Wow! We already knew Guerrilla Games’ sci-fi role-playing release Horizon: Zero Dawn was a big success, but not to this extent. Sony has announced on the title’s one year anniversary that it’s sold 7.6 million units since its launch in 2017, making it the most successful “new first-party franchise” on the PlayStation 4. These numbers represent both physical and digital sales sold through to consumers globally as of 15th February, 2018. Absolutely staggering.
“We had huge ambition for Horizon: Zero Dawn and as we approached the launch we knew people were excited, but to see sales of this volume is truly mind blowing,” said Guerrilla Games’ uber-cool managing director Hermen Hulst. “Since launch, millions of players have joined Aloy on a quest to discover the secrets of the old ones. We hope they enjoy playing Horizon: Zero Dawn as much as we enjoyed making it.”
This puts Aloy’s adventure on par with some of Sony’s biggest properties, like Uncharted and Gran Turismo. After the critical and commercial reception to Horizon: Zero Dawn, a sequel is all but guaranteed at this point. The big question is: will the Dutch developer now be turning its attention to the PlayStation 5?
[source sie.com]
Comments 45
Absolutely incredible. Well done, Guerrilla.
well deserved!! A game that PS4 owners really should buy and play!
Those sales would put it 2nd behind Uncharted 4 and worthy of being the best new IP on the system.
My favourite red head, congrats Guerilla!
I actually just read that these numbers are bigger than The Last of Us' first year.
B-b-b-but single player games dead its all about the multiplayer service gaemz
And a guy on Twitter yesterday was telling me the game sold 4 mil and It won't even reach 5.
Well deserved. Great game, great new IP. Clearly going to be a PS5 title though - which to be honest, makes complete sense.
Long live Single Player games!
Absolutely incredible. I thought it would do well, but 7.6mill for a brand new IP exclusive to one system is mind blowing.
Congrats to Gruerilla Games!
Great number. I'll get past the tutorial one day...
@Hapuc He's looking silly today. Link him to this news.
Do a new IP with a good different idea and when you execute it well enough you get sales! We are in a business full of sequels so this doesn't surprise me!
The game is great!
So, beating even uncharted and god of war? That's incredible!
That's crazy, I though it sells 5-6M, but 7.6M is really great
@get2sammyb Beating ND new ip is no small task, guerilla games really delivered this gen.
Hope there's a sequel on PS4 before PS5 arrives!
That's damn impressive for a new IP. Major props to Guerilla Games.
A truly great RPG behind only The Witcher 3 on PS4 but with genre leading combat and the best new IP I've played for some time. Absolutely well deserved and I can't wait for a sequel.
@naruball Uncharted wasn't a new franchise on PS4 and it has sold more than Horizon, these are still great numbers though
Oh and single player games are dead 🤔
They deserve even more!
Just out curiosity, these numbers include TFW expansion as well?
Bye Bye Killzone. While i hope this news doesnt spell the end of the shooter series, i hope Guerilla have taken on board the lessons from Horizon about building a world with a compelling story
@get2sammyb Already did I think there will be a lot of salt today.
@Rob_230 What if they Went Far Cry Style With Killzone open World Fps shooter.
@Hapuc probably using those waste of time figures from vgchartz, pretty sure according to them it was sat at 4.5m just before Christmas. Amazing 1st year numbers for a new ip. Judging from the sequel bait ending Horizon 2 was always intended barring terrible numbers so no problem on that account.
Still not got it yet :-/ Got to still finish Crash 2 then play GT Sport then play Crash 3 then I will pick this up Ahh, life is good if your a PlayStation owner(as always)
That's a million copies for every year they worked on it.
@Hapuc it COULD be great. Although i think killzone could benefit more from a linear world with a story told well.
@Rob_230 I wouldn't mind any kind of direction as long as new killzone comes i'm happy.
@toffeecrit Dunno which source he used but he sure as hell looks dumb right now.
The sequel needs to be a PS5 launch game exclusive, pretty sure that bundle would be snapped up instantly
If Sony and Guerilla Games decide to launch Horizon 2 with the Playstation 5 bundled, i guarantee you that they would sell 4-5 Million consoles Day 1.
I'm almost certain Horizon 2 will be announced alongside the PS5. Don't think it'll be a launch game, though — they won't want to rush it. Likely launch window.
Fantastic news. I've been playing through the game again, finally got around to The Frozen Wilds, and it's just awesome. Definitely the best new IP of this gen and one of my favorite RPGs. Guerrilla deserves all its success for this one. It's made some great games in the past but Horizon is something else.
I'd likely get a PS5 on day one anyway but if Horizon 2 was a launch title, it'd pretty much guarantee it.
Deserved. Top pick of PS4 games I've played so far. I'm expecting HZD2 as much as TLOU2, although HZD2 seems more likely to hit on PS5.
I'm 17% and 17 hours in and it's a great game. I'm concurrently playing Uncharted Lost Legacy, in chapter 4, and I like the look of H:ZD even more than Uncharted, and I'm a huge Uncharted fan. Uncharted looks almost too realistic, I like a little exaggeration in my game.
I spent 155 hours playing Zelda BotW last summer and I'm really glad I played that first, not sure I'd play it after this, world would seem too empty, even though I always knew I'd like this more. Link being able to climb on everything did make Aloy seem like a bit of a dork for awhile but I'm used to it now, she's much more capable at getting around than Noctis. Small price to pay, there's always trade-offs.
Horizon 2 on PS5 certainly - thanks everyone for not spoiling anything - with maybe H:ZD4k at launch. I know it's already 4k on Pro but I'm sure they can squeeze a little more out of it, worked for GTAV and TLoU between PS3 and PS4. Just that tad bit more. If they want to add in PSVR for the Cauldron sections that would be cool as well. I've only played 1 but it seemed like a good candidate for PSVR. The rest of the game is too long for my claustrophobia and nausea however to eb wearing that headset.
Congrats to Guerrila Games, it's great, they deserved the sales.
Beside the witcher 3 I haven’t played a game as good as horizon and to hear it almost sold 8 million copies is awesome news. It’s only been a year I can see it reaching 10 million this year alone. Well done guerilla and I can’t wait for horizon 2
Sony showed such confidence in this from the moment they announced it, at E3 they called it a new franchise rather new IP. That's telling in that they knew how the game was progressing and how much faith it has in GG. I'm so pleased how it turned out both critically and commercially cos PlayStation always had new mascots for every console it launched. PS1 had Crash and Spyro, PS2 Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank and Kratos. PS3 had Nathan Drake, Sackboy and Joel & Ellie but PS4 lacked a new face due to early new IPs like Knack and The Order failing to grab a bigger audience but Aloy has filled that gap now.
Now that's an amazing news, congratulations for Guerrilla and Sony, also Horizon Zero Dawn is my favorite game of this generation. Can't wait for the sequel.
Btw, some people of the competition were saying that exclusives are irrelevant and that single-player games are doomed. Where're they now???
@carlos82 Did Uncharted 4 sell more than 7.6m. in a year? I thought it was a bit less than that.
That's awesome! I'm certainly looking forward to a sequel, the numbers are definitely there for it.
Wow playa.congrats to guerilla games.this game is legendary.word up son
Awesome!! Did it beat all Killzones?
@naruball I saw a report saying it sold 8.7 million in 2016 and given it's May release it'd be for about 8 months on sale
@Cassetticons You're also still grinding/exploring the open world and taking down machines?
I managed to make myself stop and go back to the story, but I know the feeling.
@Carl-G Agreed ! My first consoles as a kid were PS1 and PS2, never regret asking for them over Nintendo .
@get2sammyb I could totally see that happening Sammy! I'd buy the PS5 day one if there was a Horizon 2 Bundle, depending on the price and my current financial situation.
(Also if I don't have too big of a PS4 backlog etc still)
It's amazing that I know more people who haven't played it than have!! It's such a GREAT game. I jumped on it late myself and it turned out to be one of my all-time favorites!!
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