Despite sales remaining strong, it's safe to say that Call of Duty has been in a bit of a slump as of late. Although Advanced Warfare was well received, there were some rough patches, and most CoD fans still shudder whenever they hear the word Ghosts. Now it's time for Treyarch to pick up the mantle, and boy has the studio done well with it.
The most obvious addition to Call of Duty: Black Ops III is the new movement system, overhauled from Advanced Warfare's slightly more primitive exosuits. You can still use your jump pack to sky jump, but now more abilities have been added: you can boost-slide along the floor as well as run along walls. The new, extremely fun Free Run mode – made up of four courses to try and beat – will help you get to grips with the system, but it shouldn't take long. After all, it's very intuitive and makes you feel very much in control, and the fact that you can shoot while doing all of this makes for some great moments in the game.

Swimming has also been added to the mix; water is no longer a toxic jelly that kills you on contact, but it isn't implemented that much. In the campaign, there are barely any swimming sections, and only a couple of multiplayer maps have water. Still, the latter statement is for good reason, as it's easy to exploit this mechanic on modes such as Capture the Flag – on the Metro map, you can simply grab the flag and swim underwater where it's hard for people to spot you.
Let's start with the mode that most people buy Call of Duty for: the multiplayer. There's a huge amount of stuff to do here with 12 maps, 17 modes/playlists, as well as countless customisation options and new systems. Most of the maps are quite well suited to the new movement system. In many, there are plenty of wall-running shortcuts, verticality, and flanking routes – but some maps seem like they've been ripped straight out of another Call of Duty game. This is a little disappointing, because what makes Black Ops III's multiplayer so fun is how fast-paced and vertical it is, but when you're relegated to running around without any opportunities to parkour, it really strips the fun-factor away and turns it into the boring cycle of spawn, kill, die, respawn that has worn thin in recent years.

However, the sheer amount of playlists available in multiplayer ensures that everybody has something to play. All of the modes from previous games return, from Team Deathmatch to Domination, Search and Destroy to last year's Uplink, as well as four Hardcore modes, Ground War, Mercanary Moshpit, and a limited-time Nuk3town-only playlist that will likely resurface in the future.
There's also a new mode, Safeguard, in which one team must defend a robot as it walks to a destination, while the others try to prevent it from reaching its objective in five minutes. The robot can't be destroyed, but it can be disabled for a short amount of time and doesn't move if there isn't a team member nearby. The catch is that, if the first team manages to get the robot to the objective, the other team has to beat that time or lose the round.
It's a cool idea that works a lot better on some maps rather than others, as the pre-determined route that the robot takes often goes through bottlenecks that are easily exploitable and can tip the odds in favour of the attackers, most noticeably on Evac. But that's really the main theme with Black Ops III multiplayer – it's often very fun and always exciting, but some mode and map combinations can turn things sour.

Also added is the new Arena mode, which is essentially a Ranked mode. You can either play with eSports rules, in which players can choose to ban or protect certain weapons and there's a Specialist (more on that later) draft before every match, or you can just play using the standard Call of Duty format.
Black Ops III's multiplayer customisation is also excellent. The Pick 10 system, in which you're allowed to pick ten items for your class, returns and ensures that everything is balanced – you can sacrifice your perks or grenades in order to get more attachments, for example. However, it goes far beyond that. The new Gunsmith option allows you to customise the way that attachments look and how they're arranged, while Paintjob allows you to personalise your gun with decals, colours, and other such things along with the usual unlockable camos. It's great to have so many options to express yourself, and the fact that you can upload and download your chosen camos adds a whole new dimension to the multiplayer.

The new Specialist system also adds some spice to proceedings, as it allows you to choose a Specialist that affects both the look of your character and your special ability. As you level up, more Specialists unlock, and it's good to see that there isn't really an overpowered character that everyone uses – at least not yet. Don't get us wrong, Gravity Spikes – which plunge into the ground causing a killer shockwave – is very powerful, but all of the other abilities have their own uses that are equally as good. Vision Pulse allows you to see who's near you, while the Sparrow is an exploding bow and arrow that has a long reload time but deals big damage. You can also unlock more cosmetic upgrades for your Specialist, as customisation is a huge factor in Black Ops this year.
Guns, attachments, perks, and wildcards are all still unlocked by levelling up, but you'll now need to spend Unlock Tokens in order to get them. It's slightly annoying, considering that you have to grind a little more after you've unlocked a gun, but it's certainly no biggie. You can also unlock more cosmetic upgrades by buying Supply Drops, which can be bought with Cryptokeys that unlock regularly. They aren't given out generously, though, so hopefully microtransactions won't be implemented at some point. Still, they don't affect much – you won't miss out on anything special if you don't have enough Cryptokeys.

Campaign mode has always been a little neglected in the Call of Duty franchise as of late, but once again Treyarch breaks that rule – this is quite simply one of the most complex and comprehensive campaigns in franchise history. First of all, it's four player co-op – offline or online – which is always an excellent way to play, and feels more open and less like a boring corridor shooter. Level design, while having some vehicular on-rails sections and set pieces, has been made to better accommodate the new movement system, adding verticality, different pathways, and tons of flanking routes that make it great to play as a team. Realistic mode – in which one bullet kills you – adds some tension to the missions, and gives you a sense of real achievement after beating it.
A new feature to the campaign is Cyber Cores, which are abilities that you can use to gain an advantage in the battlefield. For instance, you can use swarms of Fireflies to distract enemies and open them up to attacks, or jam your opponent's weapons. Meanwhile, Tac-Rigs are alterations that you can make to your suit – the ability to wall-run and boost jump can be found here among other things.
There are a couple of pacing issues in the missions themselves, and the story is once again forgettable. You play as a US supersoldier fighting against a terrorist organisation known as the CDP, with you and your buddies jetting off to places such as Zurich and Singapore in order to stop them.

The main problem is that, for a campaign that's supposed to be open, there are way too many cutscenes and pointless dialogue sequences that just get in the way of the fun. Also, many of the action sequences are in cutscenes, which also takes away from entertainment factor of it – watching an explosion isn't as cool as setting it off. Still, there are some pretty great sequences: zip-wiring across the Solar Trees in Singapore, as well as the battle on the train in Zurich, are certainly exhilarating to play.
In between missions, you return to the Safehouse, in which you can customise the look of your character and spend the abundance of Unlock Tokens on weapons that you've unlocked by levelling up. Overall, it's cool that so much effort has been put into the campaign, subsequently making it a lot more worthwhile to play. After completing the story, you can even play it back in Nightmare mode, which changes the objectives, story, and dialogue to a zombie apocalypse theme, with the enemies themselves becoming zombies.
Speaking of Zombies, a lot has been added to Black Ops' most famously outlandish mode, too. The map this time around is Shadows of Evil, which seems to have taken a Cthulhu theme. It has some great voice talent, with Jeff Goldblum and Ron Perlman lending their dulcet tones to the characters, and the mode itself is a lot more complex now.

Most notably, Gobblegum has been added. These can be unlocked by levelling up – yes, Zombies has its own levelling system too – and are gotten in Shadows of Evil's various Gobblegum machines. You can choose five different Gobblegums that are available to you before the match, one of which is randomly selected and given to you whenever you pay up the 500 points necessary, and some are real game-changers. For instance, one allows you to keep your weapons after you die, while another increases your bleeding-out time.
These Gobblegums can be obtained in Dr Monty's Factory by spending Liquid Divinium, which is obtained in matches. The more Divinium that you spend, the rarer your Gobblegum will be. Normal Gobblegum can be used infinitely, but the rarer Mega Gobblegum has limited uses, but is much more powerful.
As you can perhaps tell, Shadows of Evil is a heck of a lot more complex than other Zombies maps; the sheer abundance of Easter eggs and other malarkey can make it overwhelming the first couple of times that you play. You'll probably question why "becoming the Beast" is an option, why you should perform Rituals, and what a Fumigator is – but they all become clear as you play on. We won't spoil their purposes for you, though, because finding out all of these little quirks is what makes Zombies so fun.

Other than that, Zombies still has the same principle: shoot the undead, survive for as long as possible, and spend your points on guns, power-ups, and special drinks. Since the new movement system isn't present in Zombies, it does feel a little sluggish and clunky in comparison to the other available modes, but once you get into it, it becomes a delightful romp.
The sheer length of this review should tell you that Call of Duty: Black Ops III is filled to the brim with content. While there are some low points and pacing issues, the campaign's customisation, freedom, and verticality make it excellent to play with friends. Meanwhile, mutliplayer has more customisation and replayability than ever before, and Zombies is brilliant in its complexity and difficulty. While Ghosts may have bitten the bullet, Black Ops III reloads the franchise into a new, brighter era.
Comments 36
I'll confess I absolutely detested the campaign. The second mission that serves as a tutorial for all of your new powers was quite fun, and then just about every moment after that was either boring or masochistically frustrating, and I'm not sure which side of that coin is worse. A big step down from AW's straight-forward but well-paced and consistently fun campaign.
I actually really enjoyed the campaign in this game, probably like it more than Advanced Warfare's and I liked that one a lot as well. Looking forward to trying the zombie mode. Truth is, I haven't bought a ton of Call of Duty games over the years and this is my first time playing the Black Ops subseries but I know that the Zombie modes in Black Ops have always been pretty well received so I'm looking forward to trying it out.
I really enjoyed it as well and I'm actually gonna play it again with friends in a couple of weeks. I am one of the few people that buys CoD to play the Single Player every year and almost every year I like what they're bringing to the table, but this year's game really stood out. There's so much to do in this game besides the regular single player, that I decided to hold on to the game instead of selling it like I normally do. I'm not much of a CoD multiplayer kinda guy because, besides all the problems with online play CoD always has, it's simply too fast paced and hectic for me. But these zombie campaign and horde modes combined with the co-op in the campaign make this CoD really stand out.
I still feel CoD needs a "break" and think they should throw in a remake of MW2 next year. This way they can replace the engine and change the setting of the game for once and just reset everything so it'll feel new again, but in the meanwhile they'll also please their fans with one last visit to where CoD was at its absolute peak.
Seems alright. Everyone in my household is looking forward to it, I'm kinda indifferent, but I'll probably check it out at some point.
@iDangerMouse_ The storyline has gone insane and I love it. Can't wait to see the craziness unfold as more maps get released!
@Gamer83 @Boerewors I agree fully with you guys, I hugely love this year's campaign, probably the most fun I've with friends in a while. Boerewors, me and my friend were discussing that they should take a break and remaster a game next year, because they obviously need it!
@gusty81 I agree that it's a little frustrating when it comes to the constant cutscenes, but I love the level design this year, the campaign as a whole is a lot more open
@DerMeister I haven't player COD in a while, and Black Ops 3 has rekindled my interest in the franchise
I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't really bother with multiplayer as my skills aren't exactly up to par (I play a lot of games but at best I'm average at them) so this campaign was very nice. It was longer than I expected, same with Halo 5, which I appreciate because most FPS these days are moving away from campaigns. Black Ops 3 basically has 3 campaigns if you count nightmare. Can't believe I'm actually giving Activision props for something besides its Transformers games (which are excellent) but the last two CoDs have been very good. I agree a year in the oven might be nice but instead of a remake of MW 2 I'd want a remake of MW 1, the game that redefined the series and the genre for a bit.
@Anchorsam_9 I don't have anything against the franchise, but I'll admit I do have a tough time getting hyped about a new COD. Again, it seems good this year, so I'll get around to it.
If they do remaster a game next year, which one do you think should get the honor?
This game is so fun to play in multi player mode alone. This is the second COD I have bought, the first being BO2 for Wii U. I need to find a squad though lol
Just finding it so fun, really easy to take out campers which is nice, still learning the maps usually take me until prestige 2 to know them inside out, and understand where people will be coming from. Yet to try zombies and the campaign but the multi player is an easy 9 for me
@Gamer83 I'm average at multiplayer, Mainly due to the fact I'm a team player and will sacrifice for the team but rubbish at you vs everyone type multiplayer - but prefer the campaign. Unfortunately the likes of me and you are now old school 🏫 and online multiplayer in campaign and vs seems like the route companies are going down.
Yeah, I'm sure the numbers also back up the decisions developers are making. It's just disappointing because honestly when I play games it's when I get home from work and I just want to kick back, relax and play a good single player game with an enjoyable story.
@Anchorsam_9 Great review, is Blops 3 worth picking up for the campaign alone? I'm a bit worn out after years of halo and destiny is this different enough to warrant a purchase?
I enjoy the treyarch call of duty games, the rest are meh.
@themcnoisy I'd wait a little if you were gonna buy just for the campaign for the price to drop, but I think that, if you have a couple friends, it's fun to run through it. The fact that a second campaign unlocks after helps too
With Treyarch on development duty I got this years COD mainly for there excellent Zombies mode, & Shadows of Evil is excellent. As well as The Giant which is a earlier Zombies map re-vamped, but that's not all that's all I am going to say.
@Gamer83 @themcnoisy I'm the same, I'm never really known to play online multiplayer, especially in shooters, but I quite enjoyed it this time around. The appeal will wear off soon for me, though, so I'll probably play Campaign more often than not
@Gamer83 I suck at the multiplayer but its just fun with some nice friends even for me.
So black ops 3 sold 5.7m more on ps4 then X1, ps4 = 2.4% X1 = 0.4% if you go by the install base from the numbers we know. So what does that mean? No clue lol
Ps: I love this game
Pss: the % above is from total install base mines the % given in the review. Best guess i get from this is ps4 sold 10.7m and X1 sold 5.2m, thats awsome really glad it sold well.
I can see it being fun with friends. Most of the people I'd play CoD with haven't bought Black Ops 3 though. They're getting Fallout 4 and many are waiting for Star Wars for their FPS fix.
That's the thing, even when I get into multiplayer, it doesn't usually last more than a week. The good thing is, the campaign in this game is very replayable. I'm definitely planning another run through and if my cousins get it maybe I'll do a co-op run with them.
Nice fair review I might of given it a 9/10 but that's me (bias obv) as i'm lovin the game. Look's like there will be some good feature's up and coming as well, if you check the back of each specialists card it look's like each class will get a new ability each expansion, that should keep it fresh in the future.
the online sucks got a 100mbs connection and its laggy as hell the campaign is ok ....roll on battlefront
@gruf69 Yeah online was very laggy last night. Had to quit early last night.
Strange i've not experienced much lag at all, just seen a few jittery player's every now and again, sometime's the lobby's take a while to sort out but never longer than a minute or so. I've had no problem with connection at all tbh, then again i'm on fibre.
I've got an open Nat Type & not come across any lag in COD, but Destiny is laggy as hell sometimes wether you have a good contention or not, Trails is just a mess sometimes with lag switches.
>"You play as a US supersoldier fighting against a terrorist organisation known as the CDP"
I think the CDP is actually the new NATO-esque thing that's made up of some European countries, Russia and some African countries. Then there's the WA (Winslow Accord) which is America, Britain, Germany, Japan and other places. That's what you're part of. The CDP are giving weapons to the 54 Immortals, an organisation from the walled section of Singapore that ARE regarded as a terrorist organisation by the WA.
It's weird, my experience with this has been totally opposite to what I expected. I thought I'd hate the usual American jingoistic story but like the gameplay of the campaign. I thought I wouldn't really enjoy multiplayer.
Instead I find the campaign gameplay to be awful - you just stand at one end of a large area, place a little dot below a skull icon in your HUD, tap the trigger, the gun makes a bizarre spluttery noise, the skull disappears. Repeat this 10000 times.
There's no sense of impact of you hitting them or them hitting you. When you die it just feels like you passed out for some reason. The AI guy just legs it way ahead of you and starts talking to himself about something you haven't even seen yet. I actually somewhat enjoy the story, though, it's like a charmless version of Ghost in the Shell adapted by Tom Clancy. I also really enjoy the multiplayer gameplay, contrary to my expectations.
@DerMeister World at War should be remastered. There was an eerieness to that game that none of the others had. Plus, it would look awesome on next gen consoles and that's where zombies started.
I really hope they fix the server and connection issues - most of the time its nearly impossible for me and my friends (party) to go online together, no news on a patch so far, seems they try everything to fix the even worse to almost unplayable PC Version
@ topic: the game is (besides the connection issues) absolute brilliant
I am really enjoying the return to form that this edition of CoD brings. Its by far the best CoD on generation 8 consoles (although that's not difficult). Its new movement mechanics in MP enhance rather than define the MP, Zombies is bigger and although the enemy type has been overdone in recent years, proves to be a perfect fit here. The Campaign takes a bit of getting used to as it doesn't feel as cohesive and feels a bit more restrictive in some ways because of the 4-player and XP progression but no doubt offers more option and replayability than the more traditional and linear campaign of past CoD's
Overall the features and options should keep most FPS fans busy for quite a long time.
I know most people will have the 'Nuketown' map but if anyone doesn't and wants it, I have an extra code. I am not advertising or selling it, not promoting anything but happy to give it away to a PushSquare member.
Please see the forums if interested.
@Anchorsam_9 Solid review! How dare Fallout 4 overshadow this fine piece of penmanship! haha
Great review! I didn't mind the campaign story that much, though i've generally haven't been disappointed by the CoD campaigns (except Ghosts and MW3). The new cybercore abilities were really fun to us and i hope the new co-op open area idea gets carried on throughout the next couple CoD campaigns.
I've never been a big zombies fan but Nightmare mode has me interested, mainly because of its focus on story rather than just wave survival. In some ways i actually prefer the simplistic story telling of Nightmare mode than the more complex story in the regular campaign.
But Multiplayer is where i have the most fun in this game. The BO3 beta released earlier this year was the most fun i had in CoD since the original Black Ops game. And i was really happy to see the final product had made improvements from the beta. Some of the specialist abilities like Rejack were nerfed and the annoying Blackhat item was tweaked. I'm having so much fun with this game and it feels like its built to last hopefully as long as Black Ops 2 did (which alot of people still player 3 years later).
My faith in Infinity Ward is very low, so i'm happy that even if CoD 2016 sucks i can still play Black Ops 3 till Advanced Warfare 2.
@get2sammyb This is an AWFUL game online! What the hell is the matter with you!?
I bought this for £60!!! With season pass off it getting a decent score across the board and it is W**K beyond all description.
This game is pathetic and whilst dependant an a minimal and a map that is initially the size of a postage stamp any way and has a max of 12 players! The map is too small for 12 players as it stands! Why the hell would you need a minimap apart from if you're a retard!? This game boils down to watching an 8-bit 2 d screen in the corner of your tv an responding in line with. No skill, no anything and utterly pointless.
@get2sammyb this game is goldeneye on cocaine for babies, no more, nothing less. How this gets dressed as anymore against battlefield is unfathomable
I keep trying it, leave it a while, come back to it and try and get a fresh perspective...... but without a shadow of a doubt, this game is GARBAGE.
Blacks Ops II was miles better than this.
The play mechanics are non-existent, the speed is ridiculous and takes away any real strategy. It's more like Quake III Arena but worse.
The weaponry is a joke and is just entirely unplayable and not enjoyable on any level. The multiplayer is dominated by seasoned pro's who are then rewarded for killing so much? So the people slayed relentlessly at the bottom for their inexperience are then kicked while they are down by handing all the uber weaponry to the killers!? How is that balanced, Surely a blue shell to man at the back strategy like in MarioKart would create a more balanced game as opposed to spawn - dead, spawn - dead, spawn - dead, spawn -......nobody around, walk ten feet, 5 giant steel spiked balls of death turn the corner in front of me or a airborne battle ship with a napalm payload aimed at me are my reward for dying so much and for bothering to try and stay in the competition.
Tired of multiplayer, try the campaign......... turn off, turns out that wasn't worth the price of entry either.
The game is a total joke, designed for talentless kids dependent on repetitive twitch gameplay. DO NOT BUY IT.
Words cannot express how much I regret spending £60 on this trash, would rather have bought 100kg of birdseed with that money and bent over as a self modified bird feeder. That would probably have just been slightly more fun that booting up this "game"
EDIT: I don't think I'm too bad actually, how would I go about being able to write reviews for this site?
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