Cyberpunk 2077 didn't get a big gameplay blowout during the Xbox E3 2019 press conference like we thought it would, instead opting for a cinematic trailer and a confirmed release date. We've embedded said trailer above, and let's just say, it's got one hell of a surprise at the end of it.
That's right, it's living legend Keanu Reeves, and we assume he's playing an especially important character in CD Projekt Red's role-playing title. He even came out on stage at the Xbox presser once the trailer was over, and proceeded to drive the crowd wild. Can we have him host every conference from now on, please?
Anyway, it's a cool trailer. Let us know how high your hype levels are for Cyberpunk 2077 in the comments section below.
Comments 21
H Y P E !
I'm in day 1 but would be nice to see some gameplay.
Keanu is the best person I've seen on stag at any E3. He was just genuine.
Alright, I need to PO this game now.
@ApostateMage he’s a professional actor to be fair..
I'm very interested to see some gameplay soon, but it all looks great so far.
Thought I couldn't want this game more than I already did.
Nice to have an actual exciting surprise still at E3. Highlight of the show by miles.
I think some gameplay will be revealed over the week.
day 1 for me, love keanu, was a huge surprise when he was revealed.
So those rumours about Gaga are probably true then huh
I'm guessing were going to see some more gameplay soon. Proper hype for this, genuinely don't know whether to wait on ps5 or watch this melt my og ps4!!
Keanu is a good fit for Cyberpunk to be honest, so I’m hyped to see he’s a part of the project!
Keanu Reaves is one of the best actors this is already amazing.word up son
Not the John Wick sequel I was expecting, but definitely the one I was needing.
Best moment, made my day!
Keanu Reeves is like a broken clock. A broken clock is right two times a day, and Keanu's career hits a high peak every ten years.
Just rewatched the full reveal with Keanu on stage and release date bit. The final video before the date is definitely gameplay clips with some cool bits in there (riding a bike, some sort of laser-whip thing).
Didn't really catch it the first time as so caught up with Keanu and release date shock.
@ShogunRok apparently he is playing Johnny Silverhand ex music star.
Baba Yaga still lives in 2077!
@Neolit I'll push for it!
I enjoyed that!
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