It’s the calm before the storm on the European PlayStation Store this week, with only a handful of noteworthy titles vying for your attention. The first entry in Telltale’s episodic The Wolf Among Us series is very much the star of the show, but the overdue arrival of Muramasa Rebirth is worth a mention too. Other highlights include a LEGO Marvel Super Heroes demo and The Last of Us’ first multiplayer add-on pack.
PS3 Games
Dead Nation + Road Of Devastation
Price: £9.99/€12.99, PEGI: 18
Sanctum 2 (Trial available)
Price: £11.99/€14.99, PEGI: 12, Availability: Not available in Russia
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass
Price: £15.99/€19.99, PEGI: 16. Availability: Not available in Germany, Russia
The Wolf Among Us
Price: £3.99/€4.99, PEGI: 16, Availability: Not available in Russia
PS3 Demos
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship Demo
PEGI: 3, Availability: Not available in Russia
PS Vita Games
Angry Birds Trilogy
Price: £31.99/€39.99, PEGI: 3, Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand
Crazy Market
Price: Free, PEGI: 3
Killzone Mercenary Art Book
Price: Free, PEGI: 18
Muramasa Rebirth
Price: £19.99/€24.99, PEGI: 12
PS Vita Demos
WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship Demo
PEGI: 3, Availability: Not available in Russia
PlayStation Mobile
Price: £1.59/€1.99
Armored Core: Verdict Day
Compatibility Pack 1
Prices: Free
Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate
Halloween Costumes – £1.59/€1.99 each
Core Fighters Halloween Costume Set – £5.49/€6.99
Costume Catalogue 4 – Free
Trick-Or-Treat Halloween Costume Set – £19.99/€24.99
Ultimate Sexy costumes – £1.59/€1.99 each
Cheerleader costumes – £0.79/€0.99 each
Santa’s Naughty/Nice Girls – £1.59/€1.99 each
Lil’ Santas costumes – £0.79/€0.99 each
Swimwear costumes – £1.59/€1.99 each
Hot Getaway costumes – £1.59/€1.99 each
DOA2 Music – £0.79/€0.99 each
DOA3 Music – £0.79/€0.99 each
Availability: Not available in Russia
Dragon’s Crown
Character Narrative Voice Pack
Prices: £1.59/€1.99, Availability: Not available in Russia
F1 2013
F1 Classics: 1990S Pack
F1 Classics: Classic Track Pack
Prices: £6.49/€7.99
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Cross-Buy) (Monday 14th Oct)
Arabic Costumes Minipack
Prices: £0.79/€0.99
Pac-Man CE DX+
All You Can Eat Add-On Pack
Prices: £6.49/€7.99
Payday 2
Prices: £3.99/€4.99
Star Wars Pinball (Zen Pinball 2)
Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The Force
Prices: £9.99/€7.99
The Last Of Us
Abandoned Territories Map Pack
Prices: £7.99/€9.99
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Cross-Buy) (Monday 14th Oct)
Arabic Costumes Minipack
Prices: £0.79/€0.99
Star Wars Pinball (Zen Pinball 2)
Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The Force
Prices: £9.99/€7.99
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 6
After this update I saw WRC4 for Vita. I thought it would skip the handheld. It is good since I enjoyed WRC3 on the Vita. I may get Muramasa too since I never got the chance to play it on the Wii.
@belmont Milestone really likes supporting the Vita from what I can understand. I'm also tempted by Muramasa, but not sure I want to pay £19.99 for it. Might wait for a sale.
Muramasa is a buy! Going to paris for a week with le girlfriend so i need my vita with all that shopping and seightseeing
there some great discounts this week I just brought hotline Miami for 2.43 bargin
sound shapes is down to 5 quid to so might get that at payday
keep up the good sony a very happy vita player
I know people don't care about demos, but after playing Lego Marvel last night Knack seems even less impressive. It seemed like half the demo was cut scenes so it's a bit of an unfair comparison, but giant Sandman looked really good. It's all fixed camera, but then so is Knack. Not saying Knack looks bad, I know a lot of you dont like the cartoon WoW graphics, but between Lego Marvel and Skylanders - now w/ a jump button! - I think it could have been similarly done on the PS3.
I would have brought Muramasa Rebirth, if there was a Retail unit, but just like The Walking Dead is the Retail unit none existing.
BTW ppl try out THe Wolf Among US, it's a great game.
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