There’s been a recurring rumour throughout the year that Final Fantasy 16 is ready to be revealed, and while many had anticipated it during Sony’s Future of Gaming event earlier in the year, the announcement of next week’s PlayStation 5 Showcase has stirred life into the speculation once more. As is so often the case, much of the discussion revolves around message board murmurs and social media teases, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the chatter.
Shinji Hashimoto, for example, a key figure at Square Enix, was caught reacting to the announcement of today’s PS5 livestream on social media – before quickly deleting the comment. There was also a Twitter account for Final Fantasy 16 discovered recently, which appears to be owned and operated by the Japanese publisher.
None of this is evidence alone, of course, but we’ve heard on the grapevine for months now that Sony has been plumping up outrageous sums of cash for timed exclusives – and this sequel is widely believed to be one of them. We’ve no doubt the rumour mill will continue churning over the coming days, so you may want to fasten your seatbelts because this is going to be one helluva ride.
[source reddit.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 81
My checklist:
Keep Nomura as far away as possible
Get Uematsu back for the soundtrack
Traditional medieval/sci-fi blend, none of the weird modern day stuff
Completely new battle system, FF games always innovate, or used to.
@nessisonett Nomura probably has enough on his plate between KH and 7R, so you might get that wish granted.
Oh gosh I hope so!
FFVIIR definitely felt like FFXV just with different character models to me. Here’s hoping it’s rebuilt from the ground up.
So there's a rumor flying around that it's the FF14 team that is doing this game which is an interesting direction. It makes sense too because the main team has already moved on to FF7 Part 2 and they must also be doing some KH related thing alongside (not including the rhythm game)
I hope it isn't as poorly structured, clunky, and horribly written as FFXV. More like Remake, please! Give it to Nomura if you have to, Square.
Though I'm rooting that Yoshida's denial of his involvement in XVI was a lie. Or Yoko Taro. Give it to the Nier guy for all I care.
@nessisonett As much as I'd love to see Uematsu back as the solo composer for a mainline game, I think his current health situation might sadly make that impossible. =(
I kinda doubt it, but it would be really cool if that actually happened.
I'm certainly skeptical, but the advert playstation just put up on YouTube was pretty dramatic, so I'm sure they're planning something big.
If it gets announced now, it's going to be years away from release.
@FlashBandit Considering how well FF14 has done I think the team has earned a shot at a new entry.
I've been predicting that Project Athia is actually FF XVI and I still believe that.
@AdamNovice Yeah, I'm with you on the "Project Athia is FFXVI" theory. A move like that just reeks of Square Enix marketing.
@ShogunRok It will get delayed to the PS6 life cycle. Calling it now.
I'm still sat here waiting for Silent Hill.
I would love a new final fantasy but let's be real here. Its probably another 2 -3 years away and if its that far away I don't event want to know about it.
@ShogunRok Feels like that shouldn't need to be clarified.
After FF7R, if Sony pull timed exclusive shenanigans again, I will gladly wait out the year.
Let me dream
We will see it in 2025.
I really hope ff16 is like ff7 remake rather than ff15. Man that game (ff15) is weird, I remember watching the movie and thinking why it's a movie and not a gameplay or at least a CG movie in the game itself.
As much as I would love seeing FF16 announced, don't think there's a way in hell that it will happen.
We may as well see a teaser for FF7R-2 after the trailer for the FF7R version for PS5
Not keeping my hopes up, but I would love this. If the rumors are true and persona 6 will be announced late 2021, I'll be set. I'm just happy we finally know more about SMT V
I would love to see FF7R but a ps5 enhancement trailer then maybe at the end a small teaser for FF7R part 2. I don’t think FF16 is gonna be a thing till after the FF7 remakes I believe they would like to get them finished and out before FF16 could be wrong though, don’t know if I want to be this time though because do think they should concentrate on finishing the remake first.
I'm a lot more excited for FF7R Part 2 than FF16.
I want to see a new Final Fantasy Tactics. Also, I'm way more excited for Eiyuden Chronicle than FF16.
@Deadlyblack I'm right there with you. I was so blown away by how good FF7R was. I'm dying for any news on the sequel.
I would love this to be true. It has been so long since a new numbered final fantasy title and its difficult to predict what Square Enix is up to at the best of times. I just hope they can create something with a better flow and structure than 15. Whilst i enjoy that game, the story was all over the place. I dont expect to have to follow 3 or 4 extended medium pieces to understand what is going on. The story should be self contained within the game
If this FFXVI rumor is true, the game will be only timed exclusive, that's a given.
Therefore, the "timed-exclusivity" of FFVII Re really looks like a pure and simple exclusivity. Tha game has launched since an eternity, and still no news of others supports.
So this FFXVI story can be big for Sony, even if it's "timed"...
I'd rather just get more info on the next episode of FF VII Remake.
Isn't it more likely to be announced for PS6?
I think there'll be 1 unannounced Square Enix game at the event because they also got a "Holder" on Friday for PAX Online, just like Sony.
@Bobobiwan FF7R literally says it on the box it is timed exclusive and even gives the date when it runs out. Square Enix have also announced it officially.
I agree, and if they also had Sakaguchi back - even as a consultant - it would be amazing
Yeah what's the story with that, drinking too much again, or something more serious?
@AdamNovice that is my theory as well. Athia also sounds like a new world the game could be based in.
After 15 and the FF7R I couldn’t be any less excited for a new FF.
I really don't want Project Athia to be a Final Fantasy, hopefully it's a new IP.
Plus we're waiting on the second part of FFVII... Shouldn't that take priority?
@Collette Nier didn't have a 1 year timed exclusive period. PC launch was around a month later, and only because that version was delayed at the last minute
Octopath also not 1 year
@feral1975 It was never specified. However, I forgot he composed the end credits song for FFVII Remake, so there's a chance he might agree to some involvement with XVI.
My expectations are suitably low
I never played the early games, and when I played the remake, I thought the story was all over the place weird. Like, GO TEEN REVOLUTION!! Because of this, I hope Project Athia is a new property, hopefully with new writers.
Is another online game due?
Only way I could be excited about another FF game after 15 is to show off a few playable non-human characters. FF games have almost always had that 1 weird character to play, but 15 was pretty much just the guys.
If they want to call it Final FANTASY it needs fantasy.
@nessisonett my understanding is uematsu suffered from serious fatigue and needed to take a big step back from his work a few years back. i don't think we will see uematsu compose an entire soundtrack on his own like he used to, but he may contribue a few tracks or oversee the work of others in an advisory role.
If we do actually get XVI I hope it it is a steampunk style adventure like Final Fantasy VI.
As long as nobody that worked on XV is working on 16, XV is still the most boring game I've played this gen.
Guys this is Square-Enix.
We will be lucky to see it be released by 2025.
What's up with the Nomura/FFXV hate!? XV and VIIR are amazing games, among the best in the series. I could find flaws with any entry, but most of the hate boils down to a dislike of the j/k-pop aesthetic.
I didn’t hate XV. I loved its combat mechanics as well as it’s open world.
The story, presentation, characters, but especially it’s story were among the weakest in the entire series. None of the characters were interesting and I found it impossible to get attached them.
Ironically the only redeeming part of the story for me was the back story of the main villain. That was generally interesting and it was a good plot twist.
On the whole id say it was a lot better than XIII, which is definitely the worst of the main series titles.
@TheRedComet have you seen the anime episodes that came out? Watching those made a huge difference to me
@Collette Right, so neither had 1 year exclusivity deals. Got it.
"Fans Expect Final Fantasy 16 to Be Announced for PS5 Next Week"
There's a typo in the title, it says PS5 but it's clear they meant PS6 😂
@Collette Goalposts moved. Gameover.
@Fenbops Couldn't agree more. "Classic" mode being locked to easy difficulty was just insulting.
@tameshiyaku Visually they were great, but they were crappy action games not Final Fantasy games.
Can we get the rest of ff7 first?
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L That's their feelings causing them to damage control, not facts.
Nomura has done a huge service for final fantasy over the past 20 years disrespecting him is basically disrespecting the franchise. I personally would love if Hironobu made a comeback into final fantasy and get an old school epic final fantasy.
@beef623 FF7R was great when it was faithful to the original, all the other story they added on was awful. One of the most disappointing games this gen.
FinalFantasy 16 Will be which ever game Square decides to attach that title to. It’s not like mainline entries have the same world or any characters in common with each other.
An actual new FF on PS5 would be great.
I would take that over more of the endless as-is rehash they keep dumping on every system - or the awful Pocket Edition
@nessisonett I totally agree with you. The modern stuff is no longer 'fantasy'. I wanted to play Ff15 but was so bored with the 'real life' places that I ended watching all the cutscenes on YouTube... Yet even then I skipped all the blah blah talk to get to the end. Final fantasy desperately needs the fantasy vibe back.. Gimme epic fantasy! Fun fantasy! Not fantasy wrapped with modern cars, characters looking like Modern world sets etc. Heck why don't Square Enix just create a new team called modern fantasy if they want modern props and settings.
@tameshiyaku sorry but you just made an incredibly baseless comment that is void of reality. ff xv is regarded as one of the weakest entires in the series from the vast majority of ff fans. it wouldn't take much digging online to know this. if you are looking at it from the perspective of someone who only played ff xv and nothing else from the franchise, then sure, said person might not find it to be so bad
@Bush nomura was better at being a character designer only. his directing work is quite a mess, beginning with kingom hearts. i don't think i need to enlighten you on how poor his storytelling and directing abilities are with the kingdom hearts series as it should be common knowledge at this point. ff xv turned out as bad as it did since it was in the hands of nomura for many years prior to it being repurposed by tabata when s-e realized it had been in development far too long. nomura can be a great character designer and art director, but the moment he gets his hands dirty with project management, writing and story development is when his projects fall apart.
As long as it has a sinking desert palace, I will be damn happy
Please let this be real! Especially if they ditch Nomura, modern day crap etc.
FF16 needs to return to being a hybrid of sci-fi and fantasy, mixed with medieval elements.
If it is the FF14 team I would love a single player MMO style rpg. I’ve played Crosscode twice now and I love the fake single player MMO feeling
@Turbodream a new tactics yes, that game was so great
Let’s be honest it’s Square Enix, so even if it’s announced it’s not going to appear for at least 2 years
Even if we just get a teaser, it'll still be cool to see the direction they're taking things
@naruball Yeah. Imo, those episodes sum up the problem with FF15. I got a more coherent story that properly explained the relationship between each character and noctis than i dis from playing the game. Watching those improved my enjoyment of the game no end. So i dont understand why they wern't bundled onto the disc and/or baked into the main story of the game
@Porco thing is, if you go back and watch some of the trailers of versus 13 when Nomura was project lead, the story looks much more compelling than what we eventually got.
15 was a great game, but let down by huge gaps in story telling. Man the world is beautiful though. Im sure the turbulent development of that game will be quite the tale if Square ever tell us about it
Bring back the gambit combat system and I'll be sold.
@Trajan Different team working on it. All the talk is that the final fantasy 14 team is making 16. Nomura et al are making the 7 remakes. There should be literally no impact on the development of FF7 pt. 2
I won't believe this til I see it and if it's a couple of years out I don't even want to know.
Also, am I the only person here that liked Ff15? Aside from the issues with narrative I really loved it. Fell in love with the 4 main characters, world was beautiful. Just really enjoyed it.
Also never really loved the more medevil-ly type FF. Much prefers the science ones so I hope it's that type.
If it's coming, that is.
@kiki3400 In parts XV was awesome, but once you got to that one milestone in the story it just started to fall apart, and the way they plugged the gaps with DLC really rubbed me up the wrong way personally. Really wanted to love it but as the end credits rolled I felt a bit empty. Definitely think your opinion is 100% valid though and I absolutely know other people that didn't find the issues as jarring as I did.
@Porco FFXV was very disjointed story wise. I remember being at the big mountain that turns into ifrit and thinking wow, that looks absolutely stunning. What's actually going on though, what am i doing? SLASH SLASH RUN.
Previous text based FF's would explain where you are going and why, although slow they built up a bit more tension yet with full understanding of what you're doing and why. Much more fleshed out.
@segabluesky yeah, I agree with the faults that everyone points out but I just loved the gameplay loop so much. I loved camping and fishing and cooking and hunting. Loved it all despite the flaws. That said, I wasn't around for all of the hype. Played the Royal edition in 2019 so I think that played a part in how I enjoyed it. During the wait for 15 I was being a mum and mainly playing CK2 on PC. Lol
@kiki3400 Ah yes that would have been a very different experience then! I toyed with the idea of buying the Royal Edition but since it had been so long since I played the original it just felt like too little, too late, too expensive. But hey, I'm still a Final Fantasy fan through and through so I'll be excited for XVI whenever it appears, I'm sure.
@kiki3400 plenty of people loved it or at least enjoyed it. Myself included. The problem is that we're not as loud as the people who didn't.
@bbq_boy You nailed it. Been waiting for FF to be fantasy again forever. In my opinion, FF died after 9 (which is my favorite RPG of all time). I have little faith Square Enix is capable of saving the series now.
I see a good bit of criticism toward XV. Not the best but, definitely more memorable than XIII. The combat in XIII was fun. It was quick paced. But the story in XV was more memorable.
Id rather they put all their resources into FFVII Remake Part 2. The first game was incredible.
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