What time is Sony's PlayStation Showcase 2021 livestream? Sony recently announced PlayStation Showcase 2021, and it sounds like the big PS5 and PS4 event we've been waiting for. So, what are all the details? In this quick PlayStation Showcase 2021 guide, we're going to tell you everything you need to know.
PlayStation Showcase 2021: What Time Is Sony's Livestream?
What time is Sony's PlayStation Showcase 2021 livestream? Below is the date of the event and all the regional times you need. PlayStation Showcase 2021 takes place on Thursday, 9th September at the following times:
Thursday, 9th September, 2021
- North America: 1pm PDT / 2pm MDT / 3pm CDT / 4pm EDT
- UK/Ire: 9pm BST
- Europe: 10pm CEST / 11pm EEST
- Asia/Oceania: 5am (Fri) JST / 4am (Fri) AWST / 6am (Fri) AEST
PlayStation Showcase 2021: Where Can You Watch Sony's Livestream?
PlayStation Showcase 2021 will be broadcast live from Sony's official PlayStation YouTube and Twitch channels. Of course, we will be hosting the showcase right here on Push Square, so please do join us and our community as we watch along together.
If you miss the show as it goes out live, don't worry — we will bring you all the news as soon as possible so you can stay up to date.
PlayStation Showcase 2021: How Long Will Sony's Livestream Be?
Sony has stated that PlayStation Showcase 2021 will be roughly 40 minutes long. For reference, this is about the same duration as last year's PlayStation Showcase.
PlayStation Showcase 2021: What Games Will Be Announced During Sony's Livestream?
Unfortunately, no games or announcements have been officially confirmed for PlayStation Showcase 2021. Sony has said that PSVR 2, or whatever the PSVR successor on PS5 will be called, won't be present during the event.
So, that leaves us to make some educated guesses. Sony has teased updates from its first-party teams, so we anticipate fresh looks at Gran Turismo 7, Horizon Forbidden West, and God of War Ragnarok. There will also be games shown from third party publishers and partners. It's likely we'll see Call of Duty: Vanguard, Death Stranding Director's Cut, and the PS5 upgrade of Grand Theft Auto V. Again, this is all speculation, but we imagine all the above will be safe bets.
Are you excited to watch PlayStation Showcase 2021? What games are you hoping to see during the show? Make your predictions in the comments section below.
Comments 69
Cautiously optimistic. Any of the following would get me excited...
I won't be holding my breath.
My expectations:
I don't expect too much do I?
I'm seriously considering NOT buying a PS5 if the trend of Sony charging for PS4-PS5 upgrades continues. I mean they've already raised the price of games to $70.00 I think its really cheeky to squeeze us for another $10.00 for an upgrade when We've already paid a kings ransom for the game.
15 minutes of GTA5 apparently.
@SurvivorGirl1 I'm not sure how paying the price difference between PS4 and PS5 SKUs to get the PS5 SKU when you own the PS4 SKU is cheeky?
Cheeky for me is not offering the upgrade path and making you buy the whole game again. I also don't see that the PS5 SKU needs to cost an extra (£/$)10 for titles developed cross-gen.
I would prefer developers to have to decide whether you're buying a PS5 game with a free last-gen port (£70 to get both SKUs) or a PS4 game with a free PS5 upgrade (£60 to get both). I'm far more forgiving of a price difference when it's an upgrade that has been developed after the fact, but this is just charging extra for work they've already done anyway.
Edit: I've worked on projects where it was announced a feature I spent a fortnight working on, which we were going to have to do anyway, was being sold to a client for a year or more's worth of my salary, and it never felt good, because I knew I'd never see a penny of that money, and it felt like defrauding the client. The clients there were large multinationals, so I can't imagine if feels better if you know the customers were just average Joes.
@theheadofabroom I think its Cheeky of sony to even ask you to pay $10.00 to play a game you've already paid for once on PS4 just so you can transfer it to PS5. Isn't enough that they've already hit you for $60.00 for the PS4 version and the price of the new PS5 console at $500 dollars ? NO they've got ot squeeze another $10.00 out of you. Charging $10.00 to transfer your content is just as much ***** as Micro-transactions are.
@Mysterio @Telekill Same wishes here, hopefully some of them are covered!
@SurvivorGirl1 I mean you can play the PS4 version anyway. If they've done extra work to add features for the PS5 I don't have too much of an issue with wanting to charge for that work. My problem as I've stated before, is when you're paying for work they would have done anyway.
I own a PS5 and I can certainly tell you there are huge gap between the upgrades added to some games versus others. Most are a change to the settings file and a halfhearted DualSense implementation, which feel like they should be free, or £2 at the most. Some are transformative, and feel like the sort of feature/QoL bump you'd expect from a sequel, and I'm absolutely happy to pay for that.
You're not being charged to transfer anything. You're being charged for improvements to the engine of a game, which took time for the team to implement, and which could have been spent developing DLC.
I think the price of the console itself is somewhat irrelevant to the conversation, as for the hardware you get, it's a steal, and you've got that regardless of what else you pay for. The relevant parts of the deal are this:
1) you buy a game for your PS4 and play it
2) you buy a PS5 which can still play that game
3) you buy a second copy of that game at a discount on order to get new features which the PS5 supports, but the PS4 does not.
For me there are a few relevent points here:
a) should a PS4 game cost £55-60?
b) should a PS5 game cost £70?
c) are the new features in (3) something that was developed and cut from the change for the PS4 version, or something that was added on after release when the developers finally got their hands on PS5 hardware and tools.
I'm not sure on (a) or (b), coming from PC it feels like £45 for a PS4 game and £50 for a PS5 game would be fairer, and then £5 for an upgrade makes sense, but I don't set pricing strategy, so all I can do is vote with my wallet on titles I'm willing to wait for. To me, (c) is the part I'm grumpy about, and which really stings with HFW's announcement
@Telekill I’d pay $70 for a new, ps5 exclusive uncharted taking advantage of everything the ps5 has to offer.
My predictions/hopes:
God of War - In Game Cinematic Trailer (OPENING)
Horizon - More Gameplay (New Enemy)
Bloodborne PS5 Patch
GT - Gameplay Trailer & Release Date (May/June)
Socom - CG Trailer
Forspoken - Gameplay Trailer
FF16 - Gameplay Trailer
Returnal DLC - Trailer
Bluepoint is announced as a First Party and then they reveal their Metal Gear Remake (ENDING)
Resistance Trilogy - Gameplay Trailer & 2021 Release
GTA Next Gen - Trailer
Hail Mary’s
KotOR Remake
Spiderman 2 - Teaser (like GOW teaser)
Factions - Trailer
Bloodborne PS5 patch or version please.
Abandoned being a gritty remake of Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo would just make my day.
It's 3 AM in my country, I think I'll watch the 4K video on youtube on the next day instead, snack ready 😃
I hope god of war and a brand new ip AAA sony games will be there.
8am here. I've previously commented that I'd be happy with GT7, Ragnarok, Hogwarts and Forspoken in an effort to try and not be too hyped about it.
But now I think on it more I am going full hype mode, I expect to be blown away
Darn, I have a dentist appointment, I'll be missing it. Haha
@Mysterio Last Guardian runs 60 fps on ps5
@SurvivorGirl1 buying the ps4 version of a game shouldn't entitle any one to get the ps5 version of that game or they should start charging 70$ for the ps4 copy in that case.
Sly cooper.infamous.resistance.dragon dogma 2.from software ps5 exclusive games.new japan studio.housemarque aquisition.god of war gameplay trailer.bend studio new game.bloodborne remake.last of us remake.parasite eve and syphon filter come on sony.oh yeah.word up son
I'm hyped! I don't want to see any more Horizon though until next january. GT7 and GOW will be alright, but i want to see new reveals and ps5 exclusive content.
@theheadofabroom I think the $10 USD raise is fair when it takes complete advantage of the PS5 and Dualsense features.
@playstation1995 Sony, listen to this man!
Very excited, hopefully some big and surprise reveals and hopefully some stuff on God of War including an idea on when its out even if its just coming 2022.
My dream but unrealistic announcement? Bloodborne 2 from From Software and a 60fps patch for Bloodborne released when the showcase is over.
@playstation1995 Last of Us Remake? It still holds up graphic wise.
@Telekill. Yes but a remake will look amazing.look how amazing resident evil 2 resident evil looks.word up son
@arsmolinarc. Hahaha 😃word up son
Huh, interesting. Judging by the comments, it looks as if people would rather have a sequel to existing IPs, than new ones. I'm in the same boat, but wouldn't mind some new games(excited for sifu, hope it's good), but that's reaching.
@playstation1995 I think the first Uncharted (with the same voice actors) would look phenomenal with the Remake treatment but I'd rather see new adventures.
@twitchtvpat well your entitled to yoru opinion but I disagree. If I've already paid for hte PS4 content then the upgraded but same content on PS5 should be FREE. IMO
The Legend of Dragoon sequel or remake.
Silent Hill.
Metal Gear Solid remake.
Dragon Quest XII teaser.
Final Fantasy XVI trailer.
New Naughty Dog I.P.
New Twisted Metal.
PS1/PS2/PS3 Classics
Obviously not expecting any of that, but those would be near the top of my wishlist.
@SurvivorGirl1 I'm just confused why they do this stupid thing where the PS4 version is 60$ and then give us the option to pay 10$. Just change it to 70$ and give us the ps5 upgrade. That's literally all they have to do.
PS5 crypto mining app
@Ralizah I just hope there is an SH announcement cause of what Akira Yamoaka said in an interview a while back(And has been deleted) where there was going to be an announcement in the Summer and it's something that most are "hoping" for.
@Cheems Isn’t that the Abandoned trailer app?
More of a wishlist than a prediction.
I'm optimistic but I'm keeping my expectations in check. I'd love to see a PS4/PS5 remaster of Persona 4,3,2 and 1. Heck, I'll be happy with just a remaster of Persona 4 Golden. Atlus is supposed to make an announcement this month, so maybe it'll be at the Playstation Showcase or announced later this month I hope.
anything from software, a new metal gear, and a new sly Cooper please
Some boring chit chat about an anime based game, then some talk about vrr being added in a future update. Then a lot about deathloop. Some brief trailers for GoW and GT7. Then a bit about Kena or what's it called, and finally a quick GTA trailer.
The End
It would be awesome if Persona 6 was announced.
I just wish I would be able to buy a Ps5 without giving extra money to scalpers or being robbed for an empty box. There’s no point in seeing all the good things (I hope) they’ll show if I can’t join the party…I understand there’s shortages issues but it feels like nothing has been done to avoid the scalping game. A little short sighted from Sony
@twitchtvpat I believe only if you have the disc version and you'd have to run unpatched?
I'm really bored with remasters..they are good for newcomers but who hasn't played the last of us? anyone left?
@SurvivorGirl1 your only screwed if you buy a digital PS5, if you willing to Google prices for physical games you'll find them under £60 in my experience.
Love it that you guys are also posting JST times. Saving me the time to figure it out myself!
lol i prefer to catch a nights sleep and watch what happened on john or ritchies show, i prefer to play the game that watch advertising about it.
It’s time to feast.
Just a gentle reminder to everyone to try to reign in their expectations a little bit, you know how the aftermath of this sort of thing is usually littered with disappointment.
Personally I'm excited for the PS5 PRO announcement!!!
@Kopite Yep, like I pre-ordered Tales of Arise for £41 from Simply Games. Buying the digital-only PS5 is basically asking to be ripped off. You think you're saving money because the console's cheaper but you lose that saving quickly since you're trapped paying PS Store prices.
@arsmolinarc Absolutely won't argue against the point that the DualSense adds features I value. It's just that for these cross-gen releases its not like they're making two games, it's one game optimised across PS4, PS4 Pro and PS5.
You would never try to justify a game being more expensive on the PS4 Pro, even though developing for it requires higher resolution textures etc than the base PS4 (which has a huge effect on asset generation pipelines and tools - it's not trivial by any means). They should release one game at one price with versions for PS4 (also supporting Pro) and PS5, both of which you're entitled to for a single purchase. Extra production costs should be spread between all customers with the expectation that no matter when you buy, you'll have the most optimised and bug-free experience available for whatever console you own.
I generally dislike XBox, especially their push for Games Pass, but Smart Delivery is one of the few things I think they're doing right. I also think that console games are generally, for the most part, overpriced, especially when you compare to PC. Some games are worth £70, but £50 should be a standard price, with only the biggest and best experiences priced above that. Instead that's the price for AA games, which should be £30-40 max.
Genuinely so stoked. 2022 is shaping up to be an absolutely bonkers year for gaming.
I just want Sunset Overdrive 2. Okay, I’d also like a look at GoW2.
@Nepp67 That'd be OK for PS5 early adopters but (even more) crap value for PS4 owners. The current £60 for a PS4 game is taking the pee somewhat.
I'm quite happy to wait a month or two and get the disc from t'internet. As an example, TheGameCollection were selling F1 2021 on disc for the PS4 for £45 after just one month whereas Sony want £60 for the digital version on the PS Store. Cannot understand anyone buying the DOE PS5.
Please be good, Nintendo probably delayed a Direct because of this Sony event so it'll be extra disappointing if it doesn't deliver.
@Mysterio That is correct. I played it through the PS Plus collection and it was definitely 30 fps. I don't believe they patched it since.
@Grumblevolcano Not that either of us need go look it up but I think the NDs have been nearer the middle of the month. My kids birthday is the 17th and I feel like it's been around then or later. But as I said, not worth looking up.
From the website that continually calls the still untitled game God of War Ragnarok comes a qualifier for the PSVR sequel which is obviously going to be called PSVR 2. See PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5. 😂
No expectations for later but since I actually read through 63 comments and nobody mentioned it, Kena Bridge to Spirits is due out in 2 weeks so maybe a game play trailer for that.
@rjejr For the Switch era you had:
So the Direct was probably originally planned for September 8th 2021 but delayed to something like September 15th because of the PS Showcase.
@SurvivorGirl1 when you purchased a PS4 game you didn't purchase it for the future possibility of being able to play it on the PS5 with extra bells and whistles, you purchased it because you were going to play it as was sold on the PS4.
I didn't buy Uncharted 4 because I thought I might be able to play it at a higher frame rate as a free upgrade 5 years down the road. I very much enjoyed it as it was designed for the PS4.
@GreatAuk sorry but I disagree when I bought Uncharted for my PS4 I expected to play it in whatever capacity it was availble now and in the future. So if SONY ports it to the PS5 then I expect to be able to play it on the PS5 provided I've paid sony the $500.00 to buy one without having to pay for the same game again.
@SurvivorGirl1 You can play your PS4 game on a PS5 for free, something that never happened on previous gens. You pay 10€/$ more if you want to upgrade to the nextgen version.
@SurvivorGirl1 You COULD play it on your PS5. And you will even be able to take advantage of the PS5's faster loading times.
I'll wait for the updates here afterwards I think. Last years Livestream was quite boring and I don't particularly feel like watching 40 minutes of blabbering and uninteresting Trailers again.
@sop Agree, I just saw your comment and I wrote the same.
I'm hoping to see more about Pragmata.
@Telekill Shenmue 4 won't happen in a few years if they want to pull a shenmue 3 again. Because that game was *****, and they threw the supporters under the bus.
I can want for 40 mins on GTA 5 PS5 footage!
@nplbbs I actually thought they did a good job on S3 but I also knew that with the limited budget, I shouldn't expect the scope that the second game was. They could have moved the story along far more and they could have done without the stamina requirements but other than that, it felt like Shenmue and that's all I really wanted from the sequel. Now... with a 4th... they need to focus on story. Get. It. Done. Suzuki isn't getting any younger and neither are we. Use the S3 engine and assets and finish the story in game form... or the only ending we'll have will be in anime form.
I think we can expect the expected.. but a few suprises will happen. for Sony. They should definitely do some easy releases, I can see sunset overdrive making an appearance, make 4K and publish, such an easy release.
@SurvivorGirl1 Almost every PS4 game is playable on the PS5 without paying anything on top of that.
Uncharted 4 is definitely one of those games, so i'm not really sure what the issue is?
The "upgrade path" has nothing to do wth backward compatibility. You are paying for a "different" version of the same game, one that they've done additional work on to optimise it/enhance it for the PS5. It doesn't mean you can't just throw your PS4 version into the PS5 and play it for free. You are paying the extra £10 for the extra work put into the PS5 version.
TL:DR - PS4 games will play on PS5 for free. If you want to play the "updated" PS5 version, that may cost more.
@Grumblevolcano Should have known you'd do the legwork anyway, thanks. I guess last year's being on my kids birthday and those couple on the 13th clouded my perspective. Really no reason for me to recall the 1 on the 13th was scheduled for the 8th.
Guess we'll see if it's next week or later. Course we'll never know if it is next week if it was delayed or not but you've always been on top of this stuff so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 😃
I'm going to guess 9/22/21 b/c they seem to like Wednesdays. Though 21/9/21 on Tuesday does have some nice symmetry.
I haven't paid full price for a Digital PS5 game since I got my PS5 last year. I buy Top-up cards from ShopTo. Example: I just preordered Kena Digital Deluxe which is £39.99 on the store but using top-up cards it cost me £35.
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