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Sony is still planning to release the PlayStation 5 at some point during Holiday 2020, despite coronavirus threatening to disrupt its plans. The news comes courtesy of BAAS Amsterdam, the organisation responsible for handling public relations for Sony Interactive Entertainment Benelux. Apparently, a museum in Zwolle has already started assembling a ‘PS5 Experience Zone’, which will be one of the first places attendees will be able to get a taste of the Japanese giant’s next-gen device.

“Our museum will receive the PS5 as one of the first in the Netherlands,” said owner John Groenewold. “We are already preparing for this so that visitors can experience the differences between the PS4 and PS5 for themselves.”

But will coronavirus affect the platform holder’s plans? According to BAAS Amsterdam, everything is still on track. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly the most certain of sources: the PR team will be working towards Sony’s specification, and it’s unlikely to be aware of any potential changes behind-the-scenes. Effectively, the PS5 is still officially scheduled to release Holiday 2020, and that will remain true until something changes. Let’s hope that this global crisis clears up quickly, and plans can get back on track.

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