Quantic Dream started work on its confirmed – but still shrouded in mystery – PlayStation 4 title way back in mid-2012, the French company has revealed. Chatting with Eurogamer.net at the Digital Dragons event in Poland, vice president Guillaume de Fondaumière explained that the studio was granted extremely early access to development kits.
“We received PS4 development kits – at the beginning it's specifications, then it becomes early kits – very early on," he explained. "We were among the first studios in the world to receive those kits."
The studio – which is still independent, but works much like a first-party these days – demonstrated the possibilities of the new hardware during February’s colossal PlayStation Meeting press conference earlier in the year, showing a lifelike human head being rendered in realtime on the next generation console.
In regards to its next title, de Fondaumière explained that the studio’s been working on its new tools for some time. "Technology has been going on for quite a while now," he said. "We've started to work on the pre-production of that new game since the middle of last year." According to the executive, development’s going “great”.
Unfortunately, de Fondaumière was secretive with specifics, adding that it’s “too early” to tell when the title will go into full production. “It's a very ambitious project, so it's going to start when it's ready,” he explained, no doubt with a wry smile.
Very little is known about Quantic Dream’s first PS4 project, but the studio did register the website domain SingularityPS4.com earlier in the year. David Cage has frequently stated that Kara – a technology demo depicting the dangers of artificial intelligence – was inspired by Ray Kurzweil’s novel The Singularity Is Near, which suggests that the developer’s next project could deal with similar themes to the futuristic short.
Naturally, the studio’s focused on PlayStation 3 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls for the time being – but it doesn’t sound like we’re going to have to wait too long for the innovative outfit to make its debut on Sony’s next generation hardware. Feel free to share your excitement in the comments section below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 5
Kara looks a lot like the nanny in The Following.
@Squiggle55 It is her! Valorie Curry played Kara, who is also in The Following!
Whats nice is they get better with every game they make. I remember being really surprised in a good way when I first played Indigo Prophecy. You can see effluence of Heavy Rain in that game too.
OMG! I just started watching the following two days ago (I'm in episode 10) and just saw this picture. Mind=blown. Thanks for the info, Sammy!
@get2sammyb Ha! That's awesome. Thanks for pointing that out. That technology of theirs is fantastic. I really liked the Kara short too I hope the next game follows that story and uses the same actress too.
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