It's time once again for Push Share, our bi-weekly feature in which the honourable staff of Push Square bring you their best PlayStation 4 screenshots. Issue 7's collection boasts touches of beauty, hints of comedy, and, of course, sprinkles of newly released title, The Witness. It's a bit of a looker, that one.

Purrrr-fect (Gravity Rush Remastered)
Image: Sammy Barker / Push Square
Almost better than the real thing (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Image: Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
Celebrating the remake with a sausage soirée (Final Fantasy VII)
Image: Ben Potter, Video Editor
Great to see Macklemore teaching the BoS the magical art of thrift shopping (Fallout 4)
Image: Ben Tarrant, Reviewer
It's difficult to get anything done in The Witness with its constant barrage of gorgeous views (The Witness)
Image: Kell Andersen, Reviewer
"Yeah, what are you looking at?" (Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)
Image: Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
Bambi be boating (Just Cause 3)
Image: Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
"That player cost us an arm and a leg" (FIFA 16)
Image: Sam Brooke, Reviewer
This game rocks (The Witness)
Image: Stephen Tailby, Reviewer

Did you enjoy this issue's array of artistry? Take the time to share your own favourite screenshots in the comments section below.