Can you believe that it's October already? The year seems to have flown by here at Push Square, and now we find ourselves on the very brink of the holiday rush. Indeed, this is one of the most packed Octobers in recent memory, with way too many notable releases hitting the PlayStation 4 over the next few weeks. As such, we've curated this list of promising upcoming titles, which includes everything from your usual blockbuster shooters to games that are undoubtedly a little more niche. Oh, and then there's this thing called PlayStation VR...

Mafia III
Release date: 7th October
Publisher: 2K Games
Definitely one of the most hyped games on this list, Mafia III has shown promise ever since it was initially revealed back in 2015. The open world crime-'em-up sees Vietnam veteran Lincoln Clay return to a city filled with dodgy dealings, and, naturally, it's down to him to clean things up - even if it means getting his own hands very, very dirty. Boasting open ended mission design, which allows you to go in guns blazing or all stealthy-like, and an intriguing 1960s setting - complete with a stellar sixties soundtrack - there's every chance that this long-awaited sequel will push the series to new heights.

Rise of the Tomb Raider
Release date: 11th October
Publisher: Square Enix
What a Lara fuss Miss Croft has caused! Rise of the Tomb Raider went from being one of the most anticipated PS4 sequels all the way through to being public enemy number one – and all it took was Phil Spencer's chequebook. To be fair to Square Enix, though, it's done a grand job of making this year-late port relevant again for PlayStation fans, injecting the original with new content, and pledging support for Sony's new hardware whims, PlayStation VR and the PS4 Pro. Could this now go on to become the best-selling version of the archaeological adventure?

PlayStation VR
Release date: 13th October
Publisher: Sony
Arguably the most important part of October's offering – and unquestionably the most expensive – PlayStation VR brings a whole new way for you to play games. Augmented with its own selection of launch titles – spanning everything from Batman: Arkham VR right the way through to rails shooter spin-off Until Dawn: Rush of Blood – Sony's fledgling tech aims to transport you to new worlds, employing cutting edge motion tracking and display technology to make those places feel real. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but it is seriously impressive stuff.

Dragon Quest Builders
Release date: 14th October
Publisher: Square Enix
Hopping into the cute little shoes of a hero who has to slap a few building blocks together in order to save the land, Dragon Quest Builders looks set to be another charming spin-off based on Square Enix's long running property. Giving Minecraft a run for its money, this colourful role-playing release combines series staples with open ended crafting systems, allowing you to leave your mark on its sprawling fantasy world. Guaranteed to be filled with perilous misadventures and wonderfully translated dialogue, Builders could end up being one of October's best under-the-radar releases.

Battlefield 1
Release date: 21st October
Publisher: EA
Battlefield is quite literally going back to the basics by seeking inspiration from the first World War, meaning trench warfare, clanky old tanks, mustard gas, biplanes, and horse-riding commanding officers. While the recent beta test proved to be a little divisive, we reckon that it's safe to assume Battlefield 1 will be October's best selling release, and it'll be interesting to see if it can take a chunk out of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, which launches in November. When it comes down to it though, most fans are just hoping that this will be a return to form for the series following the disappoint that was Battlefield Hardline.

Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2
Release date: 28th October
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Going by what we've seen, Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 isn't trying to reinvent the wheel. Instead, it looks to be expanding upon what the solid first entry did right by giving players more customisation options, more playable characters, improved online functionality, and a refined combat system. What's more, the brawler will run at a lovely 60 frames per second, and it'll even include new six-player co-op missions which pit your and your buddies against dangerously powerful enemies. Publisher Bandai Namco will be wishing on the Dragon Balls for this sequel to be every bit as successful as its predecessor.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
Release date: 28th October
Publisher: Bethesda
Even though it's looking like user created mods won't be available at launch when it comes to the PS4 version of Skyrim, we must admit that we're warming to the idea of exploring Tamriel's frozen North all over again. Featuring all of the original game's additional content, including the fantastic Dragonborn expansion, as well as improved visuals across the board, this remaster may end up being a great way to experience one of the most successful role-playing titles of the last decade. Now we just have to pray to the Nine that the frame rate is smooth and crashes are nowhere to be found on Sony's current-gen console.

Titanfall 2
Release date: 28th October
Publisher: EA
We remember the days when the original Titanfall was supposed to be the next big thing, but despite critical acclaim, it never quite managed to stand up to the genre's heavy hitters. Its sequel, Titanfall 2, is keen to build on what came before, adding a single player campaign to mix as well as a expanding upon its predecessor's online offering. We've no doubt that watching two huge mechs smash each other to pieces will provide ample entertainment all over again, although we do worry that there just isn't enough excitement surrounding Respawn Entertainment's latest to make it a serious contender in the sales department.

World of Final Fantasy
Release date: 28th October
Publisher: Square Enix
What was initially billed as something of a palate cleanser following the launch of Final Fantasy XV, it now falls to World of Final Fantasy to get the hype flowing after Noctis and the gang's stylish outing was delayed into November. Easily one of the cutest games that we've seen in quite some time, this turn based role-playing release promises to provide a charming alternative to the realistic blockbusters that can be found scattered throughout October. Claiming to be an accessible introduction of sorts to the beloved series, could World of Final Fantasy end up outshining the game that we've been waiting ten years to play? We guess that we'll have to wait and see.
What do you make of October's line up? Which of these releases are you most looking forward to? Vote in our poll, and then tell us what your plans are for the month in the comments section below.
What October release are you most looking forward to? (175 votes)
- Battlefield 1
- Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2
- Dragon Quest Builders
- Mafia III
- PlayStation VR
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
- Titanfall 2
- World of Final Fantasy
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
[ Words: Robert Ramsey, Sammy Barker ]
Comments 61
Only World of Final Fantasy for me, but in all honesty the only reason I don't get more is lack of money, very strong month!
Voted PS VR, but I am excited for World of Final Fantasy too. I want everything on the list eventually, with the exception of Dragonball, but my backlog is enormous as it is. I'll wait for sales. Hoping Black Friday brings some good deals on these games!
Nothing for me unfortunately.
I haven't even played Mafia II yet. I have the CE gathering dust on my shelf. Time is not on my side.
Mafia 3 this friday. HYYYYYYYYPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE!!!! Sequel to my favourite game of all time. fingers crossed I really hope that one's good...
I hear great things about Tomb Raider, but the whole timed exclusivity deal with Microsoft sort of turns me off getting it. Maybe once it's on sale down the road.
Batman: Return to Arkham releases this month as well, doesn't it?
WWE 2K17!!!
So many games and not enough money lol, Mafia 3 then dbz xenoverse 2,at the end if month others will be relegated til the January sales
@TimeforTravel Same here. Mildly interested in Rise of the Tomb Raider. I'm anticipating Aragami and MGSV: The Definitive Experience, but that's pretty much it.
Rise of the Tomb Raider looks meaty enough, and Battlefield will no doubt be a blast with mates.
Psvr for me (Driveclub and until dawn are top of my list), closely followed by battlefield.
Really want tomb raider too, but it's a pretty expensive month, and seeing as they made me wait a year already I think a few more months to pick it up on sale is fine...
The real star of October: Just Dance 2017!
@Mahe How does it work? I used to be good at DDR, but my dancing games finished with DDR Extreme 10years ago or so.
Getting Mafia and titanfall I Guess..
Unless I get some xmas presents in advance...
But I Guess ROTTR needs to be picked on a sale...
Interested Rise of the TR only, at least it's a complete polished release Day One with all DLC.
Already rebought Skyrim on PS3 to get all DLC, not doing that again.
Not interested in Skyrim until Sony works with Bethesda to get mod support going.
This month's all about PSVR for me!
@Drawfull Just Dance is quite different from DDR. It focuses on hand movements instead of foot tapping, though the coreographies do include foot movement as well. It uses either the PS Move controllers, the PS4 camera, or smartphones with the Just Dance companion app. I find PS Move to be the best of these.
If you're interested in trying it out, there's a demo of Just Dance 2017 on PSN. The previous installments also don't cost much these days. Just Dance 2015 is a real bargain.
This month is all VR for me. Already ordered battlezone, vr worlds, until dawn and super stardust vr. Will also get Arkham vr and that should keep my shiny new headset busy for the month.
I thought Gravity Rush 2 launched this month.
From this list it is TR and I can wait on that.
The Last Guardian! Wait... oops. grumblegrumblegrumble
Dragon queat builders for me loved the demo
World Of Final Fantasy for sure,so hyped for that game!Tomb Raider and Dragon Quest Builders I'm excited for too.
I'd still really like to try that PSVR though as I admit I am more interested than I care to admit now but there is no chance I'd buy one without trying it first and especially not on launch.
@Bliquid Same here it blew me away so awsome. And ofcourse Final Fantasy World.
Let me get Tombraider to just for fun.
Taking a break from buying games at the moment, but what I've played of Dragon Quest Builders has been great.
@Mahe all over that then. Thanks! I have a cam and moves on the way.
I have Rise of the Tomb Raider preordered and will get World of Final Fantasy on both Vita and PS4.
1.MGS V Defintive Experience
2.Rise Of The Tomb Raider 20th Anni
3.Return To Arkham
4.Skyrim Special Edition - PS4 + PC
I fear for Titanfall 2. Who on earth thought it was a good idea for EA to release it's two biggest autumn games a week from each other?
@get2sammyb Also maybe a consideration for this to be a monthly feature looking at the games due out within the month?
Voted PSVR, but i'll be picking up the majority of them. The only games that I'm not interested in are Battlefield 1, Mafia 3 and Titanfall 2.
PSVR for the win. I've already got quite a few games pre-ordered for it. There are others I'd like in October but my funds are tied up with VR. Although RoTTR comes out on my birthday so, ya know, hint hint lol
@starhops Exactly. I was excited about October back when The Last Guardian was part of it. Now there's nothing I especially want. Titanfall 2 and Rise of Tomb Raider look okay but I'm not excited about either.
The only one that I'm at all interested in here really is Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2, but even then I'll wait for the reviews.
Definitely feel like a kid in a sweet shop.
Everything except the Plastik is fantastic glasses Battlefield 1 Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2.
Lalalalala sail.
I vote ps vr. This month I'll get tomb raider, world of final fantasy (if the game is good) and titanfall (if the single player story is good).
@adf86 @get2sammyb Definitely something we're considering doing, but not every month is as strong as this. Stay tuned all the same, though.
I am looking forward to (in order of most anticipated):
Dragon Quest Builders
World of Final Fantasy
October is big, but then Final Fantasy XV following in November, doesn't give me much time with World of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest Builders!
Warhammer End Times Vermintide?
I'm getting Mafia III and Skyrim day one. I plan on getting Tomb Raider and WWE 2K17 but will wait a bit.
I just bought a new TV and still have to pay off the Pro.
Just one? Come on now.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
PSVR (unfortunately no games to list with it I'm super hyped for)
Dragon Quest Builders
World of Final Fantasy
"TR and I can wait on that"
No... no you can't. You don't understand, but one day... one day you will, and you will look back and say why, why oh why didn't I buy this game before now!
I waited a lot on the first one, I can wait on this. The only PS4 games this year I couldnt wait on were Uncharted 4, Doom and Diva X.
Taking a page from @rjejr's cheapskate manual, the more you wait the cheaper they get, which means more games in the long run.
Problem with @rjejr approach though, is "the longer you wait the cheaper they get, so cheap in fact they sell out of stock and price skyrockets on eBay, then it's a 'why not wait for the sequel now', then it releases and it's 'well I'll wait til it's cheap', then a new console is announced and it's 'well, I'll wait for that', then it's out and it's 'well, I'll wait for a good library', another year goes by, another console gets announced then it's 'well, maybe I'll wait and see'."
10 years go buy, and here you are still playing Knackjacks on the PS2. Don't be a rjejr
I have a backlog for every system I own. Which means I buy more than I play.
The remasters boom proves these games aint going nowhere. And digital helps with stock issues.
@ShogunRok No true but a few of us can forget when a game is due out so just having an article at the start of a month listing the biggest releases makes for a nice overview of the month.
I'm most Excited for Valkyrie Drive, Dragon Quest Builders, and World of Final Fantasy. I't going to be a great month for my Vita.
So many games I'm excited for. The game that really stands out to me is World of Final Fantasy with Xenoverse 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Dragon Quest Builders as runner ups. I want to play Mafia 3, but I'd like to wait on reviews for that.
Cant wait for World of Final Fantasy! Literally mot enough time to play anythig else before FF XV.
All future DLCs for Titanfall 2 will be free so that's a plus for me. Problem is there are two other games (DQB and WoFF) that I'm interested in as well. Hopefully, reviews would be released before the games come out to help me decide.
Xenoverse 2 looks decent, and it's been a while since I've watched a Dragon Ball anime or played any of it's game so I might get that once the price drops if the reviews are good.
@sinalefa Except rjejr doesn't even own a PS4, probably never will, and is a 50 year old using emoticons.
Definitely going to be interesting to see how well or how pitiful Rise of the Tomb Raider sells on PS4. I could see it topping 1 mil, I could also see it doing something like 200K, which wouldn't be good for a Tomb Raider game of this caliber on a PlayStation console.
I'm looking forward to Rise of the Tomb Raider and World of Final Fantasy the most.
I already have TR and played it for a bit before not being all that interested and moving onto other games. Isn't this Skyrim really just like playing it on PC with some very light graphics modding but without the ability to mod it further? It's quite hard to imagine that most people don't have a PC now that's capable of running a 5 year old game with a couple of mods.
For me, DBX is in the guilty pleasure category. I love DB and these games are basically DB sims, if not particularly good fighting games. The game I'm most looking forward to is DQB. I love DQ and always found MC dull and soulless so this is a great solution to that problem. WoFF is something I like the look of but can definitely wait for.
Couldn't care less about the others apart from VR which is another thing I'll have to wait till later for.
Tough one but I voted for Mafia 3. Pushing for a vote were World of FF, Tomb Raider and Skyrim. I also want the new X-Com. Busy month.
For now, I'll get my leathers on for some biker dlc in GTA Online.
As always, too much coming out for me to enjoy fully. Got a pre-order for Tomb Raider but my wife will probably play through that one first. October for me is going to be focused on the Dark Souls 3 DLC. That'll probably be it until the Last Guardian and FFXV for me, or I just won't ever get round to actually playing anything! Very excited about PSVR but no way I'll be getting that until 2017, sadly.
Getting Battlefield and Titanfall on release, I'll pick up Tomb Raider, World of FF and Skyrim later on. Might even get DQ builders in a sale. Amazing mouth for games, I was sure Skyrim wasn't until November. As @Simon_Fitzgerald says Return to Arkham coming too which I'll probably pick up in a sale as I've played them before, two amazing games there if the remaster is good
@JaxonH @sinalefa I have plenty to play, and I can't recall ever missing out on a game waiting for a price drop. Not saying I haven't, just that I can't recall, and if I can't recall, then it probably wasn't an important game.
Nintendo Selects
My library
The Witcher 3 Complete
Plenty of reasons to wait, no reason to rush for offline single player games. I've waited 10 years for FFXV, I can wait for the "International Ed", or whatever they call it. Spla2oon will be day 1, if I have an NX, online is different. Everything else can wait. Almost everything is available as a digital download these days anyway, no need to worry about eBay or missing anything.
Things that need to be day 1 are day 1 - Paper Mario, Yooka-Laylee - but that's about it. I'm old, the only thing I "need" is sleep.
you guys watching Google, daydream VR, and a new headset for Daddy Warbucks.
@Drawfull Great! Have fun with it!
none of the above.
i pre-ordered Infiinite Warfare legacy edition just to get 30-day early access to the Modern warfare campaign, just for something to play. I have only a passing interest in IW (infinity ward's CoDs have generally been getting worse since the original Modern Warfare) but I haven't played anything on my PS4 since finishing uncharted over 4 months ago. i've only bought 3 games this year.. not a year that will live long in the memory.
Dragon Quest Builders for me, as I'm eagerly awaiting a new Sims game for PS4 to arrive (probably won't happen though). Other than that, I'd also say World Of Final Fantasy, but as far as VR goes...too expensive right now.
@Napples What's your problem?
Pretty much everything you post is a snipe or slagging off of another member / mod here. Taking the piss about how old someone might be when you come across as a 12 year old?
Have you even considered that there are more gamers over 36 than under 18?
One of us will get banned, but I hope it's you.
@Mahe Will do, but I'm gonna wait til the 13th to pick it up (the 2015 one)
Cheers hombre!
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