Like a Hitman mission that goes horribly awry, Agent 47 has fluffed his lines here. Danish developer IO Interactive hinted at Hitman news earlier today, with publishing partner Warner Bros promptly following up with a video clip of an F1 race track. It seems both parties have been teasing Hitman 2, as the title’s logo has just been uncovered on WB Games’ website. Whoops!
The game will be revealed prior to E3 2018 on Thursday, 7th June. We’re pretty excited for this as we really loved Hitman’s reboot on the PlayStation 4, and the prospect of assassinating some unsuspecting idiots at a Grand Prix shows that IO has not lost its creative touch since transitioning to independence.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 26
lel. Poster from resetera.com sees a reddit post and takes credit for it ages after it was first found.
Good job.
The first one was cool, I enjoyed it...so I'm looking forward for this one!
Nice.i still l💗ve hitman absolution on the ps3. Word up son
I still need to play the first game, but cool announcement.
Considering the amount of leaks going on, Mario is a bloody awful plumber
@PS_Nation It’s really good.
@adf86 I'm just glad none of the leaks have been Sony-related so far. Hopefully they can avoid spoilers to have a great press conference but we still have a week to go...
@get2sammyb I will check the price.
@deepspace5d That’s because there’s nothing to leak. They already told us what we’re getting.
Hitman 2 came out 2002 not sure this is a leak.
I'll leave now.
If it's episodic again count me out.
@Cornaboyzzz Why? That format worked INCREDIBLY well for the first season.
Can't wait to see some gameplay soon. Been a big Hitman fan since Absolution.
Yeah, I arrived to the Hitman party kinda late. At least I have the collection on the PS3.
@get2sammyb Never liked to buy parts of a game and then have to wait until the next part. I think old Hitman games were perfect as they were.
I'll wait until the complete game is released, like I did with the last one, and all other episodic games before it.
It’s leaks like this that make Sony’s decision to announce their games before E3 sound more reasonable.
@Cornaboyzzz so your essentially saying you only like something that is a final product right? No waiting around for the ending?
So I am guessing you never watch any sci-fi dramas that are in seasons, you have to wait months to finish one season then?
You don't watch trilogy movies for the same reason etc?
Episodic games should be the way forward for some genres tbh (it can't work with some like football lol, who wants to wait for the rest of the games content when they play it expecting that from the start).
It gives the developers plenty of time to dedicate towards the coming level/s before release.
One thing I would say is to release the game with a handful of levels first, then release each update with two or three levels (or even just a story arc of maps at a time).
Not got round to hitman yet, but played the games since the original upto absolution.
Always the thing that disappointed me was the ai always rumbling you for meerly walking near them in disguise.
But also the lack of hand to hand combat options, even splinter cell has better options to take down an enemy silently lol, kind of never made sense. Also the fact he cannot jump? Really odd decision given as a hitman you would want to climb into the most awkward of positions to get the upper hand, perfect sniping spot etc.
@get2sammyb the three games sony are announcing in the run up to e3 are unknown? (or more probable is that the three will be games that have been rumoured but not confirmed) that's about the only place a leak could come from...e3 this year is all about ghosts of tsushima for me cannot wait😀
@Trollingham well if it's a show that I really love I don't wait, but usually yeah I prefer to watch entire seasons at once.
And I see the point in episodic games, I didn't say that it was the worst idea, but I still prefer to get a complete product. It's just my personal opinion.
@get2sammyb Perhaps, but Sony has made it to press conferences in the past without any major leaks and then proceeded to reveal some big surprises. So I wouldn't necessarily say there hasn't been any leaks from Sony only because we already know what we're going to get.
I have only played the two tutorial missions of the previous one, but I had so much fun that I spent many more hours with them than I initialy thought. Maybe now it's time to play the rest. Such a great game!
I've had the first one for ages and never got past the Paris fashion show level. I kind of like it, but also realised that stealth just isn't much fun for me. Same reason why I don't overly like MGS V. Too much creeping around. I'll get back to both of them one day I'm sure.
This is why we can't have nice things.
I thought the episodic format was great for Hitman. Yes there was a break between episodes, but that gave you incentive to fully explore each level and complete it 100% before the next one.
I hope they will do it episodically again. It worked perfectly.
My main issue with the episodic format is how they handled it, they kept changing their plans for the release instead of just sticking to one format. Also they better leave out those elusive targets that can only be accessed during a certain time period, that stuff just bugs me.
@thrison Yeah, that's resetERA for you, same as GAF, which they all came from. They're a pretentious lot who think they're the bees knees due to their restricted regristration process making it harder to become a member, and of course they take credit for everything.
My only issue with the first Hitman was that the episodic format felt a bit sleazy. The old Hitman games had like over a dozen unique missions to go through, all with multiple ways to kill the target. The last game whittled that down to six or so, spaced out by the wait between releases, filling the gap with extra targets and whatnot on the map you'd already done. So it felt a little like you were getting less game - padded out with filler contracts - for the same price.
All that said, it's kind of a minor gripe, because otherwise the game was fantastic. And so I'm totally excited for another one.
I still need to play the first Hitman PS4 games, but am looking forward to Hitman 2 news.
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