling enough on its own to be worth a sizable investment.
Was that an auto correct of hyperbole? Lol
LMAO, I gave it my best shot, spelling is not my main strength Hehehehe
@Medic_Alert they're not going to make more units than they think they can sell. The new m2 drives are first run of a new device. That's always expensive. Once they're churning them out that's when the economies of scale come in.
@harchibald I say hyperbole as hyper bowl for dramatic effect - always raises a smile
@Medic_Alert I just want to chime in. you obviously dont get how competition in economies work. MS and Seagate alone will never be able to compete with the prices of multiple companies...
Sure, if Western Digital drops the price of their 1TB SSD, MS can follow to compete but if Samsung drops their prices to compete with WD, MS wont suddenly drop their prices again to compete with Samsung. And once these lower tire hardware companies start creating SSDs and undercut the big boy's prices, Seagate will never go that low. They will most likely stay around the prices of other high end brands. But MS's proprietary SSDs are already overpriced considering it's older, slower tech for the price of newer tech.
At the end of day, PS gamers will have more options. Already out the gate theres a $149 option for PS gamers who need a little extra storage NOW!
😶-I agree with you, (Proprietary vs. Free Market) Free Market+Higher Consumer Demand(PC,PS5)=Faster Price Drops!
@Omnistalgic indeed
@Unffclcntrllerpd : LOL, yeah, lets just pretend that was how I was going about it and recue my dignity
I'm just here reading the comments like... 🍿
@felixified no better way to spend a day 😊
@harchibald deal 😊
@Omnistalgic....... It's the leg work done by the Ps4 just like the ps1 did the leg work for the Ps2.... Those systems are the work hours, the water carries......... That's why the is so much hunger for the Ps5. Although it's awesome system on its own.......
@Xiovanni LMAO xbox fanboys really need to quit with this "MS is transparent" crap. you guys are really misusing the term. Every company has their reveal times, just because MS revealed certain things first doesnt make them transparent. Both MS and Sony are holding back certain info on their consoles before launch but lets stop pretending now that MS not showing any gameplay footage of next gen graphics/ games on the SX isnt worrisome by now
Transparent would be the way Sony specified each game in their PS5 showcase that was running on PC and ones that were running on PS5... meanwhile MS shows a bunch of PC footage at their xbox events and just writes "captured in engine." they also take game trailers that were captured on PS5 a la 2k21 and advertise as xbox gameplay.
@Medic_Alert yeah... some of us are speculating based on history while others are speculating based off hopes. Its baffling you still continue to argue the benefits of a free market vs proprietary products.
Im not saying $149 for 500gb is the deal of a lifetime but its still a less expensive option for upgrading space that A LOT of ppl will buy. Those are the products that drive R&D to lower the prices/ make larger options available.
Remember how long it took the price of the proprietary HDDs on the 360 to come down when internal HDD prices were dropping quick?
Even external HDDs are more expensive than internal HDDs with similar storage... you pay more for the portable casing and protection, thats just how it goes and thats also what will keep prices of the SX expansion cards high.
Can't help but feel that some people are mistaking various other steps in the breakdown as being necessary for increasing storage space. Adding storage should be really simple. Remove a panel, remove a screw. Plug in & it's done.
It's simpler than changing the internal hdd in the PS4 for a SSD. And whatever you install, adds to the 825gb of space instead of replacing it. So a 2TB SSD will give you 2.825TB of overall space (before formatting & accounting for the OS & such).
Not that big a deal.
@Medic_Alert speculating based off one man's "vision" to pan out sounds like hopes to me. I read the update on MS SSD card plans and it sounded like a cry out response to PS5's teardown after they realized xbox players will be capped. We dont know if they will pursue making more options but i do know with 99.9% certainty that universal SSD prices will come down and there will be n abundance of options.
😄-Again I TOTALLY AGREE with you, EXCEPT for ONE THING in your quote...."I do know with 99.9% certainty that universal SSD prices will come down and there will be n abundance of options."
😶-Your selling your self short, your 99.9% needs to be changed to 100% lol😂....(I love how democratic you were being for the sake of argument).
😕-The ONLY real question is HOW FAST it will, because your right, it's definitely going to happen AND faster than the MS Proprietary choice!
😕-What I don't understand is, why aren't people being EQUALLY DEMOCRATIC and NEUTRAL in asking themselves the REAL IMPORTANT QUESTION of why it is that MS went with Proprietary SSD cards in the FIRST PLACE and NOT with Open Market PC SSD's, and what's their VISION or REASON behind going that direction?
😄- Because I know It's not for the sole sake of making it conveniently available for the gaming community...lol... if you know what I mean.💲
Hopefully that soldered SSD lasts the lifespan of the PS5 ( if we assume 10 years), there's a real danger in that drive failing. BAD design choice.
@RicksReflection MSoft already confirmed there will eventually be multiple manufacturers providing SSDs. The real question is why Sony went with a soldered SSD, bad design choice.
@michaelrprez the MTTF of NAND storage is ridiculously low, much lower than a lot of other components, I'd be surprised if it resulted in more than a a few hundred RMAs over the length of the console generation. Shocked if it was over a thousand. It's really not an issue.
@theheadofabroom I don't anticipate it to be, just calling it like it is. I've had SSDs fail way before they were supposed to, and undoubtedly Sony is pushing them to the limit. I just don't like what situation you would face if they did. Just don't understand why they didn't go removable.
😕-It still doesn't answer the Question why Microsoft decided to go with Proprietary SSD's instead of Open Market SSD's?
😄-There are LESS ADVANTAGES with GOING PROPRIETARY than going with OPEN MARKET, like PC's and PS5 are doing.
😶-I want to make sure this is PERFECTLY CLEAR, I'M NEUTRAL and I'M NOT FANBOYING this discussion, SO NO ONE is SOMEHOW going to convince me of their argument by Casually trying to point out WHAT THEY THINK the OTHER SYSTEMS flaws are (AND YET STILL NOT TRULY ENGAGE IN THE ORIGINAL QUESTION I ASKED and ANSWERED) and then try convince me because of it. Lmao🤣
😕-There's other bones I can Pick about Sony, but at the moment the bone I'm picking at, is this "Expandable SSD" subject and with Microsoft's choices in doing so, because for such a PC oriented company, it doesn't make sense, unless it's about the profitability at the CONSUMERS EXPENSE, CLEAR and SIMPLE.
😃-I have NO PROBLEMS with you If you want to be NEUTRAL on the SUBJECT, But If you go FANBOY on me again and Insult me, then I will KINDLY and POLITELY ask you to disengage from commenting any further on THIS SUBJECT to me. ARE WE Cool?👍✌
@RicksReflection that's a lot of shouting and emojis.
With my cognitive problems it's kinda painful to read. Would probably be better with an extra line of whitespace between paragraphs to give the eyes some points of reference. As it is they want to bounce around all over the place and this must be kinda what is like for dyslexic people.
@RicksReflection we're cool because we were never uncool to begin with in my mind, but if you feel otherwise so be it,- I'm no fanboy of either and I never insulted you 🤔. I think Sony's approach is better but there will be plenty of other manufacturers that will make SSDs that work with series x and the prices of a second drive will be comparable in prices sooner than later. But it's not really an issue for either, any smart consumer would just get a 4tb hdd for $65 and just move games as needed and not waste any additional money on a second, faster SSD.
I know most people, take the capitalization of letters that way(as shouting) and I can assure you that it in no way means that(as far as my intentions). I use it strictly to emphasize key points and counter points in a discussion.
😕-I guess I could use parenthesis( ) instead....lol.
@RicksReflection can I recommend
This thread is handy for a formatting reference: https://www.pushsquare.com/forums/ps_general_discussion/formatting
@michaelrprez External HDD route is what I was thinking too. At least until SSD prices come down. Im glad Sony thought of that and made super fast 10gbps USB ports so swapping games between both drives wont be much of a hassle. Storage options are a win win on the PS5
@theheadofabroom you deserve a trophy, Thanks!
@RicksReflection frfr MS should really be questioned on that front. Why go through the trouble and even ask other companies to go through the trouble to develop something so specific when we can just all work together to pioneer universal devices.
@michaelrprez Your right we're cool😁👍!
I don't want you to think that I was saying that you (Already) insulted me (In That First Exchange).
I was referencing that (Just In Case) in anticipation of an follow up response.
😁🤘- So again no problems here!
😕-But I still stand behind all of previous comments on the"Expandable SSD Storage".
😶- Whether or Not Microsoft signs more deals with more manufacturers, doesn't change the fact that its still a proprietary storage solution that requires you to put some of that money in their pockets as well as the manufacturers to make their specific SSD, and in doing so, because of those contractual obligations, it doesn't allow for a fully unrestricted free flow of pricing changes to occur, and so leads to way "Slower Price Drops as a result, especially when comparing that to an High Consumer Demand Driven "Totally Open and Free Market" in comparison.
😶- Whither Sony decides to team up with a manufacturer or not to produce a PS5 Branded SSD, they have "Also" left it up to the"Free Market"(All Manufacturers) to make an off the shelf SSD (As long as it meets Speed Requirements) without getting any money from them to do it.
I Pick No Sides, but that's the Black and White truth of it, not because I want to be right about it, but because it Is Right...lol. Again we're cool 👍!
@LexVVTi I kinda wish the comment composition box included formatting controls. Given it's just using a BBCode derivative they're have been rich formatting controls on old php boards for decades.
Even better they could use markdown, there are tons of JavaScript libraries that support it which would be a simple drop-in.
Takes off grumpy old man hat
😁👍-I totally agree!
😕-Maybe for the obvious reasons it allows them to stay centered on their Unchanged Profit Margins that they still make off of each SSD, while trying to get the contractually signed SSD Manufacturers to cut their own profit margins in order to compete against one another for Microsoft's SSD business?
😶-It would create "Some Competition" amongst themselves(SSD Manufacturers) and led to "some prices dropping" but No where near the pricing drops with "All of the SSD Manufacturers competing in an Open Market for PC and Sony's PS5".
😶- I understand where you're coming from, and thanks for the info, but "Most if not All" of my comments are being typed via my ever portable Android phone, and not on my PC..lol😁. Thanks again tho.👍
But I thought no one cares about it? And it was only whingers who wanted to see it?
So Alex from Digital Foundry said it was a rather uninteresting video and that's why they didnt react on it yet.
What a Ms Shill that guy.
Sorry just have to be honest and say what I think.
I don't know if somebody was paying attention but the small heatsink on top is connected to a heatpipe that cools directly the VRM. Sony is really serious about those clocks for the GPU if they went the extra mile for that. A better solution than smushing everything together under a vapour chamber like microsoft. And for people who don't know actually the heatpipes have also liquid inside them and do the same thing like a vapor chambor so that's why he said that it will work the same.
@JJ2 it's true DF has been really one sided this coming generation. But beeing honest Sony did a much better job designing the PS5 even if it's bigger, the cooling solution is much better designed then what Microsoft has. XSX it's compact and interesting but we will see how that turns out. I'm still sceptical of the cooling capabilities for such a dense system and no direct intake for fresh air. The system is allready running warm on BC games ... And Microsft's reply is that it's not warmer the Xbox one X ... In my book that's not a good answer. Can't say that the Xbox one X had the best cooling solution in the world either.
Tbh I'm not interested in the xbox. Only PS gamer here. I just dont get why someone working at DF would find a next gen console teardown 'uninteresting'.
Yes I know Alex is strongly biased towards xbox. However with comments like that he might as well look for another job. That's what I think.
@JJ2 digital foundry has become a joke..
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