
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Nice! Yeah, the narrative is a bit of a mess, though I do get a kick out of the fact that there doesn’t seem to be a problem or disagreement - however slight - that can’t be solved by simply crossing swords.

Stellar Blade was great! It’s full of all the stuff that other games get ragged on for - rote fetch style side quests, so-so writing, clumsy controls - but when you’re rewarded with T&A, I guess it bothers people less 🤷‍♂️ The last quarter of it is truly excellent and honestly made up for a lot of my issues with it. It’s a solid game.

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


I got addicted to Cricket 24 at the weekend, it's not really good or anything, but I played and have enjoyed cricket in the past, and this game just kept me hooked for quite a bit with it rewarding you nicely for timing and decisions. Timing and decisions. Timing and decisions.
Just one more over 💀

I really need to get back to AC Mirage though, which doesn't really reward you for timing or decisions, as such, but stabbing is fun.

Stabbing is fun.

Stabbing is fun.

games are weird if you think about it too much 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@colonelkilgore At the moment, Assassins Creed: Valhalla, and between times alternating between Bloodstained and Castlevania: Symphony of the night.



@CosmicJester nice SotN is awesome, I actually really enjoyed Rondo of Blood too, if you’re yet to play it.

So I was a bit late to the party with AC but am looking forward to Valhalla after really enjoying Origins and Odyssey (the later being one of my fave games from last gen). I still have Rogue, Liberty and Syndicate to go yet though, so could be a while before I get to it.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore SotN was my first and favourite metroidvania, not looked back. Rondo and Super castlevania IV of the classic CVs are brilliant as well. Loved Origins, the atmosphere of ancient Egypt was perfect, really liked odyssey as well. I'm enjoying valhalla as well, just not as much as I did origins. Still a damn good game though.



@CosmicJester yeah I have heard that Valhalla doesn’t quite hit the highs of the other two. That’s probably the reason I went back and played all the other AC games in between tbh… so by the time I get to it, it should be relatively fresh again.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore @CosmicJester I’ve come to the conclusion that keeping up with the Assassin’s Creed games is an implausible goal, at least for me. The first five games were among the most influential in getting me into gaming to the extent I am today. But the series was really mishandled, imho, and as other Ubi-clones popped up that were more digestible and evolutionary, it was easier to play those instead. But many of my beloved games have their roots in that AC soil.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I’ve just been playing one or two a year since playing Odyssey back in 2019. I’ve quite enjoyed all of them so far tbh, particularly Origins, Odyssey and Unity. Really looking forward to Shadows too.

**** DLC!


Picked up High on Life on the latest sale. It's fun for what it is. A mediocre shooter, but the fun lies in the "Rick and Morty" humor.



@colonelkilgore Have you picked up Mirage? I did see that physical copies were already quite discounted. So much so that I was tempted to just pick it up on a whim. But I know I should probably go back to Unity and Syndicate for the old school AC and then play Odyssey and Valhalla when I want the new school versions.

But I also have Horizon Forbidden West in the backlog, which I think I’d rather get to first, and Days Gone (although not sure DG is really an AC-like…?) and by the time I get through those we’re likely to have Ghost of [insert your Japanese island] from Sucker Punch, which will probably sap all my samurai energy from wanting to play AC Shadows. Also Rise of the Ronin exists. And Wukong, Phantom Blade Zero, etc, etc. But I must admit, despite being satiated on the Ubi-open world and on the feudal Japanese setting, the Shadows trailer actually looked quite good and has me considering jumping back into the series at this point. All the sour taste of the pirate and naval stuff has worn off. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution yeah I managed to get a cheap copy of Mirage a few months back, think it was around £20. I won’t be playing that until sometime after Valhalla tbh.

Yeah I wouldn’t really say that Days Gone was similar to the Assassins Creed games tbh… brilliant game though it is. And same about Shadows what with GoT, it’s inevitable sequel and RotR I kinda though Ubi had missed the boat but I did like the gameplay showed at Ubisoft Forward (but who am I kidding, I was always gonna buy it 😅).

**** DLC!


Days Gone, to me is more like a cross between Mad Max and The Last of Us. Great up close and personal combat with a bit of crafting, mixed in an open world with vehicular combat. The gaming equivalent of a road movie, a road game (sounded better in my head).
Fab game, one of my favourites from the last gen and much improved on the PS5.



@CaptD @colonelkilgore Cool. Thanks guys. I knew it had some kind of open world, but unclear about the structure of the game and the combat. I know there’s some kind of hoard mechanic with the zombies, and I figure it’s got guns but also melee. I never played Mad Max either, as the IP isn’t necessarily something I like or actively seek out, but it’s supposed to be a good game from all I’ve heard.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution It’s a shame the platinum trophy is unobtainable for Mad Max. I wish there was a way to remedy that. I’ve been wanting to play the game as well since I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. I’ll definitely add it to my backlog.



It is a shame as i think Mad Max is one of those games that has long legs especially when a new film comes out, plus it is a very good game sadly overlooked due to a certain other game coming out on the same day (really could publishers be any more dumb).
I thought I read somewhere that they would patch it but clearly that didn't happen or I'm getting confused with another game (possibly shadow of mordor), anyway Sony should entice companies to patch their unobtainable trophies but considering Driveclub VR had their servers switched off after just over three years leaving a stupid trophy unobtainable it is quite clear that Sony couldn't give a fig.
Rant over.



@Th3solution one of the admittedly little things I really liked about Days Gone was the various consumable/collectibles being germane to the place you would find them ie if you want a muffler to make a silencer, look under the hood of a car, medical supplies, in an ambulance etc. it’s a really simple touch that passes most games by but adds a wallop of immersion.

Also a tip I heard going in was focus on melee for the first third of your playthrough as the gun play is a little off until you put a decent amount if skill points into it. Once you have though it plays great.

**** DLC!


@Kraven the lengths I went to during the week prior to the Mad Max servers being shut-down, to ensure I’d still be able to get the platinum when I actually got around to playing the game 😅. As a very dedicated platinum hunter to this day, the early hours, late nights and lunch-time treks back and forth work still seem a bridge too far for my still fledgling trophy hunter status at the time. Glad I did though, I enjoyed the hell out of the game when I eventually returned to it a few years later.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


I'll be starting Days Gone next week, along with Bioshock Infinite. It was a bit harder to part ways with Skyrim then I expected. I ended up going for platinum, 100% on all DLCs and beating the Ebony Warrior. Now I'm satisfied with the game

Mad Max is also in my library, waiting for its' turn, along with a dozen other games:)


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