What are you doing on March 18th? You've got a date with the nice young lady from the ASDA checkouts? Ahem, cancel it. Go on, we'll wait while you pull out that universally useful red Sharpie from your pencil case and put a big cross through it. Y'see, SEGA's announced that Yakuza 4's due out on March 18th in the UK. All makes sense now doesn't it?
Look, we're sorry you've got to miss your date. Honestly, we are. At least you can make up for it by pulling one of the many polygonal cuties in Yakuza's in-game hostess bars right? Video game dating is almost certainly better than real life dating anyway. It's relatively cheap for starters. Plus you never have to answer the "well what do you do for a living" question. You can't be ashamed of playing video games when the person you're trying to woo is, well, inside a video game.
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