Insomniac Games is running test screenings for the Ratchet & Clank Movie in Los Angeles this weekend, and it's Tweeted out some new artwork from the forthcoming flick in order to celebrate. In the snaps, we get our first look at Chairman Drek, who fans will recognise as the main villain from the franchise's inaugural outing. He looks similar to his PlayStation 2 counterpart – complete with pointed head and bushy eyebrows – so it certainly seems like the series' silver screen debut will remain loyal to the original games.
Even better news comes courtesy of community manager James Stevenson, who wrote on NeoGAF that its PlayStation 4 reimagining of the property's original escapade is making great progress. "It's further along than you may think," he told a fan who suggested that the game may yet be a way away. "[We'll have] more on that in the not too distant future as well – it's gorgeous." We all assumed that the title would be formally unveiled at PlayStation Experience last December, but maybe we'll see it at GDC next month.
Either way, we suspect that this is going to be one of those games that's announced in a virtually finished state – after all, the last that we heard is that the title's due out in the first half of 2015, so it could merely be months away.
[source twitter.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 27
Cool Can't wait!
Hmm maybe not as bad as I thought it would be....but we won't know for sure till we see the full film.
CANNOT WAIT! My dad and I played all of the original trilogy together when I was little and then the second trilogy on PS3 in high school and now I'm in my twenties and I've been looking for a game to get my dad into the PS4
Easily one of my most anticipated games of the year. Seeing that movie art made me smile like seeing a friend after a few years. Loves me some Ratchet & Clank!
Yeah, I also have high hopes for this. It sounds like it's a big project for Insomniac, and I'm expecting the visuals to be mind blowing on PS4. I always thought that the PS3 games — especially Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time — bordered on CG, so this will surely look ridiculous.
I also think that the PS4 is yearning for a good old-school platformer, as it doesn't really have one yet.
I could care less about the movie. But a R&C game is something the PS4 needs.
Any chance for a remaster on the PS3 Ratchet and Clank games? Or should I buy them for my Vita?
@iARDAs Do you mean the original PS2 trilogy, or the PS3 games? I'd play them on PS3 if I was you; the Vita port's fine, but not amazing.
@get2sammyb I actually played 1 or 2 in PS3 few years back and they were great. I do no town a PS3 currently. Only a Vita and a PS4. I was going to buy them for the Vita but I hear they do not perform that great.
So excited for this one ! Love me some Ratchet & Clank. I should pick up the trilogy collection for my PS3. I'll probably do that this summer. Man I'm so stoked, its up there with Uncharted 4 for my most anticipated.
Its a remake, what else could be different?
Oh. OST is being done by Michael Bross.
I love me some Ratchet and Clank. So I'm hoping both the movie and game are up to the quality we know and love. Although I can kinda already say it'll be awesome xD
That's not my job, anywho you should find out more when the game releases in the first half of 2015
Its not worrying at all!
@BLPs Don't be patronising. Play nice.
LOVE R&C Can't wait for the game (& Film to) Funny because i have played all past R&C games & never get bored of them. Can't wait to see it in SEXY-PS4-O-VISION to
If you check Insomniacs twitter page they say that R&C PS4 will NOT be at GDC but they will be there to discuss the production of Sunset Overdrive. Awkward!!
However I do have a feeling though that R&C will be officially unveiled shortly afterwards. FIngers crossed!
The series was stunning on PS2 and Pixar-like on PS3 so what they can accomplish on PS4 will no doubt be amazing!
@BLPs whatever kid? Disrespectful much..
"after all, the last that we heard is that the title's due out in the first half of 2015, so it could merely be months away."
The release window was changed from Q1/Q2 2015 to just '2015', so it's more likely to come out in Q3/Q4 (otherwise they wouldn't have changed it).
Probably the big holiday first-party SCE PS4 game along with Uncharted 4.
And yep, by the sounds of it it's going to be quite a substantial game, pretty much a new game really, except that the story arch will be similar to the first game (Ratchet & Clank, PS2). It's pretty much a full-fledged reboot of the first game (but not a franchise reboot).
Anyway, looking forward to seeing the trailer. I expect it at E3.
Looking forward to the film as well by the way. Even more so than the game, because well I don't have a PS4 and I'm not really feeling the urge to get one.
Sorry to hear that. Thank you for the fact that you explained the whole situation. Sorry for my attack on your reaction. Nothing personal bro!
I've seen the game (Not first hand), I've gotten information on the game (First hand), I can answer a lot of questions.
First off, the game looks almost as good as the movie. Ratchets model is pretty much the exact same as the film's only with a bit less fur detail, and the shading looks more like A Crack in Time's cell shady tone.
Second, the game will play a lot like Into the Nexus. You can upgrade your weapons, health, etc. Most of the main weapons from Ratchet & Clank 1 will be returning (Like the Blaster, Devestator, Pyrocitor, etc.) with redesigns and upgrading, and the returning planets will roughly be the same only with PS4 graphical updates and different level designs.
Third, Micheal Bross has been confirmed to be making the game's soundtrack, and it's somewhat inspired from David Bergeaud's soundtracks.
Just got home from seeing Jupiter Ascending and this movie will be much better.
Saw the trailer for Insurgent. I can't even come up w/ a joke fitting for how bad that looked.
As long as the R&C game isn't tower defense or multiplayer it will be fine.
I can't wait for this game its going to be EPIC!!! I hope the movie will be as good.
Can't wait for the movie and game. But.....Drek looks ridiculous!
@get2sammyb Thanks for the news update, hopefully both the movie and game will still release in Spring.
Who knows, this could be the first good video game movie.
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