Demon’s Souls is one of the most beloved PlayStation 3 games, and it’s getting a new lease of life on the PlayStation 5 courtesy of a Bluepoint remake. The initial trailer revealed an enormous upgrade, but seeing some side-by-side comparisons with the original demonstrates just how far we’ve come.

Full credit must go to Dark Souls Dissected host IllusoryWall for putting these excellent comparisons together. We should also add that the “original” screenshots have been upscaled in 4K, meaning they’re as flattering to the original as possible – it never actually looked this clean on the PS3.

You can view more comparisons on IllusoryWall’s Twitter account – it’s pretty impressive stuff. And if you want to ogle some more PS5 screenshots, check out our Demon’s Souls gallery. What do you think of this remake? Burn your soul in the comments section below.
