Fortnite on the PlayStation 4 does not allow cross-console play, this much we know. However a bigger story has been developing since the release of the Nintendo Switch version earlier today: you can’t log in to the game if you’ve previously linked your Epic Account with the PlayStation Network. Well, you can, but you’ll need to create a new account and start over.
The reason for this is unclear: it could be security, purchase protection, or simply Sony being an ass. Either way, this is creating a social media sh*t storm on an unprecedented scale, so something will have to change. You can currently log in to the Switch version if you’ve previously played on Xbox, PC, or mobile, so this does appear to be a PlayStation specific problem.
Sort it out, Sony.
Comments 36
Yeah, I just had someone in my community unlink their PSN account from their Epic account and it doesn't work.
This is....dear God.
This will be the one to break the camels back.
That's pretty messed up on Sony's behalf.
PS4 - FOR THE PLAYERS! (who play only on PS4) <£ oops i meant <3
agree with knuckles, this could be the final straw, the worlds BIGGEST game and sony are acting like the segregated child who got invited to a party where everyone is related.
Disappointed with SONY honestly! They are doing great but come on why be a little b**ch about this minor thing?
I have a switch and maybe I want to play with my friends on the PS4 sometimes...what's the big deal?
Also, having to create a new account just to play on switch is simply sad
Hearing it was like this between PS4 and Xbox yet no one made a fuss then.
I'm sure this will get fixed. They're not going to leave it like this.
@Knuckles-Fajita dear god? One that breaks the camals back? So you're reckon Sony will go bankrupt as a result of this or something?
@kyleforrester87 Know, I reckon that like @get2sammyb said last E3, when a HUGE game does it, like the biggest game on the planet and Sony is being a stick in a mud, a whole load of people are going to notice.
Kid: "Mommy why cant I use my account"?
The doors of cross-play should be open to Nintendo, because Nintendo exists in its own little bubble these days and succeeds or fails on its own and doesn't have much bearing on how PlayStation or Xbox sell. I can understand why Sony doesn't want crossplay with Xbox.
Who’s going to opt for a Switch over a PS4? Sony need to realise they have the biggest games at the moment (apart from Zelda and Mario) so don’t need to be so scared of people jumping ship.
@Knuckles-Fajita yeah notice, little sh*t storm and then forgotten in a week, let's be honest.
It is based on fear. Once you're locked into cross play, there's no going back. That could very well hurt Sony in the next gen. A lot of people still go where their friends are gaming, if Xbox guys know they don't have to get a PlayStation to game with their friends on that brand, it's one less selling point. I get it from the business perspective.
@Knuckles-Fajita Well I think the issue here is more the login than cross-console play. They need to at least let you unlink your Epic account from PS4.
If you could log in but cross-console play was still disabled, I doubt this would be getting anywhere near as much heat.
@Neolit Haha, I lost a bet.
Who cares? The entitled minority of Fortnite players who have both a PS4 and a Switch but clearly feel the Switch is inferior to play at home? Is this really affecting anyone's quality of life?
Talk about first world problems. Good grief.
Yeah, I can agree with that. This is a really bad look.
The Nlife Blitzkrieg is bashing Sony hard for this decision:p Its hilarious how pissed people can be( see gortsi or Anti-matter) . If Nintendo is so pro consumer
Just seems a bit sad Sony again opting out of crossplay.
@get2sammyb Only as a result of the backlash.
@Orpheus79V Well, I mean, yeah? If there was no backlash then it'd mean there wasn't a problem to begin with; the fact that there is a backlash means it needs to be fixed.
Isnt this something to do with epic and not sony?..like you can't share fortnite between 2 ps4 because you can only have one account linked to your epic account...lot of fuss about nothing.
Hadnt thought about this before and havent played Fortnite yet .. but its an absolute crappy attitude. Ive got a PS4, my 10 year old son has a Switch. Whats the big inconvenience to Sony if we play cross platform? It just means less families who dont own duplicate consoles can enjoy playing together. Stingy and miserable!!
What's worse than people moaning on the internet? Fortnite fans moaning on the internet.
Oh, that is not right. I actually thought it was amazing when I loaded my PC account on the Switch.
At this point just keeping the PC version for home if they sync up. It is like having a GPD Win2
I buy a PlayStation to play just that 0 interest in playing with anyone on Xbox or switch
This is going to be a jump the gun article all over again. Sammy Sammy Sammy in need of clicks. 😋
Oh no, I sure hope those people who absolutely must play fornite on the go aren't depraved of carrying over their progress. We're about to see riots and mass teen suicide rates go through the roof!
This seems more like an Epic issue? Even if Sony doesn't allow crossplatform play, Epic should still be able to allow the login from that account (even if it doesn't mean anything carries over). Warframe doesn't have crossplay, but you can still use the same DE account on both platforms (with different saves on each).
Because of the way that error is worded, it seems a little passive aggressive on Epic's part. It's very possibly Sony and Epic have some sort of contract that prevents them from allowing it, but that seems unlikely (and even if that's the case, it's Epic's fault for accepting/allowing that).
First world problems when Knack 2 exists. Move on please, here's nothing to see.
Sony is the new Golden State Warriors.
@adf86 Yes exactly!!! You have to do the same thing on Xbox yet no big deal? Only when the Switch is involved do people get REALLY upset. 🙄
I think sony should at least give us the option to unlink psn account from epic account.
The reason now is a big problem is because there are people that play fortnite on playstation at home, and play on switch when going outside, while before, I don't think there's people that play fortnite both at ps4 or xbox, or ps4 and pc at home.
@get2sammyb I wouldn't say that's true. There is a backlash to everything these days, if we fixed all of them the world would burn. Haha.
@adf86 @3Above I think the difference is that most Switch owners also own a PS4 or Xbox. And a lot of kids own a Switch but played Fortnite on their Dads PS4. (That’s what my kid does)
It wasn’t so noticeable previously because fewer Xbox players are also PS4 players.
It is a completely bad move from Sony.
Language -Tasuki-
@Kienda @wiiware im reading online that even when the account is unlinked from PSN you still cant log in. Sounds like an issue on Epics side.
Eugh why is it so often the greatest games that become such a global hit?
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