It's been months since PlayStation 4 firmware update v2.00 added some significant features – and bugs – to Sony's next-gen system. Since then, we've had several stability updates, but nothing particularly meaty to sink our teeth into. And this is starting to get frustrating, as the format is still missing key features, such as DLNA, Suspend/Resume, and more. We penned a list of tweaks that we'd like to see earlier in the year.
Fortunately, hot on the heels of this week's uneventful PS4 firmware update v2.04, the platform holder has hinted that fresh system software is on the way – even if it doesn't have any specific details to share just yet. "I haven't got any news for you today," said SCEE's Fred Dutton on the European PlayStation Blog, "but the next update is not too far out. We'll update you as soon as possible."
It's time to update that wishlist, then. What do you most want to see added to the PS4 in the near future? Is the Japanese giant being too slow in this department? Rant, rave, and reveal your inner desires in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 41
I don't think they are being to slow, I would rather they take their time when it comes to updates because as past updates have shown if there is something wrong with it than your console is no good
plus unlike MS and the XB1, Sony don't have as many mistakes to fix so they don't need to update so offten
@FullbringIchigo I 100% agree with you. I'd much rather them take their time creating the updates and features than just rushing them out the door.
@FullbringIchigo Yeah, I think your latter point is definitely true; a lot of those early, monthly Xbox One updates were just getting the system up to speed. I can also see the approach they're taking: the PS3 was criticised for having constant FW updates, so they want to release fewer big ones.
Perhaps the solution is to be a bit more open about what they're working on. Y'know: "We haven't got a timeline yet, but our engineers are beavering away on this, this, and this for FW 2.50."
@get2sammyb yeah some info on upcoming features would be nice
I need the calendar as of PSVITA to create and share match games like on PSVITA.
I wished they add simple features like the media functions the PS3 had or being able to set wallpapers as backgrounds for themes.
Also fix the lag when switching out of certain apps,messages/trophies loading faster, trophies having background sync etc.
Let's see what i want to have in the new updates:
1.Instant Text Message (available via party chat),
when people too tired to talk, we can use text chat directly using keyboard, and the texts will pop out on the screen (we can change the position of the pop out messages in chat settings).
2.PSN Social Media, people now can comments and share friends activity in home menu. So we don't depend only on facebook or twitter for being social gamers. Of course people can disable this features if they don't like it.
3.Custom Background Music Theme, We can use our own music for the Home menu, by copying our own music to PS4 HDD.
4.Custom Theme Wallpaper. We can use our own pics in every sides available by copying pictures to PS4 HDD.
5. Folders. We can create our own folder, rename it, put icon on it, etc.
6.Using PS Vita as player 2. Able to use PS Vita in 2 Player Co-op game, so we can avoid split screen.
7.Online Status. Can turn on and off whether if we want to appear as offline even though we still connected in internet.
External HD support. BF4 takes up 65.5 gees on my hard drive alone, and coupled with Warframe updates just those two games use up a good quarter of available space (factoring in the space left after the OS has its say). Today's games are hungry, and the original drive is inadequate.
@Sevenifity Like the idea of using the Vita as a second player for Co-op. I guess that could only be done for games that would otherwise be splitscreen, and would have to be implemented by the developer though.
@FullbringIchigo Dam you are dumb as hell and Sony is slow because they have they dont have the proper people to bring these Updates out so PS4 will stay stale for years to come
@JesWood13 Really how is that Suspend/esume Gameplay going for you all I mean have a PS4 but Xbox One had it launch day Lmfao the waitness on everything is real keep waiting
@GameDestroyer Ahahahaha! Do you seriously think I care about suspend/resume? I will keep waiting, because patience brings great things. I also love how you play the insult game, saying another user is quote "dumber than hell". Grow up.
@GameDestroyer excuse me but what right do you have to call me dumb just because you don't agree with my opinion?
@GameDestroyer how's your game install times... Sorry I'm too busy playing...
@GameDestroyer Keep insulting people like that and it'll be a swift ban for you. Feel free to discuss and debate others' points, but there's no need to be rude about it. Consider this a warning.
@get2sammyb Uhhh.... I think you've got the wrong guy. I was sticking up for FullbringIchigo. I said not a single insulting thing. If telling someone to grow up and stop calling names is an insult, then that's just ridiculous. The guy you should be looking at is @GameDestroyer. I may have quoted what he said about said user, but that's literally it. If anybody needs a swift ban, it's definitely GameDestroyer. Why am I being called out for something I didn't even do?
I'm ready for Playstation Music. When's that coming?
is too much to ask a multimedia solution for my ps4? I don't want to connect many devices in my main tv, my ps3 in the other hand is kicking ass in my bedroom.
Not to bothered anymore really. Just wanted the MP3 player(we got now) which will do. Maybe DLNA & Suspend/Resume would be cool & make your own Folders i guess & erm can't think of anything else to many games to play at the moment...i can hear The Order calling me again so got2go...
"but the next update is not too far out"
Kind of like the PS+ edition of Driveclub?
@get2sammyb @FullbringIchigo
But then majority of the main updates have been set and the Xbox is still getting them monthly. Saying that the Xbox needed them doesn't matter when the PS4 is missing features like suspend and resume and as a while isn't as feature rich as the one currently.
Everything expect three of your wish list linked above is already possible on the One and its getting Retail Dev Kits this summer.
a simple mp3 playback would be nice without needing a usb!
And i am blanking at the moment for what ever else.
But i think this would be a good start.
I sure hope the new firmware will fix the issues I've been having with my PS4 since 2.0. The reason why I haven't abandoned my PS4 yet is out of blind fanboyism, because apart from the lack of great games, my PS4 has immense stability issues ever since 2.0 came around. Games I could play before 2.0 are still near unplayable, they just shut down after 15 minutes or so giving an error, and nothing seems to work. I've done a factory reset, I wiped all save games, installed firmware manually and I called the PS helpline on several occasions (incredibly bad and even rude service btw).
I haven't really played my PS4 since December, the last few the Order hours being the exception, and I honestly don't feel I'm missing out on much. I've gone back to mainly playing my Vita and 3ds and my good ol' PS3, which is still the better all around console imo.
Only issue I see that needs addressing is a IM thats really a IM not a slow mail system.
Suspend /resume is all ps4 needs i think... And then just give me project cars and im good to go
Folders and a search/filter option for download list will be great.
@shingi_70 those were the ones I was talking about MS needed all those updates to fix their mistakes (like the allways on DRM and needing kinect connected at all times for example) but sony didn't as they had less to fix and now updates should be focusing on implementing missing features
all I was saying is I don't mind if Sony, MS or Nintendo take their time with updates to make sure a little goes wrong as possible because bad updates can kill a system and I don't want my systems to break just because an update was rushed out
@JesWood13 Sorry yes, I clicked the wrong reply button. This is a bit embarassing.
I would like PS4 to finally catch up to the PS3's media capabilities and I would love instant suspend/resume. Oh yeah, and the ability to create/share our own themes/wallpapers.
So far I feel XBO firmware has been done well. It's got DLNA support and suspend/resume, which are the more important features for me. Adding the ability to put in your own wallpapers is nice and so are the new game hubs. It hasnt bugged out on me yet either, as opposed to PS4's SharePlay update that had most of my games crashing to the main menu.
That is all i need...
Eh, maybe for Sony but I'm so used to patch Wednesday. I just find it off that some features still aren't on the PS4. They seem to do big updates every once kna while while Microsoft adds features month by month.
@get2sammyb It's okay I suppose.... Lolol.
More media please
I am still in the 'new to PS4' stage (not new to PS) so don't really know what's missing or what features I would like to see. I still have relatively few games too. I do tend to use my consoles entirely for gaming so as long as they do that then anything else is not important to me - I appreciate that for others though, they are more multi-media. I haven't yet tried the party chat yet.
As someone who also owns an Xbox One, I do think it is nice to have regular and small updates as opposed to infrequent and large ones. I know it can be annoying when you have a large update to download and install when all you want to do is game. I certainly don't think a lot of the features that have been added are to 'fix' mistakes made at launch Having things like Activity Feeds or Game Hubs (for example) are an added extra rather than a fix
If anything, I wouldn't mind seeing External HDD support added in the future - like on the XB1. 500GB may sound like a lot compared to last generation but unlike last generation, games don't play from disc and it really doesn't take much to fill the HDD.
@arnoldlayne83 Took the words right out of my mou- Ehh... keyboard? XD
But yeah, I would like to see a media player an external HDD support. My internal HDD is being eaten fast with just a month in my PS4's life with me ._.
The wonders flash sales ca do to your HDD ._.
Can they release an update that makes sure their PS4 exclusives don't massively disappoint anymore or in the future?
@Beta At the end, last week I gave up and bought a 2Tera Hdd for my ps4... between huge game installations and free games from PS+ I was constantly bothered by lack of space.....
But still, On my TV I have attached cable decoder, ps4, wiiU and a laptop for movies and series.... would be great to get rid of the latter, at least....
@Godsire- .... a subliminal message every 59 frames that tells you "This game is awesome!"
I'd like to see, most of all, folders as the game menu is currently a complete mess, interspersed with apps that force themselves upon you, even if you don't use them. ie. the tv apps folder. I hate having to keep looking in the library to find a game because it's been replaced by junk I don't use.
Secondly, a working IM. It seems to be getting worse, with messages taking anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours to reach their destination.
I would like to see a better messaging system. The messages seem to be taking an awfully long time to send lately. Also, to be able to organize your games list, see notifications when friends come online and select whether you want to appear on or offline would be other great features I think Sony could add
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