The world is in lockdown, and apparently people have got far too much time on their hands. Following the reveal of the PlayStation 5 recently, there’s been a real uptick in FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) surrounding the forthcoming format – much of it completely baseless. One particularly amusing fairy-tale that’s doing the rounds claims that the next-gen console overheats and “fails at an alarming rate”.
This post – which originated on YouTube as far as we can tell – has been shared thousands of times around the web. In it, the author concludes that “Sony rested on its laurels” and “screwed up” the upcoming generation. It’s since emerged that the same poster has been Tweeting hyperbole about PlayStation’s untimely demise for months. He’s since made his account private.
The reality is that developers seem very optimistic about PS5’s tech specs, and particularly the PlayStation 5’s SSD hard drive and 3D audio technology. Lead designer Mark Cerny has also insinuated we'll get a PS5 teardown in the near future. So, why are we posting this? Because in this modern era, false stories stick alarmingly quickly. Always check your sources, folks – and don’t believe everything you read online.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 86
I’d love for Sony to come out and blow people away, but it doesn’t matter. There is time for that later. It’s not like the Xbox Series X and PS5 are launching in a month. It doesn’t matter and this entire conversation will shift once Sony decides to reveal everything. Loud people on the internet make this seem like it’s a bigger issue than it is.
So why have we posted this? Cuz news is kinda slow today folks! 😉
To be honest, I was about to believe this nonsense surrounding PS5's overheating problems and it's release delay. Thanks for the clarification.
Well if I understood Cerny, ps5 cant overheat actually. No console has ever been this focused on power saving and safety, right? Let me know if I got it wrong.
I always say I'm not very clever but at least I know it 🤔
Surely that means I'm not completely stupid like all those people who think they are very clever and question a genius like Cerny.
What the f**k is FUD? I seem to have to learn new acronyms everyday to understand what's been said online
Hope it does still release this year and comes in under 500 pounds - I've been given the nod by the wife based on that price limit...
is the private twitter acount that posted that BS from that windows central guy?
if so than the fact fact that he works at windows central should be proof enough that he's lying. most likely because he can't stand the fact that the media and devs are praising the ps5 while saying nothing about the xbox.
also the fact that he made his account private shows that many people called him out on his BS and he could not handle it.
plus the people reporting bad "news" about sony on youtube on a daily basis are always xbox related channels. go figure...
@LN78 cheers, probably why I've avoided it so far
@Lando_ think about it, HOW it is true but EVERY other reliable sources such as Kotaku's man are saying opposite?
even Digital Foundry's men didn't say it until now, WHY?
@Adol_Xin This post has been shared thousands upon thousands of times. It's important to clear up things like this.
All I've taken so far from the hardware side is that Microsoft have an extremely well designed console for airflow and cooling to enable it to run at full power constantly. Whilst for PS5 we don't have much information in that regards yet apart from variable frequencies in its GPU, intended for short bursts of extra power when needed
Exactly. And if it's about the dev kits, thousands have be been out there for more than a year.
@jdv95 Funny thing is that he said: Windows Central Guys have Verified my sources!
Console Wars!!!
Whoever this person is, obviously a big MS fanboy for whatever reason and enjoys sending rubbish on Twitter about something he has absolutely no real knowledge about.
Aren't people weird!
Wait did the PS5 enter production already? How is it that it is failing at a alarming rate? Even if it is true I'm pretty sure the Kotaku dude and digital foundry would have pick up the news by now considering the dev kit has been around for more than a year now.
There is so many things in the article reeks of BS when you have so many developers praising it.
@Futureshark The Twitter dude works for windows central and that pretty much a dead giveaway.
@parvaz1 hahahah omg.
that is like a PS fanboy spouting BS about the xbox and saying that sony backs up his claims lol.
i would like to read some of the coments on his post seeing that he made his account private. must not have been the attention he wanted.
or windows central saw the tweet,did not like him making false statements that are easy to debunk and asked to stop,prompting him to panick and hit that private button.
I’ve not heard the work fud in years. Great choice
Just saw in comments you’re using it as an acronym not a 90’s slang for a lady garden
Damn I hate being old
The only thing that fails at an alarming rate is the internet's ability to not talk crap every 5 minutes.
As someone with a Scottish wife this headline had me extremely confused.
I'm FUD up with fake news!!
That's nothing. You should check out those tweets from that Blunugroho guy for some epic level of shilling.
@jdv95 Hoho I have read some of his post and pretty much spend all his tweets on how PS5 gonna flop, how Xbox will beat PS5 etc etc. Basically 99% of his tweets is how f*cked up Sony console will be.
@Leon_93 yeah the typical xbox youtuber but on twitter.
did not even have the courage to keep the account public after some people called him out most likley.
@get2sammyb I agree in general with calling fake news, however this "gossip" was so obviously fake slander to me that I thought that in this particular case, it would be clear to everybody (which, in my eyes, made this post a tad nonsensical )
I think he said something about his Dad working for Sony 🙅♂️😀
@Adol_Xin in a normal world with people who actually use their braincells yes this would be obvious.
however we live in a world where some people just can't do that and jump on these BS tweets like fact.
that is not helped by all the youtubers who know this is fake and biased but still decide to use it as a way to mock the PS,and since youtube attracks millions of people some of those are going to believe those lies spread by those youtubers.
heck some of them might even say that the reason that the twitter account is now private is because he was right and was cought leaking legit info. lol.
@JJ2 just wow. he was not even trying to come across as legit.
ohwell he clearly ended up being made a fool since he stopped and made it all private.
jokes on him turns out.
All this stuff is standard as a new gen looms. Things heat up on forums, maniacs come out of the woodwork and we get loads of fake news and baiting.
It's part of the magic, it's great, enjoy!
@ProjectCats joined 9 minutes ago to post this nonsense?
yeah i'm thinking you are not going to be here long.
perhaps pure xbox is more for you,spouting nonsense is what xbox fans are good at afterall.
during the last presentation, Cerny recognized that cooling was an issue with PS4 (Pro) and that they have a solution for PS5
perhaps now he should recognize that that presentation was bad and that a new one should be done ASAP
Roses are red, violets are blue
I wasted my time with this article, and so did you.
@ArmyofOne well they sell awfully well for "bad hardware" though eh?
not to mention that people that work in the industry have nothing but praise for the "bad hardware" ps5 these days. the SSD for example. (which happens to be more powerfull than xbox SSD btw).
if more raw power was more important that how come we see not a single dev or non biased gaming media saying how much of an advantage the new xbox has over the "weak" ps5? none because they realise that the SSD is the more important upgrade next gen. which the ps5 has the better one.
more TF is nice and all but will not play much of a big part next gen since graphics are already hitting a ceiling at some points.
ps5 is weaker where it does not matter as much but is more powerfull where it will have a bigger impact. even DG a site all about raw power have more good things to say about the ps5 SSD than the extra TF of the xbox.
also the one x is already more powerfull than the pro but that did not help xbox sell more consoles at all. so yeah sony does not make such bad harware eh?
Stadia might win the console war due to coronavirus
I actually think Cerny surprised everyone and Ms are the ones being surprised. From the look of it. Now everything we know is from Cerny s mouth soooo let's wait and see the console 😀
If people are impressed with less than 2Tflops difference then it's too bad. I wonder if they will see them some day.
I'm glad to see Sony put so much emphasis on keeping the PS5 cool.
I'm not trying to sling mud or anything, but the 360 would get the red ring of death because of the processor overheating, either from the lack of cooling or the cheap paste would dry out.
When I built my new PC a few months ago, I threw in 5 strong fans and a heatsink that I had to pry the frame bar over just to slide it in with the motherboard. Cooling is important.
Nobody from Windows Central verified his claimes, check your sources.
@DonJorginho It's okay if you don't like the article, but please watch the language
@jdv95 'if more raw power was more important that how come we see not a single dev or non biased gaming media saying how much of an advantage the new xbox has over the "weak" ps5? '
Because they don't have to. Everyone already knows that it's going to be the more powerful of the two machines.
'none because they realise that the SSD is the more important upgrade next gen. which the ps5 has the better one.'
Which won't matter one tiny bit when it comes to cross-platform developers who aim for the majority market which still contains mechanical hard drives, or CP titles where a PC SSD is used as the benchmark for data transfer streaming timings.
My Pro overheats.
I just get my kids to blow on it all day while I am playing. I have fun, they have fun.
this fud are proably correct since they have not shown the consol. but it dont bother me, i will wait for the ps5pro anyway. by then i know they have fixed all the problems the ps5 had the 3 first years after release. the best thing of it all the ps5 will be cheaper and more powerful too. so i am not gonna lose sleep over this, there is plenty of good ps4 games i can play on my mint ps4pro.
While we were all waiting for the official reveal, Sony seems to have forgotten how to launch a console and have had another PS3 style reveal thought I suspect the whole planet going into lockdown hasn't helped.
There are too many variables to really compare and contrast. The PS will have much more efficient Unix based OS while the X will no doubt have some constant stream of beta-releases (Windows 10) inside so how does that affect a console's abilities and the cooling needed?
Sony mentioned about a custom cooling system a little while ago so it will be interesting to see if the XsX starts getting a green ashtray of death due to those extra 2 TFlops?
One thing for sure, Sony's case will look stylish while the XsX box looks like a bin (perhaps an improvement over the previous 80's Betamax player design?)
@TheBuzz ' i will wait for the ps5pro anyway'
Same here. Why buy something that won't perform as well as the competition, when more than likely, a more powerful version will become available?
@Hengist Because why would you waiting for PS5 pro if PS6 is on the horizon.
It's funny, Windows Central are full of Microsoft shil , and most of their pod cast and insider are xbox hardcore fanboy.
@Quintumply Comment has been corrected mate
@Dijon 'Because why would you waiting for PS5 pro if PS6 is on the horizon.'
Because a Pro version will (if going by past history) be along in a couple of years, and a new console generation will be around 7 years.
@Hengist Not true PS5 pro will be another 2 or 3 years and PS6 will come 2 or 3 years after PS5 pro .
@DonJorginho Much better
It won’t overheat because power is limited meaning developers will be forced to under clock either the CPU or GPU.
What seems to be happening in practice is that everyone is under clocking the CPU to the point where they don’t have to worry about power for the GPU.
@Dijon 'Not true PS5 pro will be another 2 or 3 years and PS6 will come 2 or 3 years after PS5 pro .'
Thanks for the information. Is that official, as I haven't read it anywhere?
@Ryall 'It won’t overheat because power is limited meaning developers will be forced to under clock either the CPU or GPU.'
A novel solution to investing in a decent cooling system. If it gets too hot, let's slow the thing down.
I think everyone learned from the 360. That said MS knew beforehand and still released a box with a 33% fail rate- so i guess anything is possible
@carlos82 where I'm from it's another name for female genitalia, so when I first read it I had a wee giggle as it read like owning a PS5 would make you popular with the ladies 😂
It’s probs Phil Spencer’s misinformation account spreading porkies...
@MightyDemon82 Haha, it'd be even worse if that terrafloppy April fools joke was real too 😂
No you got it wrong. DF reported Cerny said that happened only with the dev kits. The console does it itself with variable frequencies and even more importantly smartshift. Dev wont have to underclock anything.
@Hengist Consoles are the majority market, not PCs. That means SSDs are going to be the benchmark once next-gen starts and devs great transitioning, so games will be designed around them. Also, a fast SSD can do things like better view draw distance from what I understand (something that can be done as an extra in a game) and devs have every same reason to not use Xbox’s “extra power” as Sony’s “extra power” so that argument doesn’t make a lot of sense.
I was lost at the word FUD.
@Jaz007 ' Consoles are the majority market, not PCs.'
I'm afraid that I'll have to disagree with you here.
'and devs have every same reason to not use Xbox’s “extra power” as Sony’s “extra power” so that argument doesn’t make a lot of sense.'
I don't want to appear as rude, but the above didn't make any sense to me. It's not a case of using the 'extra power' of one machine or the other, in the context of cross-platform development. Most CP devs will use unique specific features of a system when it's easier, or there's a problem with performance which means they have to spend extra time in utilising that resource to get it up to par with the other platforms.
@carlos82 🤣🤣🤣
@JJ2 I suppose it would be more accurate to describe what developers are doing as making sure they don’t give many instructions to the CPU. So that it doesn’t run fast and therefore a lot of power available to be shifted to the GPU.
@OmegaStriver Thinking about it... If the coronavirus causes next gen consoles to delay, Sony has the upper-hand in a way, because they still haven't actually revealed their console. MS can't do a console reveal anymore, they already did it last year.
@Hengist It certainly gets you more bang for your buck than trying to predict what the maximum demand will be and then building a solution for the worst case scenario.
@ankehuber To be fair, the guy is an absolute fud so it’s fitting in a way 😂😂😂
Let's get some truth here: both consoles will be powerful in their own ways.
I have a feeling that Sony's ray tracing solution won't be as strong as Microsoft Series X. Mark Cerney said it was there as part of the hardware, but Microsoft made it one of the main features of the architecture - so much so that the system has a custom solution for ray traced graphics/audio.
I am still confused about Sony's SSD solution. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing that the company has managed to get the solid-state bandwidth so high compared to what is currently available, but from an end-user standpoint, a lot of why developers like it won't mean much to us. It will mostly mean that games will have less data-streaming optimizations in the code on Sony's machine compared to Microsoft's. I also fear it will also mean that file sizes on for PS5 games will be larger simply because "it can handle it".
Microsoft's SSD solution is just as capable of producing the same results (no "loading sections", "instant" game loads, etc.), but will require developers to be a little more smart about the way data is loaded. It will really depend on the game.
Open-world games will probably be the one game-type where PS5 will noticeably outshine the Series X as PS5 can load in more environmental detail faster - resulting in longer draw distances with little to no visible pop-in (again, depending on the amount of data required to render the environment).
That isn't to say Series X will be any slouch - I mean it could feasibly load all of The Witcher 3 or Skyrim in a matter of seconds - PS5 can just do it faster.
However, the CPU/GPU still needs to have the muscle to handle all of it. So while the PS5 may be able to stream in data faster, Series X can handle more at one time than PS5 and therefore may come out with the more stable frame rate.
A game like FIFA will probably be instant load for both systems unless the amount of data required to load a match exceeds Microsoft's maximum I/O speed (which might put Microsoft's machine at maybe 1 or 2 second loads). Where Series X might edge out PS5 is that Series X could run at a higher native resolution at better framerates - especially if there are any ray traced effects used in game for stadium lighting (if I am correct about my assumption that Series X will handle ray traced effects better).
I say "may" because we have no basis for comparison. Until the systems come out and Digital Foundry get's it hands on multi-platform titles, we simply won't know which system will come out as the best overall experience for said game.
While measuring TFLOPs isn't necessarily a proper gauge of performance due to various modern techniques available to developers (Variable Rate Shading, AI-driven up-scaling [DLSS for lack of a better term], Dynamic Resolution Scaling, etc.), there is still an advantage to having the stronger hardware when it comes to overall image quality and maintaining framerates.
Now as far as "overheating issues" - this is such a stupid rumor. PS5 will simply reduce it's clock-speeds to help keep temps low where Microsoft has a unique approach to it's internals to keep temperatures low (having the locked frequencies I am sure helped with developing the cooling solution for Microsoft).
Man this take me back to ps4 era, I remember the fud news about ps4 is high too. Well, in the end all that matters is the games
For those stating the only difference is a little 2 Tfops you have it wrong. The PS5 manages the power between the CPU and GPU and the GPU with full power load is 2 Tflops slower. But this is only achievable when the CPU is in a low power state.
The problem with overclocking, which is what PS have choose to do is that it is very power hungry. Those last few Hz eat power and pour out heat. With a fixed power budget you will not maintain those speeds. The difference between the silicon is like going from a 2060 to a 2080 and overclocking is not going to make that up.
It will not matter much at the start of the generation but as it progresses with more adoption of ray tracing and other high workload effects it will be much larger the Xbone and PS4 difference.
@Hengist Sales reports always seem to be more in favor of consoles with games individual sales. What suggests that PC would be the market leader? Console is cheaper, more consumer friendly, is what you hear about most people playing on, and has all the characteristics to be the market majority above PC. What told you otherwise? I'm not saying PC doesn't have a good market, but it's definitely not on the scale of consoles. I mean think about it, RDR2 was one of the biggest games there is and sold bucketloads. The PC port was secondary and came ages after the consoles. If PC was the market leader a game like that wouldn't miss out on it for anything.
To explain the statement, you said everyone knows the new Xbox is more powerful than the PS5. I'm saying if they go for the lowest common denominator period, they won't be aiming to use any extra power from anyone. If they're working off of a super-fast PC SSD for development, it'l likely be of the highest quality for highest settings giving the PS5 SSD in advantage in those areas, just as much of an advantage the Xbox's extra terraflops would give it. The base game design and mechanics will be designed around the lowest common-denominator obviously, but for specific performance advantages in games, current knowledge suggests they will both have them. The idea that it's a given that the new Xbox is more powerful and will automatically run better isn't true.
@JJ2 Both the CPU and GPU have the power required in PS5's Power Supply to hit their full speed at the same time, but the reality is that games are dynamic in how calculations hit the hardware.
Both the CPU and GPU likely peak at different times depending on the game, sometimes neither would, which has nothing to do with how the hardware works, it's all game and scenario dependent.
Reducing clocks when games and work doesn't require full speed then heat is going to be kept lower.
The system should be kept cool because of the new design philosophy Sony are using in PS5
Funny thing is also the fact that some people still doubt that PS5 has RDNA2
I'm confused. I'll admit I don't know much about Twitter, but it seems that this article links to a tweet that has been shared 417 times. Not a tweet that has been shared "thousands upon thousands" as someone in the comments put it. I also don't see an account that has been made private. Am I missing something?
The very moment most people should have picked up that this was a lie, it's the claim that devs claiming the hardware is overheating. 😂😂😂😂.
Devkits machine are designed to run 24/7 at full speed.
So there is no way developers would come to that conclusion based on a dev kit.
In the era of social media, any lies can be spread and be called factual without check or balances.
Very sad times we are living.
It will only get worse in next 6-7 months. And you know what is the saddest part of all of this FUD?
It's working.
I will wait for White PS5 Slim for better design.
We don't sell Duff, we sell Fudd
Is FUD a thing or did you just invent it? What's going on
That made up fake rumour has since been debunked by several people, the person behind it is obviously nothing more then a salty Xbot cry baby... pathetic low life that has nothing better to do then slander an entire corporation and it’s millions of customers purely out of selfishness.
"Always check your sources, folks – and don’t believe everything you read online."
Amusing considering some of the "articles" Sammy himself has posted.
@Mince That expandable teraflop report you read was a April Fools article.
His proof was Sony has not shown the form factor or any games.
While Xbox series X also has shown no games running on it.
Internet is ruining game news to me. Every week there are "leaks" reported by almost every site, including here, when it should be confined only in forums. Unfortunately, everyone can create a twitter/reddit account and spread chaos, no matter how no sense the info is.
About this particular case, the guy seems biased. I don't trust him at all. I reserve my opinion about the PS5 when it's released. If PS5 really sucks, I go with Xbox or even a PC. In the meantime, I'll be playing my back catalogue.
EVERY Gen(Well since Microsoft joined the Console race) the Rats have come out of the Sewers when a new Gen starts. That is why I am always looking over my shoulder and I am ready for the LIES To think there is more important things to be worried about at the moment to
@Hengist It was already hinted, that the premium model work very well. And they will likely will be doing the same thing ( i don't know about Xbox) but Sony likely will follow the same model by releasing PS5 pro in 3 to 4 years from now and then PS6 in 3 to 4 years after that.
@Dijon Thanks for the reply.
So it's not an official statement, but more of a 'likely' (Internet unqualified gossip/speculation) kinda thing.
@Hengist No, The engineer who design PS4 pro it self already said that (The Japanese one not Cerny). He said PS4 pro was an experiment but it succeed and they might do it again. You can search on Push Square about the interview.
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