"Soccer? I barely know her!"

If you fancy yourself a football fan, but aren't so keen on the wildly controversial exercise side of the sport, perhaps Football Manager Classic 2014 will be right up your alley. As the title suggests, this management sim will allow you to train and foster your very own team. What's more, developer Sports Interactive has recently announced on the PlayStation Blog that the game will also be taking to the pitch in an exclusive PlayStation Vita bundle.

Releasing on 17th April, the bundle comes packed with a slim edition of Sony's handheld, as well as a 4GB memory card and a voucher with a PlayStation Network code for the game. There's no word on a price yet, and unsurprisingly, North America isn't even mentioned in the post. While this is all well and good, this Australian reporter isn't entirely sure what the UK-based studio means by "football". Perhaps it's referring to the popular sport of soccer, but without further investigation, there's really no way to know.

Is this the bundle that'll convince you to pick up a Vita, or will you be sending it to the sin bin? Kick off in the comments section below.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]