And thus marks the end to a clumsy week, where your humble host has messed up his elbow and pulled a muscle in his neck. The weekend brings the promise of rest and relaxation – or at least it would if we didn't have a handful of previews to write ahead of their embargo lifting next week. FML.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I've barely played a game all week, so I am looking to rectify that at some point over the weekend. I'm finding The Division infinitely more compelling than I expected, but I'm still early on, so I hope to return to the snowy streets of Manhattan at some point over the coming days.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
It's one of those rare weekend where I'm not really sure what to play, although there are plenty of options. I've been tempted to cautiously sneak back into Fallout 4, but I feel like I may as well wait for this month's DLC. When it comes down to it, I'll probably just piddle around on a few different fighting games, as is usually the case when I'm not reviewing things. God, it's a hard life.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After several weeks of foolishly thinking that this week would be the one where I finally beat Fallout 4, I'm going to continue hoping to make strides towards actually making that happen. After sixty or so hours though I feel like I've barely even made a dent in Bethesda's monstrous game.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
Having only bought it for the sole purpose of playing with friends, The Division is on my to-play list to knock out some story missions and side quests with them. I'll also be playing through Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance some more and strive to set aside some time for Dying Light's co-op campaign.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
It's all Hitman for me this weekend. With every Prologue mission done and dusted, I'll be concentrating my energies on its Paris fashion show section (which I'm hoping has a Zoolander DLC coming) as I try to find all 32 ways of taking down the targets. Still, if it gets a bit too dark, I'll switch to the bright world of Rocket League, where I can't be judged by how bad I am at sports.
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
I love a good twin-stick shooter and so Assault Android Cactus is the game that I'll be checking out this weekend. If I have any spare time after that I'll be trying for the Hitman Go Platinum trophy.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I'd forgotten how thoroughly addictive collecting the gems in Gravity Rush is, cunningly tucked away all over (and under) Hekseville. Equally as satisfying is the fanfare when you upgrade one of Kat's abilities, which is fuelled by said gems. My weekend will be these two things: hoovering up the myriad purple delights, then using them to trigger that empowering little tune. Oh, and play some story missions, maybe.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
This weekend I am going multiplayer with Guns, Gore, and Cannoli with the fellows from work. Also, as usual, a bit of Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
That's us out of gas – but what will you be playing this weekend? Spit out your chosen titles in the comments section below – you know the drill by now.
Comments 54
Dark souls! Gonna finish 1 and put some time in on DS2.
Dark souls 2 is a pale imitation of DS1 though. Such a misses opportunity.
That and I'm playing an epiphone acoustic I've bought.
@Johnnycide Getting ready for Dark Souls 3?
Finishing up Witcher 3 and some Rocket League.
Going to finish off Uncharted 3 in the collection and get the platinum trophy. I'm patiently waiting for the release of Dark Souls 3. Might sneak in another run of Bloodborne while I'm waiting. Might also finally get the platinum on that to.
It's as if I'm doing it on purpose, but I'm hooked on both Action Hank and Android Cactus. Broforce hasn't been booted up yet (and to know I know the musician who composed their music :S), yet the "losers" are eating up all my spare time... It's the "Plus Curse"
@get2sammyb yep! The souls games have overtaken MGS as my favourite series. So hyped for DS3.
Still playing Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. I really need to just put some major time in this weekend and finish it so I can play Conquest, and then Revelation. All that will probably hold me over well into April when Ratchet & Clank and Dark Souls 3 are about to launch.
@Boerewors Broforce has some sweet ass music! Your friend done good!
Started playing Uncharted 3 after finishing 2, which was wonderful.
I'm playing Uncharted 2... again.
I also just got Taken King and am making my way through the campaign.
After beating Metal Gear Rising for the 3rd time, I'm probably going to play a different Metal Gear this weekend. It's going to be kinda hard though, because Rising was too much awesome.
PC - Rise of the Tomb Raider and Warframe
PS4 - Nothing. Come on Fallout 4 DLC and Uncharted 4...
got to be the division and some battlefront
Dark Souls 2 SOTFS, Ultra SFIV and Twilight Princess HD. I have a feeling that list will not change anytime soon.
Witcher 3, finished the main quests in Velan and looking to complete the secondary quests before heading into Novigrad. Between this and family life I don't think anything else will get a look in!. Still got Fallout 4 and Uncharted Collection still in their wrapping!
Wolfenstein The New Order
PC - The Wolf Among Us & Mortal Kombat X
PS4 - might play Heavy Rain
XOne - waiting for Quantum Break. Remedy is awesome, i hope someday they work with sony to make a jaw-dropping ip for PS4
Uncharted 2 - if I miss motd tonight it will be finished.
Lego Marvel - my lucky kids are at the Everton Chelsea match with the grandparents, so when my coop buddy returns we may well get the last 40 mini kits we need.
Rocket League - we need some practice, we probably have the weakest team so need some games together to get some chemistry in attack.
@get2sammyb what did you do? Was it being cramped over the mic for the podcast which has battered your neck?
@themcnoisy lol, no, I must have slept awkward. No idea what's going on with my elbow, though!
@DerMeister MGS: Rising was epic i desperately wanted a sequel but that didn't happen:(
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Ori & the Blind Forest Definitive Edition
Zelda Twilight Princess HD
But mostly Fire Emblem. And I'm sure it will stay that way until well after E3.
On ps4 I'm going to try and finish off the last 8 challenges to finish my Gat Outta Hell plat and then will either start GoW Ascension or go back to PvZ GW2.
I will finally finish Mordor this weekend.
Also I took the plunge on PS Plus to take advantage of a discounted Assault Android Cactus and the "free" Broforce.
On the Nintendo front I will keep playing Project Mirai and Kirby Triple Deluxe.
@DominicanGlory Such an under appreciated FPS IMO. Best of this gen so far when it comes to shooters.
Some more Shadow of Mordor and Fire Emblem Fates.
Get better soon Sammy.
I'm about 5 hours on to persona 4 golden, and its finally starting to get going.I know most people argue that its an amazing game I felt like I've struggled with it the first few hours, I am starting to slowly see the appeal of them game and I'm starting to get to grips with my personas 😊
Still playing Jstars victory on vita.
Close to getting a platinum, though the online trophies are a real issue. I tried several times but wasn't able anyone to play against.
Kind of losing hope.
@themcnoisy It feels like you've been taking forever on Uncharted 2. Does the missus or Rocket League have a clamp on your neck?
@THEONE19 I love Rising and I wish it could get a sequel. It would be the only Metal Gear game I'd get after Konami went bonkers.
Finding ot hard to get near tbe PS4 this weekend so hitting up the the vita for some assasins creed 3: liberation. I also found my original gameboy, got some new batteries and have been hitting super mario land. Awww yeahm
The Division and Broforce with friends
Just started Uncharted 3 today! I'll hopefully finish the game tomorrow.
Digimon cyber sleuth for PS Vita. The story sucks, the main character is a lifeless robot. But the Digimon make it all so worth it! I just got my fourth mega. And I'm not stopping yet! Lol.
Wow looks like half of the comments are joining me with some uncharted catch up. I'm going to start the third campaign this weekend
This weekend I'm going to be playing twilight princess hd on the Nintendo front! Giving my ps4 a rest this weekend, on the vita I'm playing new and tasty and may play some dark souls really hyped for the third game!
@DerMeister Work, Kids, Sleep, Driving, Cooking, Housework, Eating, Wife, Shopping, Gaming
That's my weekly ingredients descending from most done to least.
If I have time tomorrow I am either going to knock out Episode 3 of Life is Strange, which is getting really good, or I am going to grind for my last Far Cry Primal trophy before the Plat.
Windows 10: The Little Mermaid: Undersea Treasures! , Microsoft Mahjong.
Can't seem to even game on the PC without daughter interference lol
Tales From borderlands, Three Fourths Home and probably something else from the backlog.
Currently playing through Uncharted 2 again and loving every second. Also I bought the division and I think it's amazing, it's not a type of game is old expect to get me hooked but I'm glad I gave it a go. The shooting is great, the graphics are awesome as is the loot system, to be honest I can't think of a bad thing to say about it at the moment
I'll be traversing the New York city streets through some amazing weather effects in The Division.
I'll also be reading The Witcher series' Blood Of Elves to catch up on Geralt and a young Ciri. I'm starting to understand all the little references mentioned in the game now.
@SkanetWasTaken Really hoping Stardew Valley makes its way to console and particularly Vita in the future, sounds great from what people are saying.
I'm jumping back into Fallout 4, hoping to finish off the three faction questlines and a few misc quests then trading it in for the Division I'm also playing Trails in the Sky on VITA which has been pretty good so far, I'm about 6 hours in
Dragon quest heros on the ps4. This game get better the longer you play it. Hopefully be done by the end off the week.
I had a friend over this friday. We're still trying to tripple star Ripride GP 2. I've played a little Rebel Galaxy, but mostly been watching my girlfriend beat uncharted 3 my girl ROCKS!
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4) on the last borough now and then heading into the final set of missions.
Danganronpa - another foray into this mad world.
Smite on PS4.
I've finally got a high enough level to tackle the hearts of Stone dlc for my new game plus game if the witcher 3... Already hooked.. The story is amazing!
@SkanetWasTaken You've made my day! This wood be amazing on VITA!
@BrettAwesome I'm slowly trying to turn my gf into a gamer, she loves stuff like Resogun and racing games, just need to get her on co-op shooters and rpgs and I'll marry her
Mrs Willy is 7 months preggers so just sold my rowing machine for 40 quid to make room ,going to hopefully pick up The Division later today.
@carlos82 That final boss on Uncharted 2 gave me fits for whatever reason! Part 1 and 3 I had no problems with, but that bald bloke at the end of part 2 is a nighrmare!
@Hego The first of the DLC Autamotron is releasing this month! Don't trade it! Lol
I'm getting MGSV: The Phantom Pain finally! Won't play it though, until I finish Portable Ops...and then Peace Walker.
Nabbed Rebel Galaxy in the digital sale so have been getting to grips with that. Seems a little grindy, but the gameplay loop is addictive and can't wait to get my hands on some of the larger ships.
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