NSP no desaeler eb lliw ,esrever ni yleritne deyalp emag tsrif eht ,edarG/orteR," 24 Caret Games Co-founder Matt Gilgenbach jokes. "... errr… Sorry! I’m used to time being reversed."

Best introduction ever? We think so. This is 24 Caret Games' new PSN shooter Retro/Grade which is actually a rhythm game but looks like a side scroller being played in reverse. Word!

The game starts at the end (as you'd expect from a backwards game), where protagonist Rick Rocket has saved the world from a glut of space based evils. Alas, our Rick has a problem in that "the massive destruction he left in his wake has caused a temporal anomaly that reversed the flow of time". Naturally!
"Rick must undo his actions exactly the reverse of the way he performed them in the first place," explains Gilgenbach. "That means he has to get in the appropriate space lane from which his shot was fired and press the shoot button at the appropriate time. As well, he must avoid blocking the path of the enemy shots as they return to the enemy’s guns. If he blocks their path, it creates a paradox since he is stopping the shot before it was ever fired."</blockquote>

So basically Retro/Grade is a side scrolling shooter that's actually a rhythm game that begins at the end and ends at the beginning because of a time anomaly caused in the middle because the side scrolling shooter is actually backwards and it's actually backwards because when the events happened forwards they caused time to move backwards so it actually was a side scrolling shoo-...

Just watch the trailer.