
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Kraven the lengths I went to during the week prior to the Mad Max servers being shut-down, to ensure I’d still be able to get the platinum when I actually got around to playing the game 😅. As a very dedicated platinum hunter to this day, the early hours, late nights and lunch-time treks back and forth work still seem a bridge too far for my still fledgling trophy hunter status at the time. Glad I did though, I enjoyed the hell out of the game when I eventually returned to it a few years later.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


I'll be starting Days Gone next week, along with Bioshock Infinite. It was a bit harder to part ways with Skyrim then I expected. I ended up going for platinum, 100% on all DLCs and beating the Ebony Warrior. Now I'm satisfied with the game

Mad Max is also in my library, waiting for its' turn, along with a dozen other games:)



@lotan666 Drop some impressions of Days Gone if you feel up to it. I’d like to hear more and get some up-to-date feedback now that the game has been out for so long.

BioShock Infinite is fantastic, although it’s been several years since I played it and so I don’t know how it holds up nowadays in the visuals and gameplay department. The story, setting, and lore are the real highlights.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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