Update: You can put those pitchforks down for good now because Sony has just confirmed to IGN that the PC listings for multiple PS4 exclusives on Amazon France are fake. In a statement, the Japanese giant said: "The listings are not accurate. We have made no announcements to bring these games to PC."
Update: It's not just Days Gone that Amazon France has listed for release on PC, as The Last of Us: Part II and Gran Turismo Sport have also been spotted on the website. This comes in addition to fellow PS4 exclusive Persona 5 Royal, which SEGA has labelled as "an error". Sony's yet to say anything just yet, but right now we'd put this down as a mistake. We'll try and get a comment from the platform holder to clarify.
Still, it's perhaps worth mentioning that Amazon France currently has Super Mario Odyssey listed for PC as well. Take that as you will.
Original Story: Uh oh. As you'll no doubt be aware, Sony made the contentious decision to release Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC (in before kyleforrester87 tells us off about colons). Formerly exclusive to PlayStation 4, the Guerrilla Games open world epic is lined up for personal computers this summer, much to the chagrin of diehard fans. There's a concern that this could lead to Sony porting over the rest of its exclusive portfolio, something the company has refuted.

However, a new, incomplete listing on Amazon France appears to show a version of Bend Studio's Days Gone for Windows. There's almost nothing to the page itself, but it does quite clearly state the name of the game and the platform, and it appears to be an official PlayStation listing.
Normally we wouldn't be too concerned about a retailer page like this, as they're often inaccurate. The problem is, Amazon France also listed Horizon for PC before it was later confirmed. Is Sony about to port the open world zombie shooter as well?
Funnily enough, Days Gone isn't the only game Amazon France seems to think is heading to PC -- it's also showing a similar page for Persona 5 Royal.
Take this with a pinch of salt for now, but don't be too surprised if this turns out to be a real thing. What do you think? Is Days Gone PC-bound? Escape the horde in the comments below.
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[source amazon.fr]
Comments 98
I mean it doesn't really matter, but people will ensure that it matters very much.
All that said, I will be surprised if they end up porting most of their library. I really didn't think it would happen.
More options are always nice, you probably all know by now how I stand on the whole thing but there’ll always be true exclusives since Sony needs the big hitters for PS5. Games that are a couple of years old or whatever going to PC isn’t a big deal, plenty previous gen console exclusives went to PC alongside their PS4/Xbox ports and technically we’re at the end of a gen.
Jim Ryan is the wrong man for the job. So is Herman Hulst.
Fans will be feeling a little Deacon blue over this.
I already say it, Hulst is a lier, HZD won't be a special case, more will follow... GoW, Days Gone, Dreams, Nioh 2, etc.
At the end it will be just like XB, no real exclusive.
Let's not resort to calling people liars, shall we?
Why cant they port good games like bloodborne
@Amppari Hahahaha, you win this comment section 😂😂
It does sting a little, I won't lie. Playstation used to be known for great exclusives. Sony is really risking infuriating their fanbase. Still, I'll stick with Playstation because: 1. Sony 'exclusives' will still come to PS first; 2. I hate the hassle of running games on the PC. To sum up, I'm not that bothered but PC Master Race is going to have a field day if this turns out to be true.
I'm surprised they haven't gone with Uncharted 4 or The Last Of Us before Days Gone - or even God Of War
I am of the opinion that it absolutely doesn't matter that 'others' can enjoy a game that only a select group had the opportunity to enjoy for a period of time. It has NEVER impacted on my enjoyment or decision to purchase the game and I couldn't care if some person I have never met on a different choice of Platform can now play a game I enjoyed.
I have never regretted purchasing a game that 'was' exclusive but no longer is/will be. It doesn't take anything away from the enjoyment I had playing and won't affect my decision on purchasing games in the future. I will still buy Playstation 'Console' exclusive on Playstation because I will own a Playstation and not a PC.
It can only help Playstation and Sony Developers - having a 'bigger' install base means that they can put more money into developing games with a greater chance of recovering that investment through sales. Of course it will cost 'something' to port a game over but the costs are 'negligible' and should increase the profitability of a game and therefore give Sony more money to invest in making games, building up studios etc - if that isn't 'good news' for Console owners, I don't know what is...
In the early days of the PS5, PS5 games will have a 'small' install base so recouping investment will be difficult in the short term - meaning that they cannot invest as much in new games until enough people buy the older releases. Selling older games already made - just need porting to PC will make those 'more' profitable and that money can then be invested in making more games - especially as the development costs are much higher as they are taking longer to make.
Apologies lip-readers
It won't detract from the enjoyment, and relatively rare platinum trophy, I got for my efforts with it.
An excellent game that should be enjoyed by the widest audience possible.
@Amppari because bad games like Days Gone are all us PC gamers deserve.
@RedMan33 I think games like Uncharted, the Last of Us and God of War are more established long term franchises for Playstation where as H:ZD and DG are new IP's this generation. Of those 3, they could go with the Last of Us as that doesn't have other games that would potentially need to be ported to. It would be odd to release U4, the last of the Nathan Drake stories, without releasing the Nathan Drake collection and whilst GoW is a 'reboot', it still refers back to previous games.
Another reason to not buy a PS5. Just get the games on PC later.
@BAMozzy i get that that there more established but wouldnt that help? also the fact that Days Gone didn't review all that well (a game I thoroughly enjoyed and isnt in the same state in launched in anymore, I also dont think a 7/10 is a bad score) I suppose they could release an updated Nathan Drake collection with all 4 games in it wouldnt exactly be a hard ship, would be different with God Of War I guess but it's a standalone reboot so it's not like your missing a load out if you haven't played the other games.
@Glennh73 That's seems to be Hulst strategy toward PS5.
I think he is a little confused about what company he is working for.
Given the engine that it uses this is unsurprising. I’ll be more surprised to see games that use 1st-party engines that are not currently compatible with PC getting ported across.
@get2sammyb well he is. As also a dutchy it pains me that he took over.
If true I will just move to PC after PS4's times up. Since I tend to wait for sales of new games anyway. And it wont hurt waiting a little longer.
@RedMan33 but gow is also coming, remember
Oké, i was buying a PS5 but now i think i will go the PC route, pushsquare.com can write all of wants but Sony is killing the only thing that makes them special: exclusives. Xbox exceeds them on every other factor (e.g BC)
I look forward to seeing the meltdown over this because somehow this effects people who choose to game on PS4.
@Bamila I haven't heard that
@Sanquine Honestly Microsoft putting all their games on the PC is the reason I skipped Xbox One.
@makina Nioh 2 isn't owned by Sony and they co-publish it, i suspect Sony have little say on where it goes as its not their IP.
@Glennh73 Isn't that backward? Why getting the pc version when ps5 version is released a couple of year earlier. In the end, people that like to play on their work desk will play games on their pc, while people that like gaming on the couch will play the games on ps5.
@Sanquine What make playstation special isn't only their exclusive, but their whole package, price, value, playstation network ecosystem, and games. You can't be number one console (ps1, ps2, ps4) if they only got exclusive.
Edit: It's a fake listing.
Isn’t the fact more people are enjoying quality games the real win. It means more quality games will get made so we all benefit. Really don’t understand people getting upset over games being ported to other consoles.
@Link41x Look at the persona article. I think 5 exclusives will go pc.
Seeing as it's a handful of games now found listed for PC and one of them is TLOU 2 I get the feeling it's just a mistake on Amazon's part.
That or Sony is truly about to stir things up

Article updated with new information.
let's just wait and see if it's actually real before stirring the pot and curse at sony alright?
@get2sammyb Who are you talking to? Or was the message you were replying to deleted?
If people don't understand the "angry" mentality then see it this way.
It's like Football/Soccer, Playstation is the team and exclusives are the players that are been loaned out to another team. It may seem silly but to a lot people these games and it's characters mean a lot. Yes for me it doesn't upset my enjoyment of said game but as someone who's been a Playstation fan since 97 and want them to continue to be successful (preferably ahead of every other platform) it concerns me about the longterm impact that moves like this will have.
So it's a fake, unless there's mario odyssey pc port as well lol
At first, it made sense to me, but then I was shown they also listed Breath of the Wild for PC. But we'll see how the events unfold, because no one loses with this move.
@wiiware PS3 beat out Wii and 360 in 2016. So every PlayStation home console so far has beat out the competition by the time they were discontinued.
Definitely starting to agree with the rumour that this is why all the higher ups have left as late. They disagreed with the direction they were taking the brand and jumped.
Doesn't really bother me either way, but may as well go for transparency at this point and just say everything will find its way over to pc after x amount of exclusivity.
Fake😂. Supposedly it’s a pro Xbox fan group that’s doing this.
Super Mario Odyssey is also listed for PC.
''Supposedly it’s a pro Xbox fan group that’s doing this.''
Putting games like Super Mario Odyssey is a dead giveaway.
it's fake guys.
even the ps5 is listed on amazon as "platform windows".
bury the pitchforks.
Gran Turismo on PC? Try again
@AdamNovice but it's not even confirmed to be real yet,and the way it's looking it's most likely an error.
@TowaHerschel7 Ps3 beat xbox 360 by small marigin in the end of previous gen, but I don't think ps3 beat nintendo wii, nintendo wii sold 100M+ compared to ps3 80M+.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Man that sad, rather than hyping up their console, they're rather attacking the competition with fud.
Wii has 101million final sales, Ps3 has 87million final sales.
Quick search on top selling game consoles will get you that info
''it's fake guys.
even the ps5 is listed on amazon as "platform windows".
bury the pitchforks.''
It's still in the air.
A year ago it would be unfathomable for Sony first-party exclusives to come to PC, but after HZD announcement everything is possible.
And to those that keep on saying ''It doesn't matter, it's just one game or those are ''old'' exclusives'', it absolutely matters.Sure it won't be an end for Playstation platform (least not in forseable future) but it will most definitely negatively impact PS5 HW/SW sales that is without mentioning how much it could impact first party games quality (the lesser the need to sell HW/Services connected to the HW the lesser the need to develop same quality games).
Well, Mario Kart and Zelda are also listed on PC, so I guess problem solved. That was a huge error. ^^
@wiiware @wiiware Wii sold the most units but had the lowest attach rate and the lowest utilization rate, meaning lots of people bought it, became bored quickly, and stopped buying games / stopped playing is what I think he is trying to say... I think.
The Raw numbers saw Wii won, however the most gaming (and most gaming dollars spent) was done on Xbox360.
Note: Took this info from a g4 articale so take it as you will. Not trying to start a fight or anything.
The Japaneese Giant has spoken.
Easy peasy Japaneesy.
@RawnDawn Yeah, xbox 360 sort of won because their system is the easiest to develop for hd games, so in the start of previous gen xbox get a lot of great games that isn't available on ps3 like gears, mass effect, bioshock series, etc.
Is it me or does Sony's statement seem vague? Not accurate doesn't mean not true to me. I don't believe GT Sport will leave PS, nor will TLoU2, but Days Gone or Persona seem a possibility (Catherine is available on PC afterall). Same with the latter part: We have made no announcements (yet?).
@jdv95 Oh I understand that, I'm just trying my best to explain why loads of people would be upset over auch ports if it were real.
"The listings are not accurate. We have made no announcements to bring these games to PC."
That does not say there is no PC port - just there has been no announcement - SONY let all kinds of wiggle room on this one.🤔
Sony already confirm it's fake but nintendo didn't confirm it? Hmm, can't wait for mario odyssey, mario kart, and zelda botw on my pc
@gollumb82 Exactly - super vague.
Yeah, I see I'm not the only one who read it this way.
oh look it is confirmed to be fake.
who would have thought that waiting before being all screamy would be the best thing to do?
and i don't see anything vaque about that post at all.
they have made no announcements, clear as day.
does not mean they will later on at all. stop clutching at straws people.
@Agramonte I would be shocked if any more Playstation games end up on PC after Horizon it did not go down well.
@jdv95 I think this site should try & get facts more from Sony before hitting the send button.
@wiiware I played bioshock on PS3. I can certainly relate to people having more PlayStation or Xbox games than Wii games. I ended up with 18 Wii games And 65 PS3 games.
Come on, man. Nobody is aiming at causing more controversy here. You have to admit this statement does not sound like a clear This is fake news/error. If anything I'd say Sega's response is way clearer.
So, erm, what the eff is wrong with Amazon France?
''I think this site should try & get facts more from Sony before hitting the send button.''
Might aswell be talking to a brick wall. This aint the first time we have seen articles like this.
That was a fun ride. Shame though, a few of those games would really benefit from mods. Just look at GTA V, being console exclusive until the next gen and now I can run around as Spider-Man and fly through the air by the power of my farts.
@nessisonett (not speaking directly to you)I wish people invested this much energy for pleading Sony to bring modding support (and yes, it is absolutely doable) to their consoles instead of pleading to shoot themselves and their first-party quality in the foot.
Modding is still that only thing that makes PC hold advantage over consoles in mutliplats.
@thefirst I keep mine under the bed these days.
@DominatorV93 It would be great, sure, considering games like Pro Evo Soccer already have support for name, kit, logo, team packs etc. I just get a bad feeling when curated mods are banded about, Skyrim really went about it the wrong way. It’s just easier on PC to be honest, creating mods for PS4 is so much more work especially with how much harder it is to reverse engineer games. Unless Sony wants to release their dev tools to the public, I just don’t see it happening.
@nessisonett ''Unless Sony wants to release their dev tools to the public, I just don’t see it happening.''
A year ago we couldn't see Sony bringing not even ONE of their first-party games to PC, and yet here we are.
@DominatorV93 True enough! Personally, I think full on mod support would make Sony nervous with the security risks it poses but stranger things have indeed happened.
Now Can we get back to talking about the ps5 controller pushsquare .
@nessisonett I mean look at the creations and games created in Dreams (that pretty much are mods). If anything those show the possibilities of creating mods on consoles themselves without jeopardising their precious security (that is still quite weak).
Actually, now i have some crazy thoughts about Dualsense ''Create'' button ..

@DominatorV93 You're onto something...
@Octane Unlikely, but it is still a nice fantasy.
Well, that was Wednesday I guess.
@nessisonett lol I agree. I see Bloodborne having some potential of having good mod support, perhaps so that fans can bring back cut content.
Reality check, GT sport ain't going to PC. They want everyone playing PlayStation. Yes it's been postulated back in 2001 to port gran Turismo but it never happened cause it's one of Sonys most profitable games.
@JAMes-BroWWWn I couldn't agree more. Ever since Ryan/Hulst took over it hasn't been the same. They've radically changed the Sony we knew and loved and not for better. Enjoy The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. It's the last part of the amazing job Shawn Layden did with PS4. I have a gut feeling those type of games with start to become a rarity with those two in control running Playstation into the ground.
Nice try Sony!
The cat is out of the bag i'll wait and skip PS5 no need for consoles next gen.
@DominatorV93 No source, but it’s all over Twitter.
The PlatStation games are in the realms of possibility. Super Mario Odyssey, no chance.
Lol so basically it’s just place holders on Amazon’s French website, not fake, just place holders. Be nice if it meant TLOU2 was out soon but alas no....
@Ken_Kaniff Well Kaz is still there and is going to be the company chairman so he won’t let PlayStation fail, he spent a long time building it up after all.. but I don’t think handing a lot of the brands control to the American team was the smartest of moves to make.
@Agramonte It's clear that the listings are fake but perhaps 1 or more of the listings ended up also being unintentional leaks so Sony is backed into a corner and can't give a more precise answer?
@GwynbleiddPT Not really. Mario Odyssey was listed too. This tells us nothing.
@Ken_Kaniff Yep I agree. Sony isn't the same and I knew from the start when Kojima took HDZ engine and he wanted a pc port that's when I knew that HDZ would be ported to PC. Sony has lied and false advertised HDZ as an exclusive and not to mention they shady announced a DS pc release 2 weeks before the ps4 release. Sony is going to fail and I'm not buying a ps5.
@S1ayeR74 Yea I have a gut feeling Ryan is gonna start to push the GaaS model into alot of first party games. He also clearly doesn't respect Playstations past with his comments about "who wants to play old games". I havent like the guy since day one. The PS5 will be the first system I wait a few years to buy just to see how his direction goes before I commit.
@Ken_Kaniff dude you wasn’t going buy the ps5 anyway probably.
PlayStation has absolutely nothing to offer me, but these games should be on PC so that I can play them. I deserve it!
@Jaz007 "we made no anouncement" is a very ambiguos statement nowadays its the same as the "no plans at the moment" pr talk to avoid backlash in case plans "change" further down the line.
@GwynbleiddPT give it a rest Sony said theses games not coming to pc and I believe sony theses games are not coming to pc at least not in Foreseeable future. Also I believe you might be a Xbox fanboy from your past comment history.
@Jay767 Well good for you then i myself am not so trusting so...
As for the rest if it makes you feel better or more confortable about my comments:Sony is the best,,,Xbox/Nintendo/PC sucks and things like that.
And apoligies for make you feel this way of course.not my intention.
@Lando_ i assume bored employees. The French Government have banned Amazon selling 'non-essential' items during the pandemic so someone was probably bored and fancied making some mischief
@Rob_230 Sounds plausible. I still wonder how employees of the world's largest delivery business can act so irresponsibly. Maybe the French "troll" really just didn't feel like doing his job anymore.
: /
nintendo are so stubborn that they cant confirm if something is fake or not
Same. I've been a PlayStation guy, but I buy all consoles, and right now, even if I don't agree with it, MS has a clear direction. I'm thinking I'll get Series X within the first year, wait on PS5 to see if Jim Ryan runs it into the ground like he seems intent on doing.
@GwynbleiddPT I’m saying nothing has changed. This isn’t further proof. It’s not proof against it, but a lack of further proof doesn’t mean anything.
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