Tomorrow (that's Friday the 5th April at the time of writing) sees the release of the first big content update for The Division 2. It's set to add a new stronghold (supposedly the toughest of the bunch) alongside a new world tier. A few fresh weapons will also be introduced, and you'll be able to get your hands on specific gear sets.
But tomorrow's update is just the start of what Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft have planned for the game's first year. Later this month, the title's first eight-player raid will drop, and beyond that, you'll gain access to a new character specialisation. In the trailer above, it looks like the signature weapon is a minigun.
Are you excited for all the new stuff coming to The Division 2? Lock and load in the comments section below.
Comments 6
Despite my swearing off these GaaS, I did purchase The Division 2 and am enjoying it thoroughly. I’m about halfway to the endgame, so these will be some nice additions waiting for me. I really enjoyed the first one, and other than the skill bug that’s been fixed, this one has launched rather well.
If you enjoyed the first Division, this is more of the same with some minor improvements. If you didn’t like the first, you should avoid this one.
Oh, and supposedly there’s a story, but much like the first, I’m not paying attention to whatever it is.
For me Ubisoft have become the masters of post launch game support. This stuff all looks great, and it's totally free.
Maybe, just maybe I'll buy a few quids worth of cosmetics.
the first division in NYC was this one is off the chains also.word up son
It's also National Burrito Day in the US - what a time to be alive
Really enjoyed the first Division and this one has exceeded my expectations. Will be playing this until the PS5 launch, and hopefully Div 3 will be a thing.
My early favorite for GOTY. It won't win but I have had more fun and spent more time playing Div 2 than any other game this year.
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