The lovely looking Windbound was first announced for PlayStation 4 back in April, and now The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild-esque title has a brand new gameplay trailer. A lot of stuff gets shown despite its brief length, like exploration, hunting, and sailing.

Windbound is still on course for release later this summer, on the 28th August. Are you ready to hit the waves? Craft yourself a boat in the comments section below.
Comments 18
News of any demented Nintendo fanboys smashing ps4 yet?
I'm still curious about giving this a try.
That... looks amazing! I played and enjoyed breath of the wild and this looks, at first glance, to be an improved on clone more or less. I might have to check that out.
Looks really good tbh, will be good filler until breath of the wild 2 comes out
Everyone quick, smash your ps4's! .....
@suikoden Na, it is also coming to the Nintendo Switch.
So it goes from "ripoff ZBOTW clone, smash a PS4" to "inspired by ZBOTW, looks good" 😉
Keep an eye on this. Just like Genshin Impact.
Maybe a decent bridge till ZBOTW 2
Looks really fun. I enjoyed Breath of the Wild (it's not the masterpiece people claim it to be) so this must be fun too
I hope the protagonist is not mute like that other game.
You were saying? XD
@EVIL-C or the review bombing for Astral Chain...
I swear that sometimes I almost want to stop reading both NL and PS because it seems these pissing contests between fanbases gets in the way of actually enjoying games...Sammy Barker in particular fuels those Nintendo bash festivals in his articles.
The NL version of the PS4 smashing article interestingly enough emphasized it was Chinese fans, not necessarily Nintendo fans...which kind of can be worse in some ways.
No news of any demented Nintendo fanboys smashing PS4s, but statistics has it, Microsoft fanboys worldwide are smashing 60 PS4s every minute.
Or... buy an old Wii U and get breath of the wild and wind waker HD for the price of two PS5 games and play two of the best RPGs ever made instead of somebody trying to emulate Nintendo on a pointless console with a poor imitation
@MarcG420 Somehow, it looks a little worse graphically to me. The sailing looks way better, obviously. It would be hard to fail at improving on mashing a button to swing a virtual leaf whilst turning on some virtual pieces of wood. However, the rest hasn't displayed anything better yet. Needs more enemy and environment type showcasing. Then we need to know what the missions will be like and how deep the weapon or crafting system is. I'm guessing there will be collectables, hopefully that's done well, too.
@Shinobi1Kenoby I 100% both of those (Minus upgrading every single piece of armour on BotW) and will still be keeping an eye on this. Don't see the problem with all 3 existing.
@Severian That was pretty bad. At least I bought Astral Chain, but unlike Bayonetta, I didn't enjoy AC. Platinum is very hit & miss for me.
Sammy is always like that. He's quite the fanboy, and doesn't do a great job hiding it.
@EVIL-C Yeah, double standards from him and all clickbait, really.
Oh cool, more info about the BOTW-esque game! I'm hoping it performs well at release.
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