And just like that, Activision has announced Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Leaks have already told us pretty much everything that we needed to know about the title, of course, but this is our first look at the release in action – and, to be honest, it's a teensy bit underwhelming. Don't get us wrong: there are guns, explosions, and future technology – but we were expecting much more from Treyarch's latest title, especially seeing as the so-called A-team has been out of action for a while.
The premise, as expected, is definitely all about bioengineering; the trailer talks about soldiers being weaponised, and we get a good glimpse at military personnel with machine guns augmented into their arms and much more. There's also a brief look at the Titanfall-esque wall running action, as well as plenty of hints at the four-player campaign co-op which is set to take centre stage this time out. These all sound like positive steps on paper, but the execution in the trailer seems a bit... Well, bland.
Alas, hopefully it'll all come together in gameplay, and we'll have much more about that later today. In the meantime, check out the trailer, and let us know what you think in the comments section below. Remember, pre-orders will be guaranteed beta access, and they're open now, so if – for some reason – you're hyped about this clip, well, we're sure that your nearest games retailer will be ready and waiting to take your money.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 25
Very disappointing trailer in my opinion. I was expecting much more. Will get the article updated now.
I'm still getting it. lol
Another cod I'll skip. Last cod I got was world at war.
Hmm ...all of a sudden the hype died looks just like Advance Warfare .
Imma get it just because of coop.
Black ops 2.5:Advanced warfare(again)
Not as big a leap as AW was, but this looks pretty solid. From what I've read in other articles, they altered movement mechanics again to feel smoother than in AW. I'll keep an eye on this
Lol! What's the difference between this and COD advanced warfare?? This one more advanced than COD AW? Lol.
@get2sammyb Nowhere to go but down after Kevin Spacey.
@get2sammyb - Watched the vid and I see what you mean about it being flat. Which should be hard to do considering it's using 1 of my top 10 songs of all time. I think the problem was the voice over was too thoughtful and too melancholy, needs a tougher deeper gravelier voice w/ a kick butt attitude, not a whiny - oh woo is me weapons are bad, whine. That, and it all just seemed like generic violence, nothing really stood out. Maybe it needed a dog?
COD: Genisys
Must admit that video actually impressed me. Its got to be the first CoD reveal that actually shows all elements - Campaign, MP and a tiny bit of Zombies. By all accounts, this is more foot on the ground type CoD but with new technology to help in certain situations. It now has auto mantling so those little walls no longer require you to press 'jump' and then render you incapable of defending yourself. There is some wall running but only in small areas of certain maps. There is no exo-suits but you can thrust jump - this removes ladders etc. There is a lot of info on youtube by people that have played an early build and a lot of good info - look at Dift0r, Tmartn etc.
This looks more like the game I hoped AW would turn out like
The only thing I like was the Rolling stones song.
@BAMozzy Thanks for the tips! I didn't catch if you could slam down on the ground or side-dash with the thrusters. That's what I loved about AW's Exo...it could be used quickly and easily in combat for both defense and offense. This new system sounds like Destiny, which I could never use effectively in combat...just float up in the air and get killed
Generic white guy with gravelly voice - confirmed!
@kupo I don't think so as the thrust is not that powerful. Its more to help with the parkour but its more high risk type of movement. More for those youtube clips. It helps with Knee slides and wall running but doesn't last long. It's not a double-jump like AW where you can jump on top of a roof or over walls. When you press the jump button a second time and hold it, you build up thrust slowly - effectively more of a hover with a slow and small rise in height - not enough to reach the areas like AW and can leave you vulnerable. The thrust is to maintain momentum whilst wall running for example or to control how far you knee slide for. Its to make the movement more fluid. I don't know about the Side dash though as I haven't heard anyone mention this but I wouldn't be surprised either way.
AW is the only CoD game I haven't prestiged in because the MP is awful. It has no flow and is just a chaotic mess. Its more down to who can best use an exo rather than any gun skill or strategy. The thrust on BO3 seems to be there to enable you to use your gun skill more too - helping to keep your hands free to fire.
@BAMozzy Okay, sounds good to me! Black Ops 2 has my favorite COD multiplayer ever, hands down, by a mile, so I'll stay optimistic about these new features.
As for AW, I kind of agree. That was the game that forced me to learn the art of camping, since it was hard to keep track of everyone boosting up and down all over the place. It's also the COD where I have my highest K:D ratio! Camping is now how I play all of my shooters, so I guess it doesn't matter what Treyarch does, haha...
I'm done with futuristic cod. Go back to ww2 games or make a mw4 this advanced stuff is rubbish
Honestly this seemed even more grey and brown than usual!
@kupo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljiiHHF6AbE this explains more about the movement and the differences between Exo's of AW and the BO3 option. There will be no boost slams or boost dodging/side dashing.
The difference between Black Ops III and Adavanced Warfare, is Black Ops III will have a 10 times better Zombies mode, and remember “only the cursed survive".
For crying out loud, another futuristic bloody shooter, tell you what, someone make a realistic shooter and I'll buy it!
Count me out. I already reluctantly purchased AW now this is just like that Elysium movie. I'm done until COD becomes MW again.
same garbage as usual, I am getting tired if this games playing big with the american army, being played mostly by 12 yo kids and feel they are tough gamers.
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