
Topic: Your Top Ten Games of All Time.

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I think it would be fun to see everyone's favorite games.
Here goes for me.
Some of these probably change depending on when you ask and they're in no specific order but:
1. Uncharted 3 - the set pieces in this game are breathtaking, with an amazing story, gameplay, and characters to go with it.
2. Skyrim - The world in Skyrim is just amazing. The detail, scale, and immersion are second to none. The open-world freedom it allows is unbelievably fun.
3. The Awakened Fate Ultimatium - This actually has the worst gameplay in this list as it's simply average, but the story steals the show and also 2/3 of it. It quite possibly has the best story to be found in a game with less choices than Mass Effect, but serious and gut wrenching none the less. The game's climax hit me more emotionally than any other piece of art has as well.
4. Batman: Arkham Knight/City - yes, I know I'm cheating here, but I can't decide which entry to give the spot. The feeling of Batman is captured perfectly in these games and shows the true potential of licensed games.
5. Assassin's Creed: Unity - the concept of the AC has always been one of my favorites in gaming. Unity significantly changed the series to truly fit the concept and delivers an amazing experience by doing so. While it's a bit ruff around the edges, nothing beats it when it all comes together. Paris and the French Revolution are utilized so well that it made me care about despite not being interested in the setting prior to playing the game. I will admit the story definitely failed to top AC1's story though.
6. Mass Effect 2 - the peak of interactive story telling. It fixed almost all of the first game's problems to deliver solid gameplay and an even better narrative and fleshed out universe to create a truly gripping space opera that you're in charge of.
7. inFamous: Second Son - A pure fun open-world superhero game with some of gaming best controls. Fantastic gameplay, story, and characters make this fantastic romp where running around for hours with your powers is fun.
8. Sly 2 - the greatest platformer in gaming. A wonderful melding of stealth and platforming that controls fantastically along with a very charming cast and narrative cement it's place on the list. And the game, like inFamous, is just fun to run around in, which is a good sign of great platforming.
9. Bloodborne - almost flawless combat, perfect atmosphere and world design with an interesting minimalistic narrative to accompany, creative and interesting muliplayer, and an almost perfect amount of high difficulty to challenge you with make Bloodborne one the most well-designed games of all time.
10. Shadow of Colossus - A true piece of art.It has a truly captivating minimalistic narrative to be examined and makes you question yourself as you play and even more determined to push forward all the same. It also has some of the greatest boss fights of all times and brilliantly makes them the entire game. It also feels like experiencing a mythology story kind of like Greek Mythology through it's complete lack of filler and concept in a way.


  • Final Fantasy X - While the next game on my list is what piqued my interest in JRPGs, this is what cemented it. I loved the conditional turn-based battle system, and the game world was rich & interesting, with a story that was much more serious than anything else I had ever experienced. Also, I really, really, enjoyed the sappy love story...
  • Kingdom Hearts - While I had played the Pokémon games & Paper Mario before it, I played those for the IP, and not the genre. While I picked this game up for similar reasons, it was the first that really made me think about what type of game it was that I was playing (while it seems cliché now, at the time, this game's story was the most epic thing I had experienced in a game). Thanks to this, I was truly able to get into JRPGs, and it's a solid game to boot (aaannnddd, I'm still wating for the story to actually end... come on KHIII!).
  • Legend of Zelda, the: Twilight Princess - I spent all of gen 6 being a PS2 gamer, but when I first saw footage of this game, it called out to me, as I absolutely had to play it. I got a used GameCube for my birthday, and borrowed my friend's copy of the game. I only had it for two weeks, but it engrossed me so much, that in that time it became one of the very few game's I've ever 100% completed (I hold ALttP in just as high regard, but I'm only going for one entry per series).
  • Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater - Yeah, I played this on the 3DS, which I know isn't the definitive version of the game by any means, but the fact that it still made this list is a testament to how wonderfully it's crafted. A truly top notch gaming experience that excells in every regard, with the absolute most enjoyable boss lineup ever.
  • Metroid: Fusion - I like Super Metroid just about as much, but I played Fusion first, so it gets the nod. It introduced me to the "Metroidvania", which quickly became my favorite type of sidescroller, and the confrontations with the SA-X are some of the most tense in gaming.
  • Pokémon Silver - A lot of nostalgia here, because I last played it during the Pokémon phenominon (internal battery died, so can't play it anymore), but it meant a lot to me, so I can't not include it. It refined everything about the first game, and it gets the point over Gold for having the awesome looking Lugia on the cart.
  • Portal: Still Alive - The most unique first person game I've ever played. The gameplay is truly like nothing else, and GLaDOS makes for a perfect antagonist.
  • Red Dead Redemption - This is the game that sold me on open world sandbox games. It wasn't on my radar, because westerns aren't my thing, but I got it as a gift, and fell in love with the finely crafted world & the freedom it allows.
  • Super Mario World - This holds a special place in my heart, as it's the first game I've ever beaten, but it has more than just nostalgia going for it. It's a rock solid platformer that I find holds up fantastically today (I hold SMG in just as high a regard, though).
  • Tales of the Abyss - I was in a bit of a gaming rut at the time I picked this up for my 3DS (games were still fun, but I hadn't played anything with that magical "it" factor in a long time), but this adventure quickly reminded me why I love gaming, and the JRPG genre. Great adventure with lots of content.

Decided to list my 10 alphabetically, since it's so hard to actually rank them in number order, and it pains me to leave out other fantastic games like Cave Story, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Paper Mario, Yoshi's Island, Zone of the Enders: the Second Runner, and those other "runner up" games I mentioned in the list itself.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Personally I couldn't pick a Top 10 games of all-time.Partly because I have been gaming for well over 30 (approaching 40) years now and in that time, I had many, many favourites. At the time, these games were certainly the 'best' of that era but would they stand up to some of average games of today? I spent a fortune in the Arcades playing games like Space Invaders for example but don't really get any enjoyment from it today. However it was on of the games that got me hooked on gaming.
Games like Super Mario 64 changed my view-point too. Before that came along, my most popular games were 2D platformers (I had probably 10-15 for every game that wasn't a 2D platformer - maybe more) and although 3D platformers had been around before, SM64 opened up so much more possibilities and after that I couldn't go back to 2D - still can't today. It wasn't just the 3D environment though, it was the analogue movement too - from tip-toeing to full on sprinting. Goldeneye also changed my gaming preferences too. I know it wasn't the first FPS and MP either but it was the first that had a great story with replayability and MP that I played long into the early hours. And I can't not mention Zelda: the Ocarina of Time!!! It was the N64 era that also transformed how we played together as a family. Before this we had the traditional Board Games (Monopoly, Cluedo etc) but the N64 gave us Goldeneye, Mario Kart etc. Resident Evil, although now feels clunky and restrictive with its strange camera angles, also brought the Horror survival genre to the masses.
Halo was a step up from Goldeneye in some ways as it brought a new level of scale and control but it was CoD4 that was the first game to bring the 'Goldeneye' experience bang up to date. CoD4 was the first game that captured the fun and thrill of Goldeneyes MP in an online experience, It had me playing long into the night but instead of camping round a small screen with only a quarter of it allocated to my perspective, I had a full screen and the other players were elsewhere in the world. I know other games had this too but these were more 'arena' style with silly, floaty jumps and no ADS mechanic. Some were 'fun' but I got bored quickly of these where as CoD4, I just wanted to keep playing.
Gears of War was my 3rd person cover shooter of choice and its MP was great too. For me that was the defining Exclusive of the Xbox 360 era where Halo was for the original Xbox.
For me the defining game of the PS3 exclusives was Uncharted (although I did enjoy Infamous, Killzone and Resistance too - its Uncharted that defined the PS3 generation). It took everything I loved about Tomb Raider but also added something a lot of games lacked - Characters. I know you can name many iconic game characters, but Uncharted's characters felt 'real' and 'grounded'. They had personality and depth - not just some 'macho' almost super-human.
Generation 7 really opened up gaming for me and we had a lot of 'classics' that took gaming to the next level. Bioshock and Dead Space for example. Mass Effect Trilogy was epic too and we also had Red Dead Redemption and Batman: Arkham Asylum/City.
With Generation 8, The Witcher 3 for me at least, is technically a far better game than anything before it. Visually stunning, very deep and epic in scale and story. I can't not mention Destiny either (its 'unique' on console at least), despite the criticism, its still probably my most played game ever.
Even though I have played thousands of games over the years, I find it very difficult to place an order on them. At the time I though Perfect Dark was 'better' than Goldeneye in a lot of ways but trying to play it today, I wonder what I saw in it. Some games maybe stand the test of time in terms of playability - I am sure SM64 is just as playable today, but I do think that memory also often puts these games much higher than they should - partly because we didn't have things in games that we take for granted today. SM64 for example doesn't have much of a story and reuses its 'worlds' over and over again. I am sure a lot of the 'modern' CoD criticism and love for CoD4/MW2 is because of Rose Tinted Specs, memories of having a laugh with friends, playing til stupid O'Clock and it was probably their first CoD too. Technically the more recent CoD's are better with more balanced maps/weapons/perks even upgrade paths - (CoD4 used to have the best weapons unlocked last and so was very difficult with the starting weapons) but the memories make them somehow seem superior.
The point is I can't pick 10 and certainly couldn't put them in order. I know some games had a much more profound impact on me and the gaming landscape in general. I know Assassins Creed was influenced by the Prince of Persia but I do think it owes a lot to SM64 too as does Uncharted. I think every FPS is also heavily influenced by Goldeneye and then latterly Halo (mostly the control scheme) but Wolfenstein and Doom influenced these too. What we accept today as 'great' is very different from the standards we expected of yesteryear. Destiny is a classic example of this, heavily criticised for it's 'story' (or lack of...) yet SM64 had even less of a 'story' and as I mentioned, reused a lot of areas. Both are great fun to play and technically very proficient in their game-play mechanics although could be argued a bit 'repetitive' in their actual game-play too..
This has ended up as a bit of a ramble but I certainly couldn't pick 10 and put them in any specific order.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@BAMozzy: I disagree with the 'rose tinted specs' of cod 4. The game was a revelation, both the campaign and multiplayer blew the competition out of the water. You cant say that about any of the cod games after mw2. (they are all great to a degree but other franchises and games have arguably been the better fps during the respective launch windows of the latter games)

My top ten - this changes daily so bear with me.

1- Streets of Rage 2
2 - Final Fantasy 8
3 - Street Fighter 2
4 - Metal gear solid Phantom Pain
5 - Mass Effect 2
6 - Shining Force 2
7 - Rocket League
8 - Tetris
9 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
10 - Timesplitters Future Perfect

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Ok. This is a list of my favourite games in no particular order.
2.Ocarina Of Time
3.Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
4.Champions Of Norrath
5.Resident Evil 2
6.Resident Evil 4
7.Parappa The Rapper
8.Street Fighter 2 Turbo
9.Donkey Kong Country
10.Shadow Of The Colossus

There are lots of games i cant think of and like someone said, i've been playing games my whole life, its so hard to only pick 10. I mean, i've even left out Kane & Lynch and Red Dead Redemption And Another World and Moonwalker... etc etc

PSN cloud_runner64


My all-time list is constantly changing so I avoid top 10s. What I can say though is my top 2 will likely never change. Those games are The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Edited on by Gamer83



My all time top 10 games(with the bottom 3 usually changing are (took me 10 minutes to compile a list and rank):
1) Mass Effect 3
2) Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3
3) Marvel Ultimate Alliance
4) Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
5) The Walking Dead Season 2
6) Sims 2
7) Batman Arkham Asylum
8) Resogun
9) Assassins Creed Brotherhood
10) inFamous


PSN: SillyBoyJudas


Championship Manager 01/02
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Persona 4 Golden
Suikoden 2
Resident Evil the Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil Revelations
Final Fantasy VI

PSN: Fertheseeker


@themcnoisy: Whilst CoD4 was revolutionary in its day and MW2 as well to a lesser degree, by today's standard though they are nowhere near as refined and balanced as modern CoD's. Part of it is because CoD4 brought the FPS into the modern era. Before this it was WW2 or Sci-fi. CoD4's story was unique too at the time with killing off main characters and changing the pace of its missions. Its MP was revolutionary at the time too. Just because the 'competition' wasn't there, doesn't mean these are superior games to modern FPS games either. Other developers may have improved and put out games that may 'compete' with modern CoD's but again that doesn't make CoD4/MW2 'better'.
However by today's standards, CoD4 was very basic and unbalanced too. The best weapons were generally unlocked last and a few are certainly considered OP. There are certainly a few 'crutch' perks - perks you had to equip on every class like Stopping power and its also a lot more 'basic' too. MW2's MP was broken as well. It was the game that gave rise to quick/no scoping snipers, Spawn sniped, Noob tubes with danger close and infinite grenade spam with scavenger too or One Man's Army! It was also the game that campers became a lot more prevalent (camping with Ghost and Claymores) and it too had OP weapons as well as Death Streaks like Last Stand, Martyrdom...
In terms of Story, its very difficult for a modern day CoD to 'compete' with those CoD's. It doesn't matter what they do, they will always be compared to CoD4 and because CoD4 probably did it first, won't have the same impact. If they try a different Stealth mission for example, it will get compared to 'All Ghillied Up' and even if its 'better' it won't have the same impact as that game did it first.
I also find it funny that people complain about 'Map' size in modern CoD's but apart from 1-2, all the Maps are medium-large. I know we had Shipment and Rust but we also had Overgrown and Derail, Bloc and Afghan, Pipeline and Wasteland, Ambush and Estate... I could go on but can't think of any other small maps.
CoD4 was the game that got me hooked on the franchise and the game that really launched my online gaming. Although I had 'dabbled' with online prior, it was this game that for me, online became a significant part of my gaming life. It will always hold a place in my memory for what it achieved and its significance. I think the community was better then in general too which helped the 'experience'. They were certainly in a league of their own and influential but that doesn't make them technically superior. However more recent CoD's offer a lot more and more balanced too. Many of the 'issues' of these games have been removed or tweaked - Stopping Power for example has gone, Ghost no longer keeps you hidden from Radar unless you are moving, No Death Streaks, No quick/no scopers (at least its very, very rare to be killed this way). The story's though can't really 'shock' or be 'controversial' anymore because of the impact these had. How can a modern day CoD top 'No Russian' for example - without getting banned.
I liken it to old Horror movies. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street etc had a massive impact on audiences, scared people and became iconic as a result. By todays standards though, these are not scary at all and certainly wouldn't compete with modern day horror movies given a lower '15' rating. If you grew up in that era though, these were 'great' and scary movies and you look back on them and 'remember' that impact they had. The Exorcist for example is regarded as one of the best Horror movies, yet watching it today, its almost comical. The visual effects are not that great compared to modern day films - although in games, graphics aren't the be all and end all, CoD4 certainly looks rough now.
The point I am making is that we remember games to be better than they were - mainly because at the time, we didn't have anything better and our expectation levels were lower. I bet if you had a time machine and took a 'poor' game (like Aliens: Colonial Marines for example) back to the N64 era and could play that, it would win Game of the Year. If CoD4 released today, I doubt it would get the acclaim it does - I know some people will love it if a 'remastered version released because of 'nostalgia' but from a technical and game-play standpoint, its got a lot of issues that modern day games don't have as well as being a lot more basic, less flexibility and less content too.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@BAMozzy: but from a technical and game-play standpoint, its got a lot of issues that modern day games don't have as well as being a lot more basic, less flexibility and less content too.

That's debateable - obviously graphics have generally improved, as far as those other 3 points (more basic, less flexibility, less content) that can be argued - Deus Ex as an example has scaled backwards in all of those departments.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Ill try do a quick list but there are lots I could put into it and it seems to always change tbh! Some of these I were alot younger at the time aswell so nostalgia obviously plays a part...

1) Star Wars Battlefront 2
2) Oblivion
3) Cod WAW
4) Fallout 4
5) Cod Modern Warfare 2
6) The Warriors
7) Gta V
8) Fallout 3
9) Age of empires 3
10) Timesplitters 2

Tough to list them but I'd have to put Star Wars Battlefront 2 at the top of the list, when I was younger I played that game over and over on the PS2, it was amazing as a Star Wars fan. Galactic Conquest/co-op were probably where I had the most fun though. Pokemon Silver was great back when I had the Gameboy, I never put it down, but it just misses out.

Edited on by BigP



I've tried to make a top 10 list before, it's impossible. The Legend of Zelda is my favourite franchise, and it's no secret that I enjoyed The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker the most. A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess are among my favourites as well, although I think that Ocarina of Time has aged the worst out those four Zelda games. Here's hoping that the next Zelda game will be just as good or even better. Shadow of the Colossus is also still one of my favourite action-adventure games; and before I forget, let me mention Ōkami as well. I love the art style in that game.

The 3D Mario games also deserve a mention, especially Mario 64, Mario Sunshine and Mario Galaxy, I grew up with Super Mario World, but I've always found 2D Mario games too difficult, I never beat that game. It's strange though, because I find the Donkey Kong Country series a lot easier, even though that series is usually considered the more difficult platformer. Speaking of which; Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is absolute platforming masterpiece, and probably still one of my favourite games this generation.

Other games that deserve a mention are the Pokémon franchise, especially the first two generations, I stopped playing it after the 4th, but I still like the earlier games. Bomberman is another franchise I've enjoyed in the past, from the N64 games to the GBA RPG, too bad Hudson was bought by Konami, I would've loved to see more Bomberman games. I've also got a soft spot for Pikmin games.

Oh, right! Roller Coaster Tycoon, how could I forget that game? I spent literally hundreds of hours with that game when I was younger. I still do occasionally, but nowhere near as much as when it released.



@themcnoisy: CoD4 is a lot more basic. It's create a class system is more rigid - have to pick a sidearm, grenade, perk from each category etc and some of these Perks are (almost) essential, no choice in scorestreaks etc. The game has less content - just a Campaign and MP as well as the less choice in Scorestreaks, class set-up options, customisation - some of it just cosmetic I know but still a lot more. Weapon choice is similar in size but because of poor balancing, only a few are usable in competitive play - unless you want to lose most gunfights. Modern CoD's also have a Co-op mode. Even the size of the DLC packs are bigger - Both CoD4 and MW2 had just 4 maps (CoD4 had 1 pack, MW2 had 2) increasing the number of maps by 4 and 8 respectively. Modern games have given us around 16 extra maps - sometimes more with the odd free map for all as well as 4 co-p maps and the occasional extra weapon or two - maybe not important for some but if included, it more than doubles the variety of MP Maps and increases the co-op mode more significantly.
BO3 for example has 2 campaigns effectively as the Nightmare version is certainly a 'different variation' to the normal one. Both CoD4 and MW2 are less flexible in the create a class system, less flexible in the options of what it offers a group of friends to play - If you have friends either local or online, you are limited to just MP in CoD4, but BO3 offers (2) campaigns, Zombies and MP. Modern CoD's also have combat training against bots and BO3 also has the 'free running' time trial option as well.
If Activision released CoD4 today (not a remaster but a game exactly like it), the internet would light up with complaints about the lack of features, the lack of customisation, the lack of balance, the 'crutch' perks, etc etc etc. That doesn't mean though that for the time it released and in comparison to other games around at that time that this was a bad game - It was AWESOME. I also think that the community back then was far better. In a lot of ways its a lot like the Internet, back them there were far fewer trolls, troublemakers, abusers etc. You rarely got some young kid screaming about something and cursing you, your mother etc which I think also helped. Most of the 'negative' things people actually think about in terms of CoD's game play - like campers, quick/no scopers etc stemmed from that era and have been significantly reduced - although its nearly impossible to remove entirely - and made much more easy to combat. Cheating/Hacking is also less common and more severe punishment, fixes more frequent etc.
Like I said CoD4, in its time was a very significant release. It was a revolution in the FPS genre and certainly a game that in that era and in my memory will be very highly regarded but it also feels dated and very basic by todays standards. MW2 frustrates me so much nowadays because of Noob Tubes/Danger Close, Grenade spam and Scavenger, Death Streaks, quick/no scoping, campers with claymores, spawn sniping etc etc but I loved it when it came out and thought it was excellent.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@BAMozzy: I agree with your points, you cant really disagree. But from a general point of view when talking or writing about a top 10 of all time - the impact of the game is really important. Yes if cod4 released today it wouldn't be as good - we've had what 10 cod games since then? But its effect on the industry and the first time I played it - man what a game. Your more into your big shooters than me - and a lot of your highlights are the topping on the cake (balancing / weapons / variables) rather than the cake itself (60fps / gameplay / controls / cinematic story) cod 4 was pretty much perfect.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@Patinator: Amen to Star Wars Battlefront 2, I played that game for years on end. Really wish Sony would just port it to the PS4 already




@themcnoisy: I totally see your point of view. In terms of Cod, the points you make about the cake itself are generic across every CoD - certainly from CoD4 onwards. I certainly can't deny how much of an impact CoD had on gaming - not just for FPS games but also for online MP - I don't think always positively either as I am sure certain games would never have introduced it to its franchise otherwise. I know gaming had online MP before but this game seemed to make that part explode.
What I meant though by 'Rose Tinted Specs' was that we remember all the positives and the impact it had rather than the actual game itself. The memories of playing with friends, having a laugh and the happiness and social connections rather than the maps, the balancing etc. I know certain maps stand out like Shipment and Rust because often you played these with friends in private lobbies - Sniping, Mike Myers etc not the official modes.
We remember the impact that the story had, rather than the finer details - I know certain missions were memorable because they were unique at that time but others are completely forgotten and I bet many couldn't actually tell you what the story was. You will get things like a nuke goes off and kills you, you end up in a ghillie suit and have to get across a wasteland, you are in an AC-130 raining down hell on enemies to protect a squad etc but how these fit together and the story itself is probably forgotten. In MW2, everyone remembers No Russian, and the snow mission but can't remember a lot else. I do think for many, these are their favourite because they were the first CoD game. Kind of like never forgetting your first 'Kiss' even if the kiss itself wasn't the best.
Other non-game factors, like the community also helped elevate this game above and beyond the what the developers themselves achieved and therefore does that make the game technically 'better' than a game that doesn't have this and should that be factored in? I can't actually go back and play these now because they do not live up to the memory. The things that have been removed or amended over time, the refinements and additions for me have made the more recent games technically superior although lack the significant impact of CoD4. I bought the Rare Replay collection and many of those games would have featured in my 'best of year', however I cannot actually play them now. Halo:CE is a classic example of a game that is difficult to argue about its impact and yet feels very dated too.
After playing games for nearly 40 years now, I can't remember the name of some games that had more of an impact at that time than more recent games and others that are so iconic and fuelled my passion for gaming, wouldn't keep people playing much beyond 10-20mins before getting bored. Should these make my top 10 above a much more complex, deeper gameplay, infinitely superior in every way but didn't impact on me so much because of the standards of today? Is Pac-Man better than Uncharted for example? Pac-man had a much greater impact on me and gaming in general and reached a far wider audience as well as all the merchandising and clones it led too.
Which is better Goldeneye, Halo: CE or CoD4? You can't deny the impact all 3 of these had. What about SM64, Zelda: OoT or even Super Mario Bros or even the original Donkey Kong. This is without considering the Arcade games I spent a fortune on like Star Wars, Gauntlet, Out Run, Space Harrier, Operation: Wolf, After Burner etc... Then consider the games I haven't mentioned that had massive impact like Uncharted, Gears of War, Infamous, Red Dead Redemption, Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Asylum, BioShock, Dead Space, Resident Evil etc.
I seriously cannot pick 10 as that would mean leaving another game out. How can I decide if Mass Effect takes a slot instead of Goldeneye for example. Technically Mass Effect is far deeper and superior in a lot of ways but doesn't have the Nostalgia and social togetherness that Goldeneye had.
I can barely pick my Top 10 games from last gen (7) let alone of all time...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


I'd really have to think for my top ten, but I can do my top five easy.

1. Shenmue 2
2. Super Mario 64
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
4. Shadow of the Colossus
5. Resident Evil 4

I'm going to have to think about the rest. Tetris and Journey would be in there, I think.


There are way too many games that I've played that I've enjoyed, but I've found these to be my top 10, and probably some of the most emotional moments I've had in a game (some have even made me cry). (T-T ) btw, these aren't in any order.

1) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
2) Metal Gear Solid 3
3) Silent Hill 1-4 (I know it's four games, but I'm counting it as 1 because I love team silent).
4) Demon's Souls
5) Lufia: The Legend Returns
6) Prince of Persia (the cell shaded version)
7) Gravity Rush (and yes, I am super excited for the HD remaster)
8) Kingdom Hearts
9) Drakengard 3
10) Final Fantasy XIII (I like to pretend XIII-2 and Lightning Returns are not canon).

But omg, there's way more than these, like Beyond Good and Evil, Remember Me, Mirror's Edge, Link's Awakening, Bayonetta 1&2, Resident Evil Remake and so on and so on. (T-T )



@BAMozzy: Pacman is definitely better than unchartered. Pacman championship edition on the x360 made me buy the console (and forza tbf) what a game. But the original pacman invented a genre, is instantly recognisable and a household name. Easy to play, difficult to master and was miles better than anything out at that time. Unchartered was Sonys own Tomb Raider and for all the great acting and neat platforming - is a really average game.

Goldeneye vs Pacman!!! Now your talking - that's difficult to call. I would probably go for Pacman but could easily plump for goldeneye.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy: I was referring more to the principal than the actual games themselves. However I would much rather play Uncharted than Pac-man and get bored very quickly playing it today. I certainly wouldn't swap my 'Uncharted 4' pre-order for 'pac-man' and I doubt I would be anywhere near as excited if they announced a new version. I bought the Sega Mega Collection as well as the Capcom collection - both of which have many classic games (including Pac-Man) but I barely played them because those games lack a lot of the things modern games offer. I can't deny they were great in their day and 'fun' but modern games are also fun but also have a 'story' to tell which (can) connect on an emotional level. I feel much more invested and connected to Nathan Drake than Pac-Man. Modern games that allow me to create my own character do this even more and I feel much more like I went on that journey. As I am physically disabled, it provides me with instant escapism and opportunity to gain a sense of 'freedom' that eludes my physical body. Old games are more like a time filler or something like chess or draughts. Nothing wrong with that but obviously lack the things that modern gaming delivers.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne

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