Red Dead Redemption 2 dominated the headlines on Push Square this week – though there was a bigger industry-wide story in the form of the upcoming Nintendo Switch. Other headlines included the completion of The Last Guardian – at long last!

Battlefield 1 - 8/10
While you probably know whether you'll enjoy Battlefield 1's multiplayer based on any past experience with the series, it does successfully sidestep feeling like a mod – a trap Battlefield Hardline fell head-first into – by making a number of notable changes that give a different spin on the chaotic big team battles you expect. At times, though, it can feel like a game at war with itself, swinging between the need to acknowledge the sacrifices of World War I and the desire to make an enjoyable shooter. While the multiplayer rightfully chooses to be a fun shooter first, the campaign tries to strike a reasonable balance on this front, delivering a memorable series of war stories that drive home the cost of war. And while it can't resist urge to go over the top at times, in doing so, it at least delivers one of the best Battlefield campaigns to date.
100ft Robot Golf - 7/10
100ft Robot Golf delivers a winning combination of sci-fi anime and nicely playable golf. It won't win any awards for production values, but it's such a fun solo experience and manic laugh in multiplayer that you'll be happy to look past that. Importantly for PlayStation VR owners, piloting a 100ft Robot is a joy in virtual reality mode – but the core gameplay works fine in the standard not-as-cool regular mode.
Other Reviews
- The Assembly - 5/10
- Here They Lie - 7/10
- Mantis Burn Racing - 6/10
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - 8/10
- EVE: Valkyrie - 8/10
- Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour - 6/10
- Harmonix Music VR - 4/10
- Viking Squad - 7/10
- Skylanders: Imaginators - 7/10
- Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs - 7/10
- EVE: Gunjack - 7/10
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky - 5/10
- RIDE 2 - 6/10

Reaction: Nintendo Switch Knocks the Final Nail in PS Vita's Coffin
The PlayStation Vita was already on its last legs, but Nintendo just delivered a swift upper-cut to its bloodied jaw. The legendary manufacturer's new Switch hybrid – great name, but it's going to take some getting used to – feels like the final form of a concept that both it and Sony have been exploring for years; the latter has let its rival pull the trigger first.
Talking Point: What November 2016 PlayStation Plus Games Do You Want?
We're not quite sure how it's happened, but apparently it's already approaching November. That means, the depressingly dark nights and cold weather are drawing ever-near here at Push Square Towers – but there's salvation in the form of the impending PlayStation Plus update. So, after the excellent October update which included Transformers: Devastation and Resident Evil, what are you hoping for?
Other Features
- Round Up: Battlefield 1 PS4 Reviews Storm the Trenches
- Preorder: Hot PS4 Hardware, Must Have Games and Accessories
- Feature: What We Want from Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4
- Podcast: Episode 16 - PlayStation VR Review
- Video: What Does the Nintendo Switch Mean for PlayStation?
- Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 140
Podcast: Episode 16 - PlayStation VR Review
So, PlayStation VR is now out in the wild, and Potter's finally got his hands on a unit, so we cut to the chase this episode and knuckle down to discuss – well, attempt to – just how the headset stacks up. We also ask the important questions: should you buy one and if you do, what games are worth your time? The super-duper special guest this week is Alex Stinton who makes his triumphant return to give us the skinny on all things Mafia III.
PS4 Exclusive Days Gone Looks Insane on PS4 Pro
Days Gone, the new apocalyptic property from Sony Bend, is shaping up to be one of the poster childs for the upcoming PlayStation 4 Pro – and Eurogamer.net's managed to get its hands on a brand new batch of screenshots to support that. These images show the title running in its checkerboard 4K format, and frankly, it just looks sumptuous.
PS4 Exclusive The Last Guardian Finally Goes Gold
When you really take the time to stop and think about just how long we've been following the development of The Last Guardian, it's kind of mind boggling. The spiritual successor to Shadow of the Colossus, it was officially revealed all the way back in 2009 as a PlayStation 3 title - and now Sony studio head Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that the game has gone gold, a whole seven years later.
Other Noteworthy News
- Red Dead Redemption 2 Looks Like a Stunner in PS4 Trailer
- Persona 5 Arena Sounds Like More than a Possibility
- PS4 Pro Has More Memory Than the Base Model
- Elite PS4 Controller Isn't Something Sony Is Interested In
- How Much Better Does Skyrim Look on PS4?
- Sony's Snapped Up That Bad Ass Indie Devil May Cry Title
- UK Retailer GAME Wants to Charge You to Demo PlayStation VR
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