Fahrenheit PS2 PlayStation 2 PS4 1

Want to witness the origins of Quantic Dream's innovative interactive drama? Fahrenheit (also known as Indigo Prophecy in the United States) will launch on the PlayStation 4 as a PlayStation 2 Classic starting 9th August in North America and 10th August in Europe. We've no idea why there's an additional day delay in the Old World, but there you go.

For those of you that haven't played this, it has one of the strongest openings in gaming history, as you work to cover up a murder while a police officer chats with a coffee shop waitress just metres away. It was truly impressive stuff at the time, and really paved the way for the likes of Heavy Rain and the Telltale titles that you see today.

This one will be upscaled in 1080p and will boast a full Trophy set, including an all-important Platinum. It does go off the rails towards the end, but if you've never played this and want to observe the humble beginnings of narrative-driven games, then this is pretty much essential from an academic perspective. If our memory serves correctly, a polygonal David Cage even cameos during the tutorial.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com, via blog.us.playstation.com]