While plenty of punishment awaits you in Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, the first hurdle that you'll need to straddle is the creation of your character. In addition to determining the looks of your hero, you'll also need to select a class from the list of ten available. Each of these have a different starting level, with their attributes distributed depending on type. In addition, unlike in Bloodborne, your starting gear will be determined by the class that you select. But which class should you pick? And what do all of the stats actually mean? We're here to help…
More on Dark Souls III
- Dark Souls III PS4 Review
- Guide: How to Beat All of Dark Souls III's Bosses on PS4
- Guide: Where to Find All Estus Shards in Dark Souls III on PS4

What Do the Attributes Do in Dark Souls III?
As is customary in the Dark Souls series, the attributes aren't exactly well explained. However, you'll need to have an understanding of what each stat does in order to ensure that you pick the correct character class for you. Below you'll find a basic breakdown of every important stat in the game.
This one doesn't need much explaining, does it? As in previous games in the series, you use Souls to purchase new levels, which ultimately give you points to upgrade your attributes. The ten character classes generally all start at different levels, which will obviously influence how the opening exchanges play out. However, it's worth noting that the higher your level, the more you'll have to pay to level up. So, if you begin with a high level class, it may take you a little longer to really shape your character than if you start with a lower level class.
Another really obvious one, but we'll explain the system for newcomers. Souls are essentially a currency, which you must spend in order to upgrade your character. The twist here is that, unlike in other RPGs, you can lose your uninvested Souls if you die. You have a single opportunity to reclaim these, but should you fall for a second time, then they'll be gone forever.
This represents the number of hit points (or health) that your character has. Essentially, the higher your Vigor stats, the more hits you'll be able to absorb before you die. Increasing your Vigor stat also improves your frost resistance, which is handy.
This stat is all about magic, essentially. Your attunement level determines the number of attunement slots (or spells) that you can carry at a given time. It also increases your focus power. You'll need to invest between 10 and 13 points in this attribute in order to unlock one attunement slot. Anywhere between 14 and 17 points will give you access to two attunement slots, and so on. If you're building a magic-based character, this is an attribute that you'll want to focus on.
This one's fairly self-explanatory, too. You can't exactly button mash in Dark Souls III, so the Endurance attribute determines how much stamina you have. The higher the statistic, the more you'll be able to swing your weapons. Endurance also improves your lightning and bleeding resistance.
No, this attribute doesn't determine your health like in Bloodborne. Instead, it determines your maximum available equipment load. Vitality also improves your physical and poison resistance.
Ah, another quite straightforward one. Strength determines the types of heavy weapons, armours, and shields that you can wield. It also increases the amount of damage that you do with strength scaling weapons, and improves fire resistance.
This one determines the advanced weapons that you can wield, while also reducing spellcasting times and the damage that you'll take from falling.
If you're building a magic-based character, then this is a massively important statistic. It not only increases the potency of spells, but also boosts magic defence.
It's getting complicated now, right? So, your Faith attribute enables you to cast Miracles and Pyromancies, working in conjunction with Intelligence. It also improves the damage of Faith scaling weapons, and calculates your dark defence.
As suggested, this attribute improves your item discovery. It also increases your potential to inflict bleed and poison statuses, while improving your curse resistance.

Which character class should you select in Dark Souls III?
Now that you understand what all of the attributes do, it's time to look at the ten starting classes that you'll be able to choose in Dark Souls III. It's important to remember that you can change the direction of your build later if you choose, but if you want to get the most out of your hero, then you're going to want to ensure that you select a character class that best represents the playstyle that you want to adopt. We've included a breakdown of each class' stats and gear below, as well as a little insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each option.
"An obscure knight of poor renown who collapsed roaming the land. Sturdy, owing to high vitality and stout armor."
Knight's Attributes
- Level: 9
- Vigor: 12
- Attunement: 10
- Endurance: 11
- Vitality: 15
- Strength: 13
- Dexterity: 12
- Intelligence: 9
- Faith: 9
- Luck: 7
Knight's Starting Gear
- Long Sword
- Knight Shield
- Knight Helm
- Knight Armor
- Knight Gauntlets
- Knight Leggings
Why Should You Select the Knight Class?
High Vitality enables the Knight to carry some pretty powerful gear from the start, and coupled with its decent Vigor, Endurance, and Strength stats, it's well-equipped for battle from the off. The Knight's shield is particularly handy as it can absorb 100 per cent physical damage, meaning that it's great in the early exchanges. This class is a good pick if you enjoy the blend of defensive and offensive play.
"A mercenary and veteran of the battlefield. High dexterity allows masterful wielding of dual scimitars."
Mercenary's Attributes
- Level: 8
- Vigor: 11
- Attunement: 12
- Endurance: 11
- Vitality: 10
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 16
- Intelligence: 10
- Faith: 8
- Luck: 9
Mercenary's Starting Gear
- Sellsword Twinblades
- Wooden Shield
- Sellsword Helm
- Sellsword Armor
- Sellsword Gauntlet
- Sellsword Trousers
Why Should You Select the Mercenary Class?
The Mercenary may not be quite as stacked as the Knight in the armour department, but its high Dexterity enables it to wield a pair of dual scimitars from the outset, which are exceedingly effective in close quarters. This class includes tactical options, too, as you can swap out the left part of the Sellsword Twinblades for a shield if you're in need of a little more defence.
"Descendant of northern warriors famed for their brawn. Utilizes high strength to wield a heavy battleaxe."
Warrior's Attributes
- Level: 7
- Vigor: 14
- Attunement: 6
- Endurance: 12
- Vitality: 11
- Strength: 16
- Dexterity: 9
- Intelligence: 8
- Faith: 9
- Luck: 11
Warrior's Starting Gear
- Battleaxe
- Round Shield
- Northern Helm
- Northern Armor
- Northern Gloves
- Northern Trousers
Why Should You Select the Warrior Class?
Despite beginning at a lowly Level 7, the Warrior is arguably the strongest starting class due to its enormous Strength and Vigor attributes. This enables it to wield a Battleaxe from the outset, which is slow but very powerful. Low Attunement means that this isn't a great pick for magic fans, but if you want to bludgeon some baddies to death, then the Warrior class is a great pick.
"A former herald who journeyed to finish a quest undertaken. Wields a sturdy spear and employs a gentle restorative miracle."
Herald's Attributes
- Level: 9
- Vigor: 12
- Attunement: 10
- Endurance: 9
- Vitality: 12
- Strength: 12
- Dexterity: 11
- Intelligence: 8
- Faith: 13
- Luck: 11
Herald's Starting Gear
- Spear
- Kite Shield
- Talisman
- Heal Miracle
- Herald Helm
- Herald Armor
- Herald Gloves
- Herald Trousers
Why Should You Select the Herald Class?
While the Warrior focuses pretty heavily on physical attacks, the Herald class blurs the line between raw strength and magic pretty effectively. Its shield is as effective as the Knight's, though its light armour isn't as good. However, the inclusion of the Heal Miracle due to a high Faith attribute makes this class a decent selection if you want to outlive your enemies while gradually wearing them down.
"A common thief and pitiful deserter. Wields a dagger intended for backstabs alongside a military-issue bow."
Thief's Attributes
- Level: 5
- Vigor: 10
- Attunement: 11
- Endurance: 10
- Vitality: 9
- Strength: 9
- Dexterity: 13
- Intelligence: 10
- Faith: 8
- Luck: 14
Thief's Starting Gear
- Bandit Knife
- Iron Round Shield
- Short Bow
- Thief Mask
- Deserter Armor
- Deserter Trousers
Why Should You Select the Thief Class?
As you may anticipate, you'll need to play craftily to succeed as the Thief. The inclusion of the Bandit Knife will allow you to get in close to your enemies, while high Dexterity unlocks the Short Bow's rapid fire attack. Limited wooden arrows will cause problems here, but an exceedingly high Luck attribute means that your chances of scavenging items are improved.

"An assassin who stalks their prey from the shadows. Favors sorceries in addition to thrusting swords."
Assassin's Attributes
- Level: 10
- Vigor: 10
- Attunement: 14
- Endurance: 11
- Vitality: 10
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 14
- Intelligence: 11
- Faith: 9
- Luck: 10
Assassin's Starting Gear
- Estoc
- Target Shield
- Sorcerer's Staff
- Spook Spell
- Assassin's Hood
- Assassin's Armor
- Assassin's Trousers
Why Should You Select the Assassin Class?
The Assassin class is best for getting the jump on your prey. High Attunement unlocks the Spook spell, which essentially enables you to approach with enhanced stealth and reduces all fall damage to zero for a period of time. The included Estoc weapon excels when used to poke and stab your enemies, so cunning players will want to use this class in order to get up close and personal unnoticed, before unleashing a flurry of devastating attacks.
"A loner who left formal academia to pursue further research. Commands soul sorceries using high intelligence."
Sorcerer's Attributes
- Level: 6
- Vigor: 9
- Attunement: 16
- Endurance: 9
- Vitality: 7
- Strength: 7
- Dexterity: 12
- Intelligence: 16
- Faith: 7
- Luck: 12
Sorcerer's Starting Gear
- Mail Breaker
- Leather Shield
- Sorcerer's Staff
- Young Dragon Ring
- Soul Arrow Spell
- Heavy Soul Arrow Spell
- Sorcerer's Hood
- Sorcerer's Robe
- Sorcerer's Gloves
- Sorcerer's Trousers
Why Should You Select the Sorcerer Class?
This is another low-level starting class, which comes packing incredibly high Attunement and Intelligence attributes. In particular, its beefy Attunement means that it has lots of FP, allowing it to use Soul Arrows and other spells fairly frequently from the off. However, it's not entirely lacking in the physical damage department, and its Mail Breaker weapon is a decent option when you need to conserve your magic.
"A pyromancer from a remote region who manipulates flame. Also an adept close combat warrior who wields a hand axe."
Pyromancer's Attributes
- Level: 8
- Vigor: 11
- Attunement: 12
- Endurance: 10
- Vitality: 8
- Strength: 12
- Dexterity: 9
- Intelligence: 14
- Faith: 14
- Luck: 7
Pyromancer's Starting Gear
- Hand Axe
- Caduceus Round Shield
- Pyromancy Flame
- Great Swamp Ring
- Fireball Spell
- Pyromancer Crown
- Pyromancer Garb
- Pyromancer Wrap
- Pyromancer Trousers
Why Should You Select the Pyromancer Class?
The Pyromancer's a pretty darn tough melee character, owing to its Hand Axe and decent Strength attributes. However, its potent Intelligence and Faith attributes also enable it to do some serious damage with fireballs. This is perhaps a good option if you want to combine distant spell damage with close-quarters physical combat – a surprisingly reasonable all-rounder, then.
"A travelling cleric who collapsed from exhaustion. Channels high faith to cast many and varied miracles."
Cleric's Attributes
- Level: 7
- Vigor: 10
- Attunement: 14
- Endurance: 9
- Vitality: 7
- Strength: 12
- Dexterity: 8
- Intelligence: 7
- Faith: 16
- Luck: 13
Cleric's Starting Gear
- Mace
- Cleric's Sacred Chime
- Blue Wooden Shield
- Heal Miracle
- Force Miracle
- Cleric Hat
- Cleric Blue Robe
- Cleric Gloves
- Cleric Trousers
Why Should You Select the Cleric Class?
A magic-focused class, the Cleric's high Faith and Attunement attributes enable it to start out with two Miracles: Force and Heal. Its Mace and Strength attributes means that it's also decent in melee, but weak armour means that taking advantage of the class' enhanced mobility is a must.
"Naked and of unknown origin. Either an unfathomable fool in life, or was stripped of possessions upon burial."
Deprived's Attributes
- Level: 1
- Vigor: 10
- Attunement: 10
- Endurance: 10
- Vitality: 10
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 10
- Intelligence: 10
- Faith: 10
- Luck: 10
Deprived's Starting Gear
- Club
- Plank Shield
- Loincloth
Why Should You Select the Deprived Class?
Consider the Deprived class an open book; its low starting level means that you can shape it exactly how you want to. Of course, this means that the early exchanges will be extremely challenging also, so be prepared for an uphill struggle before you develop the class into exactly what you want. You've been warned.

Which Burial Gift Should You Pick in Dark Souls III?
In Dark Souls III, Burial Gifts are consumable items which offer aid upon use. You can pick one of these during the character creation process, and if you pair the right prize with the correct class, then these can be really helpful. Below you'll find information on each Burial Gift available at the beginning of the game, as well as some tips on which class to use it with. We should note, however, that if you pick the Deprived class, you won't be eligible for a Burial Gift.
Life Ring
"Ring set with a small red jewel. Raises maximum HP."
Why Should You Pick the Life Ring Burial Gift?
As described, the Life Ring raises your starting XP, so is a great choice for character classes who have low Vigor attributes, such as the Cleric, Thief, Sorcerer, or Assassin.
Divine Blessing
"Warm, blessed holy water. Fully restores HP and cures ailments."
Why Should You Pick the Divine Blessing Burial Gift?
This one basically restores all of your health and cures any status ailments. It's a good back-up plan if you run low on Estus Flasks, then, but the Herald and Cleric need not apply, as they come pre-equipped with the Heal miracle.
Hidden Blessing
"Pure, blessed holy water. Fully restores FP."
Why Should You Pick the Hidden Blessing Burial Gift?
FP (or focus points) are used to initiate weapon arts, so replenishing this meter is important whichever character that you pick. However, Hidden Blessing will come in extra handy if you happen to be playing as a magic-based character, such as a Pyromancer, Cleric, or Sorcerer.
Black Firebomb
"Firebomb charged with a special black powder. An uncouth gift for the departed."
Why Should You Pick the Black Firebomb Burial Gift?
You've got to love those Dark Souls descriptions, eh? The Black Firebomb is essentially a more potent explosive than the regular Firebomb. It's good if you want to create a few extra infernos, but be careful with it, as you only get one.
Fire Gem
"Material used to upgrade to fire weapons. More appropriate for a warrior than pretty trinkets."
Why Should You Pick the Fire Gem Burial Gift?
Like the Fire Paper in Bloodborne, you can use this item to infuse your blade with flames. Pick this one if you want to deal some extra fire damage, obviously.
Sovereignless Soul
"The sovereignless soul of one who slept beside you. Use to acquire many souls."
Why Should You Pick the Sovereignless Soul Burial Gift?
This grants you a slew of Souls right from the off. It's a good choice if you've picked a class at a low level like the Cleric, Thief, or Sorcerer, as it will allow you to quickly mould them without having to grind enemies for Souls.
Rusted Gold Coin
"Burial item for good fortune after death. Greatly increases item discovery for a short while."
Why Should You Pick the Rusted Gold Coin Burial Gift?
If you're spectacularly low on Luck, then this item will temporarily boost your item discovery. Obviously, if you're already rolling a high Luck character class such as the Thief, then you're not going to get as much out of this.
Cracked Red Eye Orb
"Online play item. One use only. Become a dark spirit and invade another world."
Why Should You Pick the Cracked Red Eye Orb Burial Gift?
This basically allows you to invade another player's world once. If you fancy causing a bit of online mischief, then this one's for you.
Young White Branch
"Branch of a young white birch, perhaps an offering of peace. Can be used to blend into the environment, but only once."
Why Should Pick the Young White Branch Burial Gift?
This allows you to blend into the environment for a short period, increasing your stealth abilities. This is a poor pick if you're running the Assassin, because it already has access to the Spook spell.
Comments 14
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I'm probably going to try the Pyromancer at some point as well. Not quite decided yet.
For the love of Christ, don't make individual articles for every boss with a picture of said boss, if you must use a spoiler free generic image and not the boss itself.
I went for Deprived, took me 5 attempts to beat the first boss, the same for the first hardest "duel"...
Is getting better now... ... Great article by the way, Sammy!
Some decent, spoiler free tips there, thanks.
Went Herald, as planned. Spent 45 minutes on character creation, lol. Only issue is that I don't like the spear but that will fix itself soon.
BTW, IIRC there is no statistical advantage to deprived this time, from what I read.
I went for Pyromancer; the mix of fireballs and axe is fun but now I've to practice with other weapons. Put +2 hours in the game last night, but I think I spent half an hour just in Firelink Shrine because of its great music!
I'll go knight (again) I'm a sword and shield get in close kind of a player. I like to hit hard and move fast.
Not sure about that. Good thing of Deprived is that all your stats start at 10, while other classes oscillate around that value. Also, starting at level 1 means I was able to farm a bit of souls and get to lv. 6 fairly easily (in around 1 hr of play)
@DominicanGlory We're not going to, don't worry.
@arnoldlayne83 I meant that "*Note: All classes have a stat distribution of 99 points at level 10."
Going deprived. Wish me luck!
Since after about 15 or so levels it doesn't matter what class you picked I always choose my starting class based on my own head canon, and who I want to play as depending on the story.
although, if I'm being serious about playing the game, sooner or later I usually turn into some kind of sorceress. (o_O )
My brother said "go with Knight for the 100% shield, and life ring" and so I shall.
Was thinking Pyromancer but he says you get a Pyromancer glove later anyways. And prob want melee to fall back on
I went with Deprived and the sovereign thingy for soul's, first boss got smashed in 5 try's, Bloodborne'd it to death (lot's of rolling), only had a few hour's on it so not much else. Not a bad game but it scream's Bloodborne, if I didn't know it was DS3 I would swear it was Bloodborne 2.
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