Welcome to Push Square’s all-encompassing Games of the Generation series. In the lead up to the PlayStation 4’s release later this week, we’ll be rounding up our writers in an effort to look back at some of their favourite PlayStation 3 games. These titles have been hand-selected personally by each individual author, and now it's finally time for Editor Sammy Barker to rub you up the wrong way.
It’s been a strange generation. After the domination of the PSone and PlayStation 2, the PS3 has struggled to live up to pedigree of its predecessors. Commercially, that's certainly true – but I don’t buy into any criticisms regarding its library. The financial implications of the high-definition era may have limited its roster of third-party exclusives, but Sony made up for that by turning its Worldwide Studios network into a force to be reckoned with. It’s unsurprising, then, that four of my five favourites titles from the current generation were first-party releases.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
The uber-popular Call of Duty series may be getting staler than the food in a celebrity’s oversized American fridge, but that hasn’t always been the case. Infinity Ward reportedly had to fight tooth-and-nail with Activision’s management in order to base Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare outside of the tried-and-tested World War II setting – but I bet that the publisher’s glad that it lost that battle. Iterative sequels may have lessened its sheen somewhat, but this was a seminal title. Not only did the introduction of killstreaks, perks, and old-school role-playing staples transform the online gaming climate forever, but this also boasted an incredible campaign. Do you remember the nuclear bomb scene? I rest my case.

God of War III
God of War III launched during that period where the platform holder’s current generation console was finally picking up steam. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves had secured innumerable Game of the Year gongs months prior, the PS3 Slim hardware revision augmented the platform with a reasonable price-point at long last, and Heavy Rain had just taken the industry by storm by introducing a completely different approach to interactive story-telling. Sony Santa Monica’s hotly anticipated sequel was nothing new, but it took David Jaffe’s bombastic creation and twisted it into a visual masterpiece. If anyone had doubted the power of the platform before, all you needed to do was show them Kratos fighting Poseidon on the back of Gaia climbing Mount Olympus. You could literally see the dollar bills pouring out of the screen.

LittleBigPlanet 2
A series that’s been consigned to a daft argument regarding floaty jumping physics, LittleBigPlanet isn’t (and never was) about the core platforming. The sequel to Media Molecule’s popular Play Create Share smash was a sandbox of creative tomfoolery, dusting aside the limitations of its predecessor, and presenting you with the keys to a world of untapped potential. I never really got into the level building aspect – my imagination not sharp enough to create something truly original – but I’m constantly flabbergasted each time I boot up the exclusive to see what weird and wonderful inventions other people have made. There’s no single user generated creation that I can point to and say I’d want to play again, but with millions of different ideas vying for my attention, I’m not sure I’d ever have the time anyway.

Super Stardust HD
I’ll be perfectly honest, I didn’t play Super Stardust HD until it got Trophies. I’d always thought that the PlayStation Network was the domain for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and demos for Resistance: Fall of Man, but when Sony first updated its flagship format with digital trinkets, there was only one game to test the Achievements-inspired system on. And thus began my generation-long love affair with Housemarque’s eye-burningly beautiful spherical dual joystick shooter. There’s no complicated plot to speak of here or revolutionary mechanics – just rich arcade action running at 60 frames-per-second in 1080p. In this case, that’s all the Finnish developer needed.

The Unfinished Swan
Gaming conventions can be brash, tiresome places to play games – but I’m not being hyperbolic when I say that my first hands-on with The Unfinished Swan transported me to another place. Giant Sparrow’s dream-like excursion may not have attained universal praise like its oft-compared companion Journey, but I actually think that it attained something much more impressive. Outside of the sharp whitewash visuals and poignant premise, the opening hour’s slumbersome shuffle through a magical kingdom that you can’t quite see resonated so strongly with me that it single-handedly won the game a place on this list.
Do you concur with Sammy's swish picks, or have you got a different roster of releases in mind? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 20
meh =)
Were you happy with what this generation gave us as a whole? I know Sony's game plan changed half way through and it was for the better. I started this generation over on the Xbox 360 but soon moved over once the service found it's feet.
Good choice sammy! Some indie love: Super stardust and the unfinished swan
@Bliquid Sadly, no tennis. I really liked both Top Spin 4 and Virtua Tennis 4 but I had issues with both of them. These games don't sell well, so I don't know how likely we are to get sequels for the PS4. I remain hopeful, though. I thought Top Spin 4 in particular was great, but the load times let it down heavily on PS3.
Besides COD i can't agree more with this list, Super Stardust and Unfinished Swan, heart warming.
That fight with Poseidon was the only time that my jaw actually dropped during this generation. It helps to know that it was the first game I've ever played on the PS3.
NO InFamous in anyone's list ?Blasphemy!!
@Bliquid It has terrible tennis, yes.
@get2sammyb I do enjoy reading your articles and mostly agree with your reviews but I gotta say: Boy you have an odd taste! Anyways, more power to you!
don,t agree with all of them , but still a nice list of generation defining games.
Pretty cool list! Not a fan of COD but I can see why it is on the list. The Unfinished Swan would be the only surprise on the list. I played the demo and enjoyed it but I personally don't know many people who have played it and I would assume Journey would be on the list.
@PMasterTy9 I personally liked The Unfinished Swan more than Journey. I understand why the latter had more impact, but there was something really special about Giant Sparrow's game.
I liked CoD4 too. Last one I replayed the campaign at all. I loved the slo-mo and high-contrast filters and the multiplayer was really decent too (hated W@W)
Are these in order? Because if I was going to make an order to your list, it would be how you have them here.
Pretty much what I expected knowing Sammy. I don't quite agree with his choices, but none of them are bad, either.
Mine would be Littlebigplanet, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, Journey, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, and Costume Quest. Based solely on the impression they had on me and my enjoyment, which is all that matters.
@Wesker : as I understand it , these are pushSquare staffs personal picks ,in no particular order (other than alphabetical) . why would you want to put in to order another persons choices ? you don,t like 'em ? fine , just say so.
Not even a single Dynasty Warriors game, Sammy? No idea what you're thinking.
@Wesker None of the lists are in any particular order - they're simply listed as they are for no real reason.
@eliotgballade Why do you I think don,t like 'em?
@ShogunRok I'll admit, I sort of expected Dynasty Warriors 8 instead of Unfinished Swan, but as I recall, Sammy did give Unfinished Swan a 10/10.
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