The latest game update for Fall Guys is now ready and available to download on PlayStation 4. This new patch, version 1.06, is live as we write this story, and it weighs in at just over 1GB in size. So, what does this update do, exactly?
Well, the headline features were outlined on the weekend, but let's go through the patch notes here.
- Tweaked round selection algorithm to select a Team game only if the team sizes can be equal
- Added controller options, including invert X/Y axis and sensitivity settings
- Slime Climb: players can no longer grab some of the moving obstacles
- Jump Showdown: changed geometry to prevent a gameplay exploit
- Jump Showdown: fixed camera auto-panning
- Improved in-game Store purchase dialog to avoid accidental selections
- Addressed the top five most frequent crashes
- Visual fixes to some of the outfits
- Improved UI performance on non-PS4 Pro models
- Added option to change the Jump button binding for Japan
- Trophy/Achievement names and descriptions are now correctly displayed in all supported languages
So, this is a pretty meaty patch that addresses quite a few common complaints about the game. Unbalanced teams have been a particularly egregious problem, and no option for inverted controls was a big oversight, so it's great that these have been sorted.
Are you happy with this latest update to Fall Guys? What other improvements do you want to see? Avoid the slime in the comments section below.
Comments 19
At last, I can invert the Y axis 👍
Now when I win, it will be
Unbalanced team games were so unfair! The amount of times I’ve lost fall ball or hoop jump because I’ve been on a small team. I’m level 36 now now and can’t believe the jump in xp needed to reach level 40
@Boxmonkey I'm level 15, and I can't believe the xp needed to reach level 36 lol.
@Boxmonkey Yeah, the last few levels of the season are a real grind. Even if you win, it feels like it doesn't make much of a dent
@Quintumply winning is getting much harder now as well. The skill level has gone up massively over the past week. Think I’m on about 12 wins total but definitely getting harder to come by.
Here I am proud of my 2 wins lol.
I’m level 38, I must get out more 😳
@BusyOlf There is an exploit where if you quit before the game registers your elimination then you keep your streak. Still tough mind.
@Boxmonkey wait until you reach level 39
A 1 GB patch. What is this, 2010?
Someone on here told me the max points you can get is 35,000. I felt quite good being at level 30 already but then realised I've only just gone over 17,000 points ffs so barely half way there
I'm still enjoying the game here and there but don't think I'll spend enough time to get that trophy now
The game (especially outside of the actual gameplay) looks a lot smoother on my base PS4 now.
@Nightcrawler71 This is the big thing for this update.
Pleased they got the equal sized teams thing sorted out - having said that, it was amazing how often the smaller team won
Getting more disconnections now and crashes now hmm...
Anyone else still getting uneven sided fall ball games, etc? Since the patch this is still happening. Also the one where you roll the ball through the obstacles and down the slope. The former we were 4-0 up and lost 5-4! The latter, thankfully, I was in a larger team and we won comfortably.
2500xp to go until I get level 40 but only 10 episode wins so far. Someone on my friends list managed to get the infallible trophy nearly two weeks ago!
I can also stick my kids on it and get some 'no stress' XP!
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